THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1928 __ I L F Y ICIAL BULLETIN nation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members e University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.) Aeronautical Society: A lecture meeting of the Aeronautical Society will be held on ITuesday, October 30, at 7:30 p. m., in Room 348 West Engineering Building. For the benefit of the members of this Society, Mr. Walker of the Evans Glider Clubs of America, and representatives of the Glider Incorporated will speak on the subject of gliding in Europe and America. Films brought from Germany will be shown. Everybody is cordially invited to attend this lecture. W. E. Koneczny, President TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1928 No. 32 ;ice to All .means ant Heads of Departments: The Secretary's Office will have NO Student Directories for free ribution this year. If your office needs a directory please make a ulsition through the Purchasing Department for the number you l require. The directory goes on public sale November 1. H. G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary dents, Colleges of Literature, Science and the Arts:4 Students in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts desiring apply for a University scholarship (value $200) should apply at. Dean's office (Room 1210, Angell Hall) for blanks and fill them and return them on or before November 1. H. P. Thieme, Chairman Scholarship Committee 01ips Scholarships: Three scholarships of $50 each, provided by the bequest of Henry illips, are open.4.o first-year students pursuing studies in Latin and ek. They are awarded upon examinations, which are to be held* November 9 and 10. Applications in writing should be handed at once to Professor J. G. Winter or to Professor Campbell Bonner.. The conditions of eligibility for these scholarships and the scope the examinations are fully explained in the University Publication holarships, Prizes, and Loan Funds," pages 6-7. Copies of this ular may be obtained at the Secretary's Office in University Hall. Information may also be obtained from Professor A. R. Crittenden, 6 Angell Hall, or from Professor Bonner, 2020 Angell Hall. J. G. Winter Campbell Bonner C. C. Little Committee eption to Foreign Students: All foreign students in the University are cordially invited to attend reception given them by the President and the Deans Wednesday. ning, October 31, at 8 o'clock, at the Women's Athletic Field House. Invitations have been mailed to all foreign students known to the nmittee of Advisers. If, through lack of information, any names ve been omitted, the Committee cordially invites such foreign stu- its to attend the reception and to make themselves known to the jersigned or other members of the Committee, in order that their nes may In the future appear on the Committee's mailing list. J. A. C. Hildner, Chairman Advisers of Foreign Students mbers of the School of Physical Education: The first meeting of the Men's Physical Ed. Club-Tuesday, October -eight p. m.-roomi 20-Waterman Gym. All men Physical Education dents are invited and urged to be present. Talks by two members of the United States Wrestling Team on ir experiences as participants in the .1928 Olympics. Mr. Elroy Guckert will tell us about "Leisure in Japan." R. G. Nebelung, President Miors: II h= imperativE that you make your Michiganensian picture pointment immediately. The business office on the second floor of Press building is open every afternoon from 1 to 5, and upon yment here of $3.00 you are in a position to make your appointments, .h any one of the four official photographers, namely, Dey, Randall, 0tschler, or Spedding. $2.00 of this amount will be allowed by the tographers on any private order which may be given before Christ- ,s. Act now, and get a' convenient appointment. Thomas Thomas, Managing Editor yetricals: Mr. William T. L. Cogger, Manager of the Vacuum Tube Department the General Electric Company, will talk on The New Vacuum Tube, day afternoon at 4:15, in the West Lecture Room of the West Physics ilding. The talk is non-technical in nature and is open to the public. W. R. Hough, President of the A. I. E. E. Student Branch val Aviation: The scheduled meeting of the class on Tuesday, Oct. 30, will be stponed until Tuesday evening, October 6, 1928. C. M. Ellicock 6-Medical Students: There will be a meeting of all pre-medical students this afternoon 4:15 o'clock in the West Lecture Room of the West Medical Building. Harold W. Lovell use Presidents: There will be a meeting of the Board of Representatives Wednes- y, October 31, at 5:00 p. in., in 110 Library. Elizabeth Wellman, Chairman Industrial Engineering Society: The Industrial Engineering Society will meet Tuesday, October 30, at 7:30 p. M., in the Engineering Society Room. All men interested in the Industrial Management phase of engineering are invited to attend. W. R. Wright Absent Voters: Applications for absentee voters of Michigan may be received at 302 Michigan Union today from 2:00 to 5:00 p. m. Thursday is the! last day that applications could reasonably be mailed to their respective precincts. prWhen you receive your ballot BE SURE AND FOLLOW ABSENTEE, VOTING INSTRUCTIONS EXPLICITLY. If your ballot requires a notary's seal, this service will be provided at 302 Michigan Union, Tuesday, 2:00 to 5:00 p. m., Wednesday and Thursday, 1:30 to 3:001 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. Please bring identification sufficient to enable a notary to swear you in. L. Harvey Lodge, President University of Michigan Republican Club Book Shelf and Stage Section-Faculty Women's 'Club: ' The Book Shelf and Stage section of the Faculty Woman's Club will meet with Mrs. H. S. Bull of Ann Arbor Hills on Tuesday, October 30, at 2:45 p. m. Mrs. Moore will assist as hostess. Mrs. R. D. T. Hollister Michigan Dames: The Michigan Dameq Club will entertain their husbands at a pot- luck dinner party at 6:15 Tuesday, October 30, at Barbour Gymnasium. All married studlents and their wives are invited to attend. For further information and reservation, call Mrs. A. J. Good at 22200. Mrs. C. W. Ferris, President Hillel Foundation : Professor Wenley will conduct the first open forum meeting at the foundation quarters tonight from 7:30-9:00 p. m. Everyone is invited to attend. Philip Stern R. S. JIullwer Cornelia Burwell Robert E. Carson H. N. Champlin Helen Louise Corwin Raymond Craigan Philip Crane Miss E. G. Dawbam Marquerite Doose August Dooval Bill Dunney Donald Easter Alice Eastman Morris Esman Augustus W. Foscue Elmer P. Frierson Daniel Gafill Mrs. N. D. Gillespie W. A. Gillette William Gitian Quinby Gurnee Grace Hawkins Daniel Herron Theron Silas Hill Haworth Hoch Beverly Hoover H. K. Hughes Joseph R. Jarabak Major Rueben L. Kahn J. M. Kehoe (Kelive) Lewis P. Kellum William S. Kimball Dr. Richard Kimpton A. Louise Kinney Chalmer G. Kirkbride Harriet R. Kline John C. Kohl E. R. Koontz Arthur Korach William Krugley Leone Lee Stephen Lincoln Jean Maigne Lee Maijsner Louis Maltcheff John Morrissey Natalie MesTechim Ernie McCoy J. W. McMahon Fred McRoberts Doris H- Nevins R. H. Newton Dr. Savas Nittis H. Pasuchowski E. P. Raymond, Jr. Melvin Reed Walter A. Reichert Melvin 0. Robinson Lillian Rookwalter Robert Rosegrant Harold Ross Charles Russo Leon Sadowski Kay Semer Ed Sirich David Slaughter Hamilton W. Smith Hoeard Wilmot Smith Lelia Smith Milton F. Smith Prof. F. L. Sneider Chester B. Stapelton Isadore Steinberg Norman E. VanBrocklin Leonore Waldron Dr. E. L. Ward J. H. Watkins Hilary J. Weason Marion Clyde Weir Catherine Wells Francis E. Wheeler H. M. Wheelwright Iy' Widenurs Edward W. Williams Lewis Wilson Prof. Richard Woenhaf Lyman Wright S. W. Yu Warren Zentz Arnold B. Zimmer 1111111111111 I i 111 II fI 11 III111li Let us do your Shoe Repairing Highest quality of work= A. T. COOCH - &SON 1= 1109 So. Univ. Half Block from Campus ° rUI tI l rri rrl i rUII lrllIIII IrrlrlirrilIII I? T"ONIG lT COMEDY. CLUB presents x as the opening bill of MIMES THEATRE HowDRY I A 11 D ~OO BR-4 ~ MEANS il/Jr TNEW 1 / I FROG BRAND SLICKERS are guaranteed waterproof, made of light-weight material with plenty of room for your comfort. A genuine oiled slicker will keep you dry on rainy days. FROG BRAND SLICKERS are obtainable at men's stores, haberdashers and department stores. Get yours - TODAY H. M. SAWYER & SON EAST CAMBRIDGE ". MASS. johnson's Electric Floor Polisher P L *0 Phi gate Sigma: Regular meeting-general discussion by members. Election of dele- e. 7:30 p. in., October 30, Room 2116 NaturalsSciencerBuilding. E. P. Creaser, Secretary M A i Adelphi House of Representatives : Tuesday, October 30, the three parties will discuss the topic- "Resolved: That this house favors the repeal of the Platt Amendment so as to Give Cuba her full freedom." Visitors welcome. Further tryout speeches for prospective members are welcome. Those who tried out last week will bq notified by the clerk as to their acceptance Robert H. Lloyd, Speaker new improved model Originally $42.50 I Democratic Address: Professor Sharfman of the Department of Economics will address the Smith for President Club Wednesday evening, October 31, at 3 o'clock in the Michigan Union, Rooms 316-20. We extend to you an invitation to be present. Leo T. Norville, Chairman I Quadrangle: Quadrangle will meet Wednesday evening, October 31, 8:15 p. m., at the Michigan Union. Speaker: Professor A. D. Moore. Topic: "The Uncultured Engineer." E. C. Prophet, Clerk I Inlander: The Inlander group meeting which was to be held Wednesday evening has been postponed. H. M. Silverman Lecture: "The Quaker Faith" will be the subject of a lecture by Dr. F. S. Onderdonk, Tuesday, October 30, at 4:15 in Room 231 Angell Hall. E. Wadsworth Por o'cl the tia Literary Society: There will be a meeting on ock in Martha Cook Building. main feature on the program. Wednesday, October 31, at nine The "Art of Story Telling" will be Nellie C. Becker, President C f r y I f 3p« j up t 1 i Y Your biggest housekeeping help at a $13 Savi ng!Applying mop; $1.50 and ih gallon Johnson's Wax ($2.40) FREE! Wax-polish your floor electrically quicker and better than 10 men could do it the old way. Without pushing or bearing down the Johnson Electric Polisher runs over the floors by itself/ Merely guide it with a finger touch. Goes under low furniture easily. SEE IT DEM'ONSTRATED Fraterniti'1esV and Sororities May we call Your Attention To These Polishers PHYLLIS LOUGHTON and TOM DOUGALL irection by c ,. k L' C' I A melodrama in four acts as pro- duced =f rom the French of Sardou--- Splendidly played by an all - campus cast. atorical Association Lecture Course: The attention of season ticket holders is called to the new style coupon ticket in use this year. It is not necessary to bring the tire book of tickets for admission, merely bring the coupon for the lividual lecture. The lectures begin at 8 o'clock and no one will seated in the reserved seat section after the lecture has begun. Carl G. Brandt, Financial Manager i Mail: Mail addressed to the follow- ing persons is on hand undelivera- ble at the General Delivery win- dow, main Post Office, and may be, claimed if called for on or before November 3. Leiv Amundsen Alta Atkinson Koriagin V. Basil Kalmon Batoi Elena Baughey Robert Beesley Chester C. Bennett Ed Bensky Edward Blankenstein William P. Born Zella Brock TYPEWRITING, and MIEMOGRAPHING A specialty for twenty years. Prompt service.. Experienced o erators.. Moderate rates. Tonight through I ineering Council: There"will be an important meeting of the Engineering Council, sday, Oct. 30, at 7:30 in room 304 of the Union. R. Adams, Chairman sics Colloquium: Dr. Sydney B. Ingram will speak on "The Origin of Cosmic Rays," :15, Tuesday, in room 1041, East Physics Building. All interested are ially invited. W. F. Colby :.:. ... ... IF YOU ORDER THEM NOW YOU MAY HAVE JUST, WHAT YOU WANT - - LINES ARE UNBROKEN Christmas Greeting"Cards Special attention given to Christmas Engraving, Die Stamping, and Plate Printing. W UNIVERSI TY BOOK STrORE Curtain at 8:15 Sharp Saturday ALL SEATS - - 75c I MIMES lo Club: There will be a meeting of the Radio Club at 8 o'clock tonight in n 306 Michigan Union. All members are urged to be present and amateur radio operators on the campus are invited to attend. Walter Nelson SCHLENKER HARDWARE Phone 6314 213 W. Liberty a a THEATR L Literary Society: e meeting of the society will be held in the Athena room Tuesday, r 30, at 7:15 sharp. Every member is required to be present. Doris M. Hicks, President AtatP Street Main Street *.71. 7L ILC: &J ILL iL 16 __________--- -'U cl ? 01 SALE TODAY ClIZ9 THE OFFICIAL S IRL CTO R r m qw w - - -