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November 02, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-11-02

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Luckner's Life One Of Constant
Adventures On Land And
On Sea.

With but few more than 2,000
tickets remaining, a sellout for the
Michigan-Illinois grid game is ex-
pected by the Athletic association,
it was announced late yesterday
afternoon. Already nearly 85,000
tickets have been sold, and includ-
ing the temporary stands, the seat-
ing capacity of the stadium is 87,000.
Illinois will be represented by
5,000 backers at Saturday's game.
That number of tickets was allot-
ted the Illini, and they were sold
out about three weeks ago. Word
from the Sucker school yesterday
afternoon said that "2,000 students
were starting Wolverine-ward."
They are coming largely by special
trains, the reports stated. The re-;
mainder of the Illinois backers will
be Alumni.
With the 2,000 students will
come 100 members of the 300-
piece Illinois band. This band is
said to be better, in some respects"
than the Indiana band, which
brought considerable favorable
comment on its appearance here,
earlier in the season.

Outlining his adventurous career
up until the time he successfully
ran the British blockade of the
high seas, and of his exciting and
close shave with a British cruiser
Just as he thought himself safe in
mid-ocean, Count Felix von Luck-
ner held a large audience rapt last
night in Hill auditorium. The aud-
ience which was one of the largest
ever to attend an Oratorical lec-
ture greatly enjoyed the Count's
recital and his dramatic retailings
of adventure.
Luckner, son of a German noble-
man, admitted thathhe didn't at-
tend school after he was 13. in
this time, only one book, a life of
Buffalo Bill Cody, came to his at-
tention but from that time on, he
made an idol of the famous cow-
boy. "I thought that as long as I
was like 'Buffalo Bill,' I could never
be a bum," he explained in saying
that his relatives told him that that
was all he would ever be.
Goes To Australia
Soon he shipped on a boat bound
for Australia. There he joined the
Salvation army "because they had
lieutenants." For his son to be a
lieutenant in the German navy had
been one of the father's main am-
bitions, and it was over this ques-
tion, that his son left school. Pro-
motion was slow, and he subse-
quently took a job as lighthouse-
keeper. After that, he was a bill-
poster for some Hindu magicians,
but "the townspeople objected to
having bills on their houses."
He sailed for America to find
'Buffalo Bill.' He tramped the ties
from San Francisco to Denver, only
to find that his hero was now in
his native country, Germany! Aft-
er working around the East, he re-
turned to Germany where he, en-
tered the navy and rose to be a
lieutenant at last. Fulfilling an
earlier promise, he returned home
and surprised his parents who had
given him up as lost.
His parents wanted him to stay
home, but the sea called. He fought,
in the first line at the battle of Jut-
lard. It was soon after this that
he conceived his idea of running
the British blockade, and of har-
rassing Allied commerce on the
high seas.
Used Sailing Vessel
The German admiralty laughed
at the idea of a German ship get-
ting through, but when Luckner
hit upon the idea of using a sailing
vessel, they admitted it might be
feasible and gave him permission
to go ahead, although disclaiming
responsibility. In a harbor, he
found an old American clipper ship
and on sight of it he exclaimed, "By
Joe, captain, that's the ship I
want." He was given it..
He had to face a strong blockade
by the largest tjeet. British spies
Were omnipres9 t, and extreme
care had to be taken that nothing
leaked out concerning the venture.
One of the greatest problems con-
fronting him was to find a method
of successfully running the British
blockade which most admitted was
almost impossible. He finally found
a Norwegian seadog who gave him
the needed information, and he set
about turning his remodelled clip-
per into a war vessel with the out-
ward appearance of a peaceful
Norwegian merchant ship. Not only
the ship but the crew had to be
Norwegianised, fo he learned "the
British know too much to question.
the captain, so they question the
crew." Of his crew of 64, 37 spoke
Adopts Norwegian Name
Luckner took the name of*
"Johnny Knudsen," and his Ger-
m n crew adopted Norwegian
names. Their papers were stamped
with the British seal "made in Ger-
many" Luckner laughed. "We all
had to act as if our consciences
were perfectly clear!" he explain-

The ship ran the blockade suc-
cessfully, and just as they stood out
to sea and apparently safe, a Brit-

Bears Good Wishes Of President
He Prepares To Leave On
Strenuous Trip


Constructor Complains Of Bad
Luck Which Followed
Both Journeys
(By Associated Press)
Nov. 1-The Graf Zeppelin rested
tonight in its home hangar for the
first time in many days while its
master, Dr. Hugo Eckener, planned
mightier, faster and lighter-than-
air craft for the day when his
dream of his trans-Atlantic dirig-
ible passenger air service will have
become a reality.
"This ship is finished for me as
far as general regular passenger
traffic is concerhed," Dr. Eckener
said tonight.
"We must have faster and strong-
er airships if we want to carry a
regular passenger service.
"We have shown that the ship
and motors are proof against any
weather; but we must now set
about building a constructionally
stronger airship."
Dr. Eckener, who consented to
discuss his trip only after he had
rested through most of today, said
that had the weather been better
on the return trip he might have
beaten his own good time of just
a few moments less than three
days, by as much as. 15 hours.
Scores Weather Conditions
"Never in my life did I have such
bad luck as on this trip," the con-
structor-pilot said. "Going, I got
into the worst weather imaginable,
and, on the return trip from Lake-
hurst we found such a string of
unusual winds, weather, and other
difficulties as to seem almost in-
The blonde young stowaway,
Clarence Terhune, received almost
as much attention as did Dr. Ecke-
ner. The youth's act has capti-
vated the German imagination and
from the time of the dirigible's
sighting, there were cries for his
appearance. The crowd manifestly
was disappointed when it was
learned he had been spirited out
of the back door for a conference
with the American consul, John E.
When he emerged from that,
cheering crowds raised him to their
shoulders and thereafter wherever
he went he was the center of an ,
admiring throng. Young Terhune
was non-committal as to his inten-
tions, and saidA) he must look to his
mail, first, before he could say what
he intended doing.
Passengers on the dirigible were
unanimously enthusiastic over their
voyage. The only woman aboard,

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 1-With the
long weeks of steady plodding,
speaking, thinking and organizing,
behind him, Herbert Hoover faced
towards the Pacific coast and a
whirlwind final drive in a cam-
paign planned which will see him
deliver four set speeches and carry
him across ten states to his home
in Palo Alto, Cal.
The nominee embarked on the
last stages of his endeavors bear-
ing the good wishes of President
Coolidge and his former associates
in his cabinet. During the day he
called at the White House for a
party conference with the chief
executive and he left with a wish
of the President that he might have
"a pleasant journey to California
and a safe return."
Previously he had visited the
headquarters of the Republican na-
tional committee to say goodbye to
the workers who have carried on
the less spectacular phases of hisl
campaign in the quiet of their of-
fices. Some sessions of the head-
quarters already have been closed
and with his departure others will
pass out of existence. From the3
White House, Hoover returned to
his personal headquarters on Mas-
sachusetts Avenue, to be inducted
into the Pennsylvania society, Sons7
of the American Revolution, and to7
receive various well wishers who
called to bid him farewell. Among1
his last visitors were Secretaries
Kellogg of State, Davis of Labor1
and Justice Edward T. Stanford of<
the Supreme Court.1
Between callers the nominee put
the final touches to his St. Louis
speech and he spent nearly all
afternoon in the last minute prep-
arations for the trip.

Tonight, the second pep meeting
of the year will be held at 7:15
o'clock in Hill auditorium.
And tomorrow, the University of
Michigan football team will enter
the new stadium in the unaccus-
tomed role of underdog, mainly
because it is to engage the Uni-
versity of Illinois team, last year's
Conference champions and un-
defeated thus far this year. On
the other hand, Michigan has lost
four games in 1928.
Last week, the fans saw the
Varsity hold and outplay a repu-
tedly superior Wisconsin team,
only to have Wisconsin slip over a
touchdown in the last two minutes,
to win 6 to 0. It was a hard game
to lose, but those who saw the
game .knew that the Varsity had
succeeded in its comeback and that
this was no team of which Michi-
gan could be ashamed. It fought
as Michigan teams do.
Illinois defeated Michigan, 14 to
0 last year. Sport experts and the
great majority of football fans ex-
pect Illinois to repeat tomorrow.
Previous records this year leave
them little choice. The only back-
ing the Michigan team has is in the
student body and in a few alumni.
It has happened before that the
underdog has won, however.
To estimate the value of a pep
meeting is impossible. There is no
doubt that it does instill the stu-
dent body with more enthusiasm.-
A large and enthusiastic crowd to-
night may work wonders as it has
done before. Because of this, none
should fail to attend this most cru-
cial and exciting pep meeting to-
night. . Show the team that the
Wisconsin fight was not in vain!
Purpose Of Meeting To Discuss
Problems Of Forestry
And Conservation
Timber land owners and opera-
tors from all over the state of
Michigan will be the guests of the
University at a cut-over land con-
ference today and tomorrow, Nov.
2 and 3.
The purpose of the meeting is to
discuss matters of mutual interest
and concern to both the faculty of
the School of Forestry and Con-
servation and the visiting lumber-
men. A special committee of
lumbermen will be selected for this
An inspection trip of the Uni-
versity will be held for the dele-
gates today. The particular points
of interest to be shown will be the
Natural Science building, the
school plantations at Saginaw
forest and Stinchfield woods, and
the not yet completed wood mech-
anics laboratory which is located
in the old heating plant behind
South Wing hospital.
Tonight the delegates will be the
guests of the University at a ban-
quet at the Union. Dean S. T.
Dana of the Forestry school and
other members of the faculty are
scheduled to speak.

Michigan Songs, Choral Selections
Presented By The Glee Club
As Musical Portion
More than 200 people last night
witnessed the initial broadcast of
the University Michigan Night pro-
grams from the new studio located
in Morris hall. Last night's pro-
gram, which was the fifth of the
current series, was put on the air
between 7 and 8 o'clock through
IWJR-WCX, the "Good Will Sta-
tion," of the Richards Oakland
Company, Detroit.-
The new studio, which was for-
merly the old band practice hall,
has been remodeled into one of the
finest broadcasting stations in this
part of the country, having been
realized through an appropriationI
by the University as a recognition
of the interest shown in the educa-
tional programs broadcast during
'the past three years from the cam-
The University Glee club provid-
edthe feature of the opening pro-
gram last night, presenting 35
minutes of Michigan songs and
choral selections. Opening with
"The Victors" and "Varsity," the
Glee club sang among other songs,
"'Tis oil Michigan We Sing," "I
Want to go Back to Michigan," and
"The Yellow and Blue."
Three Men Speak
Unlike previous programs, there
were only three speakers last night,
due to the length of the musical
selections, rendered by the Glee
club. Dean Edward H. Kraus of
the college of pharmacy and pro-
fessor of crystallography and min-
eralogy, delivered the first address,
speaking on 'What is a Gem."
Dean Kraus, who is the author of
"Gems and Gem Materials," and
who has traveled over Europe col-
lecting gems for the mineralogical
laboratory here, told of the history
of these precious stones. "As is
well known," he said, "Some of the
gem minerals were thought by
primitive people to possess peculiar
properties, that they brought luck
to the wearer or that they were
useful in warding off or curing cer-
tain diseases. Strange to say, sup-
erstitions of this character still
persist among people who are sup-
posed to be intelligent."
Dean Kraus outlined the various:
qualities that a gem must possess
and spoke of the practices whereby
some stones are named in such a
manner as to be misleading, and to'
give the impression that the stone
is more valuable than it really is."
Schmalz Talks
"Buying for the -Home" was the
subject of the second talk on - the
program given by Carl N. Schmalz,
assistant professor of retailing and'
assistant director of the Bureau of
Business Research. "The things
one must remember," he said, "are
first, to determine precisely what
you want; second, to learn to ap-
praise values; and third, to buy
where you can get what you want
at the lowest price."
In the final talk on the evening's
program, Dr. Millard Smith, in-
structor and research assistant in
internal medicine in the medical
school, spoke on "Arthritis." Dr.
Smith told of the types of arthists
or rheumatism as it is more com-
monly known, and described the
methods of treating each of them.+

Advantags Of Registration With
Bureau Will Be Explained
To Future Teachers
Students in all schools and col-
leges of the University who are
planning to take up teaching either
in February or next September are
asked to attend the meeting to be
held by the Bureau of Appoint-
ments at 4 o'clock this. afternoon
in Natural Science auditorium.
At this meeting talks will be given
and the advantages of registering
with the Bureau will be explained.
Any senior, graduate, or under-
graduate who finds it necessary to
take up outside work before com-
pleting his college course will have
permission to register for a position
with the Bureau.
Every year there are between 900
and 1,000 calls received by the
Bureau for teachers to fill vacan-
cies at high schools, small colleges
and universities. From those per-
sons who register with the Bureau
are selected the teachers who are
to fill the positions.
Teachers are needed to fill places
in the Upper Peninsula and in
small towns throughout Michigan.
Good experience can be obtained
in these schools and always after
two or three years' work in such
places come opportunities for ad-
While the Bureau is maintained
mainly to assist those who are pre-
paring to teach, it is also willing to
help those who are searching for
other positions connected with edu-
cational institutes. Every year
calls are received for secretaries,
librarians, and laboratory assist-
ants, and quite often these requests
are satisfied.
Issue Of Law Review
Will, Appear Monday
Announcement was made yester-
day from the office of Prof. John B.
Waite of the law school that the
first issue of the Law Review for
the current year will be ready for
distribution Monday.

By Yellii
When Michigan foregathers at 7:15 o'clock tonight in Dill
auditorium to articulate their belief that the mysteriously rejuvenated
Wolverine eleven can and will beat Illinois, the chief entertainment
of the evening will be provided by J. Fred Lawton, '11, speaker
and orator, composer of Varsity, ex-B. M. 0. C. extraordinary,
and widely-recognized as one of the keystones of Michigan spirit.
In most towns it would cost half a dollar just to see a man
like Lawton, let alone hear him speak. Every time he opens his
mouth Michigan spirit is reputed to fall out in bushel-basket loads,
and when he graduated back in 1911, the Michiganensian devoted
two extra pages of small print to an enumeration of his campus
During his undergraduate residence in Ann Arbor, Lawton
not only composed Varsity, but won his letter at fullback, captained

.his interclass track team, was a
member of the Board in Control
of Athletics, the Student Council,
and the Union opera cast, made
Sphinx, Druids, Michigamua, wrote
most of the music for the Union
opera, and belonged to the staffs
of The Daily and The Gargoyle.
Also Campus Politician
His record, also, as a campus
politician makes the present bosses
of Washtenaw and State street look
like a bunch of pikers. Lawton
Icopped the secretaryship of the
freshman class and the presidency
of the junior class .in the course
of his meteoric career on the cam-
pus. At present he is holding down
a job with the Connecticut Mutual
in Detroit, managing their office
Coach Benjamin Gaylord Ooster-
baan, reputed to have played foot-
ball for Michigan and to have been
mentioned for an end berth on sev-
eral all-American teams, has final-
ly been secured to deliver the sec-
ond'address of the evening. Bennie
had to disappoint a huge crowd
of his admirers at the Wisconsin
pep-meeting last week when head-
coach Wieman-Yost assigned him
to scout the Navy-Pennsylvania
game. He will appear in person
tonight, however, instead of send-
ing a statement to be read from
the platform.
Rather Well-Known
Bennie has been rather well-
known around Ann Arbor for a
couple of years, partly due to his
ability to snag passes ten feet over
his head, and partly due to the
inability of five or more opposing
blockers to deter him from tac-
kling any man with a football. Last
week, however, he added immortal-
ity to fame when WCX-WJR put
him on the air as part of a Michi-
gan Night program, and he enume-
rated his duties as a member of
the coaching staff.
"Steve" Jones, '28, now studying
law with Dean Bates, but formerly
a carefree hockey star and blithe-
some performer on the University's
debating teams, will deliver the
third and last pep Nlwz ev tL even-
Band, Cheerleaders, Asbeck
Ralph Popp, '29, and his trained
cheerleaders will put on an act to
liven up the program, and those
overworked and underpaid but har-
monizing musicians called the Var-
sity band will be on hand to com-
pete with-the vocal efforts of the
student body for the championship
of Hill auditorium. Frederick M.
Asbeck, '29, Michigan moundartist,
will preside over the meeting.
Butterfield interests will again
attempt their free-comedy strategy
to avert rushes on any of the local-
picture emporiums, If the film,
which will be imported from the
City of Pleated Fenders, holds to-
gether long enough, the attempt
may prove successful.
It is expected that the attend-
ance will crash last week's mark
of 3,500. The Wisconsin pep-meet-
ing seemed to put monkey-glands
in the tottering Michigan team,
and transformed eleven d o p e y
pushovers into a fighting aggrega-
tion. If the same inspiration is
forthcoming tonight, Michigan will
not face the Illini as the underdog



Mrs. Clara
Pa., asked

Adams of Tannersville,
to rest with the an-

nouncement she was "exhausted,"
but the men, Hans Nolde of Read-
ing, Pa.; Donald Casto of Colum-
bus, O.; Paul Marko of Brooklyn,
and Joseph Jessel of New York, said
they had the time of their lives.
Last Chance Offered
To Notarize Ballots

Smith Is

Victory Is His

Today is the last day that ballotsj
THE WEATHER will be notarized free of charge inJ
Room 302 of the Union, according1
(By Associated Press) to L. H. Lodge, president of the Re-
Colder today followed by rain or publican club. A notary will be
probably snow. Continued cold there from 1:30 to 3 o'clock and,
Saturday. . from 4 to 5 o'clock.
Pollock Predicts Republican Victory
As Forecast By Literary Digest Poll

(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Nov. 1.-With elec-
tion day almost at hand, Gov. Al-
fred E. Smith is confident that the
succession of crowds which have
cheered him from the Atlantic sea-
board to the Rocky mountains can
mean but one thing-victory.
"It is in the air," were the words
he used today in discussing with
press correspondents the many
ovations he has received during the
"Were you over in Jersey last

Von Luckner Believes Another War Is
Improbable Under Present Conditions,

"I predict a Hoover victory of nor-
mal Republican proportions," was
the statement made yesterday by1
Prof. James K. Pollock of the poli-
tical science department, who has
made a survey of election possibili-
ties based on the presidential poll
conducted by the Literary Digest.
"As I cannot possibly figure how
Smith can be elected," he said,
"the question then is, how large a
vote will Hoover receive? From my
figures it can be seen that I expect
his vote to be around 325 electoral
votes. In other words, I look for
an election similar to the Taft vic-
tory over Bryan in 1908 This is
really what might be called a nor-

candidate for the presidency. Even
though his electoral vote may be
higher, his popular vote can not be
expected to be as proportionally'
high as that of Harding in 1920,
he said.
"Smith almost certainly will re-.
ceive 'an impressive popular vote,"
he said. "I believe that his popu-
lar vote and his electoral vote will
be above those of Davis four years
ago, and certainly above those of
Cox in 1920. Smith will not, there-
fore, be the worst beaten candidate
in history, as some enthusiasts
have predicted."
Professor Pollock obtained his
figures from the nation-wide poll
conducted by the 'Literary Digest.1

night?" the Democratic nominee "America is the only country
asked the correspondent who had which is responsible for the defeat
' brought this question and receiving of Germany in the World war,"
an affirmative answer, he added: stated Count Felix von Luckner
"There was something doing over yesterday. "America is the only
there, wasn't there? It's in the air, country which could have won the
it is the same all over." war and which would have the
strength to win another war, should
Lucking To Address there be one immediately. Another
,Ewar in Europe is an impossibility
Democratic Meeting I because every country in Europe
F must look out for itself as part of
Alfred Lucking, Detroit attorney, the white race against the invasion
fornier congressmanj and promi- of Asiatics.
nent for many years in state and "There can be no war among
national affairs of the Democratic the powers of Europe so long as
party, will address an Ann Arbor the present situation continues, and
rally which will be held at 8 o'clock it is bound to do so because the
--~ m l+ .: ..t;-14- 4.. ^ NCL. -v. -- ..1.. '. ... -L I- 1 - :..1 1_

With the Atlantic ocean on the one
side and the Pacific on the other
there is no chance for invasion
from any point which could not,
be protected," he said. "Battleships
would be of little use in bombarding
coast towns because they are too apt
to be the prey of airplanes and
"Culture has traveled, always
from east to west. Beginning in
China it spread gradually to India,
Persia, Egypt, Greece and Rome
and up through Europe to Great
Britian where it began its long
westward sweep to America. As it
has traveled it has developed
until now modern culture is travel-




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