ftl il attg
shed every morning except' Monday!
the University year by the Board in
of Student Publications.
>er of Western Conference Editorial
Associated Press is exclusively en-
the use for republication of all news
es credited to it or not otherwise
in this paper and the local news pub-
ed at the potoffice at Ann Arbor,
in, as second class matter. Special rate
age granted by Third Assistant Post-
ription by carrier, $4.00; by mnail,
a: Ann Arbos Press Building, May.
tree .
s: Editorial, 492S; Busnes, 212 1,.
Telephone 4925
.................Paul J. Kern
itor...... ..... .. .Nelson J. Smith
;ditor............Richard C. Kurvink
E~ditor..... .....Morris Quinn
's Editor...........Sylvia S. Stone
Michigan Weekly....J. Stewart Hooker
and Dramna............., L. Askren
t City ditor. .Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
e N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
E. Howell Pierce Roenberg
J. Klinc George X. Simons
George C. Tilley
"Michigan Night," broadcast
weekly by station WCX-WJR, has I
now become a regular educational
feature of the University. For the
past three years an old room in
University, hall, entirely unfitted'
for broadcasting purposes, has'
been used. The University has at
last seen the necessity for improv-
ing transmitting conditions and
has appropriated a sum sufficient
to remodel Morris hall to contain
a modern studio, acoustically per-
fect for broadcasting.
This step indicates that the Uni-
versity has recognized the educa-
tional importance of its radio pro-
grams. Regularly on Thursday
nights persons in Detroit, in New
York, and even some as far west
as the Rocky mountains have the
Opportunity to hear instructive,
and at the same time, entertaining
lectures by many outstanding men
in each of the branches of educa-
tion. Besides this, musical selec-
tions played by various campus
musical organizations are alterna-
ted with the speeches, thus provid-
ing enjoyable variety.
In addition, the move marks a
distinct advance in the furthering
of interest in education, and at the
same time provides facilities for
broadcasting comparable with
those of any university station in
the country.
We've just completed an exhaust-
ing survey of the new directory and
we've come to the conclusion that
the contents are worth at least a
* * *
For instance, the book contains
two Appleyards and a Brewer. The
latter is no doubt responsible for
Gin and Beer. Or maybe Ginman
and Wineman have something to
do with it.
* * * .
Anyway, the federal men will
be relieved to learn that there's
a Sober in the insidious little
publication to make up for
Other appetizing bits in the way
of freshmen are Sturgeon and
Fishkin, who ought to be related
if they're not.
., * * *
Then there's Gimmy and Wunsch,
and if you're not too hard to please
we might put them together and
say Wunsch Gimmy?
7t. Adams
is Alexander
r Anderson
k. Askren
am Askwith
se Behymer
ur Bernstein
n C. Bovee
el Charles
R. Chubb
k E. Cooper
n Domine
glas Edwards
org Egeland
ri J. Feldman
orie Follmer
iam Gentry
ence Hartwig
rd Jung
les R. Kaufman
ld 1~. Layman
C. A. Lewis
Marian Mac Donald
Henry Merry
N. S. Pickard
Victor Rabinowitz
Anne Schell
Rachel Shearer
Robert Silbar
Howard Simon
Hobert L. Sloss
Arthur R. Strubel
Edith Thomas
Beth Valentine
Gurney Williams
Walter Wilds
George E. Wohlgemuth
Robert Woodroofe
Joseph A. Russell
Cadwell Swanson
A. Stewart
EdwardwL. Warner Jr.
Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Department Managers
>rtising.. ......... . .Alex K. Scherer
:rtising.,....... ..-.A. James Jordan
rtising.............Carl W. Hammer
ice. .... ,. .,.....Herbert . Varnum
lation..............George S. Bradley
unts..............Lawrence E. Walkley
ications............Ray M. Hofelich
g Binzer Jack Horwich
ild Blackstone Dix Humphrey
y Chase Marion Kerr
ette Dale Lillian Kovinsky
for Davis Bernard Larson
ie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn
n Geer Hollister Mabley
Goldberg Jack Rose
er Halverson Carl F. Schemm
ge Hamilton Sherwood Upton
s Herwig Marie Wellstead
Walter Veagley
ight Editor-DONALD J.
Student investigation of the
culty taken at face value sounds
little too radical even for this
mpus where experiments in
gher education are adopted al-
)st as fast as they are conceived.
hen, however, the idea in the
d heat of its newness is sub-
cted for a while to the cold light
reason, it loses its terrors, many
its objections, its humor, and
en much of its novelty.
[n the first place, students will
port on the younger members of
e faculty, excluding the obvious
jection which immediately rises
at the snap judgments of a few
idents could alter the relations!
the 'administration with faculty
embers who have served the Uni-
rsity long and well.
Rather the investigation is di-
cted at instructors in an effort to
ovide the administration with
ta on their ability to form per-
nal contacts with students and
eir extra-classroom interests,
nether student activities or re-
arch. This latter phase of the
vestigation will aid in selecting
r next fall a University College
culty of men who prefer work
th student personalities to re-'
ndite problems of literary and
ientific investigation.
At present, also; the feeblest of
oilities exist for informing the
ministration of the various ex-
llencies and shortcomings of an
structor's class room work. It
for instance, considered unethi-
L for a department head or a full
>fessor to visit classes conduct-
by instructors and form opin-
e of the work being done. Pro-
tions to professorships thus
ne largely as the result of guess-
rk, aided somewhat by hearsay
d'rumor retailed by students.
One result of the investigation
uld be to make student gossip.
out instructors official and ra-
nal. Instead of depending on
ance 'to carry it to the ears of
thorities, the plan will provide an
icial. channel through which
thenticated rumors can prompt-
find' their way to the highest
thorities. It is also obvious that
nscientious investigators, to be
ected with care by members of
e Student council, will not give
rrency in their reports to un-
asidered statements.reither in
dse or in derogation of any in-
'inally the administration is un-
Aviation in the United States hasl
progressed by leaps and bounds<
since the World war, until now in
the field of heavier-than-air mo-
tor flight we are recognized gener-
ally as the leaders of the world.
Our commercial aviation is at least
on a par with that of Europe, and
in the field of motor construction1
we have forged far into the lead.
But there is one branch of avia-
tion, recognized in Europe to be of
paramount importance, in which
the United States has done almost
nothing since the memorable be-
ginnings of the Wright brothers at
Kitty Hawk. That branch of avia-
tion is gliding.
In Germany especially the art
of gliding has spread everywhere+
as a sport, as a training school for
pilots, and as an experimental lab-1
oratory in which to develop techni-
cal data.+
Through the influence and ac-
tivity of such moving spirits in
American aviation as Edward S.
Evans of Detroit, gliding is now
penetrating this country, and is
making its first bid for such popu-
larity here as it already enjoys in
Michigan should be especially
proud that her students are taking
the lead in establishing the sport
in this country. The future of
aviation in America may be said
to rest in large measure on a broad
and comprehensive development of
gliding throughout the country.
(From the Daily Illini of Oct. 28)
Yesterday's game was one of the
most exciting we have witnessed
! in some time. That is it was excit-
ing for both sides in the last five
minutes of play. During the earl-
ier periods, it seemed like it was
going to be a one-sided contest
with the Illini scoring at will.
We are happy that the Ilinin
have tucked away another victory
-another leg on the second suc-
cessive Conference championship.
But we want that championship!
Saturday's performances were
somewhat of a repetition of last
week's-the team fought like an
organized machine during the first
part of the game while the student
body cheered. Then when the
game got under way and everything
seemed to be tucked away in our
pocket, everybody-ourselves in-
cluded--sat back and decided to
watch the mechanical process of
a football game.
Again we are reminded of Coach
Zuppke's declaration at the pep
meeting the night before the In-
diana game-that Illinois students
in the past have not wanted two
successive championships and we
wonder just how right Zup is.
There was no spirit on the part
of students in the second half until
Illinois seemed to be in danger.
Illinois students seem to feel that
we have another Conference cham-
pionship. WE DO NOT!
We still have three games to play.
Some persons have triedto make
out that two of these games will
be easy. Ask Zup. He'll tell you1
that they will be far from easy.,
Ohio is admittedly our greatest
rival for Big Ten honors. But what
abouthMichigan and Chicago?
Both teams would like to do
nothing better than stop Illinois.
They do not have as good teams,
but a team that has spirit behind
it is far more likely to be victorious
than one without such support. The
Conference championship is still in
doubt. It rests on the student
body of the University of Illinois
to determine whether that crown
shall come to the Illini.
As for our team, we wish to con-+
gratulate them. They put up a
noble fight: they held when theyI
* * *
And if that falls flat, we'll put
Mr. Kitch and Mr. Ku together
and say Kitch Ku-but the trouble
is, Ku is not a freshman.
Listed as coming from Chicago
is a frosh named Daniel Boone. In
the old pioneer days Daniel Boone
blazed a way through the west and
made a name for himself.
* * *
But if this fresh were to buy
a machine gun and blaze away
through Chicago he wouldn't
even be noticed.
* * *
One student is listed as belong-
ing to the, class of '3. The editors
claim that most of the errors that
creep into the directory are due
to the illegibility of the students'
card, but perhaps this isn't an
* * *
Maybe- this student preferred to
be indefinite.
* * *
Or maybe he stood in front
of the Union desk so long, wait-
ing to register, that he forgot
what class he did belong to.
* * *
Anyway, to be technical, errors
don't creep =into the directory;
somebody puts them there.
* * *
We wonder, then, if Mr. Ak-
ram's first name really is Aziz, or
whether it isn't wrong as is.
* * *
Guess we'll leave it Aziz and give
the editors the benefit of the doubt,
although they don't deserve any
benefits for choosing the nauseat-
ing color scheme that adorns the
* * *
The new directory looks well
only when placed beside a hot
dog; and after all, one can't
keep hot dogs in a bookcase or
a telephone booth.
* * *
We mustn't forget Miss Laugh
because it suggests a joke that
screams at you right below the next
three stars.
* * *
First Guy: Mike, may I
present Miss Laugh?
Mike: Glad to meetcha, Miss
First Guy (in a hoarse whis-.
per) Laugh, clown, Laugh!
* * *
(Space in which to compose your-
* * *
Ted Rickard is to be found in the
vicinity of Page two hundred and
something. X marks the differ-
ence between this frosh and the
fight promoter.
* * *
Getting statistical, the freshman
Smiths beat the freshman Jones,
18 to 6.
* * *
Which brings us down to the bot-
tom of the column where there's a
white space that has to be filled
up somehow. A last hurried glance
through the volume reveals Miss
Inch, who will fill up the space
* * *
Now there's just room enough to
remark that -if Miss Inch and
thirty-five of her relatives were to
stand out in front of Betsy Barbour
we could -say that there 'were 36
Inch's in a yard.
Should she wait for the
choice of her heart. whom they I
Music And Drama
TONIGHT: Comedy Club
present their revival of Sar-
dou's "Diplomacy" in the
Mimes theater, beginning at
8:15 o'clock.
* * *
Locally there is an organization
known as Matinee Musicale. Odd-!
ly enough, the name signifies noth-
ing of the nature of the society ex-
cept that it has something to do
with music, andthat in the after-
noon. The truth of the matter is
that Matinee Musicale is an organ-
ization made up in large part of
the wives of faculty members, with
the purpose of cultivating an in-
terest in chamber music. It might
more properly be called Soiree Mu-
sicale, for the concerts are given in
the evening in Mimes theater rath-
er than the afternoon, as the title!
suggests. It has been the custom
to schedule a series of four con-'
certs, beginning late in the Fall and
running through February, and to
present the visiting artists in!
Mimes theater-which is very well
suited to the purposes of the iti-
mate type of music presented-to
an audience made up only of those
who have supported the organiza-
tion to the extent of purchasing
tickets for the whole series. The
very general public which would
create a demand for single admis-
sion tickets is not permitted to at-
tend. And this, perhaps, may ac-
count for the fact that Musicale
Matinee audiences are invariably
more discriminating, of perhaps
better, more critically appreciative,
of the programs than is any other
collection of people in the city.
Of course, chamber music de-
mands that sort of audition. Lack-
ing the attention demanding ef-
fects possible with the symphony
orchestra, or the personal exploit-
ation of the composer with his
hearers. It also is the severest
test-because of its simplicity-
both for the composer and the
musician. Of the composer it de-
mands complete technical grasp of
the field as well as genius of con-
ception; of the artist it demands
submergence of individuality in the
unity of the whole, as well as per-
fect command of his individual in-
strument, and of the audience it
requires a musical intelligence that
postulates an awareness of musical
problems a little more profound
than some of the acrobatics which
have occasionally been offered from
the Hill auditorium stage. Scep-
ticism in regard to the existence of
such critical intelligence is more
encouragingly belied in Mimes
than anywhere else on the Campus.
The calibre of the musicians en-
gaged by Matinee Musicale is also
an encouraging factor. Artists
with more often greater European
reputations than American-as was
the case last year with the Elshuco
Trio-their names have not become
so much a byword for musical per-
fection that they cannot give their
whole selves to the musical de-
mands of their program-as was
the case with the recent Galli-Cur-
ci fiasco. Artistic preeminence
does not invariably guarantee sin-
cerity of effort.
Last year's series was made up of
programs offered by the Persinger
String Quartet, one of the leading
organizations of the Pacific Coast,
by the Elshuco Trio, by the De-
troit Chamber Music Society, and
by the New York String Quartet.
This year the series is opened by
a combined concert by Le Orstein
and the Hartmann String Quartet
November 6. Then comes the Jack
Gordon String Quartet from Chi-
cago to appear the evening of De-
cember 12. This will be followed by
the Pro Arte quartet from Belguim
who will occupy the evening of
February 5. And the final date of
March 19 will be taken over by the
Malkin Trio from New York.
R. L. A.
* * *
"Diplomacy" was written in the
period when what William Archer
calls rhetorical "virtuosity" was still
in the vogue. Evidence of this
can be found in the unusual length
of some of the emotional speeches.
The purpose here was to provide
the actor with resounding vehicle
for his beautiful voice. The tradi-
tion of clipped speech which holds
the stage today rather destroys
what was once a beautiful theatric-
al effect.
The inclusion of such extraneous
characters as Algy Fairfax, and his
acid tongued mother is an anach-
ronism when considered from the
point of view of unity and com-
pactness which dominates drama-
tic writing today. But the Scribean
i school was not so severe. The silly-
ass, Algy, is a fascinating charac-
ter when written-in the way Sar-
dou can write. Why then bother
about dramatic unity?
Such an inclusion is also an in- I
dication of the point of view from'I
which the play was written. The
lines alone are not the essential
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Easily applied. No waxing,
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