7 /BER 26, 1928 7'H E MICHIGAN D AIL Y WMWWMM YAN1KSI kHLEICS.I Cardinals Manage to Take Fifteer Inning Contest From Brooklyn 4-3, PIRATES GARNER 17 HITS Continuing the same dizzy pac that has established them as lead- ing contenders for the pennant in the American league, New York and Philadelphia both gained de- cisions over Cleveland and St Louis respectively in yesterday': games, while Brooklyn and Cin- citinati were unable to stave of defeat in the National. McKechni's Cardinals were hard put to defeat the Brooklyn entry 4-3 in a fifteen inning tussle Meanwhile the Giants althougl corralling twice as many hits a the~ Reds, were only able to wir by a single run 4-3. In other games in the National League Philadelphia stopped the fast mov. ing Chicago Cubs with a 5-2 count and Pittsburg out hit Boston tc win 13-8 in the slugfest of the day The Pirates piled. up 17 hits tc offset their 5 misplays. In the American league Rutt and Co. swamped the Indians 10-: while the Mackian clan kept irx step with New York out upsetting the St. Louis Browns in a one TWO U. S. POLO STARS INTRAMURAL SEASON TO OPEN SOON IGRIDMEN T0 SCRIMMAG fLASSIFIE D F DROPPEDFROM SQUAD WITHINTERFRA TERNITY SPEEDBALL: AT FERRYFIELD TODAY !ADVERTISINo NEW YORK, Sept. 25.-A revised Fall Intramural activities will be enough is displayed. All speed- and Bill Orwig of basketball fame polo team will represent the United inaugurated in a short time with ball games will be played at South have showed considerable promise TENOR BANJOIST - Experienced; States Saturday in the first matche iFerry Field, and all those who are in catching passes but their defen- wishes place with campus orches- 'the first events on the nter-fra- interested in officiating should sive prowess is as yet unknown. tra. Read and fake. Call Ross, i championship of the Americas. ternity leagues program, speedball- hand in their names to the office. Draveling and Cornwall, the out- 2117 at noon or after 6. 2.3, 4 J. Cheever Cowdin and W. Aver- Letters announcing this opening Entries for the All-Campus ten- standing flankman on the yearling FOR RENT-One nice room in good ell Harriman have been dropped in are being sent to the fraterni- nis tournament which starts Oct. team last year, are the other pros- ( location, double or single. 420 favor of Winston Guest, form ties, and all desiring to compete 2 are now being accepted at the cts. Thompson Street. Phone 215 $Yl tr adSehn afr. sould alt thsirng th Ihe2.3~ Yale star, and Stephen Sanford. shouldget in touch with the In- Intramural office. The entry list From tackle to tackle the out--OR RENT--Large suite. Will rent The new squad, as revised by the tramural office in Waterman gym- will close Monday, Oct. 1, at 4 look is more promising. Al Bo- single or double. 537 Elm Street. defense committee of the United nasium. In addition to the regular o'clock. Last year this tournament vard is back fighting fo-: his cen-i Phone 5291. 2 StatesPolo Association, will line- inter-fraternity speedball league, was won by James Spencer in the ter position, with Patton and WANTED--A Junior Law desires u wint n in arrimmy the Intramural office will sponsor singles and by Irving Moss and Brown, a pair of 210 pounders giv- roommate. Dial 8544. 422 E. k place at No. 1; Capt. Tommy' an independent league if interest Spencer in the doubles. ing him a stiff battle all the way. Washington. 2, 3, 4: -Hitchcock in No. 2 position; Mal- colm Stevenson at No. 3, and -_ Guest at back instead of Cowdin. F The new team is handicapped at 34 goals compared to the 35-goal ranking held by the original squad_ as named little more than two dlweeks ago. The difference lies inF the fact that Sanford is rated at h six goals, one less than Harriman. POR RENT-Neatly furnished front room for 2 graduate women,busi- ness girls, nurses; steam heat; also garage. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. 2, 3, 4 WANTED-Colored man and wife want job as cook and houseman. Good reference; 9 years' experi- ence., 2, 3 WANTED-Students to know that our home laundry methods give your clothes personal attention. Moe Laundry, 204 N. Main. Dial 3916. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 FOR RENT-Suite, beautifully fur- nished; ideal for professor, or for student who wants a place for study. Not "cheap." Also garage. 928 Church St. 2 FOR RENT-Apt. nicely furnished; semi-apt. for girls, 2 1-2 blocks from campus. 621 Forest. Dial 5607. 2, 3, 4 FOR RENT-Large front room for two. Sleeping porch ifrdesired. Good location. 1143 Forest. Dial 6692. ffi 2 n r 0 1~ hl According to a recent announce- ment in the Yale News, "no under- graduate is allowed to operate any form of air craft without permis- sion of the dean of his school." sided game. The Athletics were not to be denied, and with Crow- der, the ace of the Brownie.mound crop out of the way there was lit- tle question as to the ultimate re- sult. In the only other game scheduled, Washington blanked Chicago 3-0. Nick'els A rcadc 'I THE LATEST PARISIAN MODE Ten Dollars The new fall mode"stresses pumps to be worn with imported Parisian colored crystal buckles,-giving added smartness to the formal slipper.q Specialized Fitting Service Distinctive Footwear 01111%1111111lllllllliilllllil IM 1n1111n1111i mi m I l~iil1 i fliII A NATIONAL INSTITUTION FROM COAST TO COAST _ 2! We Are Our Own Manufacturers - 107 Years' Experience - "The Downtown Store for Michigan Men" -'Y - - ... Fellow Students Our Suits are the proper thing for college men. They are designed to sat- isfy the exacting taste of American campus. They have to be right. They - +are right. Ready- Schoble Fall Hats Haberdashery Sportswear i/ SPECIAL WHITE OXFORD CLOTH SHIRTS(Collar Attached) $1.95 WHITE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS (Collar Attached) $2.45 featuring KAHN TAILORED CLOTHES DOBBS HEADWEAR RESILIO NECKWEAR TYSON SHIRTS WHITNEY SHIRTS CLUETT DRESS SHIRTS Dependable Wearables for University Men See The New Michigan Hickok Buckle TINKER & COMPANY So. State St. at William St. Serving University Men for Thirti} Years FOR RENT-Two-room suite, well furnished. Will accommodate two gentlemen. Close to University. 526 East Jefferson. 2, 3, 4 FOR RENT-Large, well furnished room for two boys, downstairs. 526 E. Jefferson. 2, 3, 4 FOR RENT-Large double room, single beds, $2.50 each. 502 E. Kingsley St. 2, 3 FOR RENT-Strictly first class fur- nished, heated lower apartment. Four rooms and bath. 439 S. Fifth Ave. Dial 21371. 2 FOR RENT-Suite suitable for one or two fnen in quiet, private home. Near campus. Phone 6152. 2,3,4 FOR RENT-Attractive room for 2 or 3 men. 522 S. 4th Ave. Dial 6430. 2, 3, 4 FOR RENT-One suite. One single room exquisitely furnished, for upperclassmen or graduate stu- dents. Not "cheap" rooms. 928 Church St. 2 FOR RENT-Ann St., 603 (near State St.) Newly decorated rooms and suites. Very reasonable. Real home cooked meals served. $7.00 per wek. 2, 3, 4 LOST-Will person who took brown top coat from Union Tap Room Sunday by mistake please return to 516 Walnut. Reward. 2, 3 MUSICIAN WANTED-B flat tenor man. Must be able" to read well also fake. Phone 9354 after 6 p. m. 2, 3,4, WANTED - Student who wants clothing experience; good wages; also must be a stenographer- steady employment. Call The Fair, 200 N. Main. 2, 3, 4 WANTED-Salesladies to work part time and Saturday. Good wages. Steady employment. Call The Fair, 200 N. Main. 2, 3, 4 WANTED-Roommate, male stu- dent, sophomore, Lit. 813 McKin- ley. Large sunny, warm room. Rent very reasonable. Call 6305. 2,; 3 WANTED - Student barbers after school up to 9- o'clock at night. Inquire barber shop 205 N. Main. 2, 3, 4 WANTED-Student and family washing. Will call for and de- liver. Call 1042 Wall St. 2, 3, 4 FOR SALE-Student furniture, like new. Dressers, beds, chairs, desks. Very cheap. Call 21847 or 3469. 2 NOTICE-Piano and Pipe Organ Instruction. Mrs. Emma Fischer Cross, formerly on faculty of Un- iversity School of Music, and . Washington University. Exten- sive study in Europe and Amer- ica. Studio 610 E. Liberty St. Apt. 8; Phone 3566. 2, 3, 4 WANTED-Farm. Want to hear from owner having good Michi- gan farm for sale. If bargain, send prick and description. F. B. G., Box 495, Olney, Ill. 3 FOR RENT-Two large double rooms. Will rent as single room or as suite. A junior wants a roommate. Price reasonable. 425 S. Division. 3 4, 5 U U 1 1 "' FOR SALE--Piano, Victrola, and Atwater-Kent radio. All in fine condition. Reasonable t e'r m s. Phone 4596. 3,4 FOR RENT-Very desirable room, one or two. Private home, Granger near State. Phone 21125. Garage. 3,_4, 5 FOR RENT-Single room, steam heat, continuous hot water. 311 Thompson. Two blocks from campus. 3, 4,_5 FOR RENT-Large front room for two. Sleeping porch if desired. No other roomers. Dial 6692.2 3 WANTED-Private boarding place by six faculty members. Write Box 2 Daily. 3, 4, 5 FOR RENT-Three room furnished apartment for rent. Garage if desired. Inquire 1117 Forest. 3, 4, 5 FOR RENT-Two large rooms on first floor completely furnished for light housekeeping. Private entrance. Splendid for couple attending college. 114 N. Ingalls. Dial 7437.x 3, 4 FOR RENT-Single room, steam heat, close to campus. Dial 4354. 1317 Washtenaw. 3, 4 FOR RENT-Men. One small single comfortable room, three minutes from campus. Reasonable rent. 707 Tappan. 3, 4 Subscribe III