MBER 3, 1928 THE -M-IC.HIG-.- .VIBER 3,.. 192811 TI-JE .. M J CIH1 G A- 1 1 Ii NE W METAL SOUGHT FOR BIGINDUSTRIES "Millions in operating expenses' will be saved if scientific investiga- tion can answer the appeal of in- dustry by finding a metal which can be used ouccessfully at the high temperatures demanded by modern operating conditions in power-plants, oil-refineries, auto- motive factories and other great manufacturing concerns,' according to Prof. E. A. White, director of, the department of engineering re- search. Professor White pointed out that in power-plants, oil refineries, etc.,j where a few years ago operating, temperatures of about 500 degrees1 Fahrenheit were the maximum, power-plants now demand temper- atures of 750 degrees Fahrenheit (some in Europe even as high as 1000 degrees) and oil refineries are seeking to operate at 1000 degrees and even higher-and that such metals as are now known can not with safety be empl ,in con-1 tainers used 'at temperath much if any above 1000 degrees Fahren-< heit. "Most of our knowledge of chem- ical rea~tions," he said, "is based upon conditions at atmospheric temperature and pressure. The pressure problem is relatively sim- ple, because it can be met by using greater mass or material of great- er tensile strength. But ordinary steel is not sufficient." MAKE SCHEDULE OF PRELIMINARY DEBATE EVENTS The schedule of the preliminary series debates of the Michigan High School Debating league has been announced "by Prof. G. F. Densmore, manager of the league. Friday, Nov. 16, will be the day on which the first debate of the pre- liminary series will be held. The league enrollment now, includes 245 high schools, which is the largest enrollment in its history.. Certain factors were taken into, consideration in the construction of the schedule. First: preference for sides were regarded wherever pos- sible but when any two schoolsl' paired in debate requested the same side, the allotment was made by tossing a coin. Second: schools were paired according to the pref- erence, provided that such schools were in the league, that such schools appeared on both prefer- ence lists, that such schools did not ask for the same sides, and construction of the schedule was so aranged to permit each school to retain its allotted side for the first two debates and to provide a different opponent for each school in the remaining three llebates. Detroit Theaters idl William Hochrein & Sons . '. Plumbing, Steam and Hot Water Heating, Repairing I I Phone 5014 211 S. Fourth Ave. YO of Lincoln Restaurant State and Packard! I 1 FOOD CASS THEATRE C0n RAE tinuous :00 Prices:-Nights $1 to $3.85; Wed. Mat. $1 to $2; Sat. Mat. $1-$2.50 ARTHUR HAMMERSTEIN "Golden Dawn" SERVED IN A MANNER PLEASES ALL. We cordially invite you to have your luncheons and dinners with us. THAT I i I L I BEAT ILLINOIS! SHUBERT LAFAYETTE "Nobody's Girl" Evenings, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 Thurs. Mat. 50c to $2.00; Sat. Mat. 50c to $2.50 . . Y. . . I ,j t 'j ! - a: cn aF , ..v =^z n . K kE . .,.+. :,Ge, : I I Last Day Today to Make Your Season Reservations for the outstanding dramatic events of years. SEND IN YOUR MAIL ORDERS NOW LG.PA ? i I I i PROSPERITY.. 0 I Saving Brings Prosperity For, Money in the Bank is oft the means for embracing business or investment opportunities that lift one to a higher station in life! TiE E YORK, ABEL, DIL 'COAfPA",, I I I Presenting Four Distinctively Different Recent New York Guild Successes at the HIT NEY T HEATRE Never too late to start. Open a Savings Account with us and we'll help you build it up! I FARMERS AND MECHANICS DANK WED. E NOV, 14 MON. E NOV. 19 WED. E' NOV. 28 MON. E DEC. 3- t±. LL . VE. t- EVE. VE. WE. George Bernard Shaw's Comedy- "THE DOCTOR'S DILEMMA" Society Comedy by S. N. Behrman. "THE SECOND MAN" A Bootlegging Dramatic Comedy- "NED -MeCOBB'S DAUGHTER" By Sidney Howard. St. John Ervine's Gripping Drama- "JOHN FERGUSON" Sale of Season Tickets Closes Nov. 3. Regular Reserved Seat Sale for Single Performances Monday, Nov. F. Box Office-Print and Book Shop 521 E. Jefferson Phone 21081 iL U- PA . "P. 205 E. Huron 330 S. State :. , _. .. 4- C,,,iivv s x. w..:i Farm' ff11 ' 1 i I ! f1'1