'ABLISHED 1890 ,Jrl Lw1 s0 ti MEMBER, ASSOCIATED PRESS I I I I 1 11 I'll 1 11 XXXIX. No. 29. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1928 EIGHT PAGES TUDENT VO E WILL BE HELD ON UNION PLAN AMENDMENT "That Article XIV of constitution be amended the to NISSEN AND SCHAFER WILL PRESENT PLAN TO MEN ON LOWER FLOOR TO BALLOT AT PEP RIOT Proposal, If Passed, Will Require Only 100 Members To Vote On Future Measures Student members of the Union, seated on the lower floor of Hill auditorium at the beginning of the Wisconsin game pep meeting to- night, will be given an opportunity to vote upon a proposed change in the Union constitution which would alter the methods of amend- ing that instrument. During the first five minutes of the pep meeting, scheduled to be- gin at 8 o'clock, William E.'Nissen, 29, president of the Union, aided by Kenneth Schafer, '29, recording secretary, will call the men seated on the 'lower floor to order and wil put to them the question of the amendment as printed in, The Daily this morning. In order to save time, the pro- posed amendment will not be read at that time but will be submitted as carried in The Daily. A rising vote will be taken and if two-thirds of those voting favor the change it will become a portion of the Union constitution. Change Is Simplification The change as it was endorsed in proposal by an investigating committee of five and adopted unanimouslyhby the board of d- rectors of the Union, would make it possible for the Union constitu- tion to be amended at a meeting at which but 100- members were present, provided that two-thirds of that group favored the amend- mnent. Under the present system, it is necessary that 600 members be pre- sent at an assembly and that at1 least two-thirds favor the proposal in order to secure its adoption. both plans provitle that suitable notice must be given and published at least 10 days previous to the meeting at which the amendment to be considered shall be submit- ted to a ballot of the members of the Union. Former Quorum Difficult The impossibility of getting 600 members of the Union to attend an assembly called to discuss any amendment has been demonstrat- ed repeatedly within recent years. It is for this reason that the ques- tion of changing the system will be proposed to the men of the stu- dent body tonight. Although several changes to the constitution are included in the proposal, they are to be voted upon in a group and will constitute but one amendment to the instrument. It is the express desire of spon- sors of the plan to have it under- stood that this amendment is not to be considered as in any way connected with the merit system proposal. The merit system pro- posal was submitted last spring and though apparently adopted was thrown out on account of illegal balloting. May Submit Plan Again At the time it was planned to submit it to the student body some time this fall. It is probable that it will be brought up and consid- ered again later in the college year. The proposed admendment has received hearty approval from both members of the faculty and offi- cials of the Union. The simplifica- tion of the amending process is regarded as a great improvement in the Union constitution. RICH POLITICAL FELLOWSHIP OPEN One thousand dollars will be giv- en next year to some graduate stu- dent in the field of European eco- nomic history, accordingrtoan an- nouncement made yesterday from the office of the economics depart- ment. The fellowship is the result of a gift made last March. The recipient must be a candidate for the doc- tor's degree and will be expected to spend the greater part of his timel read: "'A special meeting or election of the members of the Union shall be called by the record- ing secretary upon request of a majority of the members of the board of directors or of at least two hundred members of the Union, stating with reason- able particularity the matter or ,' matters proposed to be con- sidered. "'At least ten day's notice by suitable posting and publi- cation shall be given by the recording secretary of any such special meeting or election, and the notice shall state the mat- ter or matters proposed to be considered, substantially as the same shall have been stated in such written request. At such meeting, or election, no action shall be taken on any other matter.' "That Article XV of the con- stitution be repealed and that the following be added as an additional section of Article IV: "'Seven members of the board shall constitute a quor- um of such board.' "And that Article XVI of the constitution be renumbered to become XV and to read as follows: "'Amendments to this con- stitution, not in violation of the Articles of Association, may be adopted only at a special meeting or election of the Union, after due notice as Article XIV, at which meeting or election not less than 100 votes shall be cast. "'At such meeting or elec- tion the proposed amendment. or amendments shall be voted on by ballot, and a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast at such meeting or election shall be necessary for the adoption of any amendment or amend- ments.'" Six Alumni Aspire To Political Jobs ' In Western State Six alumni of the university are candidates for offices 'in the fall elections in Washington according to recent information from Seattle. James T. Lawler, '98L, is a candi- date for County Commissioner of the first committee district; Bruce Blake, '05L, after defeating Preston M. Troy, '93L, in the primary, is now running for a position as judge of the Supreme Court; Howard M. Findley, '04L, for judge of the su- perior Court; Austin E. Griffiths, '88L for United States senator; Charles M.. Dial, '93L, for member of the House of Representatives from the 41st district; Frank Pierce, '90L, for member of the House from the 42nd district. REPORT INCREASE IN LIQUOR CRIMES Liquor criminality is on the in- crease according to a summary of the results issued at the Depart- ment of Justice yesterday for pro- hibition cases forecasted 'by the Federal Government in the fiscal year which ended June 30. . This is an increase over the preceding year of 15,020. Cases which were terminated during this time were: convictions, 48,820; acquittals, 1,431; discontin- ued, 6,114; and dismissed, etc., 2,- 064. EFFI NGEIR DISCUSSES PRACTICAL EDUCATION IN MICHIGANPROGRAM OOSTERBAAN, AIGLER, AND COLLER ALSO ADDRESS RADIO AUDIENCES TWO GIVE MUSICAL SOLOS Literary Dean Warns Against Too Much Or Too Little Specialization ' "In a more personal sense, that education is most practical which, quite apart from business or scien- tific success will assure the student a reasonable happiness and satis- faction in life," stated Dean John R. Effinger, of the literary college, in his talk last night on the fourth of the current series of Michigan Night programs, broadcast between' 7 and 8 o'clock through WJR-WCX, Detroit. Dean Effinger, speaking on "What is Practical in Education," discuss- ed the ordinary attitude of a prac- tical education, that one which can be turned into dollars and cents in the shortest possible time. "For many students such a course of study is undoubtedly the right thing," he said, "and a few months in a business college will give them a knowledge of stenography, type- writing, and elementary book-keep- ing which will prepare them for a job in an office without much de- lay. In such a way a severely prac- tical education might be quickly secured. The question is, however, whether or not a college student should not look farther ahead and think about fitting himself by a slower process for more advanced work." "Specialists Make Discoveries" "In addition to just a knowledge of one special field, results have proven that a general education is a great asset," Dean Effinger stat- ed. "In a more technical field the question as to what is practical in education must be approached from a different angle, but the man who spends long years in the study of physics or chemistry, who knows the underlying principles of these sciences, is almost always the man who makes the great scientific dis- coveries." .Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, of the Law school, who had as his title "Becoming a Landowner," discuss- ed the meaning of a warranty deed. Professor Aigler mentioned the va- rious problems and disappointing expectations which have arisen out of an inadequate knowledge on the part of buyers of the procedure involved in the transfer of land. "In buying land or taking a mort-. gage on it," he said, "one should know that the seller or mortgager owns the interest which he pur- ports to sell or mortgage, and, sec- ondly, there must be an effective instrument of conveyance. "Consult Lawyer" "However, due to the many ele- ments to be considered in each, in the long run it will be more eco- nomical when occasion arises to consult someonei in whose training and experience and judgment you have reason to believe you may rely." Last night's program was the last to be broadcast from the old studio on the fourth floor of University hall, it was announced by Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhetoric department, who is announcer and program manager for the local sta- tion. Although the new studio which is being constructed in Mor- ris hall will not be completed, it will be available for the broad- casting of next week's program. THREE CHEERS! In the past four seasons of football, the University of Mich- igan has scored 93 points to none for the University of Wisconsin. In the seasons of 1921 to 1927, the universities have met each year, and each time, Michigan has emerged triumphant. Tomorrow after- noon, the two will again en- gage in the new stadlum, with Michigan generally picked to lose. The campus and the whole sporting world know all too well that Michigan is now ex- periencing its poorest season in the history of its athletics. In this University where the general attitude has always been one of counting by how much the opponent was to be defeated, instead of deciding who was to be the winner, the football team has dropped three straight games on succes- sive Saturdays. There has been complaint and excuse, failing and support which has been disgusting to Michigan men and women. The team has done its best, but in most instances, this has gone un- noticed and the mere fact of losing has been foremost. Tonight, the first pep meet-t ing of the season will take place at 8 o'clock in Hill audi- torium. There have been Pep meetings in the past, but none has been more important than this tonight. At others, the Student body has met and given half-hearted cheers for a team and coaching staff that had victory odds with them. This pep meeting is different, 1 however. The time has come for the entire student body- not only the usual freshman, but the dignified sophomore and stately upperclassman-to lend full-hearted support to a new half-hearted team, down- cast by defeat. The band, Coach Yost, and other fixtures will be on hand. The new ele- ment needed most is hearty student support. It is all too obvious the team needs support. The effect of aM packed pep meeting tonight at Hill auditorium may ,work wonders. Show your colors! -o-- Ye Olde Town Hall To Peal Its Chimes On Election Morne Polling day will be heralded here with the ringing of bells and the screeching of sirens if the present plans of the city officials are car- ried out. Promptly at 7 o'clock on that Tuesday morning the bells tin the towers of the county building and in the police station will begin pealing their summons to all voters throughout the city. At the same time the siren at the University of Michigan power house will give out its signal in an appeal for Ann Arborites to remember their duties1 'as citizens. Aldermen who are in charge of the polling places predict that the voting congestion will be one of the greatest ever experienced by the city, unless those who are able 0- o BADGERS RETURN DUCATS I Return of a considerable I number of tickets for the Wis- I consin-Michigan game Satur- I day from the Badger school, I makes possible the offering of E excellent seats on the visitors' E side of the stadium by the I. athletic association, it was an- nounced late yesterday after- I noon. These tickets will be on gen- eral sale at the Administra- tion building until game time, according to the association's officials. to cast their votes during the morning or afternoon will do so., otherwiserattendants will be seri- ously hampered in giving every- body a chance to vote during the evening hours. The 20 voting machines whichI were used during the last presi- dential elections in this town are I now being turned over to the police for disposal while the funds from the sale will be placed in the police- firemen pension fund. These machines were condemned by the state as junk after the last ALUMNI OF FORESTRY SCHOOL GATHERHEREH EXPECT THAT MORE THAN 400 WILL TAKE PART IN TWO DAY MEETING WILL TOUR LABORATORIES Archery Shoot Across Lake Will Be Feature Of Afternoon Program At Saginaw Forest Representatives of more than 400 alumni of the School of Forestry and Conservation are arriving to- day from all over the country to take part in the Quarter Century Forester's reunion to be held to- day and Saturday, announced Prof. E. V. Jotter, chairman. Among the prominent alumni is John F. Pres- ton, chairman of the Forester's Alumni association. The reunion will begin with reg- istration this morning at 9:30 in room 1045 Natural Science build- ing, which will be the headquarters of the affair. At 10 o'clock the en- tire group is scheduled to take a tour of the Forestry library and laboratories, the school and the university in general. It is planned that at 12 o'clock the group will assemble at the head the group will assemble at the headquarters from which they will be taken in automobiles to the Saginaw Forest farm out Huron street, where a camp dinner will be served. Reminiscences will be giv- en by various alumni who are now spread around the country in gov- ernment and commercial forest work. Among them will be Clyde Leavitt, 04, M. R. Webb, 23, J. B. Saxton 10, and E. A. Gallup, 16, who is city forester of Ann Arbor. Various forestry stunts on the part of both alumni and students will continue the afternoon program. Prof. L. J. Young, will have charge of a woods trip through Saginaw forest where the alumni may observe the trees which they planted twenty years ago now grown to full height. An additional feature on the program will be an archery shoot across the take by Ivan H; Sims, of the Forestry school and Edward F. McCarthy. The re- mainder of the afternoon will be spent taking an automobile trip to Stinchfield woods, which is also maintained by the Forestry school. President Little is scheduled to speak at the banquet tonight at the Union. His topic will be "Our New-~ est School," and he will be intro- duced by W. W. Weber, of the For- est Products Laboratory, Madison,' Wisconsin. Greetings on the part of the school as a whole will be given by Dean S. T. Dana. BROADWAY BRIDGE FINISHED The roadway of the new Broad- way bridge was completed Wednes- day when the contractor poured the asphalt weearing surface, City Engineer George H. Sandenburgh announced. GERMAN ZEPPELIN STA YSIN HANGAR (By Associated Press) LAKEHURST, N. J., Oct. 25- Wind-locked in the Navy hangar the German Graf Zeppelin was in readiness tonight to heave itself into the air at a moment's notice on its projected flight to the mid- dle-west. It had been hoped that the stiff breeze sweeping across the hangar doors all day would die down at Edusk and permit departure at that time, but instead the wind fresh- ened to such a point that Navy ' officers feared an attempt to re- move the greatest of all airships to the open might result in its be- ing torn apart against the han- gar's walls. STUDENT BODY TO ASSEMBLE TONI6HT AT. HILL AUDITORIUM' IN INITIAL PEP RIOT OF YEAR JUDGE DAY, FREYBERG, AND BLOTT WILL ADDRESS AUDIENCE; BEAT WISCONSIN! Bp Yellit Tonight the student body will have a chance to demonstrate the inaccuracy of the rumor that they are more worried about when the bootleggers are coming back to town than whether or not Michi- gan ever wins another football game. The occasion will be a pep- meeting at 8 o'clock in Hill auditorium to rally student support behind Michigan's faltering but fighting gridders. Three notable men, prominent in Wolverine athletic history, have been secured by the Student council to -key enthusiasm to the highest pitch. Judge William L. Day, 'OOL, erstwhile pigskin performer for Michigan and president of the Athletic association, is scheduled to provide the big blow of the evening. "Bill Day hails from Cleveland, where he customarily puts in an 8-hour day presiding over a Federal district court. 1 _1 -%. - . 1 7* . I T T* M A NY IMPROVEMENTS PLANNED FOR CAMPUS Building And Grounds Department Busy Making Alterations In Buildings CONSTRUCT RIFLE RANGE Blue-prints for the proposed new engineering research building have been drawn and are ready for presentation to the state legisla- ture when requests for appropria- tions are made, it was announced yesterday at the offices of Edward C. Pardon, superintendent of the Buildings and Grounds depart- ment. In addition to this project, the department is hard at work im- proving housing conditions for other divisions of University activ- ity, according to reports from Irv- ing W. Truettner, maintenance in- spector. Five houses near the cor- ner of Washington and Forest ave- nues are being remodeled com- pletely to be used as new dormitory quarters for hospital internes. Changes have been recently com- pleted in Angell hall, whereby a room of calculating machines has been set up in the basement for free use of all faculty members. A portable rifle range is being constructed to meet the increase of the expanding R. 0. T. C. de- partment. It will be one of the finest, most modern portable rifle ranges in the country when com- pleted. A new glassed-in unit is now being added to the Botanical gardens, out Packard street. Bronzed entrance lamps are soon to be erected on the East Univer- sity avenue side of the East Medi- cal building. They will be design- ed after those which adorn the new Museum. A giant switchboard is being constructed for the Women's Lea-- gue building, and electric time re- corders are being i n s t a lle d throughout the Lawyer's club. Mahogany display cases and bulletin boards of modern design are being made to fit the wall niches on the main floor of the east Engineering buildin. According to officials of the Building and Grounds department, the present program is probably the most comprehensive ever un- dertaken. Director Fielding H. Yost, assistant,coach and better known as the grand old man of Michigan football, was to have been big shot number two on the program, but begged of on the ground that stu- dents have already heard him enough. Line Coach Jack Blott, all- American in the fall of '23 and baseball captain in the sprig of '24 will pinch hit for Yost. Jack Blott enjoys the distinction of being one of the few centers in football who have made touch- downs. Michigan was attempting a field goal against Iowa, but the kick was partially blocked and Blott fell on the ball over the' goal line. The play will never be re- peated -because the rule was changed the following year. After the howling success of his radio oration last Thursday, Hon. Benjamin Gaylord Oosterbaan was beseiged with requests to address the meeting, but had to decline as he is scouting the Navy-Pennsyl- vania game Saturday. Oosterbaan To Scout "Dick" Freyberg, '26, track cap- tain and versatile distance man, will make the third and final ad- dress. Though it may be irrele- vant, "Dick" plays the saxophone, sings passably, and is now a stu- dent in Dean Cabot's Medical school. Michigan's revamped, renovated, enlarged, and overworked band will also be on hand to assist. in inject- ing punch into the ceremonies, ac- cording to William Lowry, '30, councilman-promoter of the eve'n- ing's entertainment. A squad of double-jointed cheerleaders is like- wise scheduled to cavort. Butterfield interests, interested in preserving the theory of paid admission to Ann Arbor theatres, have arranged to bring a comedy from Detroit to; be shown immedi- ately upon the conclusion of the pep-meeting program. Jerry Hoag, manager of the Michigan, conclud- ed this dicker with Lowry last night. Yost Comments Director Yost, commenting on the pep meeting, said yesterday, "Now is the time when true friend- ship is needed. Student criticism of the team makes it exceedingly difficult to maintain a fighting mo- rale. Loyalties are tested in de- feat, not victory." Five minutes o the pep meeting will be turned over to the Union for a rising vote on an amendment to the Union constitution providing a new method of amending the constitution. William E. Nissen, '29, president of the Union, will propose the amendment and ref- eree the vote. Nissen is a member of the Student council. ENGINEERS SELECT Y E A R'S OFFICIALS Erwin J. Benz was yesterday elected president of the sophomore engineers. William H. Churchill won the vice-presidency of that class, and Richard A. Furniss was elected secretary. G. Lawton John- ann nw C. rrncan acl act rAn nirrs ROBINSON'S ATTEMPT RIDICULOUS, I UNIVERSITYPROFESSORS DECLARE WRINKLED PIECE OF GRAY CLOTH FLOUTS SOPHOMORE VIGILANTES Skepticism on the part of Uni- versity scientists regarding the "serious and semi-official" attempt in England of Dr. Mansfield Rob-. inson to communicate with Mars is widespread, interviews with a number of professors indicated yesterday. "I very much doubt whether any sane man could find adequate rea- sons for believing that .Ooom Ga Wa Na Wa' means 'God is all in all' any more than it might mean a number of other things,'' said Prof. Norman Anning, of the math- ematics department. "I personal- ion regarding the feasibility of the project and declared the matter too absurd to even bear discussion. "Although Dr. Robinson iska little too far away for me to make a, di- agnosis, yet I seriously doubt the ability of any man to think straight who actually contemplates con- tinued conversation with Mars," he said. Nobody in the physics depart- ment could be found who would go further than to declare the en- tire affair was bunk. But there was a colloquiom going on, and perhaps that is the reason none of' the physicists had time to launch Sophomore vigilantes, to arms. There is a freshman at large whol not only is breaking class tradi- tions but who has the audacity to flaunt in . sophomores' faces the symbol of their disgrace. Up on the second floor of the Romance Languages building a gray pot, topped by the black but- ton of the lit. school, rests atop a window sill. A perfectly innocent little pot it is, all unaware of the perfidy it represents. There it lies, a wrinkled bit of freshman doing? *te For the, pot held aloft up in the Romance Languages building is ir- refutable evidence that some yearl- ling has discarded his pot in dis- dain of the entire sophomore class in general and the recently ap- pointed vigilance committee in par- ticular. If nothing is done about this, it would not be surprising in the least to observe freshmen in the near fu- ture slapping sophomores' faces with their pots, daring them to come fight like men. The apathy