OCTOBER 30, 1928
y _ ... _ . .. ...... ._
TtW1t TEAMS Lack Of Experience
Plm~q lEvide nt As.Harriers
Tank Squad Reports
Bac; TI Uin Po-r
Lion of the pool in the now intra-
Although they failed to defeat mural building, Coach Matt Maan
IIawkeys,Illini AndnOhio State the Badgers in Saturday's dual has ordered his Varsity sw mmers
Of Western Conference Title meet, Coach Stephen A. Farrell was to report for practice again at the
O Wecn ferell satisfied with the showing f Uol. The tank squad will
hsrunners against the well-bal-I work out every Mondyens
HAWKS WIN BY ONE POINT anced Wisconsin cross country day, and Friday, he.:'°r, in cir
team. Experience was an import- old trainin ouarters.
As a result of Saturday's games ant factor in the Cardinal victory, Forst
the race for first honors in the Big as the Wisconsin harriers were Far bee ge ks tri t tors
Ten has narrowed to three teams, competing in their third meet, have been settig m trim at the
Dr. Spears' Gopher crew having re- whereas this was the first taste of itramural building, working out en
ceived their initial setback of the competition for Michigan. the track and wih the we ihs in
season in their annual tilt with the The performance: of Capt. Ted does not desire su ch a loncg Lyoff
Hawkeye eleven. Wuerfel was especially encouraging from practice in the water, so the
The expected plunging duel be- in view of the fact that he romped' Union pool will again be use by
twene 'Big Nag' Nagurski of Min- home 75 feet ahead of the rest of the Varsity swimmers.
nsota and Miles McLain, Iowa's the field, defeating some good Wis- Twenty men are included on the
Cherokee charger, failed to mater- consin entries. His time of 17:57 squad that Coach Mann will endeav-
ialize and it remained for lesser was fast for the three and one-half our to mold into another champion-
lights to supply the thrills for 30,- mile course. Wixon and Goldsmith, ship outfit. These include 10 let-
000 fans. the Badger Sophomores who tied termen and five of last year's fresh-
Gophers Score First for second, are likely to extend the man squad. The Michigan team
The Gophers drew first blood in best that other teams have to offer. will be defending its laurels as na-
the final quarter when Fred Hovde, Failure of Randolph Monroe to tional collegiate and Big Ten
brilliant halfback, raced 91 yards place was a surprise to Michigan champions.
through the entire Iowa team for a followers, but the lanky Wolverine The squad that will begin work-
touchdown. Immediately after the was handicapped by a side ache, ing out at tl'ie Union tomorrow is
kickoff, Iowa began a powerful run- which cut down his speed consid- composed of Seager, Walker,
ning attack that was climaxed by erably. Austin and Benson, who Walaitis, Reif, McDonald and Hos-
a 62 yard run ,by Oran Pape, sub- took seventh and eighth places, mer, free stylers; Ault, Watson, and
stitute halfback for a touchdown. are only sophomores, so with a lit- McCaffree, distance swimmers;
It was in the try for extra point, tle experience they should develop Captain Spindle, Hubbell, and
however, that the Hawks proved into sure place winners. Boldt, back strokers; Thompson,
their mettle. After having tallied This week the harriers will in- Hughes; Mertz, and Bebee, breast
only one extra point in six tries the crease the cross country distance strokers; Rosenberg, Bailey, Nimz,
previous week, it remained for an- up to the regulation five miles in and Maxian, divers.
other substitute halfback, Irving preparation for the Harpman tro-
'Nelson, to cinch the victory with a phy race next Saturday. Individual NEW YORK-The New York
'successful drop-kick after being prizes will be af stake in this com- Giants beat the New York Yankees
called from the bench to make the petition among members of the' in a pro football game Sunday, 10
play. Michigan team. to 7.
Illinois Wins Another
At Champaign the Zuppkemen
had the hardest kind of a time in
disposing of Hanley's stubborn
Wildcats, 6-0. The Illini scored
their single touchdown on a 24 yard
end run by Judd Timm after Hum-
bert smashed his way from mid-
Twice during the contest were
the Wildcats within the Orange
and Blue 6 yard mark, only to lose
the oval on downs. The victory was
a costly one, however, as Zuppke
will probably be without the serv-
ices of Kes Demling, veteran end,
who was injured.
Ohio State, the third contender,
maintained a clean slate by trounc-
ing tthe plucky Hoosier team, 13-0.
The speedy Buckeye backs aided by
3Kruskamp's splendid blocking cir-
cled the Crimson ends repeatedly
'for long gains and it was only the
'fine punting of Harrell that pre-
venited the men of Wilce from roll-
ing up even a larger score.
In, the other Conference struggle,
the Boilermakers led by Pest Welch
succeeded in snowing under Coach
Stagg's luckless Maroons by a count'
of 40-0. Purdue owed at least half
of her big score to blunders, the
Maroons punted badly, passed
poorly and lacked the punch to put
the ball over even from the one
'foot mark.
Navy Defeats Penn
Navy, the first non-Conference
opponent of the Wolverine schedule,
upset predictions by humbling the
unbeaten Pennsylvania team, 6-0,
'before a record crowd, including a
frenzied mob of midshipmen.
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