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November 03, 1928 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-03

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'd every morning except Monday
University year by the Board inI
f Student Publirations,
of Western Conference Editorial

The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news.
dispatches credited to it or no't otherwise
credited in this paper and t'ie local news pub'
lished herein.
Entered at the postoflice at Ann Ar bor,
Michigan, as second class rnattcr. Special rate
ofi postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.0o; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbox Press Building. May-
lard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; lusines, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor.. .............Paul J. Kern
City Editor. . . . .. Nelson J. Smith
News Editor.............Richard C. Kurvink
S orts Editor...............Morris Quinn
Women's Editor........Sylvia S. Stone
Editor Michigan Weekly....J. Stewart Hooker
U usicaand Drama............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor..,Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
[oseph E. Rowell Pierce Roo'taberg
onald J. Klin( George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul I,. Adams C. A - Lewis
Morris Alexander Marian Mac>onald
Esther Anderson Henry Merry
C. A. Askren N. S. Pickard
Bertram Askwith Victor Rabinowitz
Louise Behymer Anne Schell
Arthur Bernstein Rachel Shearer
Seton C. Bovee Robert Silbar
Isabel Charles Howard Simon
L. R. Chubb Robert L. Sloss
Frank E. Cooper Arthur R. Strubel
Relen Domine Edith Thomas
Douglas Edwards Beth Valentine
Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams
Robert J. Feldman Walter Wildsa-
Marjorie Follmer George E. Wohlgemuth
William Gentry Robert Woodroofe
Lawrence Hartwig Joseph A. Russell
Richard Jung Cadwell Swanson
Charles R.Kaufman A. Stewart
Ruth Kelsey Edward L. Warner Jr.
Donald E. Layman Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising....,... Alex K. Scherer
Advertising.. .......A. James Jordan
Advertising...............Carl W. Hammer
Service......... ....erbert E. Varnum
Circulation........... .George S. Bradley
Accounts..........Lwrence. E. Walkley
Publications.... ....Ray M. Hofelich
Irving Binzer Jack Horwich
Donald Blackstone Dix Humphrey
Mary Chase Marion Kerr
Jeanette Dale Lillian Kovinsky
ernor Davis Bernard Larson
Bessie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn
Helen Geer Hollister Mabley
Ann Goldberg Jack Rose
Kasper Halverson Carl F. Schemm
George Hamilton Sherwood Upton
Agnes Herwig Marie Well stead
Walter Yeagley

the part of the staff.
This year, as before, the Depart-
ment of the Gentlemen of the Press
is cooperating with a local semi-
weekly, The Washtenaw Tribune,
in an attempt to give the students
a chance to get their stories into
print. And as in so many similar
cases, the lack of critical super-
vision backed by a wide experience
in all fields of newspaper work and
an understanding of particular
problems overcomes and stifles any
interest the students might show.
To read a book and to hand in
papers which come back marked
with numbers, to rewrite totally
uninteresting articles from the
United States Daily and to rush
through class work with more speed
than would be used in a news office
is too much for the beginning stu-
dent. Concensus shows that a ma-
jority of the students in the De-
partment of the Gentlemen of the
Press are not now getting what
they like or much practical work
for real news writing.
A fine example of the lack of un-
derstanding of good news work was
demonstrated last Thursday when
Count von Luckner came to town
for an address in the evening. An
interview with the Count was ar-
ranged for the afternoon. When
the time came, each of the city's
two daily papers had two represen-
tatives present, and The Washten-
aw Tribune, a semi-weekly, through
the direction and assignment of the
Journalism department, had. as
many as the other two combined.
Last year, things happened in
the same fashion. Commander
Richard Byrd nearly missed a train
when held by the questions of an
enthusiastic but untrained journal-
ism student from an elementary
course. Other interviews were far-
cial because of this over-ambition.
The complaint is not in the num-
bers, but in the representation. Too
many, at least more than are
needed, can turn an interesting in-
terview into a dull talk.
It is time that not only the Uni-
versity but other universities and
colleges with journalism depart-
ments realized the need of changes
in their methods. A hard-boiled
city editor could do more in one
week than an instructor who has
served a few years on a paper where
the standards are not high. Men
with practical experience and abili-
ty to direct others are needed, and
can be found. This is a field where
practicality is essential.. The need
is for experience, not theory and
"I like it this way-."

0 0
0 0
We're backing our team to the
limit today,
We're ready and raring to go,
We'll prove we're true to the
Maize and Blue
And lay the Illini low.
Illinois is said to be plenty hot
But we've got eleven men
With plenty of punch to show
that bunch
That they can't beat the whole
Big Ten.
We won't be looking glum
And deploring what might have
We'll have plowed, by God,
through their whole
Damned squad
And chalk up a Wolverine win.
* * *
( Of the Illinois team, its I
( coaches, its boosters, its per-
I sonnel, we ask this question:
( What would YOU do in the
( case of Mary Gold?
Will some kind-hearted person
please call us up immediately after
the game and inform us concern-
ing the score? Oh, of course we
are going to the game, but we are
sitting . . . well, you know the
seating system . . . it is only our
third year on the campus . . . the
board must make money .. .

* * *


Music And Drama
TONIGHT: Comedy Club
present Sardou's melodrama-
tic success, "Diplomacy" in
Mimes theater, at 8:15 o'clock.
With stress at the present time
laid more or less on singers of note
or the more massive work of sym-
phony orchestras, it is refreshing to
learn that Ann Arbor is to be given
an opportunity to hear a string
organization of excellent ability in
the Arthur Hartmann Quartet!
which is to give a concert here next
Tuesday evening with Leo Ornstein,
the brilliantyoung pianist.
The string quartet, as a popular
concert group has been neglected
probably because the success of such
an organization demands that all
players shall be artists with an:
especially acute sense for balance
and tonal blending.
P. L. A
If the cast of Comedy Club and
the Mimes theater management
took their experiences more seri-
ously, newspaper headlines yester-
day might conceivably have read
somewhat like the "bold-face" alli-
terative effort featured above. But
to the blase actors, who have al-
ready lost many of their illusions,
about life as well as the theater by
working behind the mystic screen
of the footlights, the events which
transpired during the performance
of the Sardou thriller Thursday
night were quite commonplace and
Perhaps if written in the Sardou
manner-once removed from banal
reality-the affair might excite a
tingle of reaction. It would be suf-
ficiently vicarious then not to press
too closely on the tissue of exist-'
The stage would be set in com-
plete darkness, with perhaps one
1 plate glass window on the right
which let in just an erie blue glow.
Two persons standing in the center
in the darkness. A whispered dia-
logue, the words vibrating with ex-
citement. Thunder overhead. Off-
stage a high-pitched voice:
"where's that- makeup box!"
Silence. Then strains of music
overheard. The audience, gradual-
ly comes to realize that this dark-
ness represents the costume room
of Mimes theater. The men are
thieves. The conventional burg-
larious flashlight is produced.
Flashed around, it reveals nothing'
except locked costume cupboards.)
More dialogue concerning the gen-
eral futility of expecting to find
anything valuable in a college the-
ater. Occasional incidental pro-
fanity. Noises overhead continue in
one form or another for some
twenty minutes, or longer-at least
long enough for the Ann Arbor
Police to arrive on the scene. Or-
chestr overhead launches into 1-
cidental music for the entre-acte.
"In A Blue Room," or some equally
sentimental symbolism can be used.
Loud voices off-stage. "Where?!"
"The guy said he saw a flash-
"Musta been in the locker room,
"Sure, let's try the locker room."

"Where 'dyou say the locker room
Thieves whisper frantically, "the
Police!" They effect a concerted
dash for the window. Joe (quite
unrecognizable in the dark, how-
ever) pushes Mike into the plate
glass with remarkable success and
finnesse. The window is smashed
without a scratch to himself. Ex-

at the
Saturday Nite
Park Plan

like any


also in plain black
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"The University administra-
tion can't discipline us for j
scalping during the game with j
Illinois," breathed the Fair
Co-ed in a hushed tone lastj
night, "because they are the j

And what, boys and girls, do you
consider to be the meaning of this
headline in The Daily Northwest-
ern? Virgin Elected To Head
Y. M. C. A.

other kind, begins below
Today with a pair of

fStyle- Foundati~on

Among its greatest rivals, the
University of Michigan num-
bers the University of Illinois.
Yet the bitter rivalry extends
only to the actua' contests be-
tween the two schools, for in
the many years of competition
there has been little incident
to mar the friendly feeling of
the two for each other. Neither
school has even been in a posi-
tion to disregard the prowess
of the other, for a Michigan-
Illinois contest is synonomous
with a hard fight. Today,
Michigan again welcomes the
Illinois team and its supporters.
For the first time, an Illinois
team will play in the new sta-
dium, but the memories of old
rivalries and old friendships
which gathered around historic
Ferry field are but transferred
to new territory and not from
the minds of the Michigan
alumni and students bodies.
Welcome, Illinois!
Michigan can not toe disputed.
The Michigan Wolverine grid team
has lost each of its four games
this season. And now it is doped,
by odds from four to six to one, to
lose its fifth. Yet, today, that
Michigan team is drawing the
largest crowd in footballdom,
There is little glory in defeat. The
public wants winners. Any football
team that, in the eyes of critics, is
about to lose its fifth straightr
game would normally be sunk out
of sight. But not so, Michigan.
Michigan steps out and pulls the
largest crowd of the day.
There is something powerful in
the name Michigan. It is magnetic.,
It can pull the crowd even under
the most adverse conditions. Win
or lose, Michigan is Michigan.
"The New York Times may have]
a few salient points, but . . . The!
Eearst papers are perfect examples
of the kind of journalism no one
reads. The Michigan Daily is a
poor place to learn anything about
newspaper work, and is awfully un-l
professional. A Michigan alumnus

Capus Opinion
Contributors are asked to beabrief,
confining themselves to less than. 300
words it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will,however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
( quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial.
opinion of the Daily.
The fact that Hoover is well-
known and more or less liked
abroad has been advanced by his
proponents as a point in his favor
that would enable him to carry on
a strong foreign policy. The ques-
tion is, will another term of Re-
publican foreign policy best serve
the interests of the country?
In 1920 the Republican platform
promised virile leadership in fore-
ign affairs. Everything was in their
favor. Wilson's brilliant diplomacy
left the Republican party a noble
heritage-the United States held
the moral leadership of the world.
An in 1928 we find the foreign
policy of the United States an
anemic outcast, "stumbling around
in the darkness of no man's land."
At the last moment we have the
Republican party throwing into the
breach the Kellogg Peace pact,
which has still to be ratified by
the Senate, and leave the signees
with precisely the same autonomy
to make war that they possessed
in 1914. It has been acclaimed as
a "rallying point for anti-war sen-
timent," about which that senti-
ment will be able to rally as it did
before about the Hague Peace trib-
The other outstanding example
of Republican foreign policy from'
1920 to 1928 is the Republican 'dol-
lar diplomacy" in Latin America.
Attempting to protect American
business interests in that sector, our
marines have sowed seeds of
hatred from which foreign com-,
petition will reap a golden harvest.
The Republicans are having it
demonstrated to them that bills of
lading cannot be served at the point
of a bayonet.

A Strictly Personal Note
A Very Charming
Young Lady


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Well, anyway, if this does turn
out to be a lean year, we can always
put Case back on the schedule.
* * *
Well, Hope-to-be-President
Hoover, when Al endorsed the
use of "ain't" I guess he pulled
one campaign issue that you
completely overlooked.

What's a pep meeting without
Union amendment to be passed?
* * * -
Of course, Illinois, if you had
Grange and Britton and Crisler
and Carney and Walquist and
the two Fletchers back on your
team, you might have a chance
to win today. But as it is, are
you going back to Champaign
with the laugh on the other
side of your face!


521 E. Jefferson St.

* * *
By a general agreement between
theater managers and students,
those wild young men at Cornell
will be allowed booing at the second
show on each Saturday night. My!
What ruffians there must be at
* * *
And:when the editor of the
Nation, in his quest for the
Utopias of various men, comes
around to us, we are going to
say, in essence, "STUDENT
And now, Mr. T. Hawley Tapping,
for almost the last time, do we get
that complimentary ticket to the
banquet the Washington alumni is
giving after the Navy game?
* * * '



Enter Police valiantly, followed
by Manager Shuter and dishevelled
call-boy. "Jees," they've flew!"
Business of promulgating this opin-
ion generally. Dialogue.
Shuter: Not a clew.
Cop: Not a clew-Say, what the
heck's a clew anyhow?
Shuter: Nor a sign. (Flashes a
flashlight) Ah! But a handkerchief.
Cop: (Puzzled) A clew? Say,
d'you thing it could be a clew?
Shuter: Smell that! ,
Cop: Thanks, I got other things-
Shuter : Smell!
Cop: (smelling) Ain't got none.
Shuter: Just as I thought. No
Cop: Hell, just when I thought
we had one.
Shuter: It's draughty here, let's I

Well, as the Potawatamie Kid
said in an interview late



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