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Homer Samuels and Ewald Han
Will Accompany Her In Specially
Arraanged Program
Amelita Galli-Curci, noted expo-1
nent of coloratura singing, will ap-
pear tomorrow in Hill auditorium
in a concert as the second on the9
1928-29 Choral Union series. She]
will be assisted by her husband,
Homer Samuels, pianist, and Ewald
Haun, flutist.
Tomorrow night's event will"
mark Madam Galli-Curci's third,
appearance in Ann Arbor. Follow-
ing her phenomenal success in Chi-
cago more than ten years ago with
the Chicago opera company, she
sung on the regular concert series
of that year. Four years ago she
returned to Ann Arbor again and
received much enthusiastic re-
sponse from her listeners.
Engagement Demanded
Popular demand for another en-
gagement is responsible for her
present booking, according to
Charles A. Sink, president of the
University musical society, who
says that he has received many re-
quests from admirers of the singer,
asking that she return to Ann Ar-
Madam Galli-Curci has arranged
a special program for her Hill audi-
torium audience tomorrow night. It
will include a number of her favor-
ite songs such as "Adieu Notre Pe-
tite Table" from "Manon," "Echo,
Song," by Bishop, "A Rainy Night
Lullaby," by Hamilton, and Came-
ton's "Lavender Gown." The re-
mainder of the program is devoted
to several songs with special ac-
companiments as well as a number
of other well known vocal selec-"
Pianist Is 'Next
The next number on the concert
series will be the concert by Vladi-
mir Horowitz, distinguished Rus-
sian pianist, who will appeear as.
soloist with the Detroit symphony
orchestra on Nov. 12. Horowitz
has had a series of triumphs begin-
ning at the age of 20 when he
toured Europe, wining praise every-
After twenty-five years of con-
tinued success, the Flonzaley
quartet is making its farewell tour
of the country and will follow Horo-
witz on Nov. 23. That organiza-
tion's first tour included Ann Ar-
bor, when it came to America after
iany European successes.
The last concert before the
Christmas season will be given by
Fritz Kreisler on Dec. 13. Kreisler
is recognized by many critics as
being one of the greatest violinists,
if not the greatest of the present
(By Associated Press)
paigne, Ill., Oct. 20-Illinois opened
its Big Ten season by trouncing
Indiana, 13 to '7, today, before 35,-
000 spectators in Memorial sta-
dium. The Hoosiers, conquerors of
Michigan, made a:frantic attempt
to win in the closing minutes of the
game by shooting forward passes
all over the field. Indiana, out-
played for three periods, scored in
the fourth with -Bennett chalking
up the marker on a 29-yard run
through the Illinois team.
Fritz Humbert, Illinois fullback,
scored both touchdowns for the
Illini, counting in second and third
By Red Ed
A great Union team was on its
way back to the West, from which
it had come, this morning, and the
Battle of a Century was over.
Lead by the brilliant "Boo-Boo"
Schaefer at quarter and handicap-
ped almost as much by the feeble
efforts of its captain, "Wee Willie"
Nissen, the Union varsity had made
a sterling effort but was on fits
way homeward, beaten after two
Student council recounts, 12 to 0.
It was tough for the "Tap Room
Boys" but they had found more
than a match for their talents in
the powerful aggregation of bone
crushers that Captain Lark of The
Daily upperstaff has mustered to-
gether after a week of strenuous
"Killer" Kern at full, "Bloody"
Monroe and "Spike" Hooker at the
halfs, and' "Dynamite" Klein at
quarter composed a backfield that
even Grantland Rice would have
been forced to conjure with. In
addition "'Three 'Sard" Edelson at
center, together with "400' Johnson'
and "Gyp" Howell at the endsI
made acombination which couldE
be talked out of nothing.
Edelson was easily the star of
Ann Arbor's morning newspaper's
lineup. His feature performance of
the day came in the third quarter
when he succeeded by some unfor-
seen process in blocking one of his
own punts.
Playing ahead of the speedy,
"Boo-Boo" was a line of marked
Invasion Of Opponent's Home City
Will Lack Color Of Previous
Campaign Tours
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20-Herbert
Hoover prepared today for his fi-
nal stroke in the east as he faced
New York for an invasion of the
home town of his Democratic op-
ponent, Gov. Alfred E. Smith.
This trip of the Republican,
presidential candidate will differ 1
in several respects from the three.
previous ones he has made since
his return from California. The
street parade and various proces-
sions that have added a colorful
sight to the whirlwind campaign
swings in Newark, Elizabethton and
Boston, will be absent from his
visit to Manhattan.
Instead, Hoover will give his time
to conferences with various New
York Republican leaders in which
he will go over with them reports
of the progress of the campaign in
that state and plans for the final
strength. It had but one weakness.
Each time that the ball was given
to Nissen, it cost the boys from next
door to Mimes from 5 to 20 yards.
This failing alone well nigh cost
them the verdict.
The final blow came late In the
fourth quarter when the referee,,
Dunn of Dunn's Lunch, forgot him-
self while in a heated discussion
over the Union dance"orchestra
with "Wee *Willie" and "Boo-Boo,"
and ere the final whistle was blown
the Union had lost by a touchdown
ar d a recount.
In a sta ement given to the press
just as he left for the land of the
setting sun, Captain "Wee Willie"
Nissen sobbed, "I am not at all
pleased with the result of the con-
A thrill maddened crowd of three
freshmen and one referee witnessed
the spectacle.
Proposal Would Make Quorum 100
In Balloting On Amendmeits
To Union Constitution
Plans were virtually complete
yesterday for the submitting of the
proposed amendment to the Union
constitution which would change
the method of amending that in-
strument to the male membership
of the Union at the pep meeting
to be held Friday night before theI
Wisconsin game, according to Wil-
liam E. Nissen, '29, president of the
The amendments as they will be
voted on by the Union members
seated on the lower floor of Hill
auditorium read as follows:
"That Article XIV of the consti-
tution be amended to read:
"'A special meeting of election
of the members of the Union shall
be called by the recording secretary
upon request of a majority of the
members of the board of directors,
or of at least two hundred mem-
bers of the Union, stating with
reasonable particularity the mat-
ter or matters proposed to be con-
' At least ten day's notice by
suitable posting and publication,
shall be given by the recording
secretary of any such special meet-
ing or election, and the notice shall
state the matter or matters pro-
posed to be considered, substantial-
ly as the same shall have been
stated in such written request. At
such meeting, or election, no action
shall be taken on any other mat-
"That Article XV of the consti-
tution be 'repealed and that the
following be added as an additional
section of Article IV:
"Seven members of the Board
WEST ORANGE, N. J., Oct. 20-
Thomas A. Edison, the aging wizard
of Menlo Park, was awarded a
medal of gold by Congress tonight
-the first official recognition ac-
DESIRES FEW DAYS OF REST corded him by the United States
IN PREPARATION FOR for what he has done to illuminate
FINAL CAMPAIGN the "path of progress."aMA
Falling upon the 49th aniversary DRAVELING, SOPHOMORE E N D, MAKES
PAYS VISIT TO TAGGART of Edison's invention of the incan- L N IH G N T L Y B
descent lamp, the occasion was LONE MICHIGAN T A L L Y BY
. . taken by the British government RECOVERING FUMBLE
Big Parades In Indianapois And to return to his possession the first
Other Western Cities Greet model made by him of the phono- By Morris Quinn
Democratic NomAnee graph. OHIO STADIUM, Oct. 20-For the first time since 1921
(y Associated Press) Astreasury, presented the medal at a Michigan team went down to defeat today before the vastly su-
GOV. SMITH'S TRAIN EN the inventor's laboratories and, by perior attack of, an Ohio State eleven. A capacity crowd of nearly
ROUTE TO ALBANY, N. Y., Oct. 20. means of 'a national hook-up on
-The brown derby has been waved the radio, in the perfection of 73,000 people jammed the big double-decked stadium to see the
for the last time in this campaign which Edison himself, has figured. Buckeyes gain revenge for six consecutive reverses at the hands of
to a mid-western crowd and Al- riden Colideas ale toa Wolverine teams, by downing the Maize and Blue aggregation,
to amidwestrn rowdandAl ticipate in the ceremonies withoutt
fred E. Smith was homeward bound leaving the White House at Wash- 19-7.
tonight for a few days rest in Al- ington. Although the Wolverines battled gamely throughout the con-
bany before embarking upon his t unable to cope the varied trouh
final drive for the presidency. i t ii n, they were nbt oe withth.vre attack: launched by'
The Decomratic nominee in In- the flashing Buckeye backs. The winning team succeeded in scor-
dianapolis today bid farewell to his G IL WLL H 0HI ing a touchdown in each of the first, second and fourth periods,
friends west of the Allegheny while Michigan's single scoring effort occurred in the first quarter.
mountains. Here, as in Chicago,
St. Louis and other places, he was LLAii1-i U LI!1L1Fumbles played a large part in the scoring of two of the
paraded through the city to be wel- -- touchdowns, both teams profiting by these misplays. Ohio especi-
comned by the cry of "Hello Al." "Porgy" To Be Brought To Whitney
Wheby the n one s"Histo the' irly FBBromghSuTccessally was guilty in this respect, the Buckeye backs having a great
While the nominee's visit to the Directly From Successfuldii h in
Indiana city was of little more than Broadway Run deal of difficulty in ha n d 1 i n g ball, the Buckeyes registered two
an hour's duration, he found time Michigan punts. During the first successive first downs to place the
to do many things. A full program CATI NSALYBGhlI h
had been arranged for him; it i CAST IS UNUSUALLY BIG half the Scarlet and Gray team oval deep3 in Michigan territory,
cluded among other things a visit committed two costly fumbles, and then Eby circled his own right end
to Methodist hospital to chat with Du Bose Heyward's "Porgy," to in the second half misplays were for 22 yards and Ohio's second
hi frends TompTaggart vetranh be produced here by the New York even more frequent. touchdown. Barratt's kick was
his fDemocratic chief in the state, who Theater Guild on the afternoon and In spite of this erratic exhibition blocked.
is now undergoing treatment there evening of October 30 at the Whit- of handling the ball, the Scar- Ohio counted again after eight
as wellas a parade and a speech. , ney theater, comes direct from for- let and Gray running attack was minutes of the final quarter had
The governor, who apparently ty-nine weeks' run on Broadway. an advantage that the Wolverines elapsed. Another pass, Holman to
has gone through the strenuous It is a story of life among the ne- were unable tC* overcome. With Coffee resulted in a touchdown,
groes of Charleston, S. C., and its Eby, Cory, and Coffee doing most Coffee running 10 yards after mak-
western trip with but little fatigue, announced purpose is to portray of the ball carrying, the Ohioans ing the catch. Barratt succeeded
found time, however, for all this the pure emotion, the spontaneous tallied 13 downs against one for in kicking goal ending the scoring
as well an an opportunity to shake intensity of the negro soul. Michigan, and gained 157 yards of the contest.
ands with scores of persons who Among the novelties incidental by rushing, while the Wolverines Pony Backs Fail
pressed to this representation of negro life made only 50. About the middle of the final
stay in the city. As i is n are anrn h n d frnm Offense Fails quarter. Coach Wieman sent Me-
drive for the Empire state's elec- of directors shall ,onstitute
toral vote. His speech at Madison quorum of such board.'
Square Garden, the namesake of "And that Article XVI of
the arena where four yeare ago, constitution be re-numbered to
the Democrats fought their bitter come Article XV and to rear
convention battle, Monday night follows:
will end his activities in New York. "'Amendments to this cons'
The nominee, accompanied by tion, not in violation of the Art
Mrs. Hoover, their son Allan, sev- of Association, may be adopted
eral members of his personal'staff at a special meeting or electio
and a group of newspaper corres- the Union, after due notice as h
pondents, will leave Washington inbefore provided in Article
tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock at which meeting or election
and arrive in New York five less than one hundred votes
hours later, be cast.
He will go direct to the Waldorf- "'At such meeting or election
Astoria Hotel where he will spend proposed amendment or am
the night and have breakfast Mon- ments shall be voted on by be
day morning with a group of Re- %nd a majority of two-thirds o
publican leaders headed by H. Ed- votes cast at such meeting orf
mond MacHold, New York state tion shall be necessary for
chairman, and Charles D. Hilles, adoption of any amendment
the national committeeman for .
CONQUER CHICAGO (By Associated Press)
LAFAYETTE, Id., Oct. 20:-
(By. Associated Press) due and.Wisconsin, before a h
MINNEAUOLIS, Oct. 20.-Minne- coming crowd of 15,000 in
sota celecbrated a triumphant Ade stadium, battled today
homecoming today when the crash- 19 to 19 tie.
ing Gohper football team complete- After a brilliant start whici
r 1veruhelmed the TTniversitvo nf +pi mrnx irm-An i rtani
d as
n of
n the
f the
-Pur -
to a
h re-
rnf D s
On his way here he was greeted
at stations en route, and at those
places where the train made what1
were described as "railroad operat-
ing" stops, he shook hands with
many people and tipped the derby
again and again. This morning,;
shortly after leaving Chicago, the
governor held a conference with
press correspondents in the club
car of his private train.
The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications is offering
scholarship prizes under the fol-
lowing resolution:-
Resolved: That the Board in
Control of Student Publications
shall for the current year offer
cash prizes of $100 each for
scholarship attainment, accord-
ing to the following rules:
1. Every student who has done
substantial and satisfactory work
on any student publication or
publications under control of the
Board, for four or more semes-
ters shall be eligible for one of
.these prizes. The Summer Ses-
sion shall be rated as a half
2. Every such student who has
attained an average scholarship
of B or better during the period
above specified shall receive one
of these prizes.
3. Every student who believes
himself entitled to a scholarship
prize shall file an application
for the same at the Board office
in the Press building after the
opening of the University in the
fall and before November, and
the prizes shall be awarded and
paid before the Christmas holi-
4. No student shall be an ap-
plicant for any scholarship prize
more than once.
5. The scholarship standing of
each applicant shall be estimat-
ed in accordance with the sys-
tem of grading employed in the
various schools and colleges of
Sthe University.
The Board requests applicants
{ for these prizes to file their ap-
the Jenkins orphanage in Charles-
ton, authentic and original set-
tings designed by Cleon Throck-
morton after a visit to Charleston,
and the rendition of colorful "spir-
ituals" as an integral part of the
action of the play. The play is
performed by negroes, and songs
and scenes are done with strict fi-
delity to actual life in the South.
The play was staged by Rouben
Mamoulian, a young Russian Arme-
nian who has been in America but
two years. The scene is Catfish
Row in Charleston-a real place,
although in actual life it is called
Cabbage Row. The character call-
ed the Honey Man is also based on
a real person, as is Porgy himself
and the Crab Man.
In an unusually large cast the
principals include Frank Wilson in
the title role, Rose McLendon, Eve-
lyn Ellis and Georgette Harvey.
Three thousand members is the
goal of the Red Cross during their
drive on Monday and Tuesday of
this week. Appeal is being made to
both students and town's people to
help continue the relief work of the
organization of" which the most
notable example this year was that
done in the disaster of the Florida-
Porto Rico hurricane.
Two booths, one in Barbour gym-
nasium, and one in Angell hall, will
be installed for the student cam-
paign. Churches and other or-j
ganizations are cooperating to
make the drive a success; and spe-
cial letters for fraternity and so-
riety group memberships have been
sent out. The individual member-
ship fee is one dollar. Committees
have been appointed to solite amo
have been appointed to solicite
among the various societies here.
Ohio Wesleyan 12, Miami 0.
Northwestern 7, Kentucky 0.
Illinois 13, Indiana 7.
Wisconsin 19, Purdue 19
Minnesota 33, Chicago 7.
Pennsylvania 14, Penn State 0.
The hoped for Michigan offense Bride, Dahlem and Wheeler into the
was a complete failure, neither the Michigan lineup in an attempt to
passing nor the running attack of score, but the pony backs had little
the Maize and Blue team func-'' more success than their predeces-
tioning with any consistency. Dur- sors. Coach Jack Wilce made fre-
ing the greater part of the game quent substitutions in the Buck-
the ball was in Michigan territory. eye front throughout the second
The Wolverines relying on their half, but near the close of the game
punter to keep the Bucks away fresh players were inserted with
from the goal line. Throughout unusual rapidity.
the entire game the Michigan team Each team sustained one injury
offered stubborn resistance to the of a 'serious nature, Al Bovard,
powerful running attack of their Michigan. center, was forced to
opponents. Pommerening, Trus- leave the game late in the third
kowski, and Poe played well, and l quarter, Cragin going to the pivot
combined their efforts to halt the post in his stead. Young, Ohio's
Buckeye ball carriers time and time 'right guard, was also injured and
again when the attack was direct- had to be replaced.
ed towards the left side of the Summaries:
Michigan line. The weaker right Michigan Pos. Ohio State
side, however, proved less impreg- Michigan LE Strte
nable, and Ohio directed her at- Truskowski .... LE....k.. Suria
tack through this quarter with con- Pommerening . LT.. Raskowskl
siderable success. Cragin.......LG........Selby
Straub Fumbles GnBovard.......C........Barratt
Shortly after the opening kickoff. .......W.RG....Young
Straub's fumble of Horn's punt was Draveling.....RE.... Fesler
recovered by Barratt on the Michi-
gan 27 yard line. Corey added four Straub....L...QB.. Holman (C)
yards off tackle, and then Ohio was Totzke.......LH....Coffee
given the ball on the Wolverines Rich (C)...BRH.........Horn
10-yard line. A Maize and Blue Ombi.......FB........Corey
player interfered with the intended I f f i c i a s-Referee, Masker
receiver of Holman's pass but the (Northwestern); umpire, Haines
threat ended when Holman passed (Yale); field judge, Daniels (Loyo-
over the goal line on the next play. la); head linesman, Ray (Illinois).
Totzke's punt was short, being Substitutions-Michigan: Wheel-
partly blocked. Coffee made 22 I er for Totzke, Poorman for Wil-
yards on successive end runs. Bo- liams, Cornwell for Draveling,
vard broke through on the next Holmes for Wheeler, Steinke for
play to throw him for an eight Cragin, Draveling for Cornwell,
yard lost. / Cragin for Bovard, Wheeler for
Holman tossed a short p iss to Holmes, McBride "for Gembis, Dah-
Fesler who jungled the ball mo- lem for Straub, Poorman for Wil-
mentarily and staggered across the liams, Orwig for Draveling.
final chalk mark for the Buckeye's Ohio-Kriskamp for Horn, Eby
initial score. Barratt's try for point for Coffee, Alber for Surina, Surina
was wide of the uprights. for Alber, Holman for Fouch, Cof-
Michigan's single touchdown fee for Kruskamp, Fouch for Eby,
came near the end of the same pe. Reboulet for Larkins, Hieronymous
riod and was also the result of a for Cory, Griffith for Young, Alber
fumble. Wheeler kicked to Coffee for Surina, McConnell for Holman,
who fumbled, Truskowski recover- Ujhelyi for Selby, Cox for Rebolet,
ing for Michigan on his own 44- Dill for Fesler, Yingling for Barratt,
yard mark. After Gembis had failed Nesser for Cox, Huston for Mc-
to gain on two attempts, Wheeler Conel.
passed to Straub from punt forma- Score by quarters:-
tion for a four yard gain. Wheelerj Michigan ........7 0 0 0-
then punted, the ball rolling nearly Ohio State.6 6 0 7 -19
to Ohio's goal line. Coffee accident- Touchdowns-Ohio State, Fesler,
ally touched it in his attempt to Eby, Coffee. Michigan, Draveling.