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n u tou runiui Varsity Tank Squad F WLLFLY W
Patton To Start Game At Center; Crcles Cinder Path
Bredenwieg Replaces Widman In Practice Sessions
At Left Half1
By Nat A. Torium
CARDINALS ARE MYSTERY Steve Farrell and his Varsity
___ trackrnen had best look to their,
Pr~bai i 2 ylaureps as campus 'champions of
Probabi Lineups the cinder path if present indica-j
Carter ........LE...........Lutz eions are worth consideration.
Bergman ...... LT.. . ..Englehorn They will soon be meeting more
Sullo ...... .LG.... De Haven than worthy rivals in Michigan's
Patton........ C ......Garrison swimming candidates, out of their
Morgan .......E,0G....... Forster natural element by necessity. -
Cooke ........RT...... Rottman After another week's training
Kerr.........RE . . . . . . ...Ziese C thrh Matt Mann is seriously an-
Brown... .... ......Sheehan| ticipating the issuance of a chal-
Wilson ........1........Neigant l ge to t, haughty track squad
Biedenwieg ... . RI........Oman for a dual meet, at any distance or
Hughes........B.....Mansfield place they may decide. Relays, x
°---shuttle races, cross-country runs#
Wisconsin and Michigan junior iwith water barriers-any or all are I
varsity football teams will clash to- I acceptable to the genial tank coach.
day at M"dison in the minor half Fish Out Of Water
of a double header grid program, The cause of all this "whispering
the two Varsity squads battling campaign" is the fact that Coach
here. The Wolverine "B" team Mann's squad is being generally;
boasts victories in two out of three designated as the "team without a!
previous games, one of the succes- tank" in athletic circles. The com- -
ses being registered against the pletion of the new pool in the in-
Ohio State junior team last Satur- tramural building, long overdue, is
day. still awaiting the finishing touches. -
According to the tentative line- As the mermen have quitted their
up announced, there will be only former training quarters in the
two changes made in the team Union natatorium, they are keep-
that faced the Buckeyes. One new ing in trim by jogging around the 's
player in the middle of the line Ferry field track daily, watching y,
has been made necessary, due to their brother athletes toss the pig- Cs/u5/vie-//AtFJACI-c
the transfer of Sherwood, who was skin around as they trot along.
doing excellent work at center, to Who knows but that a budding,
the Varsity. Patton has taken his El Ouafi (minus the name) may be1
place at the pivot post, and has developed from the ranks of the1
been showing up well in practice. natators, having missed his sport
Biedenwieg Will Start through some vagary of chance?
The other change is in the back- At least a few dashmen, half mil-
field, where Biedenwieg will start ers, and mulers should be found. A
at left half instead of Widman. 1 feature race between Ted Wuerfel, Some of the Wisconsin stars whoI
This does not indicate that Wid- cross-country captain, and Dick will seek to avenge the long string
man will not be given a chance, Spindle, leader of the swimmers, of Wolverine victories this after-
since he undoubtedly will get into might prove an added attraction at noon in the new stadium. Cuisinier
the line-up sometime during the football games to boost attendance. has been named to start at the
game. No charge for the suggestion, Mr. quarterback post, with the veteran,
Teaming with Biedenwieg at the Tillotson. Rebholz, slated to handle the full-
right halfback post vill be Wilson, ° No home-and-home agreement, back job. Binish, at. one of the
the reliable safety man of the Wol- whereby the trackmen would meet tackles berths, was rated as one
verine "B" squad. Wilson has shown the swimmers in a tank meet at of the outstanding linemen in the
himself to be a fast ball carrier and some later date, is implied in Coach Big Ten last year by a number of
unerring in his receiving of punts. Mann's challenge. This would be critics, while Warren, end, is also
He should prove dangerous to the unfair to Coach Farrell's squad, as expected to be in the starting line-
Wisconsin eleven, since he is a hard they are unused to water. How- up.
Huge Throng FlocksjBT T[AMQ INCLUDE
To Watch PantherslO
Meet Carnegie Tech E[PEIENCD [N
(Special To The Daily)
PITTSBURGH, Oct. 26-A record
2-rowd for Western Pennsylvanial Cross Co1untry Teams Will Start
I Ut -From South State Street
'ootball is promised when Pitt Over Revised Course
neets Carnegie Tech in the Panth-
x bowl, tomorrow. Tickets ;are BURGESS LEADS BADGERS
eling fast, and a capacity crowd is
nticipated for the big battle. The Coach Farrell's Varsity cross-
tadium has a capacity of approxi- country team will meet its first
aately 70,000 people. competition of the season when the
Coach Sutherland of the Panth- Wolverines engage the Conference
ers is giving his men no let up in titleholding Wisconsin squad here
preparation for the impending this morning. The race will start
clash, which involves the city at 10:45 o'clock on State street in
championship and perhaps the Na- front of the University golf links.
tional title. Carnegie Tech is un- In commenting on the success of
defeated and should they come the Badger teams, which have won
through the tussle withthe Pan- I three consecutive Big Ten chain-
thers they may reign national pionships, Coach Farrell said that
champs after the remaining games the Cardinal students received ex-
with Georgetown, Notre Dame, and cellent support from the student
New York university. body, 2,000 people often turning out
SPitt has been beaten but once for a meet. This is in sharp con-
this season, the West Virginia trast to conditions at Michigan,
Mountaineers toppling them, 9 to 7 and Coach Farrell expressed a hope
several weeks ago.lCarnegie's im- that more spectators will be pres-
ent this morning than usually wit-
pressive wins over Thiel, Westmin-ness the meets.
ister, Ashland, and,, the fightingn
Presidents from W. and J., give Several Veterans Gone
Coach Steffen's eleven a decided Although the Cardinal runners
edge over the Panthers. i have had little trouble in defeat-
A weak aerial game, which has ing the Wolverines in the past few
characterized the play of the Pan- years, the graduation of Zola and
thers thus far, is improving rapid- Petaja, who finished first and third
ly. Coach Sutherland is drilling I in the Conference meet last year,
his backfield men on the forward has considerably weakened the
pass, both offensive and defensive. Badger,'team. The Wisconsin team
Charles Edwards, Pitt quarterback, finished second to the Hoosiers in
is getting his tosses off in good riangular meet with Indiana and
shape and Williams, Uansa, and Northwestern, last Saturday.
Guarino are showing marked in- The Cardinal team will include
provement in snaring the oval. three of the six Badgers who com-
Jimy Rooney, halfback, who has peted in the 1927 Conference meet,
Jimy Rony, albac, ho asBullamore, who finished ninth,
been bothered with an injured leg, Captain Burgess, sixteenth; and
played throughout a long scrim- Fink, twenty-first. Several of the
mage yesterday. His punting was other runners, however, have im-
the best of the season, the Panther, proved sufficiently to be rated
star getting off boots consistently equally with the veterans, while
against the powerful freshman some of the members of the squad
team. I have had experience in Varsity
o o dual meets. Wixon,Dilley, Fulsom,
E CROSS-COUNTRY MANAGERS I Hoffman, Moe, O'Cock, and Schroe-
der will complete the Cardinal
Sophomores and second se- squad.
Imester freshmen interested in Sophomores On Team
e trying out for cross-country I( The Wolverines' competition so
_ manager are requested to re- far this season has been confined
( port after 3 o'clock any day to trial runs, and an untried team
at the field house. Ii will oppose the Badger harriers.
Paul Colwell, Manager. t J The Maize and Blue team will in-
0 o (Continued on page seven)
4Y.6 yc U ,T~aA(A< 3/N/ 5y-TAcKBE'
Teams In East Expect To Avenge
Defeats Suffered Last Season
(By Associated Press) Caldwell threw the pass that en-
NEW YORK, Oct. 26-The times l abled Quarrier to score a touch-
appear ripe for the squaring of down against the Cadets, kicked
some football accounts outstanding the extra point and then a field
sinelast fall. A half-dozen east- goal to figure directly in every Yale
ince ss score. But the Army feels that
ern college elevens take the field Cagle, Murrell and the rest of the
today given at least an even chance Cadet backfield, backed by a vet-
Io avenge defeats they suffered at eran line can atone for that losing
the hands of the same opposition effort with plenty to spare.
last fall.d Navy trimmed Pennsylvania, 12-6
Army's .cadets, well aware that in 1927, but most Annapolis suppor-
there is no Bruce Caldwell at Yale ters will be content if the Mid-
this year, have high hopes of get- shipmen finish with two touch-
tLing even for a 10-6 defeat last fail. downs off Penn today.
man to bring down.
Use Geistert For Passes
Brown will start his second game
at the quarterback position. In the
clash with Ohio State he performed
in an acceptable manner and in-"
tercepted three Buckeye passes
well. Hughes is slated for the full-
back job and he should provide
plenty of work for theWisconsin
line in stopping his plunges and bff
tackle slants.
Mike Geistert, another speedy
runner, will also see service during
a part of the game. The passing
attack of the junior varsity is cen-
tered about the diminutive .quar-
terback, and if the air game is to
berresorted to Geistert's presence
will be quite necessary.
The line of the junior varsity has
been showing typical Wolverine
spirit in repelling the thrusts of the
opposing backs. Against Ohio State,
the linemen ripped big holes in the
Buckeye forward wall, and repeat-
edly knifed through when on the
defensive to bring down the Ohio
backs before they were well under
BELLEVILLE, Ont., Oct. 26-
"Toots" Holway, formerly with the
Montreal Maroons, has been sold
to the Pittsburgh Pirates of the
National professional hockey
ever, Coach Mann is optimistic over
the immediate occupation of the
new pool, having coined the pop-
ular slogan, "In the water by
NEW HAVEN, Conn.-Taking no
chances that his stars might incur
injuries before Saturday's game
with the Army, Coach Mal Stevens
has prescribed only one scrimmage
session -for the week. All tickets
for the game have been sold.
(By As ted Prss)
D E T R O I T, Oct. 26-Coach
Charles E. Dordis plans to use the
shock troop system against the
University of Dayton Flyers Satur-
day. The Titans held their last
workout before leaving for Day-
ton, O., yesterday.
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