THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, ocTOBER !2, lml ADDANGE CEDEMONI[S FRENCH CAPITAL ENTERTAINS GREEK PRESIDENT Cabot And Warthin -RB I Give Talks In Sot rrninr nprimu. - I uth III UIlIUUIIIUUL Ul LIFIIlU'I M.. Venizelos president of the Republic of Greece, recently made a trip to Paris where he spent some time in the French capital. While there he conferred with various French officials on matters in general. GRAF ZEPPELIN BRINGS AIR MAIL FOR SEVERAL ANN ARBOR CITIZENS In the mail brought over the At- from Germany by way of the air. lantic in the Graf Zeppelin were These letters were brought from 24 messages for Ann Arbor citi- New York by air mail. zens, according to Postmaster A. C. In connection with this latest feat Pack. in postal service, Pack stated that This mail which includes letters mail could now be sent to Europe or and postcards was distributed here India by way of air mail. This sys- recently one man receiving as many}tem includes air service to the port as 10 letters from Germany. Other of departure from this country persons who were among the recip- where letters and the like are ship- ients were Robert Gwinner and Mrs. ped across. the Atlantic. Once in Emil Frey. Mrs. Soule of Ann Arbor Europe the mail is again transport- inspected the Zeppelin this past ed to its destination by air. There summer while on tour through are, he said, several continental air Europe and received two letters routes and one to India, the famous' London to Cairo to Bombay route. ALUMNI SE T UP In cooperation with this line there are several others operating in Ara- OHIO QUARTERS biaand Transjordania. Letters and postcards may be Carroll P. Adams, seretary of the sent on the return flight of the University of Michigan club of Dc~ Graf Zeppelin for $1.00 and 50 cents troit will be in charge of the head- respectively, Pack announced, quarters which have been arranged _ for the members of the Detroit Dean Hugh Cabot, of the Medi- cal school, and Dr. Aldred Scoti Warthin, of the medical school,4 played an important part in the1 assembly of the Interstate post- graduate medical association of North America which was held in Atlanta, Georgia, during this week.: On Tuesday, Dean Cabot presented a paper before the general session' on "The Choice of Anesthetics"1 and Warthin conducted a clinic. Thursday Dr. Warthin was en- tertained by the alumni of the medical school present at the meeting at a luncheon given in his! (honor at the Biltmore hotel. Yes terday Dr. Warthin was to deliver. an address to the assembly on cardiac syphilis. SLOGAN ELECTS CLUB SECRETARY "A Michigan-Washington Foot- ball Game" was the slogan which carried M. J. Robinson, '04L, into office as president of the Univer- sity of Michigan club of Seattle, Washington, recently, by an over- whelming majority. Robinson came into prominence as secretary of the Seattle club, when, at the Alumni Triennial in Detroit, three years ago he pre- sented a very fine paper to the meeting and was introduced as the best alumni club secretary in the United States. PROFESSORS VISIT EAST Prof. J. B. Edmundson and Prof. Raleigh Schorling, School of Edu- cation, and members of the build- ing committee of that school left Ann Arbor a few days ago to visit ertain schools in Boston and New York, it was announced yesterday. PLAN NEW CONTESTS IN PUBLICSPEAKING Oratorical Board Arranges Details At Bi-Weekly Luncheon Held In Union Building TO AWARD CASH PRIZES Several new public speaking con- tests will be introduced to the Michigan campus this year when plans discussed by the oratorical board at its bi-weekly luncheon at the Union yesterday noon materi- - alize. Among the projects contem- plated is an interpretive reading contest, the winner of which will receive a substantial prize. Two extemporaneous speaking contests will undoubtedly be held this year, one each semester. Prizes for the events will be increased over for- mer years, Russell M. Sanderson '29, chairman of the local contests committee reported. Winner of first will probably receive $25 and $15 will be awarded for second place. In former years the win- ners received a University of Mich- igan wall plaque or a book. "An unexpected increase in tick- et sales for the lecture series will give the oratorical board a profit this year," Sanderson said. "Since it is not our intention to make money on the lecture course we shall sponsor more ' contests and offer larger prizes -in an effort to stimulate interest in public speak- ing." Plans were also discussed. for ex- change night programs between the four campus literary societies -Athena, Portia, Adelphi and Al- pha Nu. It is possible that these organizations will compete in an all-campus debate elimination with a prize for the winner. E U U FEDERAL Baked Goods are unsurpassed for quality of ingredients and taste. Any meaning derived from and embodied in the above expression will be sustained in its entirety We are admirably situated in our baked goods and del- icatessen departments to care for the needs of FRATERNITIES, SORORITIES, STUDENT CLUBS, and PARTIES of any description, requiring service of this nature. Neatness and Promptness Our Watchwords If the Federal serves your wants you will be pleased. Special Blend Coffee, 39c Lb. Breakfast Cereal, 13 Servings, 10c This is a wonderful Health Food Rolls by the Dozen or Hundred Dozen Reducing Bread If .you need this it will help. /ny . %/ t 1Llt Suiting Fabrics I -.. of THE NEW BROWN COLORINGS FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WEAVES are shown by us in some twenty shades. Tinker &,Company So. State St. at William St. Serving University Men for Over Thirty Years I I' 114 South Main St. Phone 3454 I m o%0%0%0%ooqw SswiTiY-vs. H I ww w W, AL wvw