. . . ...... ......... . . .. .........
Pu1lihe vry morning except Monday
diring the Iiv("rsity year by the Board in
Snibcrrof Western Cuference Editorial
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Sports Iditor.................Morris Oun
l1omenriiu s Editor.............Sylvia S. stonej
Vditnr Michigan Weekly... .J. Stewart Hooker
music and Drama..............R. L. Askren
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conduct of men for generations.
Fraternities can not refuse this
permission to the office of the
dean, very naturally, and certain-
ly that office can not feel that the
permission was gained without
pressure of the most unfair sort.
Give any fraternity the right to
vote, in the abstract, whether it
desired to allow University police-
men to apprehend auto ban vio-
lators on its private property and
if the reply is not in the nega-
tive it is because the office of the
diean would reserve the right to
suppress the results.
Students cannot protest; frater-
nities cannot protest. Certainly
both can appeal in the spirit fair
play That they be relieved from
such an unreasonable demand. It
is a request which has never been
made before for any cause, even
for the enforcement of prohibition.
If this practice continues can fra-
ternities be secure from University
proctors who will eventually tuck
all the lads into bed at 10:30?
Why this latest invasion of private
Edwin J. Mather, known to the
hundreds of Michigan students
during his nine years as Vasity
'basketball coach as "Skipper," died
last August after a lingering illness
of 18 inonths duration. It is la-
mentable that Coach Mather's
death should have occurred at -pre-
cisely the untimely period of his
career that it did, just at the crest
of his success and good fortune.
His passing is a poignat loss not
only to the individuals who knew
him and worked under him and
loved him but to the University
generally, and though it is sus-
tained by the thought of the in-
spiration he served to Michigan
men for an altogether too brief
Three basketball championships.
were brought to Michigan under
the "Skipper's" regime and not
once during this time did a Mather
coached team fall below the first
division. But it is not for the cham-
pionships he brought, it is not for
the Elys . and Haggertys and
Oosterbaans he developed-that he
will be remembered. It is rather
for his rugged fighting spirit and
his ability to supersaturate his
teams with that spirit, so that they
might rise to heights above their
normal reach. It is rather for his
insistance on clean sportsmanship.
It is rather for his faculty of
moulding men.
For nine years he instilled these
traits in Michigan teams, and then
the "Skipper" lost the greatest
game \of all. Never, even during
his fatal illness, did his interest in
Michigan and her athletic teams
ag, and though confined to a hos-
pital bed last winter he listened
to play by play reports of the
basketball games over a telephone.
the loss of the "Skipper" is one
which will extend beyond the
members of the basketball squad
n its seriousness; it is one which
will be felt by the University as a
whole and the entire world of in-
ercollegiate sports.
At a meeting of the Interfrater-
iity Presidents' Discussion Group
ast spring, a set of resolutions
vere passed relating to the con-
luct of fraternity dances after'
ome football games. The action
was the result of an investigation
onducted by members of this
;roup following a great deal of
omment on the difficulties some-
imes connected with parties of
his sort. Included in the resolu-
ions were sections providing that
he dances be closed to persons
ther than those who were direct-
y connected with the fraternity,
nd. that full reports be submitted
.o-the office of the Dean of Stu-
Ients immediately following the
Provisions of this kind, however,
ould hardly be expected to have
ny very noticeable effect on the
onduct of the parties themselves.
t is hardly to be expected that a
raternity would jeopardize its
ood standing by submitting a re-
>ort stating that it had been un-
ble to conduct a party of the
pproved type. The reports wouldc
>robably be nothing more than an
ddition to the already cumber-,
ome "red tape" procedure for ob-
aining permission to hold dances.
So far as the regulation which
>rovides for closed parties goes,
[hat should be left to the indi-
-idual fraternity. There are timesl
when the fraternity would be un-
ble to handle a crowd larger than
is own membership, and in suchf
* * *
REALLY, NOW, THE only reasonr
we finallf decided to print this lit-
tle ditty is simply that we want
you all to see how easy it is to
break into the best part of the
The Daily.
Music And Drama
A Review by C. A. Askren
With the opening of New York
theatres this Fall comes what J.
Brooks Atkinson in the New York
Times calls the "Adolescent
Drama." This statement of his re-
fering as it does to the two plays
of the fistic profession, Ringside
and The Big Fight, and the two
AND T THAT REMINDS us to run dealing with pressmen, The Front
this'little'note: Dear Three Star- Page and Gentlemen of The Press,
Every time I address my contribu- I
tions to T; S. I find that they don't i euiryscitaddsrp
get printed. Can it be that people tive of the seasons offering.
think I 'mean to say "To Scrap- Ward Morehouse's opus Gentle-
head?"" E men of the Press qualifies par- I
Jabez Mac. ticuraly for the name of being
* *Sophomoric despite its rapidity of
BUT JUST SUPPOSE action and intensity of interest.
JABEZ, THAT WE decided to Presenting as it does a true picture
change our name to some thing of life on a metropolitan daily pa-
like Gyp the Hunky and you start- per it contains moments of ex-
ed your abbreviations! tremely exciting drama, smacking
* * * strongly of realism, a realism
THEN IF THAT should ever which Mr. Atkinson ranks with
start, somebody might ask a Morse that of Chekov. Aside from its,
operator to tick back KXR or else dramatic value the play abounds
we would print Etaoin Shrdlu. in a humor which is distinctly
* * * Rabelaisian. It is this exhibit of
TEEM'S VILE NAMES, in any Billingsgate that winls for the play
slanguage. Mr. Atkinsons dictum of Sopho-
* * * - moric.
BUT WERE GETTINGwnvnf T The cast of Gentlemen of the!N
208 So. First St.
Two Blocks West of Main St.
Instruments of All Kinds
-u ..J11: ~7 1L 14 'yJ011
the subject with all this nonsense.
Here's that po-um.
* * *
I started in the morning
To register for class'
They wouldn't tell me where to go
Nor would they let me pass
I ran into the West Wing
I gallopped here and there and yon
It wasn't right-that's all.
I finally landed in the gym
And there was put to shame.
I feel that I am black with sin
I have no middle name.
They insisted I resisted!
And my answer was the same
I am called as I am listeds
I have no middle name.
* * *
folks, doesn't this poem
point remind you of Poe's
It does, the same'way we
John Gilbert, with that
and us,
to this
The question of the auto ban is
quite beside the point in regard
to this editorial. The question of
whether or not students should
drive automobiles is quite removed
from the question as to whether
or not students should be secure
from instrusion in their own rooms
on their own property.
The federal government guaran-
tees to every citizen the security
of his own home against instrusion
by any governmental officer or
private citizen. Even the extremi-
ties of the prohibition amendment
haNe not altered this right. By
the time that a young man or
young woman reaches college age
he is generally free from intrusion
into his private affairs even by his
parents. There could be no more
conclusive evidence that invasion
of private property is incompatible
with the social system under which
we live.
It remained for the University
officials, or rather for those of
them who have in charge the en-
forcement of the automobile ban,
to overstep this common right of
citizenship and intrude upon the
bounds of private property. That
these officials, by their educational
authority, have the power to coerce
fraternity groups into any action
which they may see fit is unden-
iable; but that they should use
that power to intrude on the pri-
vate property of students attend-
ing this University is not only in-
credible but it is almost initoler-
Yet this is exactly what the of-
fice of the dean of students is
accomplishing when it requests (a
request tantamount to a demand
in the nature of this situation)
that the fraternity presidents give
to them permission to enter their
property and seek out violators of
the automobile ban. It is a plain
violation on the part of the ad-
ministrative authorities of a right
which has been held inviolate by
the highest governments on earth.
Naturally no fraternity dares re-
fuse this right-the good graces of
the dean and the poliQe power
which the University gives to him
are too important factors to be
lightly reckoned with. If the of-
adorable expression around the ear
lobes. But don't let us interrupt.
E'er I'd go, the books I'd scan
I knew just what to take
They sent me to a learned man.
I'd made a big mistake.
I started off with chemistry
But now it's poli sci.
And then I though zoology
But I've changed to baking pie
I thought I'd be a doctor
Press supplies to the already ade-
quate work an enthusiasm and
strength of characterization which
is extremely satisfying and in it-
self commanding of respect. The
headliners of the presentation are
John Cromwell as Wick Snell, a
night editor fed up with his job
and a man of many amours; Helen
Flint as Myra May, a secretary and
g old-digger with a past; Hugh
O'Connell, who last year played in
The Racket, as Charlie Haven,
drunken reporter, libertine, and
sentimentalist. Lawrence Leslie as
a cub reporter supplies a goodly
number of the laughs as does Wil-
liam Pawley, another cub.
The whole production staged by
George Abbott with its abundance
of "hit" qualities bounds along
hilariously and with a diffidence
that is captivating and engrossing,
and gains for itself the title of be-
ing better than its sister play, The
Front Page.
One of the most encouraging
things in a general forecast of the
mpsical season on the campus is
the program which the University -
Musical Society has arranged to
celebrate its Semi-Centenary Anni-
versary. Fifty years of concerts by
most of the established artists of
the last half-century culminate
this year in a program which for
balanced excellence and general
appeal is the best which the So-
ciety has yet been able to arrange.
An innovation which adds greatly
to the series is the elimination of
the Extra Concert group, making
all the concerts of more or less
equal value and attractiveness.
It would be difficult to identify
any one concert as superior to the
others on the program but per-
haps the reappearance of Amelita
Galli-Curci after an absence of
three years from Ann Arbor audi-
ences draws the greatest response.
A temperamental lady in some
ways, in matters of her art she
is nevertheless a thoroughgoing
craftsman, as industrious as she
is talented. Her command of the
coloratura field is well deserved.
Another veteran of the concert
stage is Fritz Kreisler who appears
just before Christmas vacation. He
has long ago run the critical
gauntlet safely and is now ranked
as the greatest of violin virtuosi;
his reappearance may settle the
local controversy about his trans-
cendental technique.
Rosa Ponselle always was an Ann
Arbor favorite. Last heard two
years ago she fulfilled splendidly
the promise she held out at her
first appearance some ten years
ago in a May Festival concert, and
now will guarantee an evening of
authoritative singing in the dra-
matic soprano field.
A personality that dominated
Ann Arbor when he last appeared
is Rachmaninoff, composer and pi-
anist. Few artists have such com-
plete mastery of their field as he
possesses and his concert should be
a brilliant exposition of imagina-
tion and skill on the piano.
Among the younger artists Yelhi
D'Aranyi and Vladimir Horowitz
rank as brilliant new stars. The
Hungarian mademoiselle has com-
___. W._ ___ _... - _-
But now I'm wrong I see.
I'm to learn to be a proctor
And teach psychology.
Pert Gert.
* * *
THERE WAS MORE to the thing,
but what's enough is too much.
And the last couplet did show re-
markable observation, at that.
* * *
WE HAVE A complaint to make.
Somebody thought the picture we
snapped of Harvy Emery after he
got his permit yesterday wasn't
quite good enough and so they
snapped this one of the grad
school's second most illustrious
member. The other is Breh Red-
dev, by the way.
* * *
LOOK HARD AND you'll see
Harvy concealed or rather camou-
flaged on one of the leaves. He's
one of those anmials they call
walking sticks.
* * *
THEY CALL THEM something
else too, but it wouldn't be polite
to say it here.1
SOME OF THE best contributionst
have been coming in while we wereI
banging out this copy for the N.E.,
Jabez. Keep up the good work, and
tonro hrPcginr.oh . ,ยข