Up IY, OCTOBER 31, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TI-!->M1\ LTL-1 1ATI.Y K- tAkir rive AvA xr- r ARTICLES FOR BAZAAR ASSIGNED THIS W Committee Chairman Announces That Letters Are Now Being Mailed WILL BE HELD DEC. 7, 8 Letters will be sent out this week to all dormitories, sororities, and league houses assigning the arti- cles that each house will be re- sponsible to make for the League Bazaar, Dorothy Flynn '30, chair- man of the committee on articles announced today. These articles must be in by the end of Novem- ber, since the bazaar is to be held December 7 and 8. As in previous years, the articles will be judged for general attract- iveness, originality, workmanship punctuality in turning them in, and 100% contribution. The gen- eral bazaar committee and the committee on articles will be the judges. The articles offered for sale at the bazaar ,will be those that a college woman would want foi her room or her own personal use, and will include lingerie, silk scarves, matching tie and handkerchiefs, matching flowers and purses, pil- lows, laundry and shoe bags, and dress bags. Contrary to custom, there will be no auction of left over articles after the bazaar. Dorothy Flynn, chairman; Inez Clark, '29, Dorothy van Swaluwen- burg, '30, Pauline Fast, '30, and Frances Jennings, '31, comprise the membership of the committee on articles. SPAN I S H COLLEGE STUDENTS RECEIVE ONE EXAMINATION Spanish students have an advan- tage over those in American uni- versities in at least one respect, ac- cording to the belief of Juan Cen- teno who is teaching his native tongue at the University of Oregon. In Spain a student is given only one examination during his college career. The examination is given orally by a professor and if the student passes it he receives his degree and graduates; if the ex- amination is not passed, the student stays in school until he haspassed it. Mr. Centeno also declared that residence at the universities is not reqired in Spain. All that is re- quired of the student is that he be able to pass his examination at the' specified time. The ease of social contacs be- tween men and women of the uni- versities contrasts greatly with the social standards established in the schools of Spain. In the universi- ties there, one must be acquainted with a girl for several months be- fore It is considered proper to ask for permission to call. Mr. Cen- teno stated that there are few wom- en in the Spanish universities but that more and more are attending every year. Until now not many of the women took advantage of the opportunity to attend the univer- sities, although for a long time they have been permitted to do so. ( NOTICE Sophomose women: All { eligible sophomore women who wish to take part in the I sophomore circus are re- I quested to report to mem- I bers of the sports committee in [ { the parlors of Barbour gym- nasium Wednesday or Thurs- day afternoon from 4 to 5:30. 0 0 Syndicate Work Offers Opportunity For Women In Journalism, Says Haines "The best place for women in attention away from her work. journalism is in syndicate work," Feature writing, human interest declared Donal H. Haines instruc- stories, and society work seem to tor in the journalism department be more in the women's line, he in an interview. "There they have thinks. He says, however, that men their own hours and are free from can write society news just as well the element of risk that they are as women. The main requisitel apt to encounter in straight news there is a democratic attitude. "The reporting." society editor or reporter who Mr. Haines, however, says that passes over the activities of the he sees no reason why women of lesser lights in favor of the town's the modern stamp would not turn j "400" is not the one who will suc- in just as good work as men, were ceed," he said. it not for reasons inherent in fem- ininity. No city editor, for instance, likes to send a woman on a night assignment, unless it be some con-AN cert or lecture, and likewise, no edi- tor will willingly send a woman to get a story wheater hwe is danger involved, no matter how intrepid-E the woman. This, of course, les- sens the value of a woman news Archduchess Marie Valerie Haps- reporter to the paper. Then there burg, only daughter of the late is the problem of permanency. A Emperor Francis Joseph of Aus- city editor faced with two appli p cants for a position, one man and tria, now more than 60 years old, one woman, is perhaps more apt to is making her living as a piano in- choose the man because it is prob- structoress in Vienna. able that he will stick at his job She has dropped the title of arch- longer than the wonpan. If he duchess for "Madame." Her morn- marries he will work the harder in ings are devoted to the giving of order to support two, but a married inslarsodevonddhto theegiving of woman is almost bound to center pianolessons and her afternoons to most of her attention on her home. needlework. Mr. Haines compared a city edi- It is said that the princess was tor hiring a woman news reporter bored with court life and always to an officer appointing a man with longed for the simple life of the glasses to look-out duty. The man people which she is now living. She with glasses may see better than is her own house-keeper and cook, the man with normal vision, but and is perfectly happy. Other the officer is taking the risk of members of the imperial family the glasses being broken. Similarly, have severed all connection with the editor, although he may know herbecause of her whole-hearted the woman applicant to be better support of the Republic. than many men whom he employs, Like her brother, the Archduke is taking the chance of being un- Salvator, who renounced royalty able to use her on an important before the war, Madame Hapsburg story, or of marriage drawing her is the idol of the people for her PLAN DINNER FOR HOUSE PRESIDENTS Invitations are now being issued from the office of the Advisers of Women for the annual House Presi- dents' supper which is to be given at 5:45 o'clock on Monday, Nov. 5, in the Women's Athletic building. The supper is an informal affairs given annually by the Advisers in honor of the presidents of all or- ganized women's houses. The supper will be served almost immediately after 5:45 o'clock, and following it a very short program is to be given. This is a change from last year's procedure, the sup- per last fall not having been fea- tured by a program. LITERARY SOCIETY TO MEET TONIGHT Tryout manuscripts will be read at the meeting of Chi Delta Phi, national literary society, at their regular meeting at 7:30 o'clock to- night in the playroom of Betsy Barbour. Due to the small number of man- CHAIRMEN URGED TO REPORT THEIR COMMITTEE LI S T S All committee chairmen are urged to turn the lists of their com- mittees into the point systems com- mittee in order that the names of those serving may be filed in the catalogue of extra-curricular ac- tivities. Each chairman is respons- ible for turning in her list as soon as possible. It is quite important that these points be recorded because all hon- or societies refer to them when choosing new members. Any one may check to see if her points are recorded by going over to the ad- democratic sympathies. She is re- garded by them as the "grand old lady of Austria's former glory." Notices Orchesis will meet at 7:15 o'clock tonight in the Women's athletic building. Phi Sigma announces the pledg- ing of Ruth Freidman, '31, of De- troit. CALIFORNIA: An eastern style magazine sent out a group of "fashion scouts" to find what the "well-dressed" man at Califorma wears. They declared they could find no such man. Traditional blue uscripts new m time b have b fully co The: manusc manusc and on DePa Of C "Open De Pau from 6 night, t ies hol groups. Each is allow women' girls' h four res each.1 two pla Thec ception introdu WASH Oath, o tions, s: youths came c the fres the fall for the s turned in no elections of ' "I thought so," she continued embers will be made at this gravely. "If you students would ut the manuscripts which only realize that we give you ,a een turned in will be care- first class examination which no nsidered. , doctor in private practice could af- final date for turning in ford to give any patient for less ripts was Oct. 22. These than fifteen or twenty dollars, uripts could be of any length maybe you'd appreciate it more. any subject. I Why, we have eye, nose and throat, teeth and ear specialists who are selected for their accuracy from auw Has Tradition Detroit, Northville, Monroe, and )pen House' for All Chicago, here in Ann Arbor to de their part in giving these exami- nations. Exchange "Everything that appears ques- n House" is a tradition at tionable in the records of these w. Once a year in the fall, examinations is rechecked, especi- to 12 o'clock on Saturday ally all cases of beginning fatigue, the sororities and dormitor- loss of weight, or aenemia, which d open house for all men might be indications of tubercu- losis. So far we have caught from men's group on the campus ten to twelve cases of early tuber- red fifteen minutes at every culosis, through these examina- s house. There are fourteen tions, so you can see they do ac- louses, and the men have complish something." Dr. Bell add- st periods of fifteen minutes ed this last a trifle dryly. "The Food is served at the last important thing is that they en- ces visited. able us to catch these cases at the custom originated as a re- minimum stages, when the chance3 held by the sororities to are that with a year or two of cur- ce their pledges. ing, and proper care, the patients will be all right for the rest of their HINGTON: The E p h e b i c lives. But when we let these cases ne of Washington's tradi- go a year or two until they become imilar to that taken by the visible, the chance for a permanent of Athens when they be- cure is considerably lessened. itizens, is administered to "I wish I could impress the im- shman class every year in portance of these physical exam- . It gives the class a motto inations on the students, and show next four years. them that they are not merely so visors' office. trousers or "jeans" for sophomores tIt1Q ItI1 mf11 1Il 1 1 11H 1 1 1 1 1 i l To be eligible for committee and corduroys for juniors and sen- work or extra-curricular activities, iors are the basis of the campus a C average with no E's is required. costumes. 1lIllill ili!!ltI lIll l ttlll l tlllllilllllll lllll lllll lilllll lllI ll ltllititllt: =t ' ; Luncheon-11:30 to 1:30.. .60c Dance Music=- Dinner-5:30 to 7:30.... 85c Sunday Dinner-12 to 2. $1.25 -Efrom ° = Weekly Rate, $7.00 Try it. - - 3:30 to 5:00= THE TEA CUP INN s 308 Thompson St. Just Off Liberty St. THand aflltflltlt111t11111tlllllll UIliillllttltittltlll till ltlll1 1111lltlllllltlftU[1lilidlltll .aSTAT E 6:00 to 7:30 = ..11llllttllilllililtltltlltgi il lll1 ltlll1111 1 !ltll 11111111111111111 il II II I1ll_ =ST R E ET_ Phone 4161 Mack & Co. We Deliver Y r t s-A, Distinctive Place 1 1Es t - A yy AND" "THE PARROT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF" Ou xcuiean W -sv - "ff of;N41 :-lf Exqut11ltllllllilltltttl~ll[l isiite lttylelltltlltl -~~ iier-lwy dr- I- -always in good taste, Metallic Caps these cleverly patterned Patent pumps. -featured by the exclusive New York shops are also shown in our millinery department. Also smart satins with bugle bead trimmings. Price ................:..........$5.00 up. =! Patent Beret Tams or .-;in allshae.Prie........$50 wts Satin 15% Discount on your Laundry A truly worth while saving on our popular "Cash & Carry" System WHITE SWAN LAUNDRY CO