JC. g
Vol. XXXIX. No. 36.
lc Hlc
(By Associated Press)
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Nov. 2.-Her-
bert Hoover pointed today to the
unparalleled registration for next
Tuesday's election as "expressive of
the seriousness of the issue and the
earnestness and conviction with
which our people are meeting
"This evidence of unprecedented
interest in the future of the repub-
lic must be gratifying to every one
who has its welfare at heart," he
said in the second address in his
final campaign swing which will
take him to his California home to
" Tt mcr nrathn t ri yh of
By Lark
Three lusty cohorts of Michigan,
isolated like an island in a sea of
empty seats, staged the most
frenzied, most abandoned, most up-
roarous pep meeting of all time last
night in Hill auditorium. It was
the only pep meeting in the history
of Michigan at which the audience
did not exceed the speakers in
numbers, honors being divided at
three each.,
T. Roscoe Jones, familiarly
known as "Steve," who once was
quite a skate with the hockey team
and who flaunted a mean tonsil in
the face of his debate opponents,
gave the, first speech for the affir-
His thrilling message consisting
of "I shall not mention any num-
ber of things" will be forever writ-
ten into the annals of Michigan
history. The fighting message
served as an electrifying inspira-
tion to the crowd, for all three of
them leaped to their feet and went
mad with their insistance for a.
Wolverine win.
B. Gaylord Oosterbaan, the
h i g h 1 y-t o u t e d hands-on-hips
enh 7ttered n tA 'h thn t dnrr
talk on the brilliant intellect of his
bady son, brought tears to the eyes
of all who heard. Then, with a sud-
den shift of tone that was like the
shock of a cold shower or a five-
ton truck, he paralyzed the audi-
ence with the flaming remark that
"tomorrow would see in action a
Maize and Blue team on fire." It
was a hot speech.
One distinctive feature of the'
meet was the fact that there was
one cheer leader for every student.
This was a great forward step in
the movement for individual educa-
Assembly Of 3,000 Students Hear,
Fred Lawton, Oosterbaan,
And "Steve" Jones
Resolution Shows That Basis Of
Decision Lay In Act
Of Legislature
Announcement that the Board
of Regents had definitely establish-
ed 1837 as the date of founding of
the University was made yesterday
from the office of President Clar-
ence Cook Little. This act culmi-
nates a long fight betwen two fac-
tions, one supporting 1837 as the
date and the, other maintaining
that 1817 was correct.
Reasoning Cited
'I means more antrzumpv coacn ,wu u speecn ta, wora
our party over another; it means for word, was seared into the souls
more than victory of one individual of every Michigan man present. It
as against another; it means in the was the kind of speech that makes
end the triumph of that everlasting a man want to go out and do
principle of self-government upon things.
which America has grown to the J. Freddie Lawton, in his tender
leadership of the world." -
Issues Described{
The issues in this campaign "are
moral as well as economic," he as-AL 1T ET HTS
serted, adding that they affected
every home and that the result of
the election "will affect the direc-
tion of our national thought and
our national actions for many years D
to come." Democratic Nominee Clatms State
Reiterating his confidence in Re- Republican Is Turn-Coat
publican victory, Hoover declared On Question
he did not believe the American
people would wish a change in their ATTACKS 0. 0. P. RECORD
policies of government "in a time of
such manifest evidence of progress, (By Associated Press)
assurance of peace, advancement of BROOKLYN, N. Y., Nov. 2.-Gov.
prosperity, advancement of educa- Alfred E. Smith in a speech tonight
tion and moral forces." directed especially to a New York
Stops In Cincinnati state audience declared that Al-
Mr. Hoover stopped in Cincinnati bert Oppinger, the Republican
for three minutes this morning. gubernatorial nominee, could cease
Mr. Hoover, who had not had his to worry over prohibition as "I will
breakfast when his special train ar- take care of that subject. *By and
rived there at 7:43 a. in., hurriedly with the advice of the American
put on a heavy overcoat and, bare- people."
headed, appeared on the rear plat- The Democratic candidate said
form of his car and waved to sev- Mr. Opponger, now attorney gen-
Oral hundred persons who stood eral of the Empire state, had been
cheering in a heavy rain to greet carrying "water on both shoulders.
him. "The attitude of the Republican
Radio station WLW quickly candidate on the question of pro-
placed a microphone before him hibition can be summed up in a few
but factory whistles, cheering of words," the governor declared. "He
the crowd and noise of the train is a wet-dry. He has attempted to
made it impossible for him to be all things to all men.
speak. All that was heard was a "On this subject his party plat-
hearty "goodbye" as his train slow- form is as silent as the tomb. He
ly departed from the Winton Place is constantly worrying, day in and
station. I day out, as to how he can get over
The nominee began his final the campaign without being com-
campaign speech-making at Cum- pelled to have anything to say
berland, Md., the next halt along about it.
his route. There he left his car to "In one of his speeches he said
talk about prosperity to a throng that he would pass that whole
which filled the public square ad- question up until the commission
jacent to the station and over- appointed by Mr. Hoover had dealt
flowed into a half dozen streets. with it.
"The basis of all progress, of all "Well, I will relieve him of all
advance in our country must be its doubt and worry about that by in-
continual prosperity," he said. forming him here tonight in Brook-
"Prosperity at base rests on there lyn that Mr. Hoover will never have
being a job for every man-that any opportunity to appoint any
there shall be stable employment commission on that subject. I will
and advancing standards of living. take care of that subject, by and
It rests equally upon a stable agri- with the advice of the American
cultural industry." people.
Progress Reviewed On water power, the governor.
Reviewing what he said was the said the state of New York, had
progress of the country during the been blessed with natural resources
last seven years of Republican ad- and the Democratic party had
ministration, Hoover said he could taken the tradition that these were
not believe that the American peo- the properities of the peopleand
ple "wish to abandon these policies should be developed by the state
of Government which have been under state ownership and state
maintained by the Republican control.'
"Michigan fighting spirit will beat The establishment of the date is
Illinois if nothing else well." So based on a recent decision of the
. Fred Lawton, '11, author of var- state Supreme court in which the
. court points out that while the re-
sity, ex B. M. O. C. extra-ordinary, gents and the Trustees of the Uni-
and a personification of the true versity are successors to the Presi-
Michigan spirit, told 3,000 students dent and Didactors of Catholip-
at the pep-meeting last night in istemiadm created by the act of
Hill auditorium. And the 3,000 August 28, 1817, there was at that
Michigan students reiterated his time no such institution corres-
statement with vocal extortions j ponding to the present University.
that left no question as to whether The University was provided for in
or not the Wolverines will be fight- (legislative act of 1837.
ing when they meet Illinois today. The resolution then goes on to
"It is what the blue clad young state that because of the findings
men of Michigan do during the six- of the court, the Regents will use
ty minutes they are on the field 1837 as the official date on the Uni-
that counts. It is not the pre-game versity seal.
dope, nor the alibis after the game Hubbard Words Resolution
that have any effect on the out- The resolution passed by the Re-
come of the contest. If the Michi- gents last Friday night and worded
gan team goes out onto the field begent Fuius Hbad is:
to battle with determination to by Regent Lucius Hubbard is.
win they can win, no matter what Whereas, This Board is in en-
has been said, nor what may be tire accord with the decision of
said after the game. the Supreme Court of Michi-
T sr. h t n a gan (the Regents of the Uni-
The spirit of the students, and versity of Michigan vs. the
the cheering at the game does have Board of Education of the City
a tremendous effect on the men of Detroit, M. R. IV, 312, 1856)
out on the gridiron, "it was told by that the Regents (Act of March
Bennie Oosterbaan, '28, a member 1 18, 1837) and the Trustees of the'
of the Michigan coaching staff, and Uiest Ato pi 0
. University (Act of April 30,
whose name is found in every foot- 1821), as corporate bodies are
ball Who's Who, also a speaker. successors of the President and
"The belief that cheering does Didactors of the Catholipiste-
not influence the players is wrong," miad (Act of August 26, 1817);
the thrice All-American stated. "Al- and
though the players can not dis- Whereas, The Court in the
tinctly understand the yelling, above case says: "No institu-
knowing that the crowd is behind tion corresponding to the idea
them instills a great amount of pep of a University, as contem-
into the gridders plated by the acts above men-
"Unprecedented determination ; tioned (1817 and 1821 respec-
was displayed in the Wisconsin tively) having been organized,
game by the proteges of Coach the state legislature, in 1837,
Wieman," "Steve" Jones, '28, ex-, passed an act entitled, 'An act
hockey star and debator, the first to provide for the organization
speaker, told the students. and government of the Univer-
"I have seen all of the great sity of Michigan. ... Under the
games that Michigan has played in provisions of this act 'the Uni-
the past four years-but I have versity of Michigan' was estab-
never seen a Michigan team, nor lished, and went into opera-
any team, fight like the Wolverines tion; and the same institution,
fought last Saturday against Wis- under the supervision and
consin, management of the present
Capt. George Rich, '30, in a mes- board of regents, continues to
sage sent to the meeting thanked exist" (page 224); and
the students for their support of Whereas, By Section 6 of the
the team at the pep-meeting and act of March 18, 1837, the Re-
the game, a week ago. gents were given the right "of
line now for about three years," Two important resolutions and
said Dr. Merkel. "Because of its in- definite organization plans featured
ternational character, we have had the meeting last night at the
to seek political and financial Michigan Union of thirty repre
assistance from Russia, China and sentatives of the graduating classes
Japan. ;At first, we intended to of- of 1921 to 1928, to consider the
fer complete and luxurious pas- placing of chimes or carillons in
senger and freight service, such as the proposed Burton Memorial
are to be found on our European Campanile.
lines. That demanded considerable The first resolution passed ;was
capital, and we were unable to come to the effect that chimes were def-
to terms with other governments. 1 initely out of the question and that
"In the meantime, the American the purchase of carillons for the
air mail companies got going, and structure be started immediately.
demonstrated what can be done Paul Young, '25E, introduced the
with a limited amount of capital. second resolution which read: "Re-
Following their example, and bene- ( solved: that the University of
fitting from their experience, we Michigan Alumni classes of 21 to
worked over our plans on the basis '28 assume the responsibility for
of cheaper equipment, and have raising the funds for a carillon of
been able to reach agreements bells to be placed in the proposed
with the other governments. At Burton Memorial Campanile, this
first we will take four days to the project to be the share of these
trip, but as we get organized, we alumni classes in the alumni asso-
will cut that time considerably. ciation ten year program, and that
all classes be recognized for their
"I have heard the claims that efforts in the project through a
American lines are self-supporting, suitable inscription cast on each
but I don't believe them," he said. bell."
Paymentson unpaid sub-
scriptions to The Michigan
Daily are due not later than
Nov. 15. After that date the I
subscription price will be ad-
vanced to $4.50 on all unpaid
subscriptions. .
Party and without which results so
amazing and so stimulating to the
spiritual as well as to the material
advance of the nation would not
have been possible."
"You will recollect," Mr. Hoover
continued, "that when the Repub-
lican administration came into
power seven and one-half years
ago many millions of unemployed
walked the streets, our people were
discouraged and apprehensive of
the future. The first work of that
administration was to restore their
confidence in the future. A series
making and using a common
seael and altering the same at
pleasure"; therefore
Resolved, That until further
action of this Board, and in
accord with the established
practice of the educational
staff of the University and the
body corporate, the date 1837
on seals, diplomas, catalogues,
and other literature issued by
the University or its authority,
shall continue to be understood
as the date of organization of
the University, according to the
interpretation of that term by
the Supreme Court.
(By Associated Press)
BOSTON, Nov. 2.-The Massa-
chusetts Republican committee to-
rAn r~rpivfln LA+ e t 'r fn rnwii r tP IP 'a lmI
"Beat Illinois!" "Beat Michigan!"
Such are the battle cries that are
rising from the camps of two of
the most bitter rivals in the West-
ern conference, Michigan and Illi-
nois. These two schools are neet-
ing today in the Wolverine lair be-
fore the largest football crowd of
the day, some 87,000 people.
Illinois students, 2,000 strong, are
against leaders of the Big Ten, also
have but one thought on their
mind: "Beat Illinois!"
Rival spirit between the two
teams is also running high. Michi-
gan is iplanning a real comeback
after the loss of four games. Illi-
nois is determined to keep its hold
on the Big Ten championship. The
Wolverine are out to maintain its
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