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September 27, 1928 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-09-27

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press, is exclusively en-
t:tled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it 'or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann .Arbor,
Michiganas second class matter. Special rate
of, postage granted, by Third Assistant Post.
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.o0; by mail,
Offices.eAnn Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2t214.
Telephone 4925
Editor.....................Paul J. Kern
City Editor..................Nelson J. Smith
News Editor........ ...Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Editor,.. ,............ Morris Quinn
Women's Editor............Sylvia S. Stone
Editor Michigan Weekly....J. Stewart Hooker
Music and Drama.............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor... Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
{oseph E. Howell Pierce Rosenberg
onald, J. Kline George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul L. Adams Donald IE. Layman
Morris Alexander C. A. Lewis
Esther Anderson Leon Lyle
C. A. Askren Marian MacDonald
Bertram Askwith Henry Merry
Fenelon Boesche N. .S. Pickard
Louise Behy ner William Post
Arthur Bernstein Victor Rabinowitz
Isabel Charles Tohn T. Russ
L. R. "Chubb Harold Saperstein
Laura Codling Rachel Shearer
FrankE . Cooper Howard Simon
Heleni Domiine Robert L.. Sloss
Edward Efroymsop Arthur R. Strubel
Douglas Edwards Beth Valentine
Valborg Egeland Gurney Williams
Robert J. Feldman Walter Wilds
Marjorie Follmer Edward Weinman
Oscar Puss Robert Woodroofe
William Gentry Seton C. Bovee
Tom -Gillett Toseph A.. Russell
Herbert E. Grossberg William Shaughnessy
Lawrence Hartwig Cadwell Swanson
Willis Jones A. Stewart
Richard _Jung Charles Swaby
Charles R Kaufman Edward L. Warner Jr.
Ruth Kelsey Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
i Department Managers
Advertising..................Alex K. Scherer
Advertising. ........A. James Jordan
Advertising.. .. .Carl W. Hammer
Service..... . ......Herbert E. Varnum
Circulation.... ...George S. Bradley
Accounts............Lawrence E. Walkley
Publications. ...........Ray M. Hofelich
Mary- Chase Bernard Larson
Jeanette Dale Leonard Littlejohn
ernor Davis Carl Schemm
Kasper Halverson Robert Scoville
George R. Hamilton Arthur H. Smith
Dix Humphrey Walter Yeagley
Night Editor-Pierce Rosenberg

ing the week, there was too much
unnecessary addressing of the
class of '32. A few speakers, well-
chosen, can accomplish much more
than a large number of mediocre
ones. The speeches by the more
important notables last week were
of high standard and well-re-
ceived, but the addition of less im-
portant Speakers with nothing to
say hurt ,the general effect. The
examinations, it must be admitted,
could have been given at 9 o'clock1
as well as 8 o'clock. Other needed!
changes were discussed by fresh-
men, upperclassmen, and faculty
alike; and while the week next'
year may not be radically changed,
there may be some needed im-
There were many things to ap-
plaud. The athletic contests were
very successful and were enthusi-
astically supported. The Union
smoker was a pronounced success.
The assembly, Thursday night,
brought forth much favorable
comment. The general coopera-
tion of fraternities and advisors
tended to make the works run
smoothly. The attitude of the
freshmen was fine, only a very few
marring the week. Examinations
were taken seriously, the new stu-
dents took advantage of most of
the opportunities offered, and sin-
cere efforts were made by the year-
lings to do their share.
Professor Frayer is already start-
ing plans for the week next year.
Among other things,' he has a
serious problem to face in that
of settling the Sunday program
matter. Local churches resent the
fact that the University plans a
special convocation for the stu-
dents, and voiced their protests
this year, asking that the students
be allowed to go where they
wished. The University gracefully
gave in, but planned a talk on
"The Student's Faith" for those
who wished to come. Forty at-
tended. Some better way will have
to be found. Other problems con-
front Professor Frayer and the
committee. But their second Fresh-
man week was a success, and in-
deed it glows better in the light
that it has had but two years to
shapen. Next year's incoming stu-
dents will probably find many new
and better things to greet them
on the threshold of University life.


In England two people fell'
through a skylight, from which
vantage point they had been
watching a ball. It is expected that
this is one method of crashing
Union dances that will not be pop-
uplar this fall.
* * *
A man in Detroit testified to
a jury the other day that he
killed his wife in his sleep.
That's what happens when you
eat those cheese sandwiches
before going to bed.
You can glean a moral even from
a tragedy like that one. If you
have a grudge against your wife,
go to bed and sleep it off.
* * *
Of course we ought not to
resort to punning, but we
might say in passing that the
new Women's building certain-
ly does grow by leagues and
Observations From Ypsi's Enroll-
ment Personnel, From A Critical
Figures Show many Interesting
-Headline in Daily.
"There will be no Niagara
Falls within .the next 200
years." announced Dr. Hussey
in a recent lecture.
Goodness, where will all the
honeymooners go now?
In Cleveland the other day a wife.
sued for divorce because her hus-
band referred to one of her dough-
nuts as a vicious circle.

Music And Drama





Announcements appearing about
Opera try-outs suggest that Mimes
is again getting under way with
the task of providing theater en-
tertainment for the Campus. No
official announcement regarding
plans for" the coming season has
been forth coming but if last sea-
son's record is any indication there
should be a number of interesting
bills presented.
Mimes .fulfills on this Campus
the quite unenviable part of edu-
cating movie-minded collegians to
the demands and advantages of in-
telligent theater going. The ex-
tent to Which Mimes carries out
this duty is, of course, debatable as
various articles appearing in this
column will bear witness. But no
one would take issue against the
statement that Mimes, with assist-
ance from Comedy club, is fight-
ing a more or less losing battle
against the palaces of the flat-
drama both locally and in Detroit.
Founded in 1912, Mimes was or-
ganized entirely of amateurs with
the object of producing a student
written show for the amusement
and encouragement of students
and alumni. With the backing of
the Union the annual brain child
has been exhibited under the more
or less camouflaging title of the
Opera. It has invariably made
money. Not so, invariably it has
set precedents. This year's show,
shrowded in as much mystery as
the new Ford car was once, seems
likely to do both. If that happens
every politician in the Union will
Nor will this column weep. But
a sentiment has for some time been
more or less apparent deploring the
fact that the stock company side
of Mimes should devote so much
time to the production of old hits
-and some not such very good
hits as 'that-without giving any
time at all to the not unreasonable
job of providing amateur outlet for
student plays. With its facilities
Mimes could give splendid produc-
tion to a student written play. The
play may not exist which can hold
a local audience but certainly
there is always George M. Cohan
to fall back on in case of a dent
in the box office, and the assur-
ance that Michigan is giving
Princeton and Yale a race in the
Theater Intime field should more
than compensate for the labor in-
Of course, Mimes works under a
handicap. Without financial en-
dowment, fighting the competition
of play production courses on the
academic side which properly
should be transferred to the prac-
tical, and without the machinery
for co-operation with such play-
writing courses as there are in the
University, it finds its chief duty in
initiating Joe Campus to the the-
ater. And a thankless job that is.
But with the recent developments
on the Rhetoric faculty to assist in
the production of student plays,
the outlook does seem somewhat
more hopeful that Michigan will
achieve" some means of completely
amateur theatrical expression. The
shade of Avery Hopwood would
certainly cheer.

Well, if we don't
pretty soon, we maya
pack up and go home.

as well

Yesterday morning an editorial
appeared in these columns criti-
cising.the office. of the dean of
students for the policy of entering
fraternity property to take num-
bers of automobiles operated in
violation of the automobile ban.
It has been explained since that
time that one of the chief rea-
sons for this move is 'the fact
that several fraternities are sus-
pected of having retained cars
here for the purpose of rushing
during the present week, attempt-
ing to evade the ban by late regis-
tration on the part of the car
The Daily; ,did not mean in any
sense to condone the violators of
the ban who have thus been escap-
ing punishment. This publication
believes, as it has continuously be-
lieved, that modification of the
complete automobile ban' along
sane lines can come only if the
students display sympathy with
rmoderate measures. There was ut-
terly no intention of defending
either individuals or fraternities
which have violated the automo-
bile ruling of the Regents on the
part of The Daily.

There are approximately 100
seats remaining of the total of
1200 in the Cheering Section. The
block "M" this year is already the
largest in the history of the Un!-
versity and Michigan students
have made a great gain in insur-
ing the perpetuation of the color-
ful letter on a scale larger than
ever before. But they also have
an even greater opportunity in
that by continuing to enroll until
the full allotment of seats is oc-
cupied they will be virtually as-
sured of the largest student cheer-
ing section in the country.
That this may be accomplished
arrangements have been made
such that any student who has
already applied for tickets can by
calling at the office of the Board l
in Control of Athletics in the Ad-
ministration building on Ferry]
field have his tickets changed to
seats in the cheering section. '
Another reason for enrollment
in the cheering section is that
only there can a first or second

Coolidge paddles a Birch Canoe,
says a headline in the world's
greatest newspaper.
Well, so did Hiawatha, and they
both got Minnehahas.
This Rae fellow furnishes
the silver lining to the black
cloud cast by the bemoaned loss
of Emery, the student's friend.
He is a very clever man, and he
promises to furnish just as
much fun to the boys as did his
* * *
Rae is the man who was made
famous in North Phlegm; Michi-
gan. When a traffic cop there
called, "Hey, Rae!," he is reported
to have retorted (note the pote),
"Do' Re Mi. boy!"
* * *


I ti

1111South University
Engineer's and Architect's Materials
Stationery, Fountain Pens, Loose Leaf
Books, Paper for all Purposes
Pennants and Jewelry

That's the record of one Fish Brand
"Varsity" Slicker owned by a 'Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania man,.
They'reiriltjust as Fish Brand
Slickers have been built for ninety
two years---to wear-and howl
They're cut on authentic college
lines-not skimped anywhere.' The
"Varsity model'is long enough to
protect your legs and is fullt lined.
It has a water-tight reflex edge in
front. Olive-khaki, black or yel-
low. Buckle-front or buttons-strap
or plain collar.
Go into the nearest store and put
a small fraction of this month's
allowance into a genuine Tower's
Fish Brand Slicker-"The Rainy
Day Pal." The best investment
you'll make all year. A. J. Tower
Company, Boston, Mass.

L 1 1 vt7YT+ vmA Y7 bl ;F'rMBBR27

Six years of
service and
twice around
the world

Every student needs a
Remington Portable
The vast numbers of students using
Remington Portables proves that
= every student REALLY needs a type-
= writer-not only to master the art of
typewriting, but for the preparation
of lessons. All through their school
life it is a constant inspiration to
greater effort and a'positive aid to
No other typewriter is so ideally built
2 for students. It is the smallest and =
- lightest of all standard-keyboard
portables, yet it does beautiful work-
it accommodates full width paper and
large envelopes. It possesses every
writing feature required in a modern
portable machine. e*
-.$60 with case =
he MayerSchairer Company
Stationers, Printers, Binders Office Outfitters
112 South Main Street . Phone 4515

It is men like this that the
Michigan campus needs.
* * *
Remarkable Handling of Figures
By The Reknowned Heywood,
Broun, Of New York
Heywood Broun, who always
writes good humor (unconsciously,
at times), and who is known as
the Prince of Platitudes, has a price-
less gem in The Nation.
" . . . fighting line increased by
another 1,000 men. These, with the
4,000 Marines already in the Re-
public, will make a fighting force
of 5,000 . .
* * *




i -


R. L. A.

* * *

Prof. William A. Frayer of the
history department, to whom many
compliments must go for his suc-
cessful direction of the past Fresh-
man Week, is, on the whole, satis-
fied with the way in which the
events went and with the excel-
lent cooperation shown by upper-
classmen, fraternities, and others.
He is sure that the 1928 event was
far better than the first, in 1927,
and that profiting by mistakes,
those in the future may come
nearer to attaining the degree de-
sired by the University.
Criticisms are always outspoken,
and such is the case with the past
week. The new students were in-
clined to grumble at the 8 o'clock
examinations, the long series of
talks, the triteness of the speeches,
and other things. Many of these
grumblings were justified, but if
the incoming students received or
saw nothing more in Freshman
week than those "hardships," they
failedi in finrlinio-the iini1evviinor

year student be assured of good
seats for all the games this fall.
Good seats, and a chance to be
of service to Michigan in helping
her to establish the largest and
most colorful block letter cheering
section in the country should in-
deed be sufficient reasons for urg-
ing any student to enter the sec-
The Republicans seem to have
only one rival in this corruption

"All students enrolled are en-
titled to practically unlimited
medical attention of any na-
(From Daily Official Bulletin)
* * *
No matter how close you may
come to finding the pole, Com-
mander Richard Byrd, you never
will get any warmer.
* * *
Well, that's a good name for
a gunboat.

Fascinating Dorothy Gish, cine-
mastar of worldwide fame has de-
serted the screen for the speaking
stage to make her debut as a star
at the Shubert Detroit Opera House
next Sunday night, Sept. 30. After
playing the week in Detroit and
one in Pittsburgh MissrGishtakes
her new play to Broadway where
it is expected she will create a sen-
"Young Love," Miss Gish's new
play, is awittysophisticated comedy
of the revolt of youth written by
Samson Raphaelson, the author of
"The Jazz Singer." In it Miss Gish
has a rare opportunity to display
her interesting personality and
gleaming through the flesh and
blood contacts of the speaking
stage and she promises to be even
more alluring than in her screen
triumphs "Orphans of the Storm"
and "Nell Gwyn."
Sharing honors with Miss Gish
is James Rennie, star of "The Great
Gatsby," and "Crime" and her own
husband, as leading man. The
supporting company has been pick-
ed from the best of Broadway ac-
tors, the play being staged by
George Cukor and presented by
Kenneth Macgowan and Sidney

- an
U1 I1inshe
- I Falls Smartest
= .. Style
as ,
2 2 Hand Tailored
- in Beautiful
- Unfinished
A.C. Bart


Smith has assailed the Republi-
can record for corruption during
the past seven and one half years,
according to the latest reports. Is
is envy or a sudden burst of hon-
esty that moves the Democratic
Perhaps happy Al will explain
ere long why New York state con-
tinues to run a defiicit while the
state revenue has been increased
more than three fold during his
All's right with the world once
more as Andy Gump, old faithful,

Now that Hoover has refused to
kiss babies as part of his cam-
paign, what has the Republican
party left as a platform?
* * *
The title page of the book sec-
tion in the July Harpers pictures
a debonair youth seated against a
tree to which a sign is appended,
"Beware the Bull."
Oh, well truth in advertising im-
plies honesty in manufacture. The


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