# + G THE MICHIGAN DAILY r- PACE THR -- L Railroad Tickets For Special Trains To Ohio State Game On Sale At Union SC For the convenience of students road expect this number will be who intend to take one of the spec- greatly exceeded on the remaining Prizes of almost $3,000 in value ial trains to Columbus for the days of the week. The booth will wll be awarded to college ichigan-Ohio State game this be kept open each day till Friday work of eridt inolitica sci-t wek-end, tickets are being placed evening. Tickets are purchaseable for work of merit in political sci- on sale at the Union, by the Ann at the station until train time, how- ce nand allied fields during the Arbor railroad which is offering the ever. special transportation services. There will be two trains run to! W. C. Durant, noted automobile I The booth at the main desk of the Ohio capital. One, made up manufacturer and financier, has the Union is being used for the sale entirely of Pullmans will go to Co- offered $25,000 for the best and of reservations. It was opened, at lumbus Friday night and will re- most practicable plan to make the 9 o'clock yesterday morning, re- turn Saturday night. The other, eighteenth amendment effective. maining open until 5 o'clock. The composed exclusively of day coach- Though Durant believes that the sale was slow yesterday, only 100 es, will leave early Saturday morn- majority of the people do not want being sold, but officials of the rail- ing and return that evening. the amendment, he holds the busi- ness leaders responsible for the IIC111111l11111111111111IIII~Ill!111111i111llltlli widespread disobedience of it. le;= has made his offer in order to give ' expression .to the soundest thought .in the country on this vital quen- B T V ict - The Harris political science~ prizes, amounting to $250, award- ed annually to the authors of the two best papers on specially des- Y ignated phases of public affairs, O der are offered by Professor Harris of Northwestern university in order' to further good citizenship, pro- # N G R A VE J mote interest in law, order; and the Constitution, and to encourage rir 'r NTr more intensive study INof all ques- G R EET IN tions relating to public welfare. Participants in the contest have a " choice of nineteen subjects, all of which are concerned with petin- en~t problems. Any, information. regarding the contest may be se- = po itical i scieer Reeves of the Supplying you with Personal Engraved Greeting Cards is not ~ is a member of the committee in , such an easy matter as passinng you a pencil over the counter. charge. First your name or insignia must be engraved on a copper plate The Baldwin prize of one hun- dred dollars will be given for the -and this operation requires some time . . . about two weeks most valuable paper dealing with from the time you place your order until the cards are municipal government. A choice= delivered. of four topics relevant to city or- ganization and management has - been offered to prospective en- Save 10 % by Ordering Before Nov. 1st. trants. - Intramural Athletics Show More Activity a With increased interest being Stationers, Printers, Binders Office Outfitters displayed in handball and squash at the new Intramural building, 112 South Main Street Phone 4515 the number of men students using ! the athletic equipment there is 1 310~llll111110111l11lI111II1011110l1l111l11101isteadily increasing. ______________ r -- Only 4 ore Days ~SAUNDERS' CANOE LIVERY!i WE CLOSE NOV. 1, 1928 r 11 the Hu'on River at Foot of Cedar St.r - ri"" H M W MW ~ m m m m I r h - __ v a II1 t L4 WTfi eACI A SUBSCRIPTION the only sure way of ohtiining seats f'or I the 4. Theatre ~-f- Gu iid New York Presenting its Repetory Company of Distinguished Subscribe to The Michigan Daily I Actors . f .e " _ .., 1 ARCADE THEATRE In the following Plays: I TODAY TODAY The Doctor's Dilemma By BERNARD SHAW A SCOOP- PRESENTING THE ONLY EXCLU- SIVE, OFFICIAL PICTURES TAKEN The Second Man By S. N. BEHRMAN ON BOARD THE GR AF- ZEPPELIN I ON ITS FLIGHT FROM GERMANY TO NEW JERSEY ONLY SHOWING IN ANN ARBOR SEE THE START - FLIGHT OVER THE RHINE - GIBRALTAR-OUT OVER THE OCEAN-BATTLING THE TERRIFIC STORMS-OVER THE AMERICAN COAST- WASHINGTON-BALTIMORE-THE LANDING AT LAKE- HURST, N. J. These scenes are positively the only official pictures taken on board the huge Zeppelin and this will be your only chance to see with your own eyes what will go down in history as an epochal event. In Addition Robert Frazier in "Black Butterflies" Call of the Cuckoo News Events Ned McCobb's Daughter By SIDNEY HOWARD John Ferguson By ST. JOHN ERVINE d Secure Season Tickets at Once SThe Print, and Book Shop, 521 E. Jefferson Tel. 21081 FOOTBALL $12, $10, $8 $6 .auspices:; Michigan Theatre League 'I MICHIGAN vs OHIO STATE '' I Columbus, Ohio, Oct.20th SPECIAL TRAINS Lv. Ann Arbor 10:30 p. m. (E. T.) October 19th Lv. Ann Arbor 7:30 a. m. (E. T.) October 20th (Night train via Pennsylvania R. R.; Day train via Hocking Valley Ry.) $5.00 ROUND TRIP $5.00 Pullman Rates (one way) Lower Berth $3.75; Upper Berth $3.00; Compartment $10.50; Drawing Room $13.50; Seat Rate 98c. Equipment of night train will consist of Pullman Cars only; day train, Pullman Parlor Cars and Day Coaches. Railroad and Pullman tickets now on sale at Ann Arbor station and Michigan Union. STUDENTS ARE RESPECTFULLY REQUESTED TO PURCHASE TICKETS IN ADVANCE AND AVOID CONFUSION AND DELAY AT TRAIN TIME. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Read the 0 Classified Ads T HE D E Ni_ 111 Ann Arbor's Original I Sandwich and Coffee Shop H. A. MILLS, Commercial Agent ill I 1I e e HEAP them high in the bowl. Then pour on the milk or cream. Now I I The Den, personified, takes a sincere but unobtrusive interest in its patrons' welfare. Everything that the Den does is the result of a direct effort to serve them. When they are away for awhile their return is patiently awaited. And when at The Den, it is exuber- antly happy and can't resist doing all in its power to cause them to feel likef wise. * . . taste a spoonful. Such flavor! m Such crispness! And no wonder The most popular cereals served in the dining-rooms of American colleges; eating clubs and fraternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. 'They include ALL - BRAN, Corn Flakes, Rice Krispies, Krumbles and Kellogg's Shredded Whole Wheat Biscuit. Also Kaffee Hag Coffee-the coffee that lets you sleep. -you are eating the best bran flakes you can buy; Try these better bran flakes: They have the peppy flavor of PEP-: The nourishment from the wheat. . , _4 .. ~Y Just enough bran to be mildly V The very best and most tasty combinations for lunch and dinner each day, served home style, minus the "Restaurant" flavor. Stop in and hear the playing Wednesday, and Friday afternoons weekend dances. orchestra, Thursday and after laxative. Try them with milk or cream. You'll say they're great: The Best Coffee and Speedy Breakfast Service at - . Ma . e .... -- I sommommomm" ..... " w .. - - - m40