20, 1928 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ,.. -- - , 0 , , PAGE THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE VA IFRO TO THRE BY NOW Food 0 The food d this x bourg versity ' uvuruiHESRCHAIRMAN OF ADVISERS OF WOMEN OUTLINES DIVISION OF FUWNCTIONS BThework in the office of the Ad- cil and to the house organization I M visers of Women, comprising a committee of the Women's league. or[I-I- IN UH great number of varied functions. The selection of chaperones for ap re is divided among the three Ad- proved dances is also in her hands. Karpiinski Will Address First visers, each one having charge of Advises Class Activities Of A. A. U. W. specific matters. In response to Of-the class activities-the-Fresh--fA _.U_ E NEW HOUSES BENEFIT requests that the division of work Oman Spread itFreshman Pageant CO-OPERATIVE SYSTEM be outlined, Miss Grace E. Rich- Senior breakfashaSenior paya IS COLLECTION OF M OF BUYING SUPPLIES ards, chairman of -the , advisers have Miss Richards for their ad- - gives the following summary in or- viser. She is ex officio a member Prof. Louis Karpinski is to s SERVES 12 HOUSES der that the students may know of the board of governors of Bet- to the local group of the Ame which member of the committee sy Barbour house. Association of University W Director Plans All Menus, to consult about any particular at 3 o'clock ory Saturday in Au rders Food, Checks Bills Ion In addition to these various du- Memorial hall. The subject o Housing Arrangements Divided ing as chairman of the committee address is to be "ManuscriptT Housing arrangements for most of advisers. In this capacity, she of America in Spanish, French office of Miss Lenna Cooper, of the undergraduate women are is the person who receives many Portuguese Archives." irector of the University, has supervised by Miss Richards and miscellaneous appeals and inquir - In 1926, Professor Karpinsk veek been moved from Bar- Miss Alice ALloyd. This work is ies which are addressed to "The vestigated those maps which' gymnasium to room 202, Uni- divided equally between the two Advisers of Women." tained to America in such lit y hall. This arrangement af- and includes primarily the super- Miss Lloyd's share of the work' centers as the Bibliotheque Na HOOVER WILL BE WOMEN'S CHOICE IN COMING ELECTION, BROWN SAYS Cora Opines. I.- fords Miss Cooper a much larger office, as well as greater conveni- ence and quiet. Miss Cooper's work at the Uni- versity began last year when the system of co-operative buying was adopted by a number of sororities and -fraternities. Three new houses -Collegiate Sororis, Zeta Beta Tau and Kappa Nu--have this fall tak- en advantage of Miss Cooper's ser- vices, so that the system now in- cludes 12 houses. Helen Newberry residence is one of these, and the others are sororities and fraterni- ties. The entire responsibility of plan- ning menus, ordering food, and checking bills is assumed by .Miss Cooper for each house for which she buys. Menus are planned for a month at a time and are sub- mitted to the stewards of the vari- ous houses:. Every week Miss Coop- er has a half-hour conference with the steward from each house, at which time the menus areadis- cussed and changed to suit tastes of the particular house. "It is curious to note," observes Miss Cooper, "that houses seem to formhgrouphtastes. For instance, one ,house has informed me that they do riot like cucumbers and would like, to have them omitted from their menus. It seems that the dislike must have spread by a process of suggestion from the dis- like"of a few individuals in the house." Buying is done for each house separately, as there is no storeroom in connection with the service. There is, therefore, ,nf food ac- count to be settled with Miss Coop- er individually, but each house pays ,,he companies from whom the food is bought. The bills are. all checked =in Miss Cooper's office, however, before being presented to the houses. This entails a con- siderab-le amount of bookkeeping. "The budget of each house al- lows a certain amount for our service," Miss Cooper explains. "We try to stay within these limits," she adds, "but it is very hard this year on account of the increased cost of all foods. The price of meat is especially high. All cuts of meat; have increased in price at least 25. per cent, and some have increaspd by as much as 100 per cent." Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, $4.00 per year. It's worth it! Svision of thez 7 league nousesYa. A includes, besides supervision of the-i justments to be made in any of housing, membership on the Stud- these houses are referred to Mis3 ent Affairs committee. This com- Richards or Miss Lloyd. mittee grants permission for the Miss Richards has for some time presentation of all class and other had charge of student loans and! organized activities of the Univer- emergency funds, and she keeps in- sity. formation relative to scholarships Miss Lloyd Supervises Sororities offered by other colleges. She acts The Michigan Inter-Sorority as- as adviser to the Judiciary Coun- sociation, with its two social events, the Pan-Hellenic banquet and the {{Pan-Hellenic ball, is part of Missj Lloyd's concern. In this connec-1 tion, she receives applications froml w r . - - r" r r r r r - w r. r r , women fn who nih 4 b i i ale at Paris. His photostats o original maps comprised the collection ever to be made of valuable historical material. productions of Professor Kai ski's collection are now on I shelves of American libraries The meeting on Saturday wi one of the first held by the. U. W. this fall, and the orga tion extends a special invit to any women eligible to men ship to attend it. The local group of A. A. U includes more than 285 mem The aim of the organization, i words of the national constitu is for the "uniting of the alu of different institutions forX tical educational work, for the lection and publication of st tical and other information cerning education, and in gen Women will vote for Hoover, in the presidential election of 1928, ac- Fall cording; to statements by Prof. Ev- erett S. Brown of the political science department. He says, "There are two outstnding facts with re- spect to the part women are play- APS ing in the present presidential cam- paign. One is the great increase peak in the number who are registering, rican the other is that a large majority omen intend to vote for Herbert Hoover." imni Although this steady increase in f his registration might be due to a grow- Maps ing feeling of civic responsibility , and this would not explain the over-I whelming sentiment in favor of Mr.; i in- Hoover. Professor Brown says, 'In per- my opinion, the desire to vote for brary Mr. Hoover and the principles for tion- which he stands is the true expla- f th nation of the present political ac- first tivity among women voters." this Praises Belguim Efforts Re.- I"As director of the com- rpin- mission for the relief of Belgium, the Mr. Hoover's successful efforts to save Belgian women and children ill be from starvation made a direct ap- A. A. peal to the sentiments of American niza- women. When he was appointed ation Food Administrator he took the nber- women of this country into his con- fidence and enlisted their aid in a national crisis. American women U. W. are proud of what they did, and abers. they have not forgotten that it was n the Mr. Hoover who pointed out to them ution their opportunity for service. mnae "After the war Mr. Hoover again prac- turned his attention to relief work col- Millions of children in every part tatis- of Europe owe their lives to the con- American Relief Administration of} neral, which he was the director. Norl Stan- dlid hp rmwn lip arin tf the hil- . . . I Wv~ivi oiuW61G oman posi- Y tions as sorority chaperones. The house presidents' supper, which is given annually by the ad- visers for the presidents of all wo- With a view toward establishing men's houses is under Miss Lloyd's friendship betweenthe classes, the direction. She acts as adviser for, freshman, sophomore, junior, and the Junior Girls' play and gives' senior hockey squads were enter- special permission for women to at- tained at a spread at the - field tend out of town football gaes house Thursday night after prac- eu t T im Wokgames. tice. A buffet dinner was served Secures Part Time Work and songs were sung by the guests. The securing of part time em-1 Betty Smither, '29, president of ployment for University women the W. A. A., welcomed the women takes up the greater part of Miss and introduced Miss Laurie Camp- Beatrice Johnson's time. She is also bell,, who explained the new sys- adviser of the point system and an- tern of having a second team to swers questions regarding each wo- represent each class. She urged man's eligibility to take part in the women to get anyone who was campus activities. Miss Johnson ntes toacts as adviser to oriental students. interested to come out for the The Sophomore circus, the Wo- tean, as there are still several men's League bazaar, and the Se- practices remaining. Marie Hart nior supper are the three class ac- spoke and thanked the guests for tivities under Miss Johnson's su- their co-operation and the spirit pervision. As Miss Lloyd is con- which they showed. It is hoped I cerned with the scholarship of the tha aninfrma speadsuc assophomores and seniors, so Miss that an informal spread such as Johnson has charge of academic this one may be held every year adjustments for freshmen and jun- in addition to the regular hockey tos banquet, which is held at the end Tors of te seson Thedat forthe The supervision of women living of the season. The date for the outside of approved houses falls to banquet this year is Nov. 22. I Miss Johnson's share. This list in- The spread was in charge of cludes women who for any reason Ethel Klanderman, '29, and she have received special permission'to was assisted by a committee, made. live elsewhere than in a league up of members of the squad, who house, sorority house, or dormi- prepared and served -the meal. tory. Those on the committee were: Frances Miller, '31, Dorothy Flynn, '29, Margaret Seeley, '31, Hilda l Felske, '31, and a group of fresh-I ,men from the squad. HARD 1. to do with the war and is proof of Mr. Hoover's abiding efforts in be- half of children. "When the Mississippi flood spread death and destruction thru- out the South, it was Mr. Hoover that President Coolidge turned to. Mr. Hoover brought order out of chaos and thus justified again his reputation as the greatest humani- tarian of his age." Purpose Is Happy Homes As Professor Brown pointed out, one could hardly read this record and believe that Mr. Hoover is the "cold, hard, business automaton" which some of his critics try to t . ,f 's i picture him. He declared in his acceptance speech, "our purpose is to build in this nation a human society, not an economic system. We wish to increase the efficiency and the productivity of our country, but our final purpose is happier homse." Mr. Hoover means what he says, according to Professor Brown. "As a man who believes in happier homes he has taken a definite stand on prohibition. Women realize bet- ter than anyone else how much' prohibition has contributed toward the stamping out of poverty and suffering. The prohibition issue is to the majority of women one of the determining factors in their in- tentions to vote for Mr. Hoover. Praises Mr. Hoover "Throughout his career Mr. Hoo- ver has had the steady, helping companionship of his wife. A uni- versity graduate, a scholar, yet her first interest has always been her home. Although the subject of this interview is Mr. Hoover, I can not refrain from the remark that if it. becomes the duty, of Mr. Hoover to. preside in the White House, Amer- ican women can rest assured that she will most ably and gracefully maintain the high standard set by her immediate predecessor." Professor Brown had three years of close contact with Mr. Hoover, He was on his Washington staff during the war. As may be judg- ed from his remarks Professor Brown has a very high opinion of Mr. Hoover. Furthermore he feels that Hoover will beepresident, and that this will be due in no small measure to the vote of American, women. Until I read yesterday's review of Vachel Lindsay's performance the other night, I was crushed, simply crushed, my dear, to think that I wasn't intelligent enough to un- derstand the man, but now I am somewhat reassured. It seems that there were others who couldn't in- terpret him either. Really, my dear, I couldn't get anything out of his first selection, mainly because I couldn't under- stand what he was saying, but by the time he began on the second, I had adjusted myself enough to know that it was something about an Indian, though just what I couldn't decide. Anyway, I could make out the tom-tom effect to some extent. A locomotive fol- lowed the Indian across the stage. It seems that the locomotive is rather terrifying to one at three years of age, but that by the time one has reached the wise age of 12 years, one has enough intelligence to know that the train may bring nice red apples to people who are unusually good. By the time I had recovered from that, Lindsay was singing a song about John Brown. It seems that someone or other, maybe, Lindsay himself, had been to Palestine, and had seen all sorts of things, includ- ing Abraham, Noah's ark, the Dead sea, Lot's wife turned to salt, and last but not least, John Brown him- self, with his seven sons bowing down and marching around or something. And by the end of the reading, everyone, even the angel Gabriel, was cheering old John Brown, sitting on a rustic throne of some sort, surveying the world with his shotgun across his knees. Really, my dear, though I couldn't understand the man, I did enjoy him, and his voice just took hold of me and made me all quivery inside like the lights of Bagdad or something. PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS Corona, Underwood Remington, Royals. We have all makes. Colored duco finishes. Price $60. O. D. MORRILL 17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615 for the dards o Wom Mar On] More since la game. to eith home c parents Marti only doi tom this tative t maintenance of high s mainteance o ni'n ' A-5-+J ul Ya.ruw a n1Le aga1nsTm e i - f education." dren of our late enemies in the war. When asked for his opinion e G on this matter he said, "I can only en Go To Game;" feel one way about children -- I can argue very heartily on the fail- a Co o k Sendsare of adults and the misdoings"and n misdeeds of the governments that i y Representative bring these situations about, but I can not apply those sentiments against children.' Is there any won- than 100 women have left der that most women can feel only ist night for the Ohio State one way about Herbert Hoover? Every woman who went had Stresses Interest In Children er have permission from "But there is more to the record. or be accompanied by her He became president of the Amer- ican Child Health association. He ha Cook building was the strove to interest the American peo- rmitory to continue the cus- ple in a crusade for better health s year of sending a represen- conditions for every child in the to the out-of-town Loames.land. This movement had nothing1 tat-ve1-. They chose as their representative Thelma Christiansen, '29. Women from all the dormitories went" to the game, but Helen Newberry resi- dence and Betsy Barbour house did not send any particular represen- tative. IS YOUR PERSONAL LIBRARY GROWING? GOOD HOME COOKING Investment in Books Brings Rich Returns . - . t .4;: Ea;: '.i 'r h'. ;z' ?' r t' bit} :': Dealer in ANTIQUES Upholstering, Furniture Repairing, Refinishing and Remodeling 218 East Huron Street Ann Arbor - - --- Michigan Announcing the Opening ~ of Monday, Oct. 22 3011/2 South State Street ANN ARBOR. MICH. Enjoy yourself having Luncheon or Tea at the quaint Tea Room, where the Tea pours fror 12 noon until 12 night. A Teaologist Will Read the Leaves 11 PIERCES CAFETERIA 1201/2 E. Liberty SERVING HOURS The Print end Book Shop 521 E. JEFFERSON ST. t Saturday Hours-9 A. M. to 9 P. M. I 1 O'clock'to 5 O'clock to 1:30 O'clock 7:30 O'clock SUNDAYS 12 to 2:30 Day and Night Phone 3432 the gay season is on! V , black degrees Superlative in quality, the world-famous copyw.M S At afl Buy' give best service and a longest wear. dozen Plain ends, per doz. $1.o Rubberends, per doz. 1.20 AMERICAN PENCIL CO. 500 Willow Ave., D 1LHoboken, N. J. Makers of UNIQUE Thin Lead Colored Pencils in 20 colors $1 per dozen I --. i Why Send Your Laundry Home,? I ft\,~.You'll want a glove of sturdy a one clasp style f Capeskin effects h '7/11,two tones. Thesef washable. Yourc brown, plymouth, pig-skin-a pull on or or day time. 5.00 and 4.50. have neat cuffs done in firm yet pliable skins are color choice in beaver, blank, blonde. Priced from 4.50 to 3.00 w w wo W- wo W7' w c Because We Are the Pride of Ann Arbor We Take Pride in Our Service and Quality of Food, and Cooking When you may be assured of the same careful laundering and promptest service by sending your laundry to lil And a Bag adequate in size for details required during the day--smnl suede pouch bags, in brown or black at 3.95 and up. Smart envelope purses in two- tone modernistic designs- 3.95 and 2.95. C N As you have all learned a great many times, there is a great difference in the attention given to the seasoning of food while cooking. We aim to give particular attention to this. We assure you that our food is appetizing and satisfying.% Evenings bags-pouches preferred-show richly with their pearl and jeweled embellishments. Priced up to 25.00.