aTHE MICHIGAM., DAILY 1THE MICHIGAN DAILY I ml TAMM .I5 - 3 den, Cathredral Window Glass To Give Feminine Grace And Delicacy To Half-Completed League Building i HOCKEY TEAMS HAVE NEW PRACTICE FIELDS All four classes can be accom- modated at one hour for hockey practice at Palmer field this year, since the completion of the three grassed hockey fields. Regular class practises will be held at 4 o'clock on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the hockey season. Attendance at the regular prac- tises will be carefully watched this year, and Miss Laurie Camp- bell of the physical education de- partment says that no woman is eligible for class hockey unless she attends at least 7 of the 10 prac- tises this season. Even if it rains women are expected to report at the Field house for drill and in- struction in technique. Following the hockey season this year, the hockey spread will be held at the Field house on Oc- tober 18. Class hockey practise will be held at Palmer field this afternoon at 4 o'clock, but attendance will not be compulsory until next week. Class hockey managers for 1928 are as follows: Louise Cooley '29, Margaret Sibley '30, and Roberta Reed '31. The freshman manager will be selected from the number of freshman women who report for practise. If any further information is de- sired, women should call their class managers. The assignment of classes to fields will be printed in the Daily: early next week. , Martha Cook Staff Has New Directors Martha Cook Building has two new members heading its staff this fall. They are Miss Ethel Gordon Dawbarn, social director, and Miss Alta Atkinson, house director. Miss Dawbarn fills the place of Miss Elva. M. Forncrook, who was social director of Martha Cook Building for three years. Miss Atkinson re- places Miss Alice Graham. Miss Dawbarn is a graduate of Columbia University. Before com- ing here she served in the scholar- ship and fellowship department of the Institute of International Ed- ucation, and for the past two years she has been field secretary for the Open Road Inc., which works in connection with the Student Fed- eration of America. She has spent two summers in Europe with groups of students who went on the Open Road tours. The new house director, Miss At- NOTICE The general committee on the bringing of "Porgy" to Ann Arbon will meet at 4 o'clock today in. Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. The management invites anyone interested in helping to make this event a success to attend. All women interested in working at the candy booth are asked to call Dorothy Mapel, dial 21616. The boardof .governors of Betsy Barbour House are being entertain ed at dinner this evening at the dormitory. London has recently brought the stage a new version of the Faust legend under the title of "The Re- turn Journey." kinson, comes to Martha Cook from a position as assistant manager. at the University of Washington Com- mons in Seattle. She is a graduate of Montana State College The New Wome n's League Building glass is to be found in the Union. ing itself, active planning is al- It is generally conceded that ready in progress in regard to the transparent cathedral glass gives shrubbery for the grounds. Dr. an effect of greater delicacy. The Eliza Mosher, 75M, first dean of glass which is ready to be installed women in the University, has don- in the building, was manufactured ated a very unusual weeping beech by the Linden Company in Chi- tree, the root tree of which is own- cago. ed by the city of Flushing, New Will Have Auditorium York. Two Monroe nurserymen Until a comparatively recent date have promised to furnish the in the League's campaign for shrubbery for the garden to be funds, it was doubtful whether or The new Michigan League build- na ted Torm thing mad te ing will end a project started 40 added.- Two things made theyerag. building of the auditorium possi- years ago. ble. One was the pledge for $50,- The history of its develop- 000 taken by the undergraduate ment from an idea to a concrete women, and the other was a gift of structure is too well known to $50,000 from an anonymous source. Michigan women to bear repeat- This auditorium will seat more ing. President Clarence Cook Lit- than 700 people, while the size of tle, upon the occasion of the lay- the stage may be determined from ing of the cornerstone~of the the sketch, which shows the audi- Michigan League in March, 1928, torium wing at the extreme right. expressed in words a hope 'for the Not a ray, of daylight can enter future, "The visualization of hu- the ,auditorium, for even the sky- man ideals - often takes the form light required by the 'Fire Commis- of bricks and mortar, while the sion will be made 'of copper rather ideal itself, spiritual in. prgan and than glass. eternal in duration, uses the build- In addition to the detailed plans ing so created to enlighten the that have been made for the build-j lives of thousands of people." '" - a , , ,. - '4\ ' . -. , '. .. .. . ,.. i -... I ?It|11111111111111Itlt11I1 I1lllllillt111lliili o Le Worth Beauty Shoppe 300 S. State St. Cor. Liberty and State) PERMANENT WAVING, MARCELLING, FACIALS, MANICURING, Mr.SHAMPOOING S Mrs.N. M. Hitchcock, Mgr. EOpen Evenings Dial 2-1410 :llliflllllilulllllllllil IllillillillIllltl i r r I e M Y M i M W M i V Z M r r Y t 1 :1 1111 111111{11!1 Cleans and Press Your 3-Piece Su S--and DoesitW Our new "Cash and Carry" plar Lhe same quality cleaning an ' which our patrons have enjoyed Still further, these new lower allow you to be well dressed at Remember: Our branch across Majestic is open until 8:00 in t] Hats, cleaned and blocked... Wool Dresses.............. Dresses,' to 10 plaits......... WHITE SWA LAUNDRY CO.,] Detroit at Catherine Across from the Maje (Open 7 a. m. to 8 p. I llil11n in ll ne il nlull nll ul llllllll u ~es it ell! PANSY JOHNSON-Contralto TEACHER OF SINGING Graduate University School of Music Pupil of Horatio Connell, Philadelphia S904 S. State St. Phone 4685 E : loti 1111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 1 IiU1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 w n gives you d pressing for years. prices will all times. from the he evening. .$1.00 up .....$1.25 LTD. stic in.) 1 ~~11 Itllit111litt1l111|iillli lilliill11l11t~ I1 I 11111111 I11111111111111111111tilll _ c Style Quality Value Service I- - Beautiful Fabrics . . . Broadcloth.. . . Frostella Suede . .. Velu. .. Luxurious Furs . .. Pointed Fox . .. Baby Seal . .. Wolf . . . Vicuna . . . Black' - Brown . . . and popular colors. $25 to $85' = ~ We extend to you a most cordial invitation = to visit us at your convenience. Please feel = free to conme 'in at any time. 0r I-- 221 So. Main Second door from Liberty St. - WOMEN'S WEAR i .. .. + / ,I ~ A'' ' , . - . + ,, 0 _ ., - ., t'= i i A new line tof Fall Shoes' ~70OO In this new line of shoes you will find individual models of fine workmanship. See the new oxford in patent leather for town wear.........$7.00 There is a stunning pair in black patent leather with lizard vamp and quarter. Two-hole laces, high heels...........................$1.00 An interesting new medium heel pump of plain satin. This also comes in black suede with an attractive steel buckle..................$7.00 The one-strap shoe is popular this fall. In, this assortment of $7.00 shoes is a tan calf, also a pair in patent leather, with onct strap......$7.00 New pumps in patent leather with high heels, beautiful for evening. .............$7.00 Besides the new line there are other very dis- tinctive models for $8, $9 and.........$10.00 (first floor) I I Y Y ' '