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October 21, 1928 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-21

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Students in Norwaythrow away their emblematic1
caps and canes when they graduate from high school
into the university.
(Underwood and Underwood)

To serve our readers with the latest and best
we welcome help from every student, and of

photographs of college activities,
course are willing to pay for this

We want photographs hot from the campus. We want unconventional and
unusual pictures-the kind that can come only from students.

rA Straight, Hard Line. Here are the first-string forwards of the Carnegie Institute of
Technology football team. From left to right: Dreshar, guard; Booth, guard; Heimbold,
guard; Mielziner, center; Schmidt, tackle; Schnupp, tackle; H~ighberger, tackle; Nether.
land, guard; Yerina, guard or center; Lovewell, guard. Their average weight is more than
200 pounds and all but three are six footers.
L.. (Tarnse H. Seibert)}


-This** ARa5adUaJL ~1 LQi t~I~VifIUJfWagin

roads and furnishes an outing as well as profit for its enterprising entrepreneurs
--Miss Margaret Follom, Brookline, Massachusetts, (left) and Miss Barbara,
Strong, Cambridge, Massachusetts. A goodly supply of the newest and best
books are carried on a specially built motor truck.

Choose Your Shoes. All ready for the annual shoe rush at the University of Cincinnati.
The shoes belong to the freshmen. The paddles belong to, the upper classmen. The paddles
may be used ad libitum until each freshman finds and puts on his own shoes. Woe befalls
the luckless "frosh" who fails to find and don his shoes with alacrity.
(Edtwin K. Levi)

'Twas a Dark and Stormy Night!2 Here's a gloomy view of the "Deep Dark Mystery
Club" of the University of Oklahoma at Norman. The bareback rider in the center is
probably not enjoying himself at this instant-but, on the other hand, he may be having
the time of his young life-it's hard to tell about such things.
(Pacific and Atlantis)

(Pacific and Atlantic)j


The Snuartest (oat

of the season



tle new Alligator Aviation model breezes into the
Fall season with all the freshness of a crisp autumn
clay. Alligator has gone far beyon d prevail in gstandards
of swagger appearance, fine tailorinug and distinctive
design. The famous Alligator line incltides a wide range
of models, attracti velyv tailored fromn Alligator Balloon
Cloth, Alligator Silk and Alligator Slicker fabrics,.rThe
exClusive Alligator process makes all tnodels absolutely

waterproof itr di te miost (drencingw rain.


are sold at the best stores andl all grenuine Alligrators
bear the Alligtr or label.


__ _ __ --w

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