tr tg ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1928 TTE PT RE Last night in Hill auditorium more than 3,000 students thundered articulate support to the Michigan football team in its game this afternoon. Judge "Bill" Day of Cleveland inspired the audience as a Michigan crowd has rarely been inspired in the past. This afternoon the Wolverine will attack the Badger in the new stadium, and it will not be the underdog attacking the favorite; for no team with such support as the Michigan student body is going to give its team this afternoon ever enter- ed a game as the underdog. It is no time for idle chatter and facetious remarks about the Michigan team; it is no time for a sneer on the face of a Michi- gan student. It is time, and high time, that the whole Michigan student body rise -as a manrand pledge its undying support to a team which has fought against terrific odds in the first three games of the year. Whether Michigan wins or loses, Michigan will be a better and finer place for having backed its team to a man. "Go To That Game With The Idea That Michigan Will Win" Says Judge Day "Go out to that game--not with the idea of defeat, not with a sneer on your face-but with the idea that Michigan will win today," de- clared Judge William L. Day, 'OOL, former varsity football man, and an Inveterate follower of Michigan football games in addressing the 3,000 Michigan students assembled last night at the pep meeting in Hill auditorium. Opening his speech with the de- claration, "I came from Cleveland to Ann Arbor today to see Michigan beat Wisconsin," Judge Day told the assembly, "In previous years we have had teams, some of them have won and some of them have lost, but always they have been backed by the student body. "You can't go out and play foot- ball unless you know that there is somebody behind you, with you, and for you," he continued. "Eleven men can't play the game without the spirit of thousands backing them," , Coaches Send Messages Speaking just before Judge Day, Jack Blott, '23, three letterman and' All-American , center, brought a message from the coaching staff aned fromxthae team at Barton Hills. Before speaking, he read mes- sages from "Bob" Brown, '26, former Varsity captain and all conference center and from Bennie oster- bann. Oosterbaan's message to the stu- dent body reads as follows: "In sociology we learn that the environment has a great deal to do with the growth and the devolp- ment of the individual. You, the students, are the environment of the men on the football team. What are you doing to help them? Is your environment beneficial or a hinderance? Are you asking, "What is the matter with the team?" That doesn't help. How would you like to be asked after doing your best in endeavor, 'What is the Matter?' Support The Team! "Think it over. You can help a lot. A few words of encourage- ment go a long way. When a team is winning, they don't need your encouragement and plaudits; they fell pretty good anyway. It is when they are losing that few pats on the back mean a lot. You know the boys on the team feel a lot worse about loosing than you do. Give them your support! They need it!" Brown opened his statement, "We have made a very marvelous record in the 'past; and there is very little to be discouraged about this fall. The team has worked very hard this year with little en- couragement from students and alumni. "Our Varsity this year can be congratulated for the fine spirit it has maintained, and it won't be long before the flag will be flying on the hilltop of victory," he con- tinued. "Loyalty is tested under what seems to be the most adverse con- ditions. Let it never be said that you had given up hope for Michi- .gan and her football team. At the darkest hour your encouragement and support is most needed." Freyberg Echoes Plea Dick Freyberg, '30M, captain of the 1926 track team; gave the op- ening talk of the evening as the representative of the student body. His words were echoed in the senti- ments of Brown's speech. Both men pleaded with the student body to "boost" the team. Frevher onened his sneech with HOOVER AND BORAH DISCUSSCAMPAIGN Conference Held On Farm Relief And Other Important Problems NOMINEE TOSPEAK NOV. 2 (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Oct. 26.-Herbert Hoover and Senator William E. Borah of Idado, Republican Inde- pendent in the Senate, sat at the luncheon table today for more than an hour and discussed farm re- lief and various other subjects. Neither the Republican presi- dential candidate nor the .Senator. made any formal statement re- garding the conference but it was known that Broah had it in mind that the St. Louis speech upon which Hoover now is working should contain a more detailed ex- planation of the farm relief pro- gram outlined in the acceptance speech. The Idahoan, who has been the most active stumping speaker for Hoover in the campaign, believes that such an exposition would be of material benefit in the west al- though, he has made it plain that he has no apprehension regarding the result in the great corn and wheat belts. Hoover announced upon his re- turn from New York that the major subject of his St. Louis address on November 2, would be farming and a development of waterways. He has prepared a rough outline of his speech and will devote the next few days to its completion. How much the announcement of Senator George W. Norris that he would support the . Democratic presidential candidate came into the discussion was not revealed. However, it is known that measures arq under consideration for off- setting the defects that the Norris declaration may have had in the agricultural west. Borah himself has declined to discuss the move of Senator Norris, explaining that he preferred first to read the text of the speech the Nebraskan will make at Omaha to- morrow night-his first on behalf of the candidcay of Gov. Alfred E. Smith. It may be that after the speech Borah and some others of the Republican Independents of the Senate who have been closely asso- ciated with Norris in the fight for what has been enominated as pro- gressive legislation will have state- ments to make. A further exposition of his views regarding women indindustry was given by Hoover today in a talk with Miss Elizabeth Christian, of Chicago, and Mrs. Raymond Rob- bins, chairman of the industrial women's, division of the Republican national committee. "I am absolutely with you in your efforts to get adequate labor Feeling From Outset Opposed To Proposal Of Change Failing to gain the support of more than half the men students seated in the first twenty rows on the lower floor of Hill auditorium at last night's Wisconsin pep meet- ing, the proposed amendment to the Union constitution was defeat- ed. The amendment if it had re- ceived a two-thirds majority from those voting upon it and if that group had exceeded 600 in number would have gone into effect and made it possible for an assembly of but 100 members to change the constitution. Voting on the suggested amend- ment took up the first few min- utes of the pep meeting. The ques- tion was submitted by William E. -Nissen, '29, president of the Union and immediately challenged from, the floor. An extension of the al- loted five minutes was allowed while Nissen read the amendment text. A rising vote showed the majority of the members present to be opposed to the proposal. Suggested By Committee The amendment as it was sub- mitted to the membership of the Union some ten days ago for con- sideration and voting last night sought to lessen the difficulty of amending the Union constitution. It was proposed by the members of the board of directors of the JUnior after suggested by a special committee appointed to consider the proposal and endorsed unani- mously by the board. Previously it has been demon- strated time and again that it is a virtual impossibility, owing to the laxity of interest among the student body in Union affairs, to get the necessary quorum of 600 to attend a Union assembly. The change was called into con- sideration this fall when it became apparent that it was impossible to pass any legal amendment to the constitution. In previous years, un- opposed amendments have become a part of. the constitution through the casting of numbers of proxy votes. Merit System Failed The suggested m e r i t system DONOR MAKES $100500GIFT TO FINE ARTS GIFT OF LAND FROM LAMONT ACCEPTED FOR BUILDING BY REGENTS SCOTT, FIELDGET LEAVES Positions On Executive Board Of Graduate School Given Winter, Brevold, and Ruthevan Acceptance of a gift of $100,000 from the Carnegie foundation fea- tured the monthly meeting of the Board of Regents held last night. The gift is for the furtherance of the work in the department of fine arts, and is to be paid the Univer- sity in five yearly installments be- ginning with the year 1928 and continuing through the year 1932. No mention was made as to any details concerning the use of the funds., In addition the regents accept- ;ed a deed of land from R. P. La- mont, the donor of the Lamont observatory in South Africa. The land is situated at the corner of Observatory street and Washington Heights. It will be used for an elementary school building about which further details will be forth- coming in the future. Grant Leaves Of Absence Four leaves of absence for the second semester of the current school year were granted. The re- cipients were Prof. Peter Field of the College of Engineering, Prof. John F. Shepard of the department of psychology, Prof. I. D. Scott of the geology department, and Prof. Bruce M. Donalson of the fine arts department. Vacant places on the executive' board of the graduate school were filled by the appointment of Prof. Louis I. Bredvold of the English department, Alexander Ruthven, dean of administration, and Prof. John Winter of the Latin depart- ment to the board. Smith Rests Before Pennsylvania Speech Philadelphia To Hear Nominee Make Appeal To Voters In Republican State NEW YORK, Oct. 26.-Alfred E. Smith spent virtually all of today getting ready for the Democratic invasion he will lead tonbrrow into the neighboring state of Penn- sylvania, with 38 votes, ranked sec- ond only to New York in the elec- toral college. Carnegie Commission Recognizes Heroism Acts Of Heroism Cited Include Deed Of Crossing Watchman In Rescuing Woman (By Associated Press) PITTSBURGH, Oct. 26-Fifty-six acts of heroism in the commission of which a dozen heroes lost their lives, were recognized here late to- day by the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission, which, in addition to the three silver medals and fifty- three bronze medals, awarded pen- sions aggregating $4,320 annually; $19,200 for educational purposes and more than $20,000 for other worthy purposes. For the first time in the 21 years of the commission's history one person was recognized a 'second time for an heroic deed. He is) Henry Naumann, a railroad cross- ing watchman, of 141 Logan street, Hammond, Ind. In June, 1924, Naumann was awarded a bronze :medal for saving a woman from the path of a train. On March 30, 1927, the day before his resigna- tion as crossing watchman was to go into effect, Naumann plunged in front of a train in an effort to save an aged woman. FORESTERS MEET AT REUNION DINNERI Credit Dean Effinger With Idea Of Being First To Suggest Forestry School TH0T69 19S llSITO STOP DETERMINED1 MICHIGAN BID FOR YEARSINITIL VICTORY CAPACITY CROWD EXPECTED TO FILL STADIUM TO SEE WOLVERINES BATTLE WISCONSIN OUTFIT By Morris Quinn Traditional gridiron rivals will meet again at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon when the Badgers of Coach Glen Thistlethwaite make their initial appearance in the n e w Michigan stadium to challenge the Wolverines determined bid for their first victory of the season. With more than 70,000 of the permanent seats al- ready disposed of, , it seems probable that the big bowl will be filled to the limit by .game time. For the second time in as many weeks Michigan will go into the game the under-dog due mainly to the records of the teams in the games played thus far. Wis- consin holds victories over Notre Dame and played a tie game with Purdue last.Saturday, while Michi- gan has yet to break into the win column, having lost to Ohio wes- Sleyan, Indiana and Ohio State. Performances Show Cast Is Now fTerBadgers are fighting mad PrepredFor ina Dres aterthe dimming of their cher- Prepared For Final Dress ished title hopes lasthSaturday Rehearsal when the Purdue eleven outplayed them to gain a 19-19 tie, and are TO SELL TICKETS MONDAY determined to taketadvantage of their best chance to upset the i ALUMNI MAKE SPEECHES "We owe a great deal to Presi- dent Little for founding the Fores- try school and taking so much in-I terest in ,its welfare," said Dean S. T. Dana of the Forestry school to a crowd of 150 alumni, students and faculty gathered at a banquet in the Union last night at their first reunion since foresters have been graduated from the Univer- sity of Michigan. To Dean John R. Effinger of the Literary college he gave credit, be- ing the first to suggest the making of a separate school of the depart- ment of forestry when he said on returning from a conservation con- gress, "We should have a separate department of Forestry and Con- servation at the University, and it should beathe outstanding one in the country." Alexander G. Ruth- ven, dean of administration, and G. Carl Huber, dean of the Grad- uate school, were likewise eulogised. Highest respects we're 'paid to Prof. Filibert Roth who for more than 20 years served as head of the forestry department in the liter- ary college. "Without him this school would never have been pos- sible," said Dean Dana. Box-office seat sales for "Diplo- macy" which will be presented at Mimes theatre by Comedy club for 'a week, beginning next Truesday, will begin at 10 o'clock on Mon- day in. the Mimes box-office. In the meantime, mail orders are be- ing received at Mimes theatre. The tickets are priced, at seventy-five ~cents. Rehearsals have resulted in per- formances which are practically ready for the dress rehearsal, ac- cording to the directors, Miss Phyl- lis Loughton, '28, and Thomas J. Dougall, '28. Miss Loughton will be remembered for her success with a number of campus productions staged at Mimes theatre in the past as well as for her direction of the 1928 Junior Girls' play, "Eight 'Till Eight." Dougall was one of the stars and co-author of last year's Michigan Union opera success, "The Same To You." A cast which includes many of the students popular in recent sea- sons here has been in rehearsal. In adddition, several of the players in the cast are making their debut in campus dramatics. In the cast are included Lorinda McAndrew, '30, as Zicka, Elizabeth McCurdy, '29, as Lady Henry, Pauline Jacobs, '29, as the Marquise, Lillian Setchell, '29, as Dora, Robert Adams, '30, as Beaucairde, Thurston Thieme, '29, as Orloff, Charles Peake, '29, as Julian, and George Priehs, '30, as Baron Stein. Tremaine To Play At Granger Dance Paul Tremaine's vaudeville or- chestra will play a one-night stand at Granger's dance hall Monday night, according to Charles Granger, manager. Paul Tremaine closed a successful run at the Mich- igan two weeks ago. The Monday night dance pro- gram will start at 8 o'clock for the benefit of those affected by the Uni- versity closing hour, and will last until 12 o'clock. Admission will be by tickets priced at $1.50. The remaining part of the pro- amendment seemingly had a suffi- The governor has not yet dis- gram consisted of short speeches cient majority to pass but because closed the subject he will discuss from several of the prominent of the fraudulent voting the elec- tomorrow night in Philadelphia alumni. A special moving picture tion. was thrown out and a second where he will make his one and was shown which depicted the ac- vote ordered by the board of di- only personal appeal to the voters tivities of the School of Forestry rectors for some time this fall. of the normally Republican key- since 1910; this was in charge of Further action upon the subject stone, state. He will leave here at Prof. Robert Craig. Amusing will not be taken upon the' project 1:30 p. m. over the Pennsylvania stunts and songs made up the re- until after the regular monthly line for Camden, N. J., where he mainder of the program; these meeting of the board of directors will detrain and after a motor pa- were the special work of members Wednesday noon, Nissen stated last rade through that city, move across of the Forestry club. The reunion night. At that time he will submit the Delaware river into Philadel- has been conducted under the di- the results of the vote to the board. phia. rection of Prof. E. V. Jotter. Roosevelt's Birthday Celebrated Throughout Nation Today;- Famous Leader Born Seventy Years Ago In New York City . Wolves in the past four years. Everything To Gain Michigan, on the other hand, will be fighting with everything to gain and nothing to lose. If the Wolverines can upset the dope and chalk up another success 'against the Cardinals, there is still a chance to make the season a suc- cessful one. In the last two games the Maize and Blue eleven has shown plenty of fight and a victory should lend the confidence necessary in a win- nng team. If the Wolverines show any kind of an offensive this af- ternoon and still maintain the de- fensive strength displayed in the Ohio and Indiana games, the Bad- ger gridmen will find that they have a tough assignment on their hands. The old injury jinx that has hit the Wolverine squad so hard during the past two weeks has apparently robbed Coach Tad Wieman of at least two capable performers. John Totzke, star punter, and Del Whit- tle, quarterback .will probably be unable to play against the Badgers, while it is rumored that Al Bo vard's injuries will keep him from taking care of the center post. Rose Benched Just what will be the result of Coach Thistlethwaite's threat of drastic action after the Purdue game, aside from the benching of Gene Rose, halfback, and Joe Kresky, guard, remains to be seen. Except for Rose, however, and Smith, fullback, who is out with in- juries, the Cardinals are expected to lineup in the same order as they did at Lafayette. At the ends Thistlethwaite will use Warren and L. Smith, while the veterans Captain Wagner and Binish will perform at the tackle berths. Parks, a two letter man and Linden will be at the guard posts with Conry favored to start as pivot man. Cusinier, diminutive quarterback will pilot the team with Lusby, for- ward passer delux, team with Parks, .the brilliant sophomore halfback who has played in all three games. Rebholz, a veteran performer will play fullback and probably do most of the kicking. Cragin May Center With Al Bovard still on the ailing list on account of injuries sustain- ed in the Ohio game, it is doubtful whether Coach Tad Wieman will run the risk of further injury by using him against the Badgers. Ray Cragin, who showed to an advan- tage after Bovard was forced to leave the game a week ago, will probably be used in the pivot posi- tion. Seventy years ago today a baby boy of Dutch parentage was born in New York City. Twenty-two years later after winning a strong battle for his health he graduated, from Harvard university and sub- sequently from Columbia law school. He soon achieved promi- nence in the New York state assembly as a member from New York City where he defeated his Tammany Hall opponent at a timeI when Tammany was at the zenith of its political power. Shortly after he was called to Washington where he served under three Presidents, only .to leave to serve in the Span- Roosevelt. Friend and foe of his party alike concede his greatness and undisputable position among our great American statesmen. Following are a few comments by faculty members on Roosevelt, the first by President Cook Little, him-{ self a student in Harvard towardI the end of President Roosevelt's administration : PRESIDENT LITTLE: "Theodore Roosevelt was so strikingly an em- bodiment of characteristic Ameri- can directness and energy that he is conceded to be one of the notable men of the century. On his birth- day we may well take time to re- call the career of a man who for two decades typified America in tal endowment,' but he succeeded! in making of himself an athlete ofI more than ordinary strength and in his mental accomplishments one of the outstanding men of this country and the entire world." PAUL M. CUNCANNON: "Today marks the seventieth anniversary of Theodore Roosevelt's birth and also the anniversary of the found- ing in the 18th century of the American navy. It is a singular coincidence that Roosevelt's birth- day and Navy Day should come at the same time, for of all statesmen in our national history, Roosevelt has been the one who had the navy most at heart and proved it throughout his entire career. Lyon To To Try Flight Bermuda Islands, (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Oct. 26.-Lieut. Commander Harry Lyon, who has proved his ability to find his way through the air to comparative specks of land in vast expanses of ocean, is going to try it again. This time the earthy speck isl