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October 30, 1928 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-30

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All Radio Fans Are Invited To
Attend Studio Opening And
Watch Broadcasting

Michigan's new broadcasting
studio, realized by an appropriation
of the University following the
recognition of the great interest
shown in educational programs
broadcast duiing the past three
years, will be thrown open to the
radio fans of Ann Arbor next
Thursday night, Nov. 1, when the
fifth of the current series of "Mich-
igan Night" programs will be put
on the air between 7 and 8 o'clock
through station WJR-WCX, Detroit.
The studio, equal to the finest in
Detroit or the middle west, is
located in Morris hall, at the cor-
ner of State and Jefferson streets.
This hall, which was formerly used
for band practice, has been com-
pletely remodeled under the direc-
tion of Ward A. Davenport, of the
buildings and ground department.
In the building has been built an
accoustically perfect studio for
small ensemble groups and soloists.
.The walls of this room have been
covered with accoustic cellotex to
deaden all echo and resonance, the
drapes and heavy carpet also aid-
ing in improving sound qualities for
broadcasting. Across the front of
this studio is a long window,
through which the audience may
see the actual broadcasting of the
programs. The window is placed
in a wall sheeted on both sides with
celotex, heavily padded with sound
proof felt, and insulated with build-
ing paper.
Provide Auditorium
A large studio capable of seating
200 people will act as an auditorium
and will be used for the broadcast-
ing of such programs as cannot be
given in the smaller studio. It is
also in this large room that various
local radio dealers will be permit-
ted to demonstrate their receiving
sets upon succeeding programs.
The programs as broadcast from
the local studio are transmitted
over long distance phone to Detroit,
from Detroit to the Pontiac broad-
casting station by phone, at Pontiac
the program is put on the air and
then returned to the audience in
the adjoining room through the re-
deiving set. Thus the programs will
travel over 100 miles instantly in
rder to reach the next room.° -
Adjoining both the smaller stu-
dio and the auditorium is a small
announcer's room, equipped with
a speaker's pulpit and control
system of lights. Through the win-
fdows in this room, the audience
may view each of the speakers on
he programs.
May See Broadcasting
The radio fans will also be able
to look through the announcer's
room into the control room where
;he amplifying board of the Mich-
igan Bell Telephone company is
'djusting the voices and music be-
fore they are sent to the broad-
casting station of WJR.
The studio, auditorium, and an-
nouncer's room have been deco-
rated under the direction of Riss
T. Bittinger, instructor in architec-
ture in the department of creative
design. The accousti-celotex pan-
els are painted in bright designs to
represent sound waves, while the
wall celotex is finished in a light
tan. The woodwork is in jade green
with a purple baseboard and lining.
The studio and announcer's rooms
are carpeted with heavy green car-
Invite Radio Fans
All radio fans in this vicinity are
invited to attend the opening of
the studio, during the broadcast of
the regular Michigan Night pro-
,grams at 7 o'clock Thursday night.
Featured on the opening program
in the new studio is the University
Glee club, which will present
thirtyfive minutes of Michigan
songs and choral selections.
The will be only three talks on

this week's program is was an-
nounced yesterday by Prof. Waldo
M. Abbot, of the rhetoric depart-
ment, who is announcer and pro-
gram manager for the local sta-

(By Associated Press)
ATLANTIC CITY, N. Js)Oct. 29.-
Repaired and refueled, the Flying
Fish, amphibian biplane, with its
crew of three, made its second start
for Bermuda at 2:30 o'clock this
With Captain William Lancaster,
British pilot, at the controls and
Captain Harry Lyon of the South-
ern Cross famous Pacific flight,
and George Palmer Putman, back-'
er of the project, the tiny green
and yellow flying boat made a be-
lated getaway after an interrupted
forced landing at Bridantine yes-
terday, owing to motor trouble.
When repairs had been complet-
ed and the craft again ready for a
takeoff, another difficulty threat-
ened further delay. Owing to an
extremely low tide of water, it was
found impossible to launch the
plane from the hangar runway.
Anxious to take advantage of al-
most ideal flying weather, Putman
urged the hangar force to make
an improvised runway, which after
considerable difficulty, enabled the
craft to slide into the water.
A pilot of the Ireland company,
was at the controls when the Fly-
ing Fish was taxied around the
runway and the crew remained on
the dock to avoid added weight.
Candidate Will Give Six Speeches
Through Border States On
Way To California
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29-Herbert
Hoover began clearing his deck to-
day for the long jaunt across the
country which he will begin on
The Republican presidential can-
didate spent little time at his head-
quarters on Massachusetts Avenue,
devoting himself for the most part
to disposing of personal matters at
his "" Street home and to working
on his speeches he will make on
his trip to California.
Five speeches still are ahead of
the nominee before he casts his
vote a week from tomorrow at Palo
Alto, Cal. Four of them will be
made on the cross-continent cam-
paign journey.
This will carry him through the
border states of Maryland, West
Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri.
He will speak in three of these
states. The first of these addresses
will be made at Cumberland, Md.,
after which he will cross West Vir-
ginia during Thursday night to
Louisville where he again will
The most important of his cross-
country speeches will be made at
St. Louis on Friday night, however,
when, speaking from the border
territory he will probably make the
most detailed exposition of agricul-
tural problems he has given during
the campaign.
Although his address follows
closely on the announcement of
several days ago that if elected he
would summon an extra session of
Congress if it proved necessary to
pass farm relief legislation, there
has been no indication that Mr.
Hoover will make any reference to
this in his St. Louis speech. Some
of his advisors feel that, having al-
ready made clear his position on
the matter of an extra session,

uii. niiiu aurur
Theater Guild. Performance Will
Tell Of Life Of Negroes In I
"Diplomacy," Comedy Club's
intitial effort this season, and
"Porgy," the Theater Guild produc-
tion, will both play here today,.
"Diplomacy" opening a week's run
and "Porgy" showing for a mati-
nee and a night performance.
"Diplomacy" has been in re-
hearsal for several weeks and has
received close attention from its di-
rectors, Phyllis Loughton ,28 and
Thomas J. Dougall '28. Miss Lough-
ton has been loaned to the Comedy
Club by the Detroit Civic theater
for the occasion. She will be re-,
membered for her success with a
number of past productions.
The cast was selected from
among the previous Comedy Club,
players as well as those who quali-
fled in the try-outs held last spring,
at which time a number of students;
were elected to membership.
Among those in the cast for the
current presentation are Lorinda
McAndrew, '30, as Zicka, Elizabeth

The Alumni plan to provide a
carillon for the proposed Burton
Memorial Campanile will be dis-
cussed at a meeting to be held here
Friday night by representatives of
the several classes which were in
school during the administration
of the late Dr. Marion Leroy Bur-
Thirty or more representatives
of, the classes graduating between
1920 and 1927 will attend the meet-
ing, it is believed by T. Hawley
Tapping, field secretary of the
Alumni association.
E. J. Ottaway, president of the
Alumni association will have charge
of the meeting, and it is possible
that action toward the launching
of a campaign for funds may be
taken. The purchase of the caril-
lon, rather than of chimes, has
been proposed in recent weeks.
Directors of the Alumni associa-
tion will meet Friday morning, and
will have as guests directors who
have served since 1897. Invitations
have been extended to 55 former
directors, 30 of whom have already
.accepted the invitation.

Declares Anti-Saloon League
"Narrow, Prejudiced, And
Bigoted" In Ideas.


Mcuurdy, '29, as L
line Jacobs, '29, a.
Lillian Setchell, '29
ert Adams, '30,
Thurston Thieme,
Charles Peake, '29
George Priehs, '30,
"Porgy" comes to
der the auspices of
en. It is a storyc
feelings of Negroes
S. C. The writersc
Bose and Dorothy
to the locale of th
to gain genuine co
for their popular w
A special feature
tion will be given i
fourth scenes wher
on the stage theo
the Jenkins orpha
ton, S. C. The grog
aggregation describ
ter of the novel,
which the play was
The cabinet of the
tian association, at
Friday, decided to
League of Nations
next spring. A c
senting various ca
tions interesting w
soon to preparef
which will take pl
or April.
A model assembly
tion of the assembl
of Nations, which n
every year. Delegat
tions represented in
be chosen from th
for the model asser
colleges will also b
delegates. The p
elect officers, mak
on discussions, and
tempt to reproduce
league. The purpos
bly will be to drama
of the league.

Lsthe Marquise, ;PO IE NW R GM
9, as Dora, Rob- 1
as Beaucairde, (By Associated Press)
'29, as, Orloff, BALTIMORE, Md., Oct. 29-Gov.
as Julian, and Alfred E. Smith opened the final
as Baron Stein. week of his campaign for the presi-
dency tonight in a declaration to
Ann Arbor un- the American people that he was
of the lives Womand dissatisfied with the old order of
s in Charlestond government and promised if the
of the play, Du Democratic party was placed in
Heyward, went power under his leadership he
ie play in order would seek to effect a change in
lor and settings any things.
work. The Democratic nominee in a
of the produc- speech prepared for his only per-
n the third and sonal appeal to the voters in Mary-
n there appears land, in rapid succession rapped
original band of the Anti-Saloon league, the Ku
nge in Charles- Klux Klan, and the relation and
up is part of the added he came before the country
)ed in one chap- as a "free agent" to devote himself
"Porgy" from to its best interests and its welfare.
s writen. He accused the - Anti-Saloon
league with having made a "cold
,U[ TO nrblooded threat" to Senator George
Norris of Nebraska, who recently
I announced his support for Smith.
He said all Norris had done for the
Dnation had been forgotten in a
minute by the League because he
had gone counter to its "narrow,
prejudiced and bigoted ideeas."
e Student Chris- The governor assailed the Klan
hold a model as "out of line with American tra-
assembly here dition and history" and declared
ammblyee pre- he would rather "go down" to his
mpus rare- ignominious defeat than to be
mill orgaamed raised to the greatest position in the
for the ford gift of the people by any influence
ace next March that may be exercised by any or-
ganization with such perverted
y ideas of Americanism."
y is a reproduce "I want no support because of
meets n Geneva my religious belief," was another
tes from the na- declaration. "I repeat my firm ad-
n the league will !herence to the American doctrine
ie student body of absolute separation of church.
mbly, and other i and state."
e asked to send The candidate argued there was
articipants will no use attempting to solve foreign
e reports, carry problems as long as a quarrel ex-
in general at- isted between the President and the
the work of the Senate, and promised to put to an
se of the assem- end what he said was a dispute on
tise the sessions this score.
He declared the protection of
American citizens and property in
REER foreign lands was a matter of na-
tional concern, but coupled with
STORIES that statement a belief that the
American people no longer would
"tolerate interference" with the in-
er in a pigpen, ternal affairs of South American re-
y the irate own- publics.E

Twelve Faculty Members Including
Deans Kraus, Griffin, And
Dana To Make Survey
Coincident with the announce-
ment of. the University committee
to make a tax survey in the state
of Michigan, the members of the
committee have made public a
statement concerning its organiza-
tion and its objectives. This com-
mittee was authorized at the last
meeting of the Board of Regents,
and has the approval of Governor
Fred M. Green.
Concerning the organization, the
group in charge of the undertaking
will be comprised of an advisory
committee of the following men:
Dean Edward H. Kraus, of the
Summer Session and College of
Pharmacy, Dean Samuel T. Dana of
the School of Forestry and Con-
servation, Dean C. E. Griffin of the
School of Business Administration,
Prof. J. B. Edmonson, of the School
of Education, Prof. E. M. Fisher of
the School of Business Adminis-
tration, Prof. J. W. Glover of the
Mathematics department, Prof. K.
C. McMurry of theGeography de-
partment, Prof. D. M. Matthews of
the School of Forestry, Prof. C. M.
Remer, Prof. I. L. Sharfman of the
Economics department, Prof. E. B.
Stason of the Law school, and Prof.
L. D. Upson of the Political Science
Plan Research Staff
In addition, there will be a re-
search staff) to be recommended by
the committee and to be approved
by the Board of Regents.
In their statement, the commit-
tee wished to make the following
points clear concerning their work:
1. It is a fact-finding and not
a policy-recommending body.
2. It will collect and present to
the people of the State of Michigan
and to their representatives infor-
mation bearing on taxation in
3. In doing this it will not advo-
cate an, theory or theories of tax-
ation or recommend the modifica-
tion, reform, or expansion of the
existing system of taxation.
4. It believes that an accurate
report on taxation in Michigan-
its development and operation-
should prove helpful as a basis of
appraising the wisdom, adequacy,
and effectiveness of our tax system.
Name Pertinent Matters
In a coinciding statement, the
pertinent matters were pointed out.
"The University has recognized
the fitness of its experts to compile
a fair and unprejudiced statement
on taxation in Michigan, and it
believes that in this way the citi-
zens of the state may be given val-
uable information at a much lower
expense than would otherwise be
possible. It was emphasized that
the findings of the experts would
in no way be influenced by the
University authorities, and in this
way, will represent the findings of
a group of experts and not in any
way an official opinion or activity
of the University as an institution,
of its administrative officers, or its
governing body."
Work is already underway on the
project, and as soon, as tangible
results are evidenced, will be

Expect One Of Largest Crowds
Country To See Michigan
Battle Illinois

Four University of Wisconsin
students who attended the Michi-
gan-Wisconsin game here Saturday
were homeward-bound today, pre-
sumably by train, after they had
missed connections with the pilot
of the four-passenger Travelair
monoplane in which they flew here
from Madison.
Making arrangements to meet
the pilot, Howard Morey, at noon
Sunday at Ford Airport, the stu-
dents went to Detroit following the
game. Flying to the Ford field as
scheduled, the pilot did not land
on learning that Sunday flying is
prohibited there, and returned to
the Ann Arbor municipal airport
without his passengers.
The students in their search for
their pilot missed Ann Arbor, where
the object of their search was
comfortably established in a hotel.


With 82,000 tickets already sold,
there remain only 5,000 seats, in-
I cluding those in the temporary
stands, to be erected for the first
time this year, for the Illinois-
Michigan grid game Saturday, it
was announced late yesterday by
the Athletic association. It is ex-
pected that these 5,000 seats will be
sold within the next two days, and
that before game time there will
be a shortage of tickets.
During the past week-end, which
was featured by the excellent show-
ing of the Wolverines in the Wis-
consin contest, about 6,000 seats
were sold for the coming tilt with
'the Illini. Decision to put up the
temporary stands came after the
If present indications on the tic-
ket sale come true, it will be the
first time this fall that the Michi-
gan stadium will be filled to capac-
ity. With the temporary stands,
the bowl holds 87,000. This would
probably be one of the largest
crowds in the country, as the 65,000
people that witnessed the Badger-
Wolverine battle last Saturday for-
med the third biggest football
crowd of the day.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 29-The rich,
and new rich and the nearly rich
brushed elbows tonight with anoth-
er will-be rich as New York's social
and musical season made its be-
jewelled debut at the opening of
the Metropolitan Opera's forty-
fourth year.
In the background of the dia-
mond horseshoe's brilliances and the
orchestra pit's radiance were the
business suits and frocks and the
ornaments of modest value was
one by the standees-men and
women who had waited in line for
hours to buy standing room so they
could applaud the return to the
footlights of the old favorites, es-
pecially Rosa Ponselle and Giovan-
ni Martinello in the roles, and Pul-
lio Serafin, the maestro.

Hope To Arrive In Friedrichschafen
By Wednesday Noon Over
Shorter Route
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 29-Carrying
the first trans-Atlantic air stowa-
way-a blonde American youth in
his teens-the German air liner
Graf Zeppelin was homeward
bound tonight over the North At-
The huge ship, whose arrival in
the United States just two weeks
ago today, thrilled the Atlantic
seaboard by her majestic size and
power, bade farewell tot her Ameri-
can hosts at 6:15 o'clock this morn-
ing and turned her blunt nose
from the Massachusetts coast out
to sea in a wide swing toward Nova
Scotia and Newfoundland,
At, 10:15 o'clock this morning the
returning voyager passed over the
steamer Laconia at a point 90 miles
southwest of Cape Sable, Nova Sco-
tia, while at 2 p. m. she reported
with a distance of about 122 miles
southeast of Cape Sable. The ship
was then averaging 67 miles an
hour and the weather was reported
clear. She was about 980 miles
from Lakehurst and hoped to reach
her home port, Friedrichschafen,
by Wednesday noon.
Takes Steamship Course
Thq great dirigible, which for 6,-
000 miles had struggled with ad-
verse winds on her trip to the
United States, swung'in a wide lanQ
over the southern route by way o
Madeira, the Azores and Bermuda,
was on the steamship course from
Boston to southern England, and
there was every indication that Pr.
Hugo Eckener would follow the
normal northern route. This is
somewhat south of the direct great
circle course followed by Caol.
Charles A. Lindbergh in his historic
flight to Paris last year.
While weather conditions were
reported more favorable over the
southern course toward the Azores,
there were favoring tail winds to
the north which Dr. Eckener appa-
rently was determined to use to
their full advantage. Weather r-
ports compiled in New York indi-
cated that the ship would encout-
er shifting winds and trying con-
ditions as she got farther out to
It was shortly before 2 o'clock
this morning when the Graf Zep-
pelin, tugging at her leashes in the
huge hangar at Lakehurst, where
for two weeks, she had lain side by
side with the American dirigible
Los Angeles, also a product of the
Zeppelin works, slowly slid through
the great doors and emerged Into
the moonlit morning. More than
300 sailors hauled the great ship
into the night and at 1:54 a. i.
she was off.
Woman Makes Trip
Down on her list were 21 pas-
sengers, including one woman and
a crew of 40. But there was one
more passenger-a stowaway-the
first to worm his way aboard a
trans-Atlantic air liner and make
the trip without authority. He was
discovered at 6 o'clock this morn-
ing,. just as the ship was nosing
her way through the sky past the
American coast bound over the
First news of his finding came in
a dispatch to a Berlin newspape'
from its representatives aboard the
dirigible. He was described as a
"seventeen-year-old,"eblonde, Am-
erican youth, and there was noh-.
ing in the message to indicate tht
his presence had caused chagrin
although the danger of stowaways
was one that Dr. Eckener had been
guarding against carefully.
The stowaway was Clarence Ter-
hune, a 19-year-old boy who6
home is in St. Louis. "St. Louis"as

he was known at the Rye Country
Club where he worked during the
summer, left Rye last Friday with
a hint that he was adventure-
bound. He had $50 in his pocket,
his savings for the season. Just as
stowaways aboard regular steam-
ships it is highly likely that Clar-
ence will be working his way

__. __






Count Felix von Luckner, the
German "Sea Devil" who will speak
Thursday night in Hill auditorium
as the first number on the 1928-
1929 Oratorical association lecture
course, has had a career of ex-
ploits that rival the dreams of fic-
tion, and at the same time is one
of the best known heroes of the
World war.
Count von Luckner, a member of
an old and famous military family,
a decendant of a marshal of
France, had run away from home
as a boy and for seven years sail-
ed before the mast under an as-
sumed name, acting as kitchen boy,
deck-swabber, and general roust-
about. Anything that the able-

sought storm shelt
and was arrested by

er on charge of stealing a pig. He
sought adventure in Mexico, join-
ed the army to keep from starving,
and for a time was guard at the
palace of the president.
He was bar-boy in San Francisco,
bell-boy in New York, and kitchen-j
boy in Chicago. At one time he
jointed the Salvation army in Aus-
tralia, became a kangaroo hunter,
and wrestler; in Rangoon he assist-R
ed a Hindu fakir; and in Queens-
land he became the champion
Count von Luckner returned to
Germany from the "Port of Missing
Men," secretly took the examina-
tions and was given his command-

Harry O'Leary Dies
From Scarlet Fever
Harry O'Leary, clerk at the main
Calkins-Fletcher South State street
drug store, died yesterday morn-
ing at a local hospital as a result
of a scarlet fever attack contract-
ed four days before.)
O'Leary, who was known to a!
large number of the student body,
had been in the employ of Calkins-
Fletcher for the last ten years com-
ing here from Chateauteary, N. Y.,
his home town.

Sale of student directories for the
current year will begin this morn-
ing at 8 o'clock according to an
announcement made yesterday by
J. Franklin Miller, business man-
ager of the 'Ensian and in charge
of the business end of the pub-
The sale will continue for but one
day according to Miller. Places
where the directory may be obtain-
ed are: State street end of the di-
agonal, engineering arch, main
lobby of Angell hall, and in the cor-
ridor of University hall. The price
of books will be $1.
Preparation of the student direc-
tory has been made through the

School of Music and in the Nurse's
training school are carried in the
directory. A list of all members of
ployees precedes the list of Stu-
Because of the large number of
late enrollments, a special section
of these is carried immediately fol-
lowing the regular list of students.
It is followed by a list of organiza-
tions and gives the names of the
members and pledges of the vari-
ous sororities and fraternities.
Each student's name will be fol-
lowed as in previous years by his
class numerals, Ann Arbor address
and telephone and by his home
city or town.
A slight change in policy is being

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