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October 21, 1928 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-21

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)AY, OCTOBER 21, 1928







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Work Of Association In Ann Arbor
Includes All Branches Of
Civic Endeavor
The Ann Arbor Community Fund
association on Oct. 26 begins its
campaign to raise $60,185, the
amount of its budget for the year
1928 and 1929, with Floyd Sargeant,
general chairman.
"The advantages of one central
community fund are scientific,"
said Edith Owen, executive secre-
tary. "It saves duplication of effort.
Now there is one appeal where for-
merly there were ten. It coordi-
nates social service work. Trained
workers are employed, and there is
specialized scientific investigation.
Each agency makes a monthly re-
Ten agencies compose the associ-
ation: boy scouts, Dunbar civic
center, family welfare bureau, hu-
mane society, Michigan children's
aid society, old ladies' home, pub-
lic health nursing. association
(visiting nurses), Salvation Army,
Y. M. C.A., and Y.W. C. A.
"Dunbar Civic Center is an ex-
ample of the work of the agencies,"
said Miss Owen. "Last month the
center, working chiefly with
colored people, furnished 55 free
beds to transients, gave away 112
articles including shoes, obtained
employment for four people, and
held a large picnic Labor Day,
which 84 people attended. Twenty-
one girls went camping. There
are 14 organizations in the Center,
and 96 classes and 171 meetings
were held. Two periodicals, 'The
Crisis' and 'The Independent' are
furnished by the Colored Women's
Club. There are 14 boys in the
scout troop and 21 Campfire girls.
"A young man came to the Cen-
ter in October apparently well. He
got work, paid his expenses, and
was saving some money. In May
he contracted influenza which de-
veloped into tuberculosis. Letters
and telegrams were sent in an ef-
fort to locate his people, but since
he had been away from home ten
years they were unclaimed. A
local physician was called and
everything possible done, but he
died June 11. He had no friends
except those he found at Dunbar."
These are only a few of the ex-
amples of service. being done all
of the time by the organization.
With the raising of the new budget,
another year of civic service will
have been opened.
Scientific School
Has Enrollment Of

Wife Of Chinese General Will Renew,
In Lecture, Husband's Plea For Help

By M. E.I
Among the last speakers listed
on the Oratorical Association is
Madame Sun Yat-Sen, wife of the
famous Chinses general. She will
speak March 19, on "My Country."
Madame Sen is a tiny, exquisite,
almost doll-like creature, with a
voice and manner which few who
meet her can resist. Madame Sen
-in spite of the fact that she
looks like a young girl-is in her
middle thirties. She was educated
at Wesleyan university in Georgia
and returned to China in 1913. Two
years later she married Dr. Sun
Yat-Sen. Since that time she has
wielded an increasing influence in
the Kuomintang or People's Party,
which her husband founded and
which runs the Nationalist govern-
ment. ,
She held no party nffle while

mind with his personal influence.
Thus it was natural (as well as
politically advisable) for her to
take office after his death in 1925,
in the Political Council, the Cen-
tral Executive Committee, and
other party and government bodies.
She has been particularly interest-
ed in the feminist movement, in
the education of women, and in
the development of women's or-
ganizations within the Kuomin-
Her life, as the wife of General
Sun Yat-Sen, has been particular-
ly interesting. He was head of the
rebel Canton government, first
president of the "Provisional Re-
publican Government" in China.
He, too, was a product of American
education. Not only is he looked
on as the Father of His Country-
the Chinese Washington-but he is

In a lecture given by Prof. Louis
C. Karpinski before the A. A. U. W.
yesterday at Alumni Memorial hall,
he explained the documents in the
French, Spanish, and Portuguese
archives relating to manuscript t
maps of North America in the per-1
iod of the Revolutionary War. The
lecture was illustrated with lantern
slides of the maps which Professor"
Karpinski had photographed. In
France he made a survey of maps
taken from documents in the Min-
istry of War at Paris, the Biblio-
theque Nationale, and the Hydro-
graphical Service, which is thc
most important repository for maps
and from which Professor Karpin-1
ski obtained three hundred andl
fifty documents..
In Spain, there were many care-
fully made and authoritative maps
of the Revolutionary period in Am-
erica. At Seville there were mil-
lions-of documents, and from them
three hundred maps were made.
Professor Karpinski related a very1
interesting visit to the palace of
the Duke of Alba, which contain.,
as well as a fine library, extraor-
dinary collections of tapestries,
portraits, miniatures, and signa-
tures of Christopher Columbus.
Before the lecture, announce-
ment was made of a new pre-school
study section to be conducted by
Mrs. Mallory. It is open to any-
one who is interested, and one may
join by calling Mrs. A. J. Rousseau
at 8,500.



Daily Bulletin of Sportswomen

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her husband lived, but she acted regarded by millions of ignorant
as his secretary and assistant, ac- farmers, and also by many among
companied him on his journeys andthe educated, as a sort, of super-
on the political platform, and be- human being. The Sun Yat-Sen
came identified in the popular cult amounts almost to worship.
As the widow of the revered leader,
Madame Sen is sacred. The con-
,T trast between her own shy delicacy
S1 and grace and the tremendous
name she bears is dramatic-it
Delta Gamma gave a pledge tea makes her a figure of romance.
Wednesday afternoon, entertaining She is an eager worker for the
ten guests. Fall flowers were used cause to which her husband devo-
in the decorations. ted his life. Near the beginning of
Martha Cook dormitory had as his career, Dr. Sen requested assist-
guest of honor for dinner Friday ance from America, and was re-
gestnnf honr for der, Friday fused. His widow is now asking for
evening Henri De Kerillis, a mem- that help.
ber of the French Chamber of Dep-
uties. He was accompanied by Dr. inspector, who has been a guest of
James K. Pollock, assistant profes- the chapter since Monday.
sor of political science, and Mrs. Eta of Phi Sigma Sigma cele-
Pollock. brated the opening of their new
Delta Omicron, national music home at.1319 Hill street with a tea
sorority, was entertained at a on Otober 7. About 200 guests were
bridge luncheon Wednesday even- present.
ing, given by Mrs. W. Hackley But- Sigma Kappa entertained at din-
ler in honor of the new pledges at ner Tuesday night. The guest:
1010 Monroe street. were Prof. and Mrs. W. C. Rufus
Pi Beta Phi entertained Miss Mr. and Mrs.. J. W. Albig, Prof. anc
Adelaide Adams of the fine arts Mrs. L. A. Hopkins, and Prof. and
d e p a r t m e n t, and Miss Harriet Mrs. W. I. Bennett.
Adams at dinner on Tuesday night. Gamma Phi Beta will hold a for-
This afternoon the alumnae of Pi mal dance in honor of the pledge-
Beta Phi are showing pictures of Saturday, Oct. 26. Mrs. Everett S.
settlement schools in Gatlinburg, Brown and Mrs. Ella Anderson will
Tennessee, at the chapter house. chaperon.
Wednesday afternoon the pledges Theta Phi Alpha announces the
cf Theta Phi Alpha entertained at initiation of Dorace La Core '29.
tea. The colors were orange and and the pledging of Helen McCar-
black, carried out in marigolds and thy '32.
black tapers. Mrs. Arthur Stacc Alpha Gamma Delta announces
poured. the pledging of Audra Cook '32.
Kappa Delta entertained at tea Alpha Omicron Pi announces the
Thursday afternoon in honor of pledging of Harriet Arnold '32, of
Miss Thelma Chisholm, national Ann Arbor.

Why Doesn't Young
America Play Golf?
"I've always said that I couldn't
understand why so few of the
younger women here in America
take up golf and now, after com-
ing back from England, I say it
still more emphatically," was th,
statement of Mrs. Stuart Hanley
champion woman golfer, in an in
terview snatched between two o'
the valuable coachings she gave
to university women in the .golf
rooms of the Women's Aathletic
building. Mrs. Hanley has only rr
cently returned from England,
where she made an excellent show-
ing in the Women's National Eng-
lish Golf Tournament.
"Why, everybody plays golf over
there," she continued, "even the
children love it, and when you can
get a good course for only a shill
ing a day, there's no question of
being able to afford golf. Almos
every English woman has played
the game since she was a young-
ster, and if she doesn't enter in
competition she usually plays foi
her own recreation.
"And here," Mrs. Hanley clipped
at an imaginary ball viciously with
the mid-iron she was swinging a,
she talked, "well, I can count the
women out for golf in Detroit in
about two minutes, and I couldn't

Plans are being made for the ar-
chery tournament which will occur
on Nov. 17, in which three women
from each of the competing houses
will take part. A Columbia round
will be on the program and 24 ar-
rows will be shot from the 30, 40,
and 50 yard lines. There will also
be clout and feature shooting.
All women, whether they wish to
participate in the tournament or
not, are encouraged to come out
for archery practice on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays.
even attempt that in any one Eng-
lish golf club.
"You know, golf isn't a game for
older people who can't play tennis
any more, as so many Americans
seem to think it is. It's a game
for the young people to learn tc
enjoy and to grow up with. I've
always said that if I could find one
promising young woman and start
her out right to avoid all the mis-
takes and delays I've had to go
through she'd go farther and do
more than I ever have.
"And I'd like to do it, too!" she
went on enthusiastically. "That's
why I am so much interested in
these golf classes and this univer-
sity golf team that is being organ-
ized. I can get in touch with a
larger group of girls here, who
need instruction and help about
the game than I can anywhere else,
and I want to do all I can to en-
courage them.

Practices In Rifle
Will Begin Tuesday
Rifle enthusiasts will meet at
their first class session Tuesday af-
ternoon at the field house from 4
until 6 o'clock. Captain L. Monroe
Bricker of R. 0. T. C. will be the
instructor for the class.
Fifteen women reported for the
rifle team practice Thursday af-
ternoon, and of that number four
were from last year's squad. The
manager is anxious that all other
girls who are planning to come out
for practice do so as soon as pos-
sible so that organized work can
be under way immediately.
The bowling allies are open every
afternoon from four to six at the
Women's Athletic building. A
charge of ten cents a string is
made for the boys who set up the
pins. A coach will be there to give
The house committee . of the
Women's League - will meet with
Mrs. Henderson at 3:45 Tuesday
afternoon at the Ingalls Street en-
trance of the new Women's League
0-= - - -o
I -
| Dancing classes for women I
( who intend to try out for the
' Junior Girls' play will be held I
at 5 o'clock tomorrow and at
4 o'clock on Wednesday in
I Sarah Caswell Angell hall. All
f junior women are urged to at-
I tend these classes.
O- - -

For Your convenience and Ours.
We have established Offices at 328 South
Main St., over Krogers
This we feel will be more convenient to our Friends an Pat-
rons, as they can leave their garments while shopping or when
going to the movies in the evening.
Open Every Evening 7-8

Monday, Tue
Special priceI


sday and Wednesday
and Marcell $1.00
g hair $1.25
curing $ .50
for permanent waving

Lobby Dial 7240




ever ivticnigan l neaLre

. ,



Young Pupils

The Ann Arbor nursery school is
a branch of the well-known Mer-
rill Palmer school of Detroit. "Some
people are surprised that a two-
year-old can go to school, and they
wonder what is being taught in our
school," is the statement of Miss
Dorothy Williams, the director.
"One of our aims is to teach the
children how to do things for
themselves. Psychological and
physical tests are also given. Twice
a year a doctor examines the child-
ren and detailed record of the find-
ings is kept.
"The children arrive between 8:30
and 9:00 o'clock. They bring a re-
port from home on their sleep and
food. An ear, eye, and throat doc-
tor examines them for infection.
They are given tomato juice and
cod-liver oil providing vitamin and
cold preventive. Then they play
outdoors if the weather is nice.
Otherwise they go upstairs for an
hour to the nursery playroom'
where there is clap carpentry,
blocks, paintings, beads, and dolls.
"There is a conversational hour in
which all tell about things that
have happened to them, such as a
new toy or the baby at home.
Rhythm and music are next, for)
child experts consider music a
basic activity.
"There is a complete staff discus-
sion of each child, and a confer-
ence with his mother during the
year.' The play is supervised, and
a dietitian plans the meals. The
children are taught self-reliance,

for those
Delicious Salads and Sandwiches
Hot Lunches Served Noon and Evening, 50c
Special Sunday, 5-10 P. M.
Chop Suey, 50c
1101 2 South University









Has someone been praying for it as
an opportunity to wear fashion's
smartest trench coat? In colors lined
with harmonizing plaids. They are
the latest. We have them in blue,


3l fl
A. F

328 South Main Street
x Xl)X RUN YXrgns XkX
x fx AxWX
X~x -X.. xklt
x ,..'
/x x
t Toe the Mark
of Fall Fashion.
Brown suede is stressed in a high heeled
x $ pump with harmonizing buckle. x
Another model in suede, too, shows one X
strap and a brown lizard trim. This is a x'X
high heeled pump. x
x Other pumps in combinations of lizard and X
g suede are distinctive with the new mediumX
heel, in one-strap and oxford styles.
IThe prices are 7.00 and 8.00.

F/ /lI

.= j




w I

I l


The Voque


and Informal Evening Wear
This charming group of dresses is found in
the very newest fall shades-Claret, Commo-
dore Blue, Woodland Brown, and Black


$eiA n




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