I THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY I MVA FINISH PRE PARATIONS FO R IPRA FRANNUAL HOLDING1 OF FRESHMAN SPREIADI GYM WILL BE TRANSFORMED INTO FOOTBALL FIELD FOR EVENING HELEN JONESWILL SPEAK Aim Is To Bring Freshman Women And Their Big Sisters Into Closer Contact Decorations, refreshments and the ' program in general of the Freshman Spread which is to be held at 8 o'clock tonight in Bar- bout gymnasium, will all contrib-. ute ; to the theme of the party, which will be the big event of the Michigan-Wisconsin game week- end On their arrival, the freshmen will find Barbour Gym transform- ed into a football field with goal posts on either end, and the ban- ners of both universities stretch- ing between them. The race tracks, up above will flaunt on one side Athletic Association the brave red and white of Wis- consin, and on the other Michi- Amendment T gan's valiant yellow and blue. In each corner of the gym will be a refreshment stand, after the Involving the basic principles fashion'of the regular "pop" stands underlying the Women's Athletic at the real games, and from there association at Michigan are two cider, doughnuts and apples will amendments to the point system be :served throughout the whole that were up for discussion at a evening. This plan eliminates the special meeting of the executive women having to go downstairs to board yesterday, and will be voted be served. on at the regular meeting next The program for the evening will Tuesday night. include several specialty dances The importance of the proposed from last year's freshman pageant, amendments lies in the controver- a talk by Helen Jones '31, general sial question of college athletic or- chairman of last year's pageant, ganizations, whether or not skill and a grand march. Favors will be shall be the standard of eligibility distributed, and music for dancing for membership. By changing the will be furnished by Edna Mower's point system of W. A. A. in the way orchestra. suggested by the two amendments, The two big aims of the spread Michigan's organization will be this year are to give the freshmen saying "Let the development of a women a clear understanding of hobby and not skill serve as a war- their chief activity, the Freshman rant of membership into W. A. A." pageant, and to encourage a closer At present, any woman who can union between the freshmen and present one point earned in W. A. their big sisters on the campus. A. and has paid dues of one dollar The freshmen will come to the gym for the year can enjoy the privi- in their groups and meet their big ___ _ sisters, on their arrival. They will "PORGY"{ all wear the colors of Michigan to {_ designate them from the sopho- The Balcony seats for the mores and the rest of the guests evening for "Porgy" are sold who will wear red and white. n7 - Proposes Fo Extend Membership leges of membership. This quali- fication is to remain unchanged. However, at present the earning of even one point involves the earn- ing of at least twenty-five as a minimum, in hiking, for example, which demands the least possible amount of skill. According to the new ruling, if passed, the obtain- ing of W. A. A. points and thereby eligibility to the organization will be made easier by two important avenues. In intramural activities. "any woman who plays in at least one intramural game will receive five points at the end of the season, upon her request." And, among individual scores, "one point will be given for every mile hiked, with a minimum of five miles as one hike." In ' the first amendment, the words "upon her request" were in- serted, according to Betty Smither '28, president of the executive board, in order that no points would be given to anyone who was not genuinely interested. On the other hand, anyone with enough interest in W. A. A. to hike five miles could ; qualify herself for 1 membership, a situation which is, at present, impossible. This question of hobby versus skill is one which was very much in the limelight at all the district conventions of the Athletic Con- ference of American College Wom- en last year and which will un- doubtedly receive major attention Intramural Hockey WOMEN GOLFERS Visitors, including students ant Game Results In Tie VISIT FIELD HOUSE also the general public, may b taken through the new Women' Two distinguished visitors who League building at any time be The first round of the intramural tween 10:30 and 12 o'clock in th hockey tournament was played came last Tuesday to inspect the morning on Saturday, Oct. 27, o dnew equipment i the golf rooms on Saturday, Nov. 3. Members o Wednesday on Palmer field and re- of the Women's Athletic building the house committee of the Leagu sulted in a 2 to 2 tie between Delta were Mrs. Charles Hague Booth will be stationed at the Ingalls St Gamma and Helen Newberry. In president of the Women's Golf entrance to the building at thos the first half the dormitory teanms times, and will direct visitors abot succeeded in making a goal and in Association, and editor of the the building, describing plans an keeping the ball in Delta Gamma monthly golf magazine entitled locations. territory. In the second half, Del- "Tournament Topics," and Mrs. If any one cares to go throug ta Gamma took the lead by mak- Ralston Goss, who writes golf ar- the building during the week, a ing two goals in quick succession. ticles for the Detroit Saturday pointment for a woman student Near the end of the game Helen who will serve as guide may b Newberry tied the score. Night. made by calling Virginia Lossee Troester and Potter starred for According to Miss Ethel McCor- '30, dial 7717. The building will nc Newberry, and Cooley, Jane Olds, mick, regular instructor of the be open to the general public ver Wallace and Bush were outstand- classes, many offers of assistance in long after Nov. 3, so under the ci. ing on the Delta Gamma team. coaching the women in these cumstances the house committe The game to determine the winner classes, and those who have been+ urges that everyone who wishes t will be played Friday at 4 o'clock. selected as members of the Uni- see the building make use of tli versity golf team, have been made, opportunity that is being presente at the national conference to be but up to the present time no .one at this time. held in Ann Arbor in May, 1930. but Mrs. Hanley, Miss Miller, or Until yesterday, the Michigan W. Miss McCormick herself, has given Subscribe to The Michigan Daily A. A. took no definite position. them any instruction whatsoever. $4.00 per year. It's worth itl -040,rrerrl.0.s rr.10 000 0.14.0 Ile. TRY 4 Swift's Drug Store (opposite Law Building) for your 4 P YIS . x ( 1 .. "; dA b f out. Good seats are still avail-I able for evening on the main I floor. Seats at at all prices are available for the after-I noon. This is to correct the statement in The Daily yes- I Iterday morning. I Mrs. W. D. Henderson } Chairman, Committee Sweetiand for Refreshments and Toasted Sandwiches All Kinds of Hallowe'en Novelties Assorted Nuts 212 So. Main St. trt rt, Printing and Developing 24-Hour Service Our Work Is Guaranteed to Please You. I a w. /IP .i rwwswwww rwwwwwwwwr .rrrr, . .r, .r. .r, . r. . vr rrr. r .rr. iorro..err. vrrsrrrrrrrrrii- rr < Free Facial with every order of Cream amounting to $1.00 or more. Open from 8:30 until 6 Also Monday and Thursday Evenings. Other Evenings by Appointment. Nestle- Circuline Permanent STODDA R D Hair Shoppe 707 N. University Phone 2-1212 Open on Friday and Saturday nights after 11:30 for guests at Union dances A charming, restful place to refresh yourself after dancing. Special Midnight Lunches Now located at 514 E. Jefferson Next to Jefferson Apts. Near State PT I 0 a The Rain Clouds t / Won't Wait Much Longer -and when they start, who knows 'bout the stopping? There's rain shelter under a sturdy umbrella from Mack and Co. Gloria silk, banded in satin-I0 and 16 rib types -and nobby handles. purple, navy, brown, bla The colors are red, green, I $3.50 and $4.95 Richer silks in fancy plaids and stripes carry straight handles and the new curved ones-in amber and opaque effects . .. Handles and silks match colors. $4.95 and $11.95 I i