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October 31, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-31

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...1 l iiiiiiiiiiiiiii ii iis iiii


Democratic Candidate To Complete
Campaign In New York And
New Jersey
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 30.-Removed
for a time from the shouts of the
thousands upon thousands who
welcomed him along a route which
zigzagged for 11,000 miles to the
heart of the nation, Gov. Alfred E.
SSmith spent today getting ready for
the intensive speaking drive with
which he will finish his campaign.
The Democratic nominee also
had an oppotrunity to take stock
of the work up to date and to ac-
certain for himself something about
conditions in his home state of
New York and the neighboring
state of New Jersey-the territory
he had selected in which to close
his drive for the presidency.
From the first these states have
been regarded as debatable ground
with both parties claiming them as
their own, until now, the governor
has been forced to a large extent
to rely upon reports brought to him
as to the situation in each.
Eyes 59 Electoral Votes
Tonight, however, he was in a
position to cast his own eye, sea-
soned by a further of a century of
experience in New York politics,
over the two states which have
alone have a total of 59 electoral
votes at their command.
The governor's program calls for
aninvasion of New Jersey tomor-
row with a speech at Newark that
night. It is one of the cities visited
by his rival, Herbert Hoover, in his
bid for the Atlantic seaboard vote.
What the Democratic candidate
will discuss has not been disclosed.
Some weeks ago he proposed to
take up the subject of labor. In
as much as he had but three ad-
dresses remaining, and as he has
said that New York state issues
will be tackled in the Brooklyn
streets Friday night, it is regarded
as possible that labor may be the
theme of the Newark address.
May Touch Several Topics
On the other hand, a number of
those who have been accompany-
ing the nominee on his campaign
travels, look for him to touch upon
a group of questions, much as he
did last night in Baltimore, where
he rapped the Anti-Saloon League,
the Ku Klux Klan, and the Repub-
lican position on foreign relations.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30-With
the air filled with the clamor of
the last, weeks of the campaign,
Herbert Hoover, in the character-
istic fashion, worked quietly today
at his, general headquarters and
his "S" street home welding into
shape four political shots which he
will hurl into the enemy ranks as
he travels westward to cast his
vote on November 6 at Stanford
University in California.
To all intents and purposes, Mr.
Hoover's activities in Washington
are almost ended, so far as the
1928 campaign is concerned, al-
though his personal headquarters
will remain open until the night

before election with James Francis
Burke, general counsel of the Re-
publican National committee in.
Hoover Is Confident
Mr. Hoover is leaving for the
West Thursday confident that he
will return here to be inaugurated
as president on March 4, his friends
and political associates for several
days have constantly brought him
messages of assurance of victory.
Among the callers at the head-
quarters today was James A. Gar-
field, of Cleveland, son of the mar-
tyred president, who reported that
sentiment in the middle-western
states he recently had visited, was
strongly favorable to the Hoover-
Curtis ticket.
Garfield issued a statement in
which he charged the Democratic
standard-bearer had misrepresent-
ed Hoover's attitude on several of
the leading issues of the campaign.

Frank Wilson, Colored
Discusses Proble
"When I am on the stage I am
almost entirely unconscious of the
presence of any audience out in
front of the foot-lights," declared
Frank Wilson, noted negro actor,
who appeared at the Whitney the-
ater yesterday in the title role of
"Porgy," the popular production of
the New York Theater Guild. "My
only re-action to the presence of
an audience is perhaps that after
the first few minutes on the stage
I can readily sense whether or not
I have an appreciative audience.
and whether they care prticularly
for humor or pathos.
"The future for drama in this
country certainly appears to be
very bright indeed," Wilson con-
tinued, " and I am anxious to see
what developments will come about.
As far as the negro plays are con-
cerned, I wish it would not be con-
sidered an essential of the popular
negro plays, such as "In Abraham's
Bosom" and "Porgy," that the play
end tragically rather than in a
pleasant manner. There are many
opportunities for the conception of
good negro plays which could be
pouplar and nevertheless be pat-
terned with a happy ending, show-
ing the joy that exists in the negro,
along side of the sadness."
Asked what he thought the atti-
Increase Reported
In Student Illness
Threatened "Pink-eye" Epidemic
Under Control Asserts 1
Dr. Forsythe
Increasing g e n e r a 1 sickness
among thei student body is report-
ed by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe, di-
recting physician of the. University
Health Service, although no partic-
ular type of ailment predominates.
The threatened epidemic of "pink-
eye" last week seems to be under
control, he asserted.
Speaking of the routine physical
examinations of students entering
the University, Dr. Forsythe ex-
pressed satisfaction with the im-
proved method of conducting the
work inaugurated this year. A to-
tal of 3,268 examinations were
made by the Health Service staff,
including 1,884 men, 869 women,
and 515 re-examinations.
During the period between July
1 and Oct. 1 the infirmary cared for
75 patients, and 39 student patients
were sent to the hospital. Included
in this group were 16 requiring1
major operations and 11 tonsillec-
Hunters Injuredy
As Season Opens
Last Thursday the rabbit seasonc
opened with a bang, and that same
bang sent four men to the Univer-
sity hospital on Sunday full of
buck-shot. There is a reason why
Sunday should be the chosen day
for such a thing to occur. Sundayi
was the first opportunity that thec
majority of men had to go huntinge
and as a result Washtenaw county,s
one of the few counties which per-
mit Sunday hunting, was crowdedc
with gunmen.c
Removing shot from a person is
no easy task, and the University
hospital was kept very busy oblig.
ing the four victims in that respect.1
Three of these suffered only minor
injuries like lacerated arms and
legs, but the fourth is in a serious
condition. He was shot in the ab-
domen and the lead penetrated
some of his vital organs. Little
hope is given for his recovery.
Comedy Club, Opens
First Play Of Year

"Diplomacy," C o m e d y Club'sc
initial effort for this season, open-c
ed last night in Mimes theater be-1
fore the first audience gathered-
there this year.
I Additional performances of Sar-
dou's well known production are
I scheduled for tonight and the re-
maining nights of the week, in-
cluding Saturday night. Tickets
can be purchased at the Mimes1
theater box-office which can be
reached by calling the Union. {
Sardou's popular play, a story of
life in diplomatic circles, compli-
cated with actions of agents of an-a
other country, has long been aI
favorite. Last year a George
Tyler revival company toured the
entire country and created - en-
thusiastic comment wherever the.
group appeared.
Faculties For Smith;
dY U . lier -

Star Of 'Porgy,'
ems Of Negro On


tude of people in general is towards
such plays as "Porgy," Wilson said
that he felt certain that the aver-
age white person who sees such
a play takes it in the proper spirit
and appreciates it as the author
intended it. But he feared that
many negroes who saw the play
dn ba t raaaamrlta zhia


Weather Conditions
DelayRome Flight
Monoplane Columbia Was To Have
Followed Graf Zeppelin;
Ship Is Ready

! no. .ouL were ilarmedTn aLt wite
people might gain the impression ROOMING HOUSE OWNERS FILE
that all negroes lived and acted PROTESTING PETITION
the same as the characters in the WITH GOVERNOR
plays, instead of realizing that the
play presented only certain phases LITTLE TAKES NO S T A N D
of the lives of one group of negroes.
Wilson told briefly of his interestS
in the drama, saying that it began Say Pla Sponsored B egents
when he was very young and spent Would Decrease Values Of
all the time he could reading every Local Property
available bit of writing on the thea-
ter and persons connected with Seeking to halt the operations
the theater. Sunday supplements,a of the University in erecting a new
bohks, mgainer.,undysppers,$800,000 women's dormitory on Ob-
books, magazines, and newspapers servatory street, E. N. Brown, 523
dealing with the theater attracted East Madison street, yesterday
v ev te in as wg and danc in headed a committee to present Gov.
act, with occasional appearances in tedbehalffrooinh a petition on
musical shows:i. ers to protest the erection of such
While working in a post-office
later, he spent much of his time a building.
writing plays and playlets. Many Brown stated yesterday that the
of them were produced at the Lin- petition was the crystalyzation p-
coln and Lafayette theaters in Har- 'e owners of the opion thp
lem. Three and a half years of the construction of such a build-
study at the American Academy of ing would,seriously jeopardize their
Dramatic Art resulted in his get- various real estate investments in
ting small "parts in Eugene O'Neill's that there would no longer be a
plays, "All God's Chillun Got demand for rooming houses with
Wings" and "Emperor Jones." Next the operation of a large dormitory
he had a small part in "In Abra- such as the Regents authorized in
ham's Bosom," while at the same their September meeting.
time he was, an understudy to the Feel Rights Jeopardized
leading man, Jules Bledsoe, who is eerights Jeoparie
now playing a major part in "Show "We understand that the Univer-
Boat." His big opportunity came sity building program in this re-
when Bledsoe left the show and he spect has been carefully considered
"did" the part of "Abraham." His and advised," Mr. Brown said. "No
present role followed that engage- doubt it has. However, we feel that
ment. there are certain rights and safe-
guards to which the property own-
ers of the city are entitled, and for
I that reason we ask for an investi-
gation to determine if such a move
as that suggested is the best one
' ln from all angles. We have no desire
OF niirnr E SLAII L to be unfair, but in a matter that
so vitally affects a large number
of people, we consider it only right
One Confesses to Career of Crime; that we should know exactly what
Parents Seek Legal Aid is happening."
Of Clarence Darrow The remainder of the committee
_ren_ rhad not yet been selected, Mr.
Brown said, but he intimated that
DAMAGE S U I T S BROUGHT it would not be long before the
petition was presented to Gov.
(By Associated Press) Green while appearing in one of
ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 30-Hardly the neighboring counties at a po-
72 hours after their arrest, George litical rally.
Harsh and Richard Gallogly, erst- Dislikes Financing Plan
while college students, were under The protest asks that the Gover-
joint indictment today, charging nor look into the proposal of the
murder in two holdups, and faced Regents and that further action on
damage suits asking a total of the dormitory, until a report is
$150,000. made as to the economic advantage
A confession signed by Harsh re- of the building to the community,
counted a three week's career of be prevented. The petition also
crime during which seven robber- voices the objection to the finance
les were staged, but police said plan which called for a loan of
they had enough evidence without practically the entire $800,000 from
asking robbery indictments. the Guardian Detroit company of
Meanwhile, the wealthy relatives Detroit.
of the two youths, through attor- Dr. Clarence C. Little, president
neys' announced that they were of the University, declined to make
considering plans to retain Clar- any comment on the matter, saying
ence Darrow, Chicago criminal that the petition was addressed to
attorney, to join the defense. the Governor and that further de-
Mrs. Mary Velle Smith, 19-year- velopments should originate with
old widow of Willard A. Smith, that official.
drug store manager who was fatal-
ly wounded in a holdup on Oct. 16, THE WEATHER
has filed suit for $100,000 against Mostl
Moty clouay Wednesday and l

(By Associated Press)
-Weather balked the trans-At-
lantic monoplane today from tak-
ing the air in a stern chase of the
dirigible Graf Zeppelin on a flight
to Europe.
All was in readiness for a start,
with tanks full and Roger Williams
and Peter Bonelli, the crew on hand
when an adverse report from the
weather bureau caused postpone-
Williams said he and Bonelli
would be back on the field at 9
o'clock in the morning, ready to
take off if the ocean weather had
There were reports last week that
the Columbia would start for Rome
at the same time the Graf Zeppelin
left for Germany in an effort to
show thesuperiority of airplane
over lighter than aircraft.
The zeppelin got away Sunday
night, however, and the Columbia's
yellowed wings had not yet lifted
against the sky tonight.
New York Repetory Company Will
Open Special Series Here Late
In November
Four plays will be presented by
the Theater Guild of New York in
a special season series during the
month of November and the first
week of December. The perfor-
mances here will be under the aus-
pices of the Michigan Theater
League which has placed the sea-
son tickets on sale at the Print and
Book Shop.
This is the second season of the
Theater Guild's Repertory com-
pany. It was founded last year in
response to a demand from cities
which said they would like to see
samples of the Theater Guild's pro-
ductions. Faced with the impossi-
bility of maintaining its New York
schedules and touring extensively,
the Guild organized the company
which will play here and gave
to them the policy of touring the
Guild's major successes.
The repertoire for this season
holds four plays, all of them highly
successful in New York. One of
them is Bernard Shaw's "The Doc-
tor's Dilemma," a diatribe against
the foibles of the medical profes-
sion; another is Sidney Howard's
"Ned McCobb's Daughter," wherein
the new American meets the old;
there will be the famous "John
Ferguson" play of St. John Ervine,
the eminent English critic who is,
this winter, officiating as guest
critic in New York for The World.
Finally, there is "The Second Man,"
a high comedy by S. N. Behrman,
whose new play, "Meteor" will be
produced by the Guild this season
in New York.
The players who will interpret
these plays are well known. Eliza-
beth Risdon, leading woman, has
acted with the Guild in many of
its New York productions, "Pygma-
lion," .Heartbreak House," Right
You Are If You 'Think You Are" and
"The Silver Cord."
Robert Keith, leading man, was
in the original production of Eu-
gene O'Neill's "Great God Brown"
and in the revival of "Beyond the
Horizon." Last season he was in a
comedy called "Jimmie's Women."
Among the other well known
players who will be in the cast are
included Edwin Moswell, Branden
Evans, Warburten Gamble, and Peg


NEW YORK, Oct. 30-The second day of the homeward
journey of the German dirigible Graf Zeppelin found the huge air
liner over mid-Atlantic with the likelihood that she would not reach
her home port much before tonight or* perhaps even Thursday
Met with varying weather conditions, first a favoring tailwind
which drove her along at a fast clip and later by a southeast gale
that she was forced to buck, the Graf Zeppelin tonight was in a
high pressure area extending as far as the Spanish coast, holding
out the prospect of a smoother passage.
Earlier reports today placed the air liner far to the north, well
in the northern steamship lane, but other messages indicated that
. she was swinging in a southerly
Train Bandit Leaps direction headed in the direction
F of the French and Spanish coasts.
During the day at least one
steamship, the westward bound
(By Associated Press) Mauretania, was in communication
CHICAGO, Oct. 30.-Passengers with the great ship of the air which
on the Michigan Central's Westernwithntheomretingfthe ir which
Express, New York-Chicago extra is now completing the first round
Efarestrai, ere Ykhelduona trip trans-Atlantic commercial air
fare train, were held up Monday vyg nhityOnoteshp
night by an armed Negro who got yage in history. One other ship,
aboard at Michigan City, Ind., and the German vessel Munchen, re-
jumped off as the train was roaring ported the zeppelin, stating that
toward Gary.the airship appeared to have com-
pleted half of her 4,000-mile home-
ward journey.
ruiniCANG Rides Gale Safely
Messages giving the exact posi-
tion of the dirigible were rare.
rectly from the zeppelin and from
other sources, that all was well
aboard her. Although she had
Present System Will Transform fought a southeast gale for part
etUniversityWlucation, of today's run, she did not appear
Professor Thinks to have suffered unduly nor enough
to arouse., any apprehension such
as on her trip to the United States
TALKS TO H I L L E L GROUP when a hole was torn in her port
stabilizer by the winds.
"The entire outlook of university The difficulty of determining the
education in England will be trans- exact position of the ship was ii-
formed if the present system con- lustrated by conficting messages
tinues to improve as it has so far," received during the day. These
said Prof. Robert M. Wenley, of the messages all agreed in placing the
department of philosophy in his zeppelin north of the forty-fifth
open-forum address before the degree of altitude which strikes
Hillel foundation last night. He ex- central France, but differed as to
plained that the English system how far north she was. Weather
with its creation of fellowships is conditions suggested the likelihood
developing a new bond between its that she might strike farther south
graduates and the universities, and in the direction of the Spanish
many of these students will become coast.
presidents and leaders in new uni- Message To Friedrichschafen
versities throughout the island as A direct message received at
they are established. Friedrichschafen late today from
"The entire British system is the Graf Zeppelin said that at
competitive and is much harder 12:15 a. m. Greenwich Meridian
than anything in America. We time (7 a. m. Eastern Standard
have entirely too little work to do Time) she was in latitude 45 north
outside of the classroom and that and longitude 41 west. This placed
is where, the greatest accomplish- her approximately 550 miles east
ments are made by the English and slightly south of Cape Race,
student. Most of the teaching is Newfoundland.
done in private conferences with At this time the. ship had won
tutors, and there is no favoritism her way to a low pressure area and
and loafing comparable to that of had entered a more favorable re-
schools in the United States. gion where she was able to aver-
"The English university system age about 75 miles an hour. All
in general is hard for the Ameri- was reported well.
cans to understand and become Earlier in the day the Mauretania
accustomed to, and it usually takes had reported that she was in com-
the Rhodes scholars, sent over as munication with the zeppelin. The
the pick of our colleges, about a Mauretania's first message laid the
year to find out what they are do- air liner in approximately the
ing. One of the greatest problems same position as that given by the
is that the same words often have Graf at the same hour. A later
very different meanings in the two however, gave the airship's correct
"Tn Arin.Pi,,a r position at this time as 52.30 north

primarily arrand, t tacfoe-and 40.30 west. This would have
pimarilyu rranged to teach forei- placed her much farther to the
gners about our country and its north although about in the same
language, but in England there ex- longitude.
ist definite standards of education g FairProgress
and knowledge, which are high and h F a grs
require a good preliminary training ric scafghe message om Frie -
in the public and secondary:
schools.",a erly position as coming directly
_______________from the, Graf Zeppelin, a later
I mfessa Lo' intarb+Tip Mn it a
*A *Lb. ~IJ I.A FJ YGLtL

the ..pair, citing the confession by
Harsh. L. V. Ellis, manager of the'
chain store in which E. H. Meeks
was fatally shot on Oct. 6, during
a holdup, asked $50,000 in a suit.
Ellis was wounded during the rob-
Indictments were sought beforel
a special session of Fulton grand
jury Monday afternoon and were
returned within three hours.
Habeas corpus proceedings, in-
stituted by attorneys for the youth
and returnable Friday, were ren-
dered void by the grand jury in-
dictments. Release had been sought
pending actual indictment.

Thursday; probably light rain or
snow flurries in north portions and
rain Wednesday night or Thursday
in south portions; colder Thursdayj
in north and ceitral portions, and
slightly warmer Wednesday in1
southeast portions.


Payments on unpaid sub-
scriptions to The Michigan
Daily are due not, later than
Nov. 15. After that date the
subscription price will be ad-
vanced to $4.50 on all unpaid


v '"

Science Manufactures Artificial Larynx To Restore Speech
To Dumb; Provides For Normal Articulation Through Mouth

(By Associated Press)
ATLANTA, Ga., Oct. 30-ScienceC
has tackled the human voice and
out of the laboratories have comej
sound speech for the dumb and a
sound code which may be used1
readily to replace all codes used
heretofore in war and peace.
An artificial larynx has been
made to do the work of the human.
vocal chords and voice box in
those persons who have found it1
necessary to have this organ re-
moved because of a malignant di-
sease, said Dr. Sergius P. Grace,
Sasisamt-vic presden t o fthe Bell

., -


_.._. __ r. _ _

far as breathing or'speaking is con- wishes to speak.
cerned, but breathe through a small On the other hand, he may have
artificial outlet just about at their his organ that science built pro-
collar bone. They, are unable to vided with a small bellows. At
make a sound through the mouth. first, Dr. Grace explained, theseI
So far, to benefit these persons 'voice boxes" made only a mono-
the artificial voice box was made. tone, but now they are made so
It was composed of a black tube that an accomplished person even
about a quarter on a inch in di- may sing with them, not to men-
ameter with an enlargement and tion talking over the telephone.
then a continuation of the tube, The scientist said that several
in all about eight inches long. If hundred people now use this means
air is forced through the longer of talking.
tube, the thing emits a sound Then Dr. Grace set up a loud
something like that of a hand or- speaking set and spoke into the
gan. ,But then if the other end is i transmitter. Unintelligible expres-
placed in the mouth and the lips 1 sions came out of the speaker.J

Smith Will Receive'
$80,000_Pension Fee1
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 30-When Gov.
Smith leaves state service on
January 1, he will be eligible to re-
ceive approximately $80,000 under
the state retirement system.
Morris S. Tienaine, Democratic
candidate for re-election as comp-
troller, addressing a luncheon of
state and city labor organizations
today, said that for the premium
which the governor had been pay-
ing toward the retirement fund,
during his 31 years of public serv-

.11r4 C g juil p y Ul varile
Corporation placed the zeppelin in
the more northerly position report-
ed by the Mauretania. The message..
stated that the steamship Capulin
had reported sighting the air liner
in latitude 52.30 north and longi-
tude 37.40 west. At 10:40 Eastern
Standard Time this placed the ship
about 730 miles northeast of Cape
Race indicated fair progress from
the time of the Mauretania's re-
The ship is expected home tomor-
row night. Even then she may
not be able to land, but will have to
cruise around, possibly as far as
Berlin until morning before being
returned to her hangar whence she

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