THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN dAL o-- Will Be In "Porgy" INTER-SOBORITY B ALL n SOPHOMOREWOMEN Oct. 30 It "hitgy" Women who are eligible and Oct. 30 At Whitne IJare interested in trying out PLANS for the Sophomore rircuu are asked to get i touch with A get itcA ME[T =the heads of the committees I AT U I~flL MEIING with whom they would like to AT____________________ be identified. The committee chairmen are: finance, Ruth MAIN QUESTIONS CONSIDERED J Van Tuyl; stunts, Jane Rob- ARE ORCHESTRA AND inson; music, Jane Yearnd; SALE OF TICKETS I properties, Janet Michael costumes, Kathleen Clifford:>: NO FAVORS TO BE 61VEN and publicity, Helen Rumph- reys. Ticket Chairman In Each House To 0- Receive Names Of Those CLUB TO INITIATE Who Will Attend MEMBERS TODAY Plans for the Pan-hellenic ball,: the annual inter-sorority affair of Initiation ceremonies for the the year, which is to be held on new members of Mummers, cam- Friday, Nov. 30, are progressing pus dramatic society will be held rapidly, according to Ailene Yeo, at 4 o'clock this afternoon at the ' '30, general chairman. Kappa Alpha Theta house, 1414 The main issues which were dis- Washtenaw avenue. cussed at a general committee The following women will, be re-, Rose MacClendon meeting which was held at 4 o'clock ceived into membership at this Who is with the New York Theatre yesterday at the Alpha Chi Omega time; Eleanor Warkinsaw '32, Mil- Guild production of "Porgy" to be house, 1004 Olivia, concerned the dred Podd '32, Mary Ann Holmes given at the Whitney theatre on engagement of the orchestra and '30, Jeannette Dale '31, Doris Polk Oct. 30. the sale of tickets. It was decided '32, Elaine Frost '30, Frances Thor that no favors would be given for '32, Violet Bidgway '30, Frances the ball, and instead the money; Thornton '32, Virginia Scott '32, which would have been expended Jane Webster '30, and Dorothy Mc- on them would be added to the al- Dannel '32. lowance for the orchestra, so that Tryouts for membership have a really good one could be obtained, been held for two weeks, and these . The music committee has con- women were selected from second sidered Guy Lombardo, but, as he tryouts held Tuesday, Oct. 16. The names of the patronesses is under a 'contract at present for the Freshman spread which is which it is impossible for him to Building To Receive I to be held at 8 o'clock tomorrow breal, he will not be able to come night in Barbour gymnasium, have to Ann Arbor the night of the ball. Gifts From Alumni just been announced by Eleanor There will be a chairman of tick- Cook, '31, general chairman of the ets in each house on campus, and spread. The names are as follows: every woman expecting to attend The new Women's League build- Miss Grace E. Richards, Miss Be- the ball is asked to report to her ing will receive all the aluminum atrice Johnson, and Miss Alice C. chairman as soon as possible, so ware to be used in its kitchenettes Lloyd, advisers of women; Dr. Mar- that an accurate statement of at- from Mrs. Earl Blough, '97, of garet Bell, Miss Ethel McCormick, tendance may be turned in. This Pittsburgh. Following a talk given and Miss Laurie Campbell of the is important in order that the by Mrs. W. D. Henderson, execu- physical education department; committees may make plans to in- tive secretary of the Alumnae Miss Shirley Titus, director of nurs- elude everyone who cares to go, and council, at a luncheon of the Pitts- ing; Miss Margaret Peck, Miss Ly- that everyone may be able to get a burgh group of Michigan alumnae dia Tanner, Miss Mary Lytle, Mrs. ticket. last Saturday, Mrs. Blough asked J. A. Bursley, Mrs. John R. Effing- The members of the various com- the privilege of making this gift er, Mrs. W. B. Henderson, Mrs. mittees under the general chair- to the building. Aurelia Potts, Mrs. Alta Schule, man are as follows: chaperones, At the present time the archi- Mrs. John Sundwall, and Mrs. Al- Mary Stewart, '28, chairman, Alice tects of the building are preparing len S. Whitney. Platt, '29, Margaret Sibley, '30, a list of "dedication gifts" which All sophomore women are re- Ruthmary Pittelco, '29, and Helen will .be sent to all subscribers. Many minded by Miss Cook that they Wescott, '29; tickets, Janet Calvert, useful gifts- besides money will be are expected to be present at the '29, chairman, Isable Hubbard, '29, appreciated for the building. spread to assist as hostesses to the Charlotte Yates, '29, Dorothy There are over 50 well-organized freshmen. The party will be in- Bloom, '30, and Jean Wallace, '30; groups of Michigan alumnae which formal, lasting from 8 to 11 o'clock. publicity, Lela Crump, '30, Isabelle are represented on the Alumnae I Freshmen will be met at the gym- Charles, '30, and Helen Jones, '31; council. nasium by their junior advisers. favors, Mary Evans, '30, chairman, 111111111111111111llli1'tlllll11tIIfE1t19 1N1 and Herma Grabowski, '30; music, THIS WEEKS SPECIAL_ Katherine Fitzpatrick, '30, chair- man, and Rachel Ramsey, '30; SHAMPOO AND MARCELL $1.00-LONG HAIR $1.25 decorations, Eloise Harnou, '30, r MANICURING 50c chairman, and Bernadine Winton, =S. '30; refreshments, Helen Melchers, =Special price for permanent waving 129, chairman, and Catherine KAY'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Backus, '30. Edna Richards, '30, BE U Y S O P will have charge of the hiring of = Over Michigan Theatre Lobby Dial 7240 Union, the waiters, and doorman. 1 1 11111111[111 1111n 11 *1* DEAN TO AWARD0CUgPI AT ANNUAL BANQUET Effinger Cup To Present Scholarship To Delta Gamma At Dinner Monday Americans Appreciate Music, Are Not Undemonstrative, Declares Organist All those persons who have in- presented to different nationalities, sisted that American people are because he plays here just what neither as demonstrative nor as'Bhdogrhere-including entire Bach programs. musically appreciative as European or Latin races, are rebuked by SW IM MING TESTS Senor Fernando Germani, Italian SW I MF NGWT ET organist of increasing repute, who HELD FOR WOMEN gave a twilight guest concert yes- AT UNION TONIGHT terday afternoon in Hill auditor- -TI T N H ium. "I find the people here more Swimmin tests for W demonstrative," Senor Germani ob- g . A. A. served, points will be given at the Union BURSLEY MAY BE SPEAKER John R. Effinger, dean of the lit- erary college, will present the scholarship cup at the annual Pan- Hellenic dinner, which is being held Monday night, in the ballroom of the Union. As Delta Gamma had the high- est scholarship record for the last school year, the silver-loving cup will go to them. Last year the cup was won by Collegiate Sororis. Florence Holmes '29 will be the toast-mistress at this annual in- ter-sorority affair. Among the prominent guests to be present at' the dinner will be President Clar- ence Cook Little and Mrs. Little, Dean John R. Effinger and Mrs.I Effinger, Miss Alice C. Lloyd, Miss Beatrice W. Johnson, Miss Grace E. Richards, Dr. Margaret Bell, Mrs.' Arthur Moehlman, and Mrs. Palm- er Christian.- 4 , A m e r i c a n audiences applaud harder and longer, in Senor Ger- mani's opinion, and he cited as an instance that at a recent concert given in New York, after a long program, he was called upon to respond to five encores. Last year also, when he was here, instead of playing only the four scheduled concerts, he remained for 20 re- quest programs. This enthusiasm, I he believes, is not due to any dif- fe rence in the quality of music Margaret Moore '29, chairman of features and programs for the din- ner, announces that an effort is being made to secure J. A. :Bursley, dean of students, to give an ad- dress at the banquet. I, I I C A 1 i -[W. I- -- - - - - m 3bc . f I U T In Our Foot- wear Section 1MSONPE- 'EED Ann Arbor's Smartest Footwear J The Little Store of Big Values" , New Theatre Bldg. 529 E. Liberty, St. STYLE-RIGHT V RALUES! PRICE-RIGHT Genuine Guaranteed Furs All Silk Linings Wonderful New Display = I Smart Furred Coats -- @r ja. Kr II- 1= - 1 a- You'll Find Here New I-w Witer Coats of the newest styles and fabrics. Exact replicas of Parisian models. LUSTROUS LAVISH BROADCLOTH 6 FURS The It's Smart to Be Thrifty. T thrifty person will not pay more merely for a label Perhaps th is why women who could afford tobuy Blacks Browns Sizes 12 to 48 *59.50 17( For The Game! Good warm Sports Coats Baby Fox Collars or Cuffs VERY SPECIAL $25 Chinchilla Coats Heavy weight Flannel lined Single and Double Breasted- VERY SPECIAL $19.75 3u' New Frocks Arriving Daily from New York As fast as something new is produced, our New York office sees that we I