)1TH MICHIGAN. DAILY -:. ICHIGAN PRESS LUB TO HOLD CONVlNTION RE FO RTHBE NYS LITTLE . AND EFFINGER WILL SPEAK TO PUBLISHERS AND EDITORS PROGRAMS ARE ARRANGEDI Will Be Tenth Annual Convention 'Of OrganizationFounded In Ann Arbor EMOTIONAL INSTABILITY IS CAUSE OF CHEA TING,_COLGA TE MAN SA YS University Of Michigan Club Of Detroit Sets October 17 As Definite Date For Annual D College cribbers are distinct psychological types as contrasted with ordinary students, according to Herbert C. Brownell of Colgate university who recently made a secret investigation of 30 soy-called successful Colgate cheaters. Un- known to the men, Brownell by devious methods collected data and then analyzed his information. Brownell says that the cribbers were more emotionally unstable than the average student. More than half the men were below the campus average intelligence. The great majority of the 30 were found to be extroverts, good social mixers, men who are inclined to be more active than intellectual. "His (the cheater's) low intelli- gence may make cheating some- what of a necessity. His extrover- sion may operate to further this. October 17 has been definitely ner given by the University of Mich set as the date for the annual din- ner given by the University of Michigan club of Detroit in honor of this year's graduates who have settled in Detroit. Two hundred and forty members of the class of '28 are to be guests of the club this year at the ban- is going to have a headquarters at quet at the Book-Cadillac hoteL Ann Arbor for the Michigan-Illi- Lou Bu'rt, '12E, is chairman of the nois game under the supervision of committee in charge of the affair. 1 Clarence Roseberry, Alumni Secre- Burt is general manager of the tary of the University of Illinois. Michigan Bell Telephone company. More than 500 alumni are expected In addition it has announced to the game from Chicago alone on that for the first time, the Univer- special trains and the headquarters sity of Illinois Alumni association is being located in the Michigan P ------------------------- His emc it easie under1 stated. Mr. I more tl ing co psychol With speeches by faculty men featuring its programs, the tenth annual convention of the Univer- sity Press Club will be held in Annj Arbor November 22, 23, and 24. President Clarence Cook Little, who will speak at the President's Ban- quet on "The University and the Newspaper," and Dean J. R. Ef- finger of the College of Literature Science and Arts are among the principal speakers chosen from the University to speak before the edi- tors and publishers of Michigan at that time. Regents Are Sponsors The President's banquet at which President Little will speak is being sponsored by the Regents of the University complimentary to the editors and publishers, niore than 300 of whom are represented in the club. Dean Effinger, who has just returned from abroad, will address the convention on "The French Newspapers."' The convention will take the form of an instructional institute, in which faculty men representing various fields of learning will give addresses an lead discussions, it is announced by Prof. J. L. Brumm, of the department of journalism. Select Special Topic One program will be devoted en- tixely to thengeneral topic, "If I Were Running A Newspaper." Speakers on this topic will include a leading lawyer, a prominent physician, minister, educator and' business man, Professor Brumm said. The University Press Club was organized ten years ago under the auspices of the Department of Journalism, on the occasion of the annual convention of American Teachers of Journalism held in AJn; Arbor. "The annual convention has been a very potent means of bringing tlie University and the newspaper men of the state into an under- standing relationship," P r o f . Brumm maintained. The WUERr MATS. 2 +& 3:40 25, +& l0c TODAY, FRIDAY AND S. A DARING PICT Tearing Away the Sham To Show Modern Girli 1 \ ,; h ' !- , 5 1 ' ~' 4mak\\ otional instability may make .91ICItt11111 k lllilIlli llili li l IB I lillillill it~llti1 1 1i itl1 it r for the spirit to succumb = the two-fold necessity," he Startin Brownell believes also that han half the college cheat Today uld be eliminated if this ogical type were eliminated. 5'he Got Wha Yo.eLokgF ADOLPH ZUKOR aNa JESSE L. LASKY oyosrF r rH NITES 8:4035c & ATURDAY I URE in s of Yesterday 1= ood as It Is! 4 wIi -.jaramou t Turn your eyes in her direction and you can't resist this dazziling creature of the gilded Parisian salons. She knows her "how and she captures all hearts. The whole world loves her. -." -/ WHAT THE-'r~ MODERN DOING ON THE STAGE BOB & GALE SHERWOOD aand Their BUNCH ! EY'S - "Entertaining Entertainers" SUNDAY-MARION DAVIES AND DOUBLE STAGE SHOW 11111111iltlllllltl~ llllll{II~tlll i lllNl lllgi ll ill lll lllllillilllllllllll ll llll11111111f19pilliillll li lt liltt11111111t1l t11iif191tIIg Il l ll I li ltll ltflll l GIll i. ; WHAT IS THE MODERN GIRL THINKINt ABOUT 7EMPLE?? SeJsationu "rt