THE MICHIGAN DAlt LY F SITY DRILLS ON DEFE41N'SL,," FOR WISCONSIN GAME t S: R. S . lluAPGMN vs a rrnUSE BADGER SOPHOMORES WORK HARD TO AVENGE TIE GAME LAST WEEK I u. REC 1 VI[ Xi LI By Harold Dubinsky, I I U~~UlU U I L hOl L Sports Editor,'Daily Cardinal + MADISON, Wis., Oct. 25-Wiscon-; embis Shows Form In Kicking Off sin,. with its strong team of soph- To Freshman Backs; Varsity omores is going through one of the+ Breaks Up Pass Offense the; hardest week's of practice in preparation for the Michigan GOOD BLOCKING SHOWN game Saturday at Ann Arbor. The ,essential reason for all this inten- Despite intermittent rainfall and sive practice dates back to last wet and ipermi ield, CoacdSaturday when Purdue flashed an wet and slippery field, Coach unexpected offense and defense to 'ieman again sent the Varsity tie the highly touted Badgers, 19-19.1 trough a long drill on defense, Coach Thistlethwaite realizing )nsisti.g of dummy scrimmage that inexperience often ruins the gainst a freshman eleven using prospects of a powerful team, is isconsin plays sendig the Badger through thel final few days of practice to perfect' The results of this week's drill a driving offense and to correct the i fundamentals first became ap- supposedly powerful line. arent during a short offensive For many years Wisconsin has ill with. the backs carrying the been trying to put over a victory al against Coach Keen's sopho- on a Michigan team, and for many ore linemen when the Varsity years that effort has been in vain. ids and backs showed the best Friedman and several other Wol- ocking seen on Ferry field this verines just simply prevented a ason, continually taking the op- victory. sing linemen out of play on end Wisconsin Determined ins and off-tackle smashes. Now- the- Badgers are determined While Coaches Wieman and to get.that victory despite the dis- eenker were engaged in putting missal of two of its veteran stars ae backs through a short signal this week. Kresky and Rose the .actice, Coach Blott directed the two veterans dismissed cas a dis- nemen in a drill on blocking and ciplinary measure, will be replaced reaking through the line. by the wealth of material which With the yearlings lined up in Coach Thistlethwaite has on hand. isconsin's formation, Gembis and Lusby, the sophomore who played raveling took turns at kicking off so brilliantly against Purdue last hile two Varsity teams went down week, will undoubtedly be in the get the freshman backs. Gem- backfield. Sammy Behr, another is showed to best advantage at sophomore, will probably by in the he kicking post, several of his starting lineup. His play in the ng high boots allowing the Var- backfield has qualified him for a ty to stop the freshman backs regular position. efore they reached the twenty Smith Ready To Play Ird line. Harold Smith, the giant fullback' This drill was followed by an- on the Badger squad, although in- her dummy scrimmage, with the' jured by Welch in the Purdue game arsity linemen trying to, break last. week, has fully, recovered and irough and block the yearling will probably get many opportuni- ints and place kicks. ties to try his stuff against the The freshmen next tried Badger Michigan line. Bo Cuisiner, the ass formations against the Var- short Badger quarter, will in all ty with little success, most of the events start the game at quarter. Cardinal" tosses being knocked Despite his short stature, Cruisiner own and intercepted while the has been startling the world with nemen continually broke through his fast rinning and his all around hurry the passer. generalship. The first string line. against, the Binish and Lubradovitch will earlings consisted of Truskowski probably start the game at tackle! id Draveling, ends; Pommeren- positions, with Parks and Backus (Continued on Page 7) at the guard positions. Gantenbein a and -L. Smith will probably hold down the ends. ,With this teamUU lies the hopes of the Badger fans I for a victory over Michigan. Ex- cept for the fact that fraternity Drill In Fundamentals Have rushing will start this week-end! Up Major Portion Of Fi Wisconsin fans would probably be Two Weeks Practice in Michigan en-masse. As it is a rSO i: Taken J irst l r GRTID BITS By Morris Quin n . I111 'IF111111111111211111111t11t1111tilllllillllll 1111 1lulltl llUi11 [I 1111(IIIIuim d Word has been received from i from Chicago where they stop- Madison to the effect that the Wis- ped over to see a professional entrained last football game after Saturday's ~cnsin grid squad enrie at tussle with Purdue at Lafayette. night for Ypsilanti and are expec- ted to arrive there sometime this mornng.The wil, e qartred The probable line-up sent from morning. They will be quartered Madison yesterday did not include in the Huron hotel. either of the temporarily exiled players, although no information i 7 1 1 f 1 ' crowd of 1,000 will probably come A ITI to Ann Arbor for the game. ROSE, C A 1 N If. r With tvwo weeks of drill in the1 fundamentals of the game thej L I Varsity basketball squad under the tutelage of Coach Veenker is rap- idly assuming a more definite1 form. The highlight of this week's Class speedball will be the next events proved to be the first cut activity promoted by the Intramu- of the season in which the initial ral department. The fraternity number of fifty candidates was teams play their final league games shaved down to thirty in order LoD next week, after which the ten provide for more individual tutor-1 winners of the various leagues will ing than was possible with the first1 start an elimination to determine unwieldy group.1 t canmint t rTo date two of last year's let-t the champion. - termen have donned their court With the closing of the inter- togs and the remainder are ex-1 fraternity leagues the class teams pected to be seen as soon as the; will swing into action. Twelve football season is over. Bob Chap- teams have sent in their entries man, star center of last year's team to date and this many more are and Danny Rose, midget forward, expected to be ready when the are the two veterans who have games start. gone through the early season Teams wishing to tryout for paces with the other tryouts. Sigma Delta Psi can still enter the A large number of last years competition, but it is important AMA winners will be available for that the candidates report soon as Varsity competition this year and weather conditions will not allow along with the outstanding mem- the tests much longer. More than bers of last years strong freshman seventy-ive are now trying out for I team Coach Veenker will probably this organization, while several are be able to find that reserve strength on the verge of passing their last i so needed in western Conference tests. Mr. Snary is at the Field I Basketball. House on Monday, Tuesday, and _ Wednesday afternoons, while is on hand Saturday morning from ten Good News to twelve. Regular Dinner 35c Regular Supper 30c Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, Lenas Diner 210 S 5th Ave. Home Cooking $4.00 per year. It's worth it! .5hAe Hm oln Coach Glen Thistlethwaite plans to bring the squad over this afternoon for a limbering up practice in the new stadium, but informed the local officials that they will return to Ypsi- lanti after the drill. Responding to the innumerable inquiries that have flooded the ath- letic office since the reported bandishment of Rose and Kresky, both of whom are two-year veter- ans and regulars, the Badger coach emphatically denied that they have been dropped for the rest of the season. was given as to whether or not they are making the trip with the re-; mainder of the squad. Coach Thistlethwaite plans ' to use Warren and Smith at the ends, Captain Wagner and Binish, tackles, Linden and Parks, guards, and Conry at center. In the absence of- Rose, stellerl blocking halfback, Thistlethwaite is expected to use Lusby and Price at halves, Cusinier at quarter and Rebholtz at fullback. Price, a soph- omore, has played in every game so far, and Lusby is the mainspring of the vaunted Cardinal aerial attack. JUNIO-R SQUAD LENYK&S FOR WISCONSIN OAK Twenty-Two Players lake Trip To. Madison; Pass May Become Offensive Threat PATTON TO BE AT CENTER Bound for its first clash, with a conference reserve squad on a foreign gridiron, the. uior Var- sity left Ann Arbor at 10 o'clock last night for Madison where the Wisconsin "B" team is awaiting Saturday's game. There were twenty-two players in the squad- which was accom- panied by Coaches Courtwright and Brown. Those who are making the trip are: Bergman, Ted Bovard, Brown, Bauer, Biedenweg, Carter, Cooke, Deckeer, Giestert, Gitman, Gundry, Hager, Lytel, Hughes, Kerr, Moyer, Morgan, I Patton, Pearlman, Sullo, Widman, and Wilson. The squad was given a long drill during the afternoon, the forward pass occupying an important part (Continued on Page 7) t f 'J .1 'U :* i' . (. It was learned yesterday that the reason for the disci- plinary action was the failure of the two players to return to Madison until Monday night - i n E1ttii1i1ntu1unatttttttttttt1t1ttttt1tf,: - OPTICAL DEPARTMENT Lenses and Frames made To Order Optical Prescriptions - Filled HALLERS = State St. Jewelers . It Itlitittttlt 11ttittllitt lltlttittttil tl . 4'. 4)1A1_ 'ef !* 4;, Tuttle Lunch SPECIALS Sunday Morning Breakfast __ __ A Ll DINNERS "Apparel for The "last word" in hats. Made especially for Del Prete. $5.00 and $6;00. Latest fall neckwear. Stripes and small figures. $1.00 University Men" - 4e - J ,c is 4 u t. t. t 1 'Inv i + br, } X " y+s 1 tY t , t Z il St 4+ F r "'Kw Italn: Dinners I Ravioli, Chickens, Steaks Good Food at Reasonable Prices .N I' ".5 iT ;:'C? zr "Just in"-New shipment of fall socks. All wool, snappy colors. 3 'for $2.00. Look for this Label . : ;,,:.. f:- ; ,,,- L 5 , ; ; a y : ": 4 The "Michigan Model" is going over big. Broad, sub- dued stripes are the thing this year, and of course, the fabrics are of the latest weave. Specially priced at $40.00 and $45.00. i 1 -'3 1ty '}< 1a + .Ci 4 : .f 44. -lx F' ; t' J ~ S; vs. S4' s, . z ; "? u1 a y. 1. a ;