-- - -1 - - - - - - - - - . I I- - I I-A . _ Zeppelin Commander Brings Ship To Port FO RSOCIAL WORK9ER Denies Negotations Mayo denied any negotations had been opened between the Zeppelin people and the Ford company. He said it was his personal belief, how- ever, that such a service as Dr. Eckener plans was practicable, and could be put on a paying basis within a year or two. Dr. Eckener estimates it will take at least $14,000,000 to launch his project for four great air cruisers plying between Europe and the United States. Until it is definitely determined how long it will take to repair the Zeppelin, plans for her Midwest tour are held in abeyance. It is not believed, however, that the re- pairs can be completed before Tuesday, and since the start of the return flight to Germany has been set tentatively for Saturday, Oct. 27, it is certain that the flight will not be a long one. Itinerary Indefinite It has been more or less definite- ly settled that the Zeppelin will cruise to Detroit, passing over as many, cities as possible en route, but her itinerary after that is prob- lematical. Tentative plans are for her to visit Chicago and St. Louis, but this will depend upon time and weather conditions. Several persons will be taken as guests on the Midwest tour, but whether Mr. Ford will be one of them is uncertain. "fHe is a great man," Dr. Eckener said, "and I should like to have him for a passenger,but he is verybusy, and I don't know whether he will have time to go. Besides, it is doubtful if we can tie up at his mast in Dearborn. Many Ask Passage Hugh Allen of the Goodyear- Zeppelin Co. announced that he had three times as many applica- tions for places on the return flight as he had room. Most of those who csme to this country aboard the Zeppelin as passengers will return the same way, and he has only eight or 10 vacancies. He said another trip to this coun- try of the Zeppelin is planned this year, either late in November or ' early in December. She then will remain in Europe until the opening of the tourist season next spring. STUDENT GROUPS A R E ORGANIZED . AT HARRIS HALL Six student interest groups were formed at a conference of the lead- ei's of the student organizations affiliated with Ann Arbor churches held last night in Harris hall. They were in charge of several student pastors. Homer Grafton, general secretary of the Student Christian association, under whose auspices the conference was held, Ralph Johnson, instructor in the engi- neering college, and Paul Wilcox, '31, M. The groups formed were on administration, student meetings, social and dramatic work, commun- ity service, deputation and exten- sion, and world relations. Chester Bennett, '29, vice-president of the S. C. A headed the committee in charge of the meeting, which was held for the purpose of organizing and planning the work for the coming yea. A banquet preceded the conference. Subscribe to The Michigan Daily, $4.06 per year. It's worth it! j "Too many lawyers and doctors and other professional men are in- cied to think of the social worker as a sort of assistant missionary to unknown peoles, or a sentimental 4 busybody, working without definite objective and with no technique," Dean Henry M. Bates of the Law school told the Michigan State Conference of Social Work at its recent opening meeting. "Yet how clear it is," he contin- ued, "that the social worker of to- day is attacking the sores and ills of society, usually at the source of, the trouble; that if he studies symptoms, it is only to get at the _________ causes; and that the problems he is facing concern the very life of so- Dr. Hugo Eckener ciety itself. mThe outstanding contemporary commander of the Graf Zeppelin, development andc tendency in legal posed for this picture after bring- scholarship and indsome of te ing the - trans-Atlantic dirigible scholarship and in some of the safely to earth at Lakehurst, N. J.,'more enlightened of our courts is from his epoch-making flilit. He the movement away from dogma- '. ay ilo hi shp oer nn rbo tism and mere legalism to the bet- may pilot his ship over Ann Arbor tor and more thorough study of la next week on his contemplatedt flight to Chicago and return from in its functional aspects. The legal Detroit. . scholar of today does not think of law as merely a rule of conduct, prescribed by some supreme au- thority. He does not think of it as PRES L , ,an external scheme of rules and . ' regulations, imposed from without upon the life of today. He has come to know that law is but the product of many social forces, that it grows out of the life of the com- Representatives From Many State munity, and that everything the Ccommunity does tends to enter into Colleges Expected To Attend and to modify law and to determine Convention Next Month its effectiveness. "Again," Dean Bates went on, ORGANIZED L A S T SPRING "what causes crime and what pro- duces criminals? We no longer ac- Meeting for the first time since it cept the cruel absurdity that crime was organized under the auspices is the product of the spontaneously .n . and wilfully wicked heart and sin- of the department of journalism ful person. We know, at least, that last spring, the Intercollegiatel a great many things combine to Press club, consisting of the staffs produce the desire for, or the of publications of junior colleges temptation to, the criminal act; but nobody, neither the judge nor and small colleges throughout the the prosecutor, nor the criminal de- state, will ,convene in Ann Arbor fending lawyer, nor even the social Nov. 3, it is announced by Prof. J. worker, understands the problem L. Brumm, head of the department coprehensively and thoroughly. hea ofthedeprtmnt .Here is a magnificent opportunity' Af journalism, for helpful co-operation. The meeting will include a din- "Is it not clear," he concluded, rier at the Union, and round table "that among us all, of whatever discussion between the delegates profession, in the great work of so- Af the club and members of the cial betterment, there is need of a Iepartment of journalism, in the more comprehensive mutual under- interest of improving the editorial standing, reflective sympathy, and work of the various college of a more definite, vigorous, and publications represented. Samples intelligent co-operation?" of the publications will be judged -- -- VFim Will Be Shown FIRST COLORED CO At Forestry Reunion WERE SENSATI Persons who 'take the modern As a special feature of the For- newspaper comic sections as a mat- ester's reunion to be held in Ann ter of course little realize the situ- Arbor the weekend of Oct. 26 and ation in 1891 when readers of the 27, the local authorities have pre- New York World on a November pared a novel film depicting the Sunday were startled in perusal of history of the Forestry school for the morning paper to look in won- the last decade, der upon a new humorous section, with colored illustrations. What The film is an attempt to brig they had been accustomed to was the attention of former students feature stories accompanied by scenes of former days, since there black and white drawings, and will be many graduates of the For- sketches in pen and pencil adorn- estry school ere for the reunion. ing jests culled from Life, Puck, or The first part of the picture will Judge. This was something new, be made up of still pictures 'taken for The World had produced satis- years ago at the banquets, partiesfor the rtaoucdoranes- and functions of the men that are factorily the first four-color news- Inow spread over the country work- paper press. ing for the government. The first In subsequent editions the color- pictures begin about 1910 and the led art became more elaborate. And l film will be concluded with a show- then, wonder upon wonder, appear- ing of the moving pictures taken ed in The World one Sunday a se- of the Forester's Field day last ries of pictures in color, occupying spring. Titles have been inserted e full page and 'tracing the adven- to liven up the atmosphere also. tures of the kids in Hogan's Alley. The film will be shown at the Week after week the gamins had rei banque onF , Ot. 2. new experiences in the funny pa- Itwa banquet on Friday, Oct. 26. eper. Fame came to their creator, io was preparober e ofdir eRichard F.; Outcault, la t e1y a Fon oPr f.h o bertdraughtsman on the Electrical Forestry school. World, who painted fancy land- SOUTHWESTERN' C O L L E G E: scapes on safe doors to increase his Students are not allowed to have incomne. victrolas in their rooms at this Outcault died two weeks ago, and Memphis, Tenn., college. Likewise, the newspapers recorded ;briefly the no musical instrument may be passing of the father of the modern played only between 1: 00 and 7:30 comic supplement. in the afternoon. One character in Hogan's Alley ., I t i I C 1 t C C 1 V by the faculty members as to merits and faults at this time. Invitations, issued by representa- tives of Highland Park Junior Col- lege, to other colleges of the state not represented at last year's meet- ing, have been accepted by most of the schools, Professor Brumm says. Planned last year through ne- gotiations of the Highland Park Junior college "Tatler" with Pro- fessor Brumm, the club had its' birth in a meeting at the Union late last spring, four junior colleges and one city college being repre- sented. At that time it was de- cided that the drixwing up of a con- stitution for the organization would be left with the Journalism de- partment. The constitution, which will be completed in time for the coming convention will be submit- ted to one club at that time. GENERAL LIBRAR Y OBTAINS FOREIGN AR T COLLECTION' Reproductions of drawings in the various German galleries have been purchased by the University of Michigan library and some of them are now on display in the main corridor of the main library. The collection as a whole consists of eight large folios of German of Dutch drawings. They consist of charcoal sketches, water colors; and preliminary sketches of many fa- mous artists. Among the most prominent artists represented are Rembrandt, de Vinci, and Van Dyke. Exhibitions of such nature are being held everywhere this year in commemoration of Albrecht Durer, who is generally recognized as the! L Y NEW CABLE inventor of etching. He is most f a- Ious, however, as a designer of ACROSS STRAIT S I oodcuts and etchings. He was -_ I born in Nurembreg in 1471 and died Engineers of the Michigan Bell in the same place in 1528. Telephone company started today The collection was purchased by to lay a submarine cable across the the University library for the rare junction of Lake Michigan and book department by means of the Lake Huron at the Straits of Mac- Jean L. Coyl fund, which is re- kinac, one of the most difficult en- served for the purchasing of very gineering feats possible. rare editions. The collection was Four miles of specially construct- published by the Prestel Gesell- ed armored cable weighing over 2001 schaft of Frankfurt, Germany. tons will be sliced and droppedi into place for the bridging of the * , two peninsulas. The work will start FRENCH DRA WINGS from the northern shore in a cable NOW 0 N DISPLA Y boat about two miles west of Mac- -_____ kinaw City. Announcement of an exhibition The construction is one involv- of French lithographs in the first ing unusually difficult problems in floor of the new Architectural the laying of the cable because of building was made yesterday at the the nature of the lake bottom at offices of the Romance languages the Straits, the great and varying department. The pictures will re- depth of the water at the point of main there until next Wednesday. crossing, and the danger of severe Prof. Hugo P. Thieme, of the storms coming up especially at this French department, deems the ex- season. The cost of the cable, which hibition a "fine collection" and will be the second crossing the urges students of the Romance straits, is estimated at $75,000. languages to attend it if possible. i . I i . I PLAY BY PLAY FOOT'B AT A II ' ' f'F ~YTTT'VT. J LVA'E 11