THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1928 br 4rhi Luia Bail .iblishei ceery tiornm_ ,except 'Monday ing the t'niver~.1ty year b y the Board in vjcmbe r 'A crr onf r nce Editorial ociation he Associated Ptes, to exclusitely en- d to the use for republication of ;ill news atchestcredited to it )r n t otherwise' ted in this paper and tre local news hub- ied herein ,ntered at the pusto'Jice at Ann Arbor, higan, as second class matter. Special rate postage granted by Third Assistant Post- ter General. ubscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, So. )ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- d Stree. 'pones: Editorial, 4025 ,lusmleli.q a'2t4- EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR KENNETH G. PATRICK itor ......... ... ......Paul J. Kern y Editor....... ..Nelson J. Smith ws Editor,... ........ .Richard C. Kurvink rts Editor.................Morris Quinn )mns Editor..........-Sylvia S. Stone tor Michigan Weekly....J. Stewart Hooker siC and Drama........R. L. Askren istant City Editor..''Lawrence R. Klein Night Editors rence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe eph E. Howell Pierce Ro'rnberg nald J. Kline George 1;. Simons George C. Tilley Reporters due to sheer error. It must be discouraging for those persons who are attempting to run smooth and honest elections to find that when fraud is not allowed to run its unmolested course under the surface it is sure to crop out in some apparent manner. Politicians will naturally spread stories about official corruption after every elec- tion-especially the defeated ones. They need these stories-to pro-' tect their own reputations (If any). THE MICHIGAN ALUMNUS / / / / / / / ! / / I d / / / D /! I / J! / 1 } 6 Y J /!! / ! / / / / 1 /! / / // LED LL DOWN WITH THE COUNCIL p. I r Music And Drama 14 6 ul T. Adams orris Alexander ther Anderson A. Askren !rtram AskWith' !nelon Boesche Aise Behymer thur Bernstein abel Charles R. Chubb .ura Codling "ank -9. Cooper len Domine dward Efroymson uglas Edwards lborg Egeland bert J. Feldman ariorie Follimer car Fuss illiam Gentry )m Gillett wrence Hartwig illis Jones chard Jung tarles R.Kaufman Ruth Kelsey Donald E. Layman C. A. Lewis Leon Lyle Marian MacDonald Henry Merry Nl. S. Pickard William Post Victor Rabinowitz John. T. Russ Harold Saperstein Rachel Shearer Howard Simon Robert L. Sloss Arthur R. Strube] Beth Valentine Gurney Williams Walter Wilds Edward Weinman Rohert: Wnoodro,)fr foseph 1. lRussell Cadwell Swarson A. Stewart Edward L. Warner Jr. Cleland Wyllie By action of the Student Council, Wednesday night, two dollars is to be added to the senior class dues for each student, to cover the cost of one year's subscription to the Michigan Alumnus, the weekly magazine of the University of Michigan Alumni association. One of the difficulties in keeping contact between the university and its graduates in the past has been the fact that these graduates after! leaving school have had very little opportunity to get news concern- ing Michigan and her activities. The Michigan Alumnus, official or- gan of the alumni organization, has been in existence since 1894 when it was founded by Alvick A. Pearson, '94, and since that time has carried to the few alumni sub- scribers all the big news' on the campus and the alumni. Although several attempts have been made to interest the seniors in consider- ing subscriptions before they grad- uated, nothing conclusive has been done until the recent action on the part of the Student Council which makes the subscription fee a neces- sary part of the class dues. The suggestion was taken up im- mediately by the council and acted upon favorably. The alumni associ- ation is strongly backing the idea and only one act remains to make the plan successful in its entirety. It is now up to the present senior class and all future senior classes to pay their class dues which will only amount to about five dollars including the subscription, faith- fully and promptly, so that during the entire first year after they have left Ann Arbor they will have an opportunity to read of Michigan and their friends among the alum- ni, and keep in constant touch with their Alma Mater, as well as to give the Alumni association a chance to keep track of its recent graduates,, * BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER EDWARD L. HULSE ssistant Manager-RAY MOND WACHTER dvertising.D Maa t cerer dvertising ....,.........X .r I i - l 1ner iervice.<.(-r ,,, Tiverst; \ rnum~ irculation .. ... .. . (: ltley ccounts... ...........,lkle ublications,......... ....ay n, - felich rving Binzer ary Chase anette Dal 'ernor Davis leil aplen avr- Assistants B~enard Cars_;n t:'rdLurh That Student Council gets our goat, even worse than Sour Sue does. Last night we had a wonder- ful crack about the Student Coun- cil, and then the editor, who, by the way, happens to be Council president, cut it from the column. Oh, well, a guilty conscience needs no accuser. * * * But from now on, Rolls will maintain a determined and vigorous policy against the Council. The desecration to our sacred column shall not go un- avenged. And when that half-. baked organization feels the full force of a thwarting in- fluence like the Rolls column, it will naturally evaporate, being of a decidedly wet nature.{ * * * One thing in favor of the Coun- cil. When The Daily plays the Union in football this morning there will be a Student Council president in the lineup. Then, if the score at the final gun is against us, we can demand a recount and win easily. * * * It wouldn't be a bad idea to have the Council members as official scorers at all our foot- ball games. We probably would win a Conference title this year. * * * Isn't it queer that a man writing for Rolls will razz the Council to death, and then, when he becomes Council president, will not permit his precious title to be violated? Better read Browning, Kernel. "Just for a handful of silver he left us, Just for a ribbon to wear on his coat . .. * , s In support of Al. Smith, we might say that some very handsome memorials have been erected to men who would have ruined the country if they had been elected, and didn't and were, respectively. * * I There have been so many im- provements in war methods since 1918 that some of the generals and admirals would like a chance to try them out. People should realize that persons and institutions writ-! ten about in Rolls are satirized in merely a joking manner. There is nothing in the pur- pose or practice of Rolls that is intentionally vicious or nasty. The purpose of Rolls is to poke good, -clean, kindly fun. Aside from that there is no ulterior motive underlying its existence. * * * The New York budget for the year is totale4 at 539 millions of dollars. Gosh, and here we wrote home for an extra five dollars this month! * S s A man 80 years of age mar- ried yesterday for the second time within seven months. He begged the license board not to tell the newspapers. Oh, of course not. We bet his parents objected. * * * Our own President Little has left for Canada to represent the American universities at an inter- national meet. Probably very soon all the European universities will have auto bans. * * * After Thursday night's per- formance, we suggest that Vachel Lindsay be made a member of the cheer leading squad. * * * ack Hr . Ca ovihem SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1928 light Editor-PIERCE ROSENBERG THE SENATE CQl1MITTEE AND CLASS ELECTIONS Yesterday afternoon the Senate Committee on Student Affairs, aft- er a session lasting more than two hours, decided that the presidential election of the junior class of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts should be held over. The decision was reached not because the all-powerful faculty and stu- dent body believed that there was anything in the slightest way questionable' about the handling of the election on the part of the Student Council, but because it felt that there was not conclusive evi- dence to prove that either of the two candidates for the office of junior class president had actually been elected. (Each candidate held the advantage of one counting of the votes). Without a doubt wild rumors, loosely circulated by persons who need to circulate them to protect their own reputations, can do much to damage the reputation of a class and its elections. Without any doubt there are innumerable at- tempts to "get by" with off-color tactics in every class election, for it has been done so many times that it has become a University tradition. It is literally true, for instance, that within the past four years at least two literary class presidents have owed their election to the casting of upwards of 150 Illegitimate ballots before the elec- tion ever started. At least four more have owed their offices in large measure to several hundred votes cast by students not mem- bers of their classes. Need any further evidence be presented as to! the character of campus political organizations? For one of these factions to call another crooked is for the potato to call the kettle black, and to ac- complish nothing. Rather than bring out any more of the truth than is necessary about themselves,' they both seem to prefer accusa- Mons of innocent third parties. That the reports emanating from the centers of these political machines are all colored and mostly false is only to be expected. That these. rumors accuse men who can have 7-- rno-ih1 :.e...x i .as..... v. f1..J 60 per cent of whose address are usually lost during the first year. A GOOD BAND A week ago today, Indiana's All- American college band visited Ann Arbor. Acknowledged to be one of the best in the country, it clearly and impressively demonstrated its superiority over the Michigan band which was attempting to parade on the same field. It is hardly necessary to compare the two organizations. It is suffi- cient to remark that the Michigan band was by no means a credit to the University in that demonstra- tion and it may readily be sus- picioned that there will be other occasions this year when some er- ror in marching or formation will make it appear an extremely ama- teurish and high schoolish organ- ization. The existance of such a situation is almost incredible. Its presence here can hardly be said to be due to a lack of ability or to the im- possibility of securing either capa- ble leaders or equally capable men That it does exist must be admitted, although in the same breath it should be deplored. As a single instance, the Indiana R. 0. T. C. organization with a paid band assures the Hoosier university that she will have an organization which will fittingly represent her at all times. The fact that the band receives a certain compensa- tion for its work makes it possible for the directors to require atten- dance at practice drills and as a result sufficient time is put in each week during, the football season so that the band formations are never haphazardly done, or mis- done, before thousands of specta- tors. It has been repeatedly suggested although without apparent success that some such system of compen- sation be employed to assure Mich- igan ,of a first rate band ready to perform creditably at all times. The most logical solution for the situation here appears to be the offering of credit to band members. Such a proposal, guaranteeing, as it would, attendance at practices and formation drills, has a great deal to commend it. Michigan bands would receive sufficient "DIPLOMACY" Comedy Club plans for the week beginning October 30 to stage a show which will provide nearly three hours of thrilling amuse- ment through the almost fantastic involutions of political intrigue as it is fought out between the fas- cinating characters of diplomatic representatives of England, France, Germany and Russia, and assisted by a "scheming mother," the Mar- quise de Roi-Zares, who has not only a beautiful daughter to dispose ofI but a few hundred thousand of ri- fles to sell from a warehouse in England which is the subject of much international scepticism. The setting of the whole imbro- glio is in the luxurious hotel suite which La Marquise has taken in Monte Carlo. In the heavy atmos- phere of hectic sporting circles, the intrigue is conducted with the glittering polish of European civili- zation, which gives rise to scenes of brilliant irony and penetrating satire. The final scene, however, shifts to the British embassy in Paris for the extraordinarily subtle ending which caps an impressive emotional scene between the daugh- ter of a Spanish Grandee and a young British attache who is torn between love and the crushing duty of his diplomatic position. Victorien Sardou, author of this classic example of the drama of in- trigue, comes rather at the end of that school of French writers who aimed to entertain by creating com- plexities of plot in the Scribean tradition. These men were not in- terested in depicting the drama of psychological struggle, as was Ibsen. Their drama is in the externals. The characters they used were rich, full-blooded, but they did not grow so out of the progress of the play. They were so in the beginning. Sardou, during a life of extraordin- ary activity, produced some fifty- seven plays, of which the greater numbers were highly successful in Paris during their vogue from 1870 to 1905. He attempted drama of all kinds with varying degrees of success, but his greatest ability lay in satire which he pointed to a highly polished instrument of social torture. He was also a witty writer of light comedy, and an almost per- fect deviser of plots which, given the ordinary technique of stage business, would carry themselves 1 regardless of the "lines." Curiously enough, the plot of "Diplomacy" which involves the loss of a secret document was dis- covered, shortly after the play had had a successful run in Paris, to have been almost exactly dupli- cated in real life by the schemings of the Foreign Minister of France. Sardou's contribution to the the- ater, outside of his work as a play- wright, lies in the field of produc- tion. Previous to his time the the- ater had been so engrossed in the traditional methods of representa- tion-as is seen in extreme by the Shakespearian custom of scenery painting by words alone-that ef- forts at realism were not con- sidered quite "proper." But Sardou, having created his plays with a great deal of incidental atmos- phere, demanded that every effort be made to reproduce for the audi- ence the fullest illusion possible of the scene in which he had layed his story. The consequence of this was that realistic sets were built, accu- rate to the smallest detail, and the costumes of the players were those which characters in real life were accustomed to be seen in. Sardou is often called the progenitor of the modern realistic technique in the French theatre, and in his own lifetime was the guide of Sir Henry Irving in the matter of production details. The cast which Comedy Club have selected includes: La Marquise de Roi-Zares...... ...................Pauline Jacobs Dora, her daughter-............. . .. . Lillian Setchell Julian Beauclerc, her lover... . .......... Charles Peake Henry Beauclerc, his older brotheru.........Robert Adams Count Orloff....Thurston Thieme Countess Zicka.............. .Lorinda McAndrews Baron Stein ........ George Preihs Lady Henry.. ..Elizabeth McCurdy Algy Fairfax......George Johnson Sec. to Henry Beauclerc........ .....Tom Yates Mion, maid to la MarquiseY..... .Leone Lee Direction, by Phyllis Loughton and 17 Nickels Arcade - !i r, PO R G Y The heart of a primitive people chanted in the rhythm of the negro race. Tuesgday. Oct. 30 2:30-8:15 Mail Orders Room A-Memorial Hall Whitney Thea. ORDER YOUR SEATS NOW! j- - - Only 12 More Days Canoeing, SAUNDERS' CANOE LIVERY WE CLOSE NOV. 1, 1928= on the Huron River at Foot of Cedar St. Join TeRe ross Campaign Starts Monday In Florida, in the Mississippi Valley, in Colorado, in Ohio, and everywhere that disaster has left its mark the RED CROSS has rendered immediate relief in a way that no organization could in so short a time. WHY NOT KEEP THIS NATIONAL ,f 3tt K«! AP ORGANIZATION PREPARED FOR TYPEWRITING and MIEMOGRAPHING A specialty for twenty years. Prompt service.. Experienced erators.. Moderate rates. 0. D. MORRILL FUTURE EMERGENCIES? ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK { .9 ,,: 101 N. Main St. 707 N. University'Ave. Subscribe to The Michigan Daily 1I, op Phone 6615 ,. Tel A~ }'. 1 1? a.. .4i i A The, Harvard faculty has en- dorsed Al Smith. Wonder what the trouble is at Harvard, a Federal in- vestigation there, too? ** * The faculty, it seems, likes the action Al has displayed and they deplore the fifth year's inaction of the Republican re- gime. How about Harvard's 200th year? * * * Woman Vanishes On Eve Of Opera Trial. -Newspaper headline. That's nothing, the entire opera cast here passes out on the first night. T HAT'S the telephone "Hello" in Madrid. In London, it's "Are you there?" But in many foreign countries, Americans find a universal language in the telephone salutations. It's good old "Hello"-a subtle tribute to the fact that the telephone is an American invention. And so it is with elevator service. Even though they say "Diga" in Spain, the architects of the magnificent new Madrid Telephone Building unhesitatngly said "Otis" because Spai demanded the last word in elevators. You will find in Madrid the same type of Sig, nal Control Elevators that are now installed in those monumental telephone buildings in America, in New York, Cleveland, St. Louis III