ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr tqL tw ivan 4 ai1lj MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VO XXX. No. 34. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1928 EIGHT PAGES STUDE TS TO ESTI G TE Fi CULT ZEPPELIN NEARS HOME CROSSES CO AST OVR SOUTHERHN HOMEWARD BOUND DIRIGIRLE SIGHTED AT NANTES OVER LOIRE BREAKS FLIGHT. RECORD Makes Rapid Trip From Roosqvlt Field To Home Port At Friedrichschafen (By Associ:ated Press) PARIS, Oct. 31-Homeward bound, the German dirigible, Graf Zeppelin, after a record-breaking flight across the Atlantic, was back in Europe tonight, headed for Friedrichschafen, where she was expected at daybreak. It was the second time that she had defied the stormy Atlartic. The huge ship which had taken more than 111 hours to make the trip from Friedrichschafen to Lake- hurst, N. J., crossed the French coast-line near Nantes at 1:43 p. m. (Eastern Standard time) at the nouth of the Loire river. It was 59 hours and 43 minutes since she sailed over the majestic seaport. Bests Previous Record The best previous dirigible run across the Atlantic was made by the British ship R 34 on its home- ward trip. On this journey the R 34 took 64 hours and 15 minutes to fly from Roosevelt Field, L. I., to Clif- don, Ireland. It will probably take the Graf Zeppelin a total of 75 hours to reach Friedrichschafen, GERMAN RAIDER SPEAKS TONIGHT Count Felix von Luckner Who will relate to Ann Arbor 'audiences his unique adventures as the German "Sea-Devil, the friendly foe of the allied merchant marines. TDDISPLAY SKETCHE[S FRHIGHWAY ST&MDS Drawings For Better Restaurant' Stands On Highway To Be Exhibited MRS. ROKEFELLER AIDS the nome part. The third day's flight of the air Competition number two, in the liner found her making fast time series of four competitions for the off the coast of Europe, taking the improvement of wayside-refresh- northern route instead of the ment stands along the highways of southern one on which she had on the United States has just been her voyage to America. The Graf completed and the prize drawings Zeppelin was about 900 miles off from the contest which is being the coast of southern Ireland at sponsored by Mrs. John D. Rocke- midnight Tuesday night., Then she feller, Jr., will be displayed in the turned in a southerly direction and lobby of the architectural building sped towards the Bay of Biscay beginning today and continuing over which she passed about 6 through Thursday, Nov. 13. o'clock this morning. From then Through the courtesy of the Art on, her course was charted by var- Center of New York City and the ious ships which sighted her and American Civic association of Wash- reported her, flying low and fast ington, D. C., the sketches were lent towards the coast. It had been to the Architecural college for dis- blustery in the bay early in the day, play. Ten prizes, totaling $3,000 but conditions improved as the day were awarded in this second com- wore on and when she crossed the petition which was divided into two coast-line conditions were fvor- groups, one for plans of wayside able. There was 'a fair northeast- stands and the other for plans of erly breeze, but the ship was sail- stands and gasoline stations com- ing along at a rate between 50 and bined. 60 miles an hour. j "In a desire to better the appear- Darkness Again Overtakes Ship ance of the roadside stands which Darkness had just set in when are beginning to menace the bauty the Graf Zeppelin hove into sight. of our highways," the movement Her lights were ablaze and she was begun with an initial donation steadily above the city at a height of $7,000 by Mrs. Rokefeller. of approximately 1,000 feet. She Awards for the competition was flying directly east, on a course which was concluded last March which would carry her straight to were based on the following four Friedrichschafen which is on the points: 1. Fitness of the Design same degree of latitude as Nantes. as a whole to meet the Needs and famedew ieslatuet .Spirit of the Problem; 2. Esthetic A few minutes later the homing Merit of the Design; 3. Excellence voyager passed over the populous and Ingenuity of Plans; 4. Practic-' suburb of Latremissineie, It was ability and Economy of Construc- just as the shops and plants in that tion. industrial place had closed their The campaign has been endorsed day's work. Sirens and horns shril- almost universally by such organi- led a shrieking welcome to the zations as the American Automo- great air craft which dipped a few bile association, the American So- hundred feet and then made a half ciety of. Civil Engineers and the circle as if in acknowledgement. Chamber of Commerce of the Uni- Then the ship turned her blunt ted States. nose eastward again and was soon 1_-_ lost to sight. N e w Bridge Used By The night was very dark and L g By cloudy, but there was no rain. The Many F O ot b a 11 Fans course which the dirigible appeared to be following was straight across The new Broadway bridge, which France. was opened Saturday at 9 o'clock, TO OPEN NEW 1 RADIO STUDIO ' FOR PRO6RA1M MORRIS HALL TO BE THROWN OPEN FOR VISITORS TONIGHT GLEE CLUB TO F E A T URE Kraus, Schmalz, And Smith To Deliver Three Addresses On The Program One of the most important steps in the broadcasting of the Univer- sity "Michigan Night" programs for the past four years will be realized tonight when the new studio, lo- cated in Morris hall, will be thrown open to the people of Ann Arbor to witness the broadcasting of the fifth of the current series. -The programs, which are broadcast ev- ery Thursday night between 7 and 8 o'clock, are put on the air through WJR-WCX, the "Good Will Sta- tion" of the Richards Oakland Company, Detroit. Reflects Public Interest The appropriation for the new studio is a recognition of the in terest shown in the educational programs being broadcast from the University during the past three years. During this time over 7,000 people have requested copies of the University bulletin containing all i the addresses given throughout the year by members of the faculty. The interest does not center on any one particular subject, but has been fairly evenly distributed over all the various fields of research. These bulletins are distributed free to all who request copies. Heretofore, the programs were broadcast from the old Adelphi rooms on the fourth floor of Uni- versity °hall, within which, a canvas tent was used to get the right accoustical effect. The new studio in Morris hall, equal to the finest in Detroit or the middle west, was formerly the band practice hall, and has been completely re- modeled under the direction of Ward A. Davenport, of the buildings and grounds department, who made an extensive survey of radio broadcasting studios in this part of the country. Has Several Features In the building has been built an accoustically perfect studio for small ensemble groups and soloists, a large studio capable of seating 200 people which will be used for the broadcasting of such programs as cannot be given in the small studio, a small announcer's room,j and a control room where the am- plifying board of the Michigan Tel- ephone company adjusts the voices of the speakers before they are sent to the studio of WJR. The studio, auditorium, and an- nouncer's room have all been deco- rated under the direction of Ross T. Bittinger, instructor in architec- ture in the department of creative design. The walls are made of ac-. coustic cellotex to deaden all echo and resonance, while the rooms are decorated with drapes and heavy carpet to aid in improving the sound qualities for broadcasting. Featured on tonight's program is the University of Michigan Glee Club, under the direction of Theo- dore Harrison, which will present 35 minutes of Michigan songs and choral selections. Three Talks Included Three talks will be given on to- night's program. Edward H. Kraus, professor of crystallography and minerology and dean of the Sum- mer Session and the college of pharmacy, will speak on "What is a Gem." "Buying for a Home" is the sub- ject of the talk to be given by Prof.' Carl N. Schmalz, of the school of business administration, while Dr. A FEW SEASON PASSES LEFT SIDE SECTION REMAIN FORT AUDITORIUM IS SOLD OUT FOR' ENTIRE COURSEI VON LUCKNER TO SPEAKI Variegated Career In All Walks Life Has Lead To Many Adventures OfI With all indications pointing tol the largest audience ever to attend one of the Oratorical association lectures, Count Felix von Luckner, the famous German "Sea Devil," will speak at 8 o'clock tonight in Hill auditorium as the opening number of the 1928-1919 lecture course. The subject of his talk is "Sea Raids of a Friendly Enemy." All season tickets for reservations were sold out three weeks ago and at that time it was decided that season passes be issued to one of the left side section of the main floor for $3.00 each. These are practically$all gone, it was announ- ced yesterday by Oratorical associa- tion officials, but a few may be had by calling at the office of the asso- ciation before 4 o'clock today in 3211 Angell hall. Single admission tickets may be obtained at the office of the association, at Slater's book store, or at the box office in] Hill auditorium, which will open at 7 o'clock tonight, for $1.00 each. There has been reserved the entire right side section of the main floor and part of the balcony for holders of single admission tickets. Wild Career Marks Life Count von Luckner has had a ca- reer which rivals the wildest dreams of fiction and has emerged from the World war as one of its best known and most beloved heroes. Though a mem er of an old and famous military family, a descendant of a marshall of France, Count von Luckner ran away from home as a boy and served seveny years before the mast under an assumed name, acting as kitchen boy, deck-swabber, and general roustabout. After he had found his way up from the station of common sea- man to that of an officer of the German navy, he returned to his family, who had long given him up for dead. All sorts of exploits brought him naval fame, with the result that he became the protege of the Kaiser. After the battle of Jutland, he was given the commandf of the "Seeadler," an old windjam- mer. t I I Social: Amos Pinkerton, presi- dent, Mary Francis, and Henry Wingate. ARGUME[NTS TO ST~fT IN CSE 'CLUBS TO Y Twelve Teams Of First Year Men To Meet In Opening Round Of Competition FOUR CLUBS TO COMPETE Announcement was made yester- I day by Prof. E. B. Stason of the Law school that the argumentsI in the Case cluos will begin thisf afternoon. There are four Case clubs in the- Law school, composed of first and second year law students. Each club has a senior law student and a member of the faculty as advis- ers. Each club has 24 first year men divided into 12 teams. 'Ihese teams meet other first year teams in the same club, arguing questions of fact that raise issues of law. The four best in each of these clubs go into the final round. The second year men are divid- ed into teams in the same manner. These teams have inter-club argu- ments, meeting teams from the other clubs. The two best out of the eight second year men in each club go to the semi-finals, and the winners of this bracket meet in the finals. Both the winners and the runners-up are given prizes in the final argument. Each year 128 men of the Law school compete in these Case club arguments. Sharfman Supports Al SmithCandidacy 'I+ s nt ilr lla+Io+ zmn T PORT APPOINT SENIORS T 0 COMMITTEES Committee appointments for the senior Law class were announced yesterday by G. B. Christenson, president of the class. They are: Cane: Ralph R. Hulse, chairman, Marshall R. Edred, and Henry C. Salveter. Cap and Gown: Jerome J. Fried- man, chairman, Stuart W. Hill, and James Lickly. Class Day: David Reel, chairman,! Edward E. Babcock, and Joe C.1 Gamble.1 Crease Dance: Donovan Erickson, chairman, Paul Smith, Gerald E. White, Wendal Decker, and William C. Frue.' Crease Paper: George Gale, chair-, man, Bernard Dobell, and Paul Ebel. Finance: Lawrence Haysm, chair- man, Austin Fleming, and Sorren Paul. Invitation: Ralph Beese, chair- man, Russell Maxwell, and Charles Zamiara. Memorial: Gerrit Demmink, chairman, Charles Preece, and Frederick B. Besimer.' Picture: David Vokes, chairman, Basil Baker, and John Hahn.. c .,..1 . A us. i ufn,Pn i_ PRESIDENT LITTLE SUPPORTS STUDENT COUNCIL INBUIRT OF YOUN6ERFACULTY MEN COMMITTEE HAS BEEN CONSIDERING MATTER FOR PAST WEEK WITH UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS President Clarence Cook Little will give his unqualified co- operation to the Student council on a plan now being completed to conduct a student investigation of the younger members of the University faculty, according to an announcement last night by Paul J. Kern, '29, before the regular meeting of the council. A committee of the council consisting of Frederick M. Asbeck, '29, Kenneth G. Patrick, '29, and Ernest C. Reif, '30, has been considering the matter during the past week with President Little, Alexander G. Ruthven, dean of administration, and Prof. C. S. Yoakum, director of the bureau of University research. LAWTON TO ADDESS'o . Will Be Secret The plan of procedure as out- lined by these men will be secretly to nominate student investigators, each of whomn will be provided with form questionnaires which they Author Of Varsity Will Address will fill out and hand in anony- Students Tomorrow Night In mously. The grade received by the Hill Auditorium student under the instructor inves- ' -tigated will be included in the form OOSTERBAAN MAY T A L K questionnaire. ty It is understood that only faculty . Fred Lawton '11, author of men up to the rank of assistant professor will be reported on in the 'Varsity, B. M. O. C. extraordinary, questionnaires. and widely recognized as one of the As yet the form of the question- keystones of Michigan spirit, has naire is undeveloped, but the coun- been secured to 'address the second cil committee will draw up a rough pep meeting of the year to be held draft during the present week and peporeethin oithegamobeinning submit it to President Little at - a. before the Illinois game, beginning meeting to be held soon. He will at 7:15 o'clock tomorrow night in draw up the final draft to be cir- Hill auditorium. culated among the investigators. During his undergraduate resi- Fills Administration dence in Ann Arbor Lawton played This plan originated from a need a spectacular role in campus activ- on the part of the administration ities. In addition to composing to act on reports more definite Varsity, he won his letter at full- than rumor and hearsay in pro- back, captained his interclass track moting younger men on the faculty team, was a member of the Board to professorships. At present there in Control of Athletics, the Student exists no adequate means of dis- council, and the Union opera cast, covering the various capabilities made Sphinx, Druids, and Michi- and defects of the newer men and gamua, wrote a good deal of the their eligibility for promotion. opera music, held class offices a This is the first time that such an couple of times, and belonged to investigation of faculties will have the staffs of The Daily and the been conducted by their students, Gargoyle. according to President Little, al- At present he is holding down a though a similar grading of pro- job in Detroit as general manager fessors was undertaken at North- of the Connecticut Mutual Life In- western two years ago, and Dart- surance company. mouth has attempted a student Although the matter was still criticism of the university curri- pending last night, it is expected culum. in official circle.k that Benjamin Councilman John R. Gilmartin, Gaylord Oosterbaan, coach, reputed '29E, reporting to the council on to have played football for Michi- class elections, announced that the gan to have been mentioned for three upperclass elections in all berths on several all-Ameriman schools had been run off with the teams, will follow Lawton on the exception of the pharmacy sopho- speaking platform. Last week mores. This election will be held at Bennie was scheduled to speak, but 5 o'clock this afternoon in room 303 had to disappoint a huge audience of the Chemistry building. in order to scout the Navy- Penn- Engineers Maintain Resistance sylvania game. He gained fame as Reporting on his attempt to sell a football speaker when WCX-WJR The Michigan Alumnus to the engi- put him on the air a week ago neering college seniors,, Council- Thursday as a part of the Michi- man Eugene Easterly, '28E, report- gan night program. ed inability to breakdown their The band, the cheer leaders, sales resistance. He attributed his presiding officer Frederick Asbeck, failure to a feeling that The Michi- '29, and Butterfield interests with a gan Technic means more to a film will likewise be on hand. The graduate - engineer than the doors of Hill auditorium will be Alumnus. opened at 6:45 o'clock, according The proposal to collect $2.00 with to Willard Lowry, '30, councilman in senior class dues throughout the charge of pep meetings. University for a year's subscription -_ to The Alumnus has been defeated in every college and school except Hoover's Proposal the literary college, where it will Attacked By Smith i go into effect. Filibuster Prevents Action (By Associated Press) Paul J. Kern, '29, council presi- NEWARK, N. J., Oct. 31-Alfred dent, announced that the council's E. Smith tonight declared Herbert plan to supervise expenditures of Hooer' prposl fr aspeialses Sclass committee's had -not yet been Hoover's proposal for a special ses- considered by the Senate Com- sion of Congress to tackle the farm mittee on Student Affairs, due to a problem "seems to be a surrender three-week filibuster on deferred for the purpose of securing votes i endar of that hasb clogged the cal- and demanded to know what could Councilman Richard S. Spindle, be accomplished at such a session '29E, was appointed to take charge in view of the Republican candi- of home-coming festivities and date's position on the farm ques- Ifraternity decorations on the week- end of the Iowa game. He will at- tion. tempt to secure the donation of a r -h Tt n r t c o ro e_ c n 1..:., _ 4--- ., L . r, r.= a ~ss t . ...'. iII it / 1 .1 Fools 17 Ships And 100 Prisoners From then on, his aaventures are one of the romances of the war. During these last two years he suc- ceeded in capturing and sinking 17 ships of the Allies. These boats were captured, the crews were, taken from them, and the vessels were sunk, without injury-in even the slightest degree-to any of the hundred prisoners taken.' Since the war, he has been given 27 decorations by his own and other countries, including the highest possible decoration from the Pope, conferred upon him for his kind- liness toward prisoners of war. All those attending the talk are asked to be in their seats a few minutes before 8 o'clock tonight in order that the lecture may start promptly at the time scheduled. No one will be admitted to the reserve seat section after the lecture has begun. Count von Luckner will be introduced by 'Robert J. Gessner,'I '29, president of the Oratorical association. S'UDENT DIRECTORIES I "it is unthinkable tnat even the most exalted office within our gift be withheld from one eminently fitted to serve the American people because of his religious affiliations or social antecedents," Prof. I. L. 'Sharfman of the economics de- partment told a large, enthusiastic ,gathering at the final meeting of the Smith-for-President club last night at the Union. Professor Sharfman went on to say that the existing economic prosperity is not as widespread as assumed and that its development formula was decidedly not a party possession. He decried the em- phasis on prosperity and the cry of socialism as failing to provide, a e,, onn. m- hakfrinairntrs_ More Rooms Needed For Football Crowd saw considerable use for its first day of service, according to a state- ment issued by the office of the city engineer. By actual count the new viaduct was crossed by 9,747 cars ht 0 s 0,n- mmnin and 9 A few copies of the cial student directory sale. They may be application between1 o'clock at the business 1928-29 offi- are still on obtained by [:30 and 5 office of the