THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAYOCTOBER THE MIHIAN AIY ATRDA__CTBE I I 1 /* t Batiy lished every morning except Monday the University year by the Board in 1 of Student Publications. ber of Western Conference Editorial ation. . Associated Press is exclusively en- o the use for republication of all news hes credited to it or not otherwise d in this paper and the local news pub- herein. red at the prstoffice at Ann Arbor, an, as second class matter. Special rate tage granted by Third Assistant Post- General. cription by carrier, $4.oo; by mail, es: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- StreeC. nes: Editorial, 4925; Business, i 21,. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK .................... Paul J. Kern :ditor................ Nelson J. Smith Editor. ........Richard C. Kurvink ,Editor ............... Morris Quinn i Editor........... .Sylvia S. Stone Michigan Weekly....J. Stewart Hooker and Drama............. R. L. Askren int City Lditor..a....awrence R. Klein Night Editors ce N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe E. Howell Pierce Rosenberg I J. George E. Simons George .. Tilley Reporters L. Adams ris Alexander ter Anderson A. Askren ram Askwith ise Bebymer iur Bernstein t s C. Bovee el Charles R. Chubb ik 'F. Cooper n Domine glas Edwards org Egeland eri J. Feldman orie Folimer jam Gentry rence Hartwig Lard Jung les R. Kaufman I elsey aid L. Layman C. A. Lewis Marian MacDonald Henry Merry N. S. Pickard Victor Rabinowitz Anne Schell Rachel Shearer Robert Silbar Howard Simon Robert L. Sloss Arthur R. Strubel Edith Thomas Beth Valentine Gurney Williams Walter Wilds George E. Wohlgemuth Robert Woodnoofe Joseph A. Russell Cadwell Swanson A. Stewart Edward L. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE sistant Manager--RAYMOND WACHTER Department Managers dvertising. ... .......Alex K. Scherer dvertising...A. James Jordan ivertising... .....Carl W. Hammer rvice...............Herbert E. Varnum irculation...... . . ...,..GeorgeS. Bradley counts.............. Lawrence E. Walkley ublications..............Ray M. Hofelich Assistants 'ving Biner Jack Horwich onald Blackstone Dix Humphrey .ary Chase Marion Kerr anette Dale Lillian Kovinsky ernor Davis. Bernard Larson essie Egeland Leonard Littlejohn elen Geer Hollister Mabley nn Goldberg Jack Rose asper Halverson Carl F. Schemm eorge Hanilton Sherwood Upton gnes Heiwig Marie Wellstead Walter Yeagley SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1928 ight Editor---GEORGE C. TILLEY WELCOME WISCONSIN Continuing the traditional good eeling between the two universi- es, the University of Michigan relcomes the University of Wis- onsn representatives to Ann Ar- or. The two schools will again mew a rivalry which dates back $ years. It is a rivalry which has ot been marred by serious un- award incident and which is cher- hed by both schools. The people n the stands today may expect as ard-fought a contest as those in he past, and can rest assured that 'hichever side wins, the victory 'ill be deserved. Athletic relations etwen the two schools have now :ntinued too long to be broken by petty happening, and with mem- ries of great battles between the wo universities, and the clean portsmanship of both, the game is igerly awaited. AND TO THE TEAM Last night a great Michigan pep ieeting pledged anew its confi- ence in the Michigan Varsity. And his afternoon as the Red of Wis- onsin and the Blue of Michigan ne up for the opening kickoff, hey will be greeted by the cheers f a crowd of 70,000 football en- uusiasts. Michigan is host today .not only ) Wisconsin but to thousands of lumni and friends of the Univer- ty, back for the first really im- ortant week-end of the football ason. It is to be sincerely hoped nd expected that she will fill that ost to the fullest. From the brilliant Maize and lue cheering section, formed for le first time this year, to the iwliest freshman seated behind le goa lposts, Michigan should dis- lay in no uncertain terms that le can stand behind a losing team s well as a winning one. Michigan knows that every effort ithin the reach of members of great university will be extended her behalf during the afternoon. he knows that her team will play clean game, fighting hard. And she knows that as the final histle blows, she will have no oc- Dsion to apologize for her Var- ty, in victory or defeat. CURRENT EVENTS News of today as expressed by e press will be the history of to- orrow. In c.nsideration of this ct, the following of current events t only makes for interesting di- rsion but also forms a phase of ; an entirely undeserved lack of in- terest in these contests. Of the total number of students who have, entered, only a few have consis- tently read the daily nawspapers. And of those who do keep up with the news, fewer still seem to have really assimilated what they read. The cause for this disinterested- ness on the part of the students may arise from the fact that they have to devote too much time to their studies. Yet, for the most part, students devote their time not to studies- nor even to quasi-educational pur- suits, but more often to social pleasures. If students attending such a large university have neither the time nor the inclina- tion to follow the events of the world of such vital importance to their nation, there is something most decidedly amiss in the sys- tem of modern education. The Badgers are coming here with blood in their eyes. May the Wolverines give them the most, soothing lotion to cure that ill! To Herbert Hoover, who points with pride to prohibition as a "great and noble experiment,". we submit that every student on this campus drinks more now than he did before prohibition. Add an eighth to the wonders of the world: The vote on the pro- posed Union constitutional amend- ment went through without a' single recount. A sad state of affairs really will exist if Wisconsin attempts to avenge that whole string of defeats in one game. According to Will Rogers, Hoov- er s idea of farm relief is to relieve the farmers of all they have. Then they will no longer need relief, but only interment. Professor Lorch pointed out the other day that women do not make good architects. This statement, however, does not necessarily deny the converse, to wit: good archi-' tects make women. ICampus Opinion Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 300 words it possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest. Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of the Daily. A JOURNAL OF THOUGHT To the Editor: It is rather refreshing after all the slush finding its way into this august column apropos Politics, Rum, and Federal Agents to find a communication that really has a thought in it. I refer to G. L. R.'s letter on Student Morals, especial- ly his last paragraph wherein he asks why our worthy school has no medium for the expression of student thought (if such there be). I too, would like, to raise the query: why at our "glorious Mich- igan" is there no journal of thought? Here is really a deplor- able condition that should furnish our campus indignants with more food for thought than all the rum Detroit bootleggers can make for us, or all the Federal Agents Wash- ington can send. In the way of publications, what have we ? Our Daily, with all virtues (which, perhaps, are not so numerous) is neither a thought provoking organ nor an instrument for the expres- sion of thought. The Gargoyle serves .its purpose only too well and deserves its own glory. Then, of course (with em- phasis), there is the literary (un- fortunately literary) Inlander. Now I really do not mean to ridicule the Inlander too much because it is performing a real function on this campus. But if its editors and the rhetoric department will allow me the privilege, I must add that the Inlander smells altogether too much of Gopher Pararie's Ladies' Literary club which always insists on genteel art (good art never of- fends) properly devoid of all stim- ulating thought. As far back as last semester, I was told by one who had the right and power to speak with authority, that the "powers that be" were fully cognizant of this atrocious situation and would by all means seek to remedy it this year by the establishment of a new member to the publication family. Our erst- while friend of former years, Chimes, was at its best a sorry af- fair, but even that was better than nothing. I suppose to face the sit- uation realistically we must grant that should the University see fit to establish such a journal it will be at best a hybrid crossbetween the Daily and the Inlander. Yet even this must not make us despair. Such a magazine would serve a good purpose even if only to supply Rolls with new fuel for its fire for which it at times has sore need. So as one of those to whom thinking is not a painfully neces- sary evil, but rather a "glorious I TO THE TEAM 0 4 There isn't an Oosterbaan team, on this There's no Friedman to pass the ball, But eleven real men, fighting like hell, Will be out there giving their all. Are you Michigan men going to quit Because their best may not mean a win? Are you going to sneer if they lose a bit? Are Michigan hearts made of tin? Or is Michigan Spirit something fine, To Michigan Men does it actually mean Fighting and cheering, win or lose? Yes? Then get out there and back up your team! Poison Ivy. * * * Yes, it'll be On Wisconsin this afternoon, right on their neck! * * * 1ATED ROLL ONWISCONSIN, ON YOUR WAY 1 r Music And Drama FRANK WILSON--PO'GY A staccato biography of Frank Wilson, the Negro actor who plays- the leading role in The Theater Guild's production of "Porgy,"4 Tuesday matinee and evening at4 the Whitney, reveals that he is still listed among the mail carriers of New York City. He has taken a vacation from the Postal ServiceI to play in "Porgy"; now his suc- cess as an actor-he has previouslyt appeared in "In Abraham's Bosom"' makes one wonder if he will ever return to the toting of letters and parcels.$ Wilson was born in New York in 1885 and was left an orphan early' in life. He went to work as a door- boy at the Hotel Schuyler and when 15 rolled about, he took up a night course, for-his education had been neglected. About this time heq discovered that he had a 'yen' for the theatre. To give it expression< he organized a quartet of singers and they played cheap vaudeville. Not only vaudeville, but museums and other haphazard places of en- tertainment. This lyric enterprise netted each singer some $15 week- ly. But Wilson quit this work ande Good News Regular Dinner 35c Regular Supper 30c Lenas Diner 210 S. 5th Ave. Home Cooking Miss Louise Seaman will speak on 1 Children's Bookst Thursday, Nov. 15 $ p. M. Pattingill Auditorium under auspices of PRINT AND BOOK SHOP 521 E. Jefferson St. Ann Arbor, Mich.S Admission FreeI BEAT But win or lose, come in and enjoy our fine meals. Quick Service Guaranteed. WISCONSIN!1 1111 11111l11111t1111 111111t11/11111111111111111t111111l11111llltill[ 111111111 1111111II~fllI11111 IIIi; - . Only 5 More Days Canoeing SAUNDERS' CANOE LIVERY WE CLOSE NOV. 1, 1928 on the Huron River at Foot of Cedar St. ./"J.sJ JJ J 1J JJ J./.I J. l J 1 J J. /~ JJ J J J J J J~ J J J J. 11/ '. J ~.I 'lli l J, rilliH O- n... "What's that badge you're wearing?" asked the Fair Co-ed in a perplexed tone, of the man wearing the "W" on his sweater. -o THE Wolverine Restaurant 329 South Main St. "The Pride of Ann Arbor" Y S'I * T B B Little Boy Blue Little Boy Blue, Come blow your horn; The federals are coming To make us reform Radio Music Private Booths rrrrrrriisr,.+rrrrrrerr.,rrrrrrrr. r.rirrrrrrrr, .rrrrvrrrrr,11 Clarence Cook Little Doth take us in hand; So blow your horn now Before blowing is banned. Oscar. They may be Cardinals now, but they'll be Bluebirds before tonight! * * * "I can't run for office," shrieked a youthful sophomore engineer nominee in the elec- tions, "I'm illegible!" Erase that man, Councilman Kern, he's illegible! * * * "Children Scrap; Then Mothers; Dads UsePistols." Grandpa, you drop that bomb! We wonder when the Union will raise another amendment? * * * These Union amendments cer- tainly have put the University on its feet. * * * Union Serenade I arise with votes for thee At Michigan's first pep night, When the grads are waxing brilliant And every one else is tight. * * * Did you hear that resounding crash? No, that was not an auto- mobile tire, for there are no autos on this campus, that was Percy Byshe Shelley turning over in his grave. * * * Here's to you, Breh Reddev! Rolls is all for you. Anytime a president of the Michigan Union thinks he can talk a member of the Rolls staff down, he's got another amendment coming. UNION DEATH CHANT "Wee Willie" Nissen Made the boys lissen, But just for a minute, it seems. Then up popped Breh Redde Said, "What you the heddev, That does whatever he deems? I'm a Union life member Since the 1st of September And I want to know what we're amending I'll stand here all night And keep up the fight Till you read what you're contending!" What would YOU do in the case of Mary Gold? 00 * * * "Gembis Shows Form In Kicking Off." -Headling in Daily. Holy smokes, Joe, you're going to practice that once too often. * * * We are so glad that the Uni- versity approved rooms for freshmen. We were so afraid the poor little fellows would have to sleep out of doors all 4 Frank Wilson took the Postal examination, which started hi m as a mail-carrier. His route was the famous Strivers' Row, that parade of handsome houses designed by the late Stan- ford White which stands on 130th street in New York, between Seventh and Eighth Avenues. It is the most exclusive block in Harlem. Wilson has written many one- act plays. That some of them have distinct quality is indicated by their inclusion in a recent Harper publication, "An Anthology of Negro Plays and Playlets," edited by Alain Locke. His play "Meek Mose," was recently produced at the Princess Theatre, New York. Another play of his writing, "Sugar Cain," is listed for production next season. Many of his playlets, most of them dealing with racial themes, have been produced at the Lafayette Theater, a playhouse de- voted to colored people and located in Harlem. The success of his sketches may have awakened in Wilson the urge for a greater degree of effort. At any rate he enrolled in a subsidiary group of the American Academy of Dramatic Art under the late Frank- lin Sargent. This was in 1927. So, after delivering mail in the day- time, he pursued his theatrical work at night. He acted in Butler Davenport's company in the Bram- hall Playhouse, playing a small role in their production of John Gals- worthy's, "Justice." In "All God's Chillun Got Wings," produced at the Provincetown Playhouse, he had a small part. Then he. sup- ported both Paul Roveson and Charles Gilpin in revivals of "The Emperor Jones." He also appeared in a revival of "The Dreamy Kid"; wrote his "Sugar Cain" play, and then went into "In Abraham's Bosom," where he had a small part and was understudy for the leading player, Julius Bledsoe. One eve- ning Bledsoe had a falling out with the management and did not appear for his part. This was after the play had achieved some suc- cess, had won the Pulitzer Prize and was brought uptown to the Garrick Theatre for an extended run. Wilson, as understudy, went on that evening. He achieved re- markable success and luckily for director of the Theatre Guild was in the audience. Sheawas impressed by his work and still further im- pressed by his modesty when, at the end of the play, the curtain kept going up and coming down in his honor-he had plainly made a hit. Mr. Bledsoe was not asked to return to his part; Mr. Wilson con- tinued in it and went from that "J I II Y ,,l Roosevelt .f .once said: "I wish to preach not the doctrine of - ignoble ease, but that of a strenuous life." '4 fI ,J S i4 THAT the late president, whose 70th birthday anniversary the nation observes today, practiced what he preached is a matter of history. He was an inspiring example of what indomitable Will Power can do. Follow it. Determine Financial Independence shall be yours and don't let up until you've attained it! ATLAT Annn Q A TTTOIC A MTl