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October 18, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-18

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Vol. XXIX. No. 22.



Every Office Is Hotly Contested;
Recount Shows Drastic
In one of the, most hotly con-
tested and campaigned elections in
recent years, the members of the
junior class of the literary college
yesterday elected their officers and
J-Hop committeemen for the com-
ing year.
William Farrell was elected presi-
dent over Edwin B. Poorman after
two recounts, 267 to 263. Poorman
was returned winner on the first
election but was defeated by Far-
rell following the two recounts.
Bessie Egeland was named vice-
president in a close race with Doro-
thy Whitting, 260 to 252. Dorothy
Cox was elected secretary over
Dorothy Beck, 273 to 254. Charles
J. Jose won a very close decision for
treasurer from Bradford Fogarty,
265 to 261.
Wallace Hop Chairman
Harry Wallace will be the chair-
man of the 1930 J-Hop, the returns
0- - --o
Education, 3 o'clock, 207 Tap-
pan hall.
Bus. Ad., 4 o'clock, 207 Tappan G
E Pharmacy, 5 o'clock, 203
Chem. bldg.
To be eligible to vote in the
Junior class elections, a stu-
dent must have at least 56 }
hours and not more than 87
hours of credit, or else four
semesters in the University,
exclusive of Summer school. }
o- --o
showed. He won from Richard
Cole, 272 to 247. On a recount, he
also was returned the winner. The
count for committeemen was as fol-
lows, the top four men winning the
Charles Monroe.............280
George Bradley ...............253
Alvan Bovard..............240
Morris Lazar . ..........237
Robert Walker....... ......229
Jerry Ellison..............227
Robert Donnenfield..........223
Ernest Reif....... . . ....216
Today, the juniors in the Schools
of Education, Business Adminis-
tration, and Pharmacy will hold
their elections to conclude the
junior voting. The education stu-
dents will meet at 3 o'clock in room
207, Tappan hall. The business ad-
ministration students will meet at
4 o'clock in room 207 Tappan hall.
The pharmacy juniors will asemble
at 5 o'clock in room 203 of the
Chemistry building.
"The better type of social work-
ers have dug deep and have found
the oft obscure causes of many of

our social ills," declared Dean
Henry M. Bates, of the Law school,
last night before the annual Michi-
gan State Conference of Social
Work meeting held at the Union,
continuing today and tomorrow.
"They know better than do lay-
men the complex of conditions and
factors which produce plague spots
in our cities," Dean Bates contin-
ued. "The social worker can prob-
ably make the greatest single con-
tribution to the successful study of
the crime situation which is ter-
rifying and horrifying the Ameri-
can people today.,"
After Dean Bates' address in
which he discussed the relationship
of the professions to social work,
the conference heard Dr. C. C.
Carstens, of New York city, execu-
tive director of the Child Welfare
league of America, and a prominent
authority on social work, who spoke
on "Education, Professional Train-
ing, and Placement in Social Work."
Today's program to which the'

Taxicab companies reported a
record-breaking business yesterday
afternoon, and fraternity pledges
were reported running around the
rainy streets without the protec-
tion of trench-coats or even
Which goes to show that yester-
day was no ordinary day. The rain
was nothing unusual for Ann Ar-
bor's pluvial clime, as even fresh-
men are learning by this time. And
Ann Arbor people are so inured
to the elements that they merely
buckle up their coats and face the
sheets of downpouring water with-
out a thought to taking refuge in
a taxi. But when slickerless fresh-
men are seen skulking along the
Reputation Assured With Success
Of First Publication
Of "Congo"
Preacher of the "Gospel of Beau-
ty" and trader of rhymes for bread,
Vachel Lindsay, America's trouba-
dor poet, will appear at 8 o'clock
tonight in Hill auditorium under
the auspices of the Inlander lecture
series. Admission will be 75 cents.
This is the same lecture series
which has sponsored the appear-
ance here in former years of Amy
Lowell, Louis Untermeyer, Carl
Sandburg, Alfred Kreybourg, Ham-
lin Garland, and Dorothy Canfield.
It was revived last spring and is
being continued again this fall.
Lindsay has also appeared here
once previously under the auspices
of the series.
The possessor of a rich back-
ground and an education dating
back to an excellent training and
culture in his younger days, Lind-
say was by choice and intent a pen
and ink designer.
In pursuit of this vocation, he
studied first at the Chicago Art
Institute and later at the William
E M. Chase Art school of New York
City. H also had work in the
Metropolitan Art museum of that
city. From this work; Lindsay be-
came a lecturer on the history of
'iring of lectures, Lindsay has
within the past 15 years branched
forth on a career, more romantic
and more intriguing, perhaps, than
that of any other American literary
With the publication of the "Con-
go" his reputation as a poet was
assured. Since then he has been
in constant demand as a reader
of his works. Included in his works
are four pamphlets now out of
print, "Tramp's Excuse," "Village
Magazine," "Rhymes to Be Traded
for Bread," and "Soul of the City
Receives the Gift of the Holy
Gridgraph To Display
Ohio Football Game
Students of the University who
do not attend the Michigan-Ohio
State grid contest this Saturday
will have two means of securing
the results of the game, play by
play. There will be the gridgraph
at Hill Auditorium, which is being
sponsored by the Alumni associa-
tion, and radio broadcastingthat
will be sent out by three stations.

The Ohio State radio station,
WEHO, is among those that will
broadcast the game play by play.
The other two stations are WGN
of Chicago and WWJ of Detroit.

streets and taxis at the same time
are carrying record-breaking
crowds, something is indeed hap-
Yesterday it was junior elec-
tions. Various factions had no
thought of letting inclement
weather interfere with their get-
ting full votes on their respective
tickets. So numerous students
found it easy to get free taxi rides
to Natural Science auditorium. And
a free taxi ride, even through the
rain and not in the direction of a
sorority house or dormitory, is not
to be scoffed at, especially here in
Ann Arbor where taxi wars have
yet to permeate.
But fraternities did not care to
hire cabs, for the most' part. Aft-
er communications with Joe Burs-
ley and Paul Kern, the Student
Council factotum, had convinced
them that juniors could not have
freshmen pledges vote for them by
proxy, they decided to make sure
that there would be plenty of rain
coats for the juniors to wear down
to the election by corraling all
those that belonged to pledges.
That is why freshmen had only old
suits and pots to protect them-
selves from the rain yesterday.
Yes, yesterday saw strange sights.
But praise be to campus politicians
(and taxis and slickers) a full vote
was cast.
Popular Musical Program To Be
Furnished By Union Dance
Broadcasting from the studio
room on the fourth floor of Uni-
versity hall, the third Michigan
Night radio program of the cur-
rent series will be on the air be-
twen 7 and 8 o'clock tonight
through station WJR-WCX, the
Richards Oakland Co.'s "Good-
Will Station" of Detroit.
Included on tonight's program is
a talk to be given by President
Clarence Cook Little, who will ap-
pear before the microphone for the
first time this season. Although
it is not definitely known as to
what he will speak on, the title of
his talk is "Comments."
Randolph G. Adams, custodian of
the William L. Clements Memorial
Library, and professor of history,
will speak on "The Destruction of
Libraries." He will deal with the
great losses incurred each year by
libraries due to vandals and thieves.
Prof. Floyd Firestone, of the
physics department, has chosen as
his subject, "Sound." He will dis-
cuss the subject of accoustics and
the work being done at the Uni-
versity in that field. He will also
talk on the planning of auditor-
iums from the standpoint of se-
curing the most favorable accous-
tical arrangement.
Dr. Vernon L. Hart, professor of
surgery in the medical school and
specialist in the children's ward of
the University hospital, will dis-
cuss Tuberculosis at the Spine and
Hip Joint in Children.
Alternated with the talks by the
four members of the University
faculty, is a program of popular
and college music to be presented
by Paul Omer and Don Loomis'
ten-piece Union orchestra. This is
the first time that the orchestra

has broadcast over the radio on a
regular Michigan Night program.
Their opening numbers will be
"The Victors" and "College Days."

New York, Buffalo, Chicago, Toledo,
And Philadelphia Are Out
Of State Stands
Fourteen performances of the
1928 Union opera will be given in
many of the leading cities of the
country during the Christmas sea-
son when the production goes on its
annual tour of the Middle West and
East, it was announced yesterday
by Paul Buckley, general manager
of the Union.
The show will open in Ann Arbor
Monday night Dec. 10, for its usual
week's run. As has been customary
in the past the following week will
find the cast resting and making a
few minor changes in the show.
Toledo will be the opening per-
formance for the outside cities this
year. The Rivoli theater will house
the opera on Friday night, Dec. 21.
The next night will find the chorus
girls, cast members, chorus men,'
committee men, and all those con-
nected with the show busy at the
Taft auditorium in Cincinnati
where the show will play.
Sunday Open Date
It has not yet been definitely de-
cided where the persons of the
company will spend Sunday, Dec.
23, as the Opera never plays on
Sundays. However, the Academy of
Music audience in Philadelphia on
the night of Monday, Dec. 24, will
find the opening number ready as
usualnwhen the scene ringsup on
the annual presentation of the
opera in the old Quaker city.
The New York Metropolitan
opera house will find the Michigan
opera present on Christmas night,
replacing the noted stars of today'
and yesterday who have usually
been the the attraction at the well
known theater. Following the per-
formance there, the company will
go to Buffalo for a performance at
the Consistory on Wednesday, Dec.
26, after which the East will give
away to the West again when the
show goes to Cleveland for a per-
formance the following night at
The Wings.
Three Detroit Showings
Orchestra Hall in Detroit will be
the scene of three presentations on
Friday, Saturday, and Monday
nights, Dec. 28, 29, and 31. Follow-
ing Detroit, Saginaw, Lansing, and
Grand Rapids will be on the itiner-
ary for performances on successive
The usual performance at Chi-
cago will be given on Friday, Jan. 4,
at the Auditorium theater. Pre-
viously Chicago was the first city
on the itinerary, but it was decided
this year to shift it near the end.
The company will break up with its,
performance in Kalamazoo on Sat-
urday, Jan. 5, when many of the
men will go to their respective
cities for a short vacation and
others will return to Ann Arbor to
wait the re-opening of school ses-

Dr. Georg Kartzke, assistant di-
rector of the Deutches Institut fur
Auslander of the University of
Berlin, will speak of "Educational
Tendencies in Germany Today," at
4:15 o'clock tomorrow in the audi-
torium of the University high
school. Due to an error, it was
announced in The Daily last week
that Dr. Kartzke would speak onI
Friday, Oct. 12.!
Aside from holding an important
position at the University of Berlin,
Dr. Kartzke is well known in this
country, having held positions at
many universities both here and in
Canada. He was for eight years a
professor at Yale university and
spent a year each at the Teacher's'
college of Columbia university,
I Dickenson college, the University
of California, and the University
of Toronto.


"I am heartily in favor of the
proposed amendment making a
quorum of 100 necessary to amend
the constitution instead of 600, as
experience has shown us the im-
practicability of the older method,"
Prof. Evans Holbrook, of the lew
school, declared yesterday in dis-
cussing the proposed amendment
to the Union constitution.
The newly proposed change in
the Union constitution would
change the number necessary to
constitute a quorum at a Union
assembly from 600 as at present to
100 while retaining the provision
that two-thirds of those present
must vote in favor of an amend-
ment in order to secure its adop-
"While at one time, it was com-
paratively easy to gather a full
quorum of 600 at the Union ban-
quets held in old Waterman gym-
nasium," Professor Holbrook con-
tinued, "these were an annual in-
stitution in the early years of the
Union to which prominent speak-
ers were. invited and at which a
thousand to twelve hundred stu-
dents were in attendance.
"We now, due to change in cus-
tom as well as to a lack of ban-
quets, have no yearly meeting at
which a large portion of the cam-
pus is in attendance and at which
issues of the time may be brought
Madame Galli-Curci To Be Assisted
In Choral Union Concert By
Pianist And Flutist
Amelita Galli-Curci, popular co-
loratura soprano, will appear in a
concert here Monday as the second
artist on the current choral union
series. She will be assisted by her
husband, Homer Samuels, pianist
and Ewald Haun, flutist.
Madam Galli-Curci has been
heard in Ann Arbor twice before.
Many local music lovers still re-
member her first appearance here
when officials recognized her ability
early in her career and following
her well known Chicago ovation
more than ten years ago, they im-
mediately extended a contract to
her to appear on the May festival.
Illiness prevented her keeping the
contract, but she appeared on the
regular concert series here the fol-
lowing fall.
Four years ago Madam Galli-
Curci was again heard in a recital
in Ann Arbor and received a great
ovation, according to those who
were present. Her appearance onI
the program this year is the result
of many requests which have been
obtained by Charles A. Sink, presi-
dent of the University musical so-
ciety that she sing here again.
Although the program for the
concert has not yet been announ-
ced, it was stated yesterday that
she has arranged a special pro-
gram, which she believes will be
popular with the audience here. It
will probably include several arias
and certain of her own favorite
songs, with piano accompaniments
and flute obligato.

up, discussed and voted upon.
"Therefore the committee (of
which Professor Holbrook was the
chairman) felt that some new plan
must be found and the proposed
amendment seems to fill the bill.
It is now possible to change the
constitution with a fair amount of
ease but still there is adequate pro-
tection in that anything not de-
sired will be defeated," he con-
The proposed amendment will be
submitted to the male membership
of the student body, assembled on
the lower floor of Hill auditorium
at the time set for the beginning
of the pep meeting on the night of
Friday, Oct. 27, before the Wiscon-
sin game.



Part Of Class Dues To Apply
Year's Subscription To


Acting favorably on a proposal
to apply $2.00 of the class dues
collected from each senior to a
year's subscription to the Michi-
gan Alumnus, the Student council
at its third meeting of the year
last night, appointed Councilman
David W. Wheeler, '29, to confer
with the senior class treasurers of
the Law, Medical, engineering and
1<terary schools. Councilman
Wheeler will submit a report at the
next regular meeting of the coun-
The plan, as explained by Paul
J. Kern, '29, is one to give the
seniordsomething in return for his
class dues. Last year the $5.00 fee
collected from, each senior was ap-
plied to the deficit incurred by the
Senior ball, the Burton campanile,
and the alumni office mailing
The plan has the backing of T.,
Hawley Tapping, secretary and
business manager of the. Alumni
association, and Wilfred B. Shaw,
general secretary, who have ex-
pressed a willingness to reduce the
regular subscription price from
$4.00 to $2.00, if the senior classes
will ratify the proposal. It it
thought that the plan will assist
the University in keeping track of
its recent alumni, 60 per cent of
whosenames and addresses are
lost during the first two years aft-
er graduation, according to Tap-
Sanction was given to William E.
Nissen, '29, to use five minutes atI
the Wisconsin game pep meeting,I
Friday night, October 26, for a vote
on the proposal to amend the
present provision in the UnionI
constitution for amending the
It was also voted to remove the
representatives from the Medical
school and the school of Educa-
tion on the J-Hop committee, and
to assign a representative on that
committee to the forestry school,
Unwillingness on the part of the
two schools to cooperate with the
Student council in holding their
elections brought about the actions..
A banquet attended by the execu-
tive heads of the various student
organizations affiliated with Ann
Arbor churches will be held at 6
o'clock tomorrow night, in Harris
hall. Plans for the banquet are
being made by a committee head-
ed by Chester C. Bennett, '30, vice
president of the Student Christian

Professors Brumm, Densmore,
Carrothers, And Frayer Will
Address Prep Journalists
Gathering in Ann Arbor for their
eighth annual convention, the
members of the Michigan Inter-
scholastic Press association will
formally open a three day session
at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the ball
room of the Union when Dean John
E. Effinger will deliver the principle
address to a general assembly of
the group. Registration will be
held at the side desk of the Union
from 1 to 5 o'clock this afternoon,
while members of Theta Sigma Phi,
national honorary journalistic sor-
ority, will conduct a tour of the
campus for women delegates.
Representatives at the conven-
tion which is sponsored by Sigma
Delta Chi, national honorary pro-
fessional journalistic fraternity,
and the Department of Journalism
of the University, will be entertain-
ed at fraternity and sorority houses
on the campus during their three
day visit.
At thetgeneral assembly tonight,
J. Stewart Hooger, '29, president of
Sigma Delta Chi, will welcome the
delegates, and Professor John L.
Brumm will speak for the journal-
ism department. Following the
meeting at the Union, the delegates
will make an inspection trip of the
Daily plant in the Press building.
To Hold Assemblies
General assemblies tomorrow will
be addressed by Professor Brumm
and Prof. William A. Frayer, fol-
lowing which,, discussion sections
relative to almost every department
of publications will be held. The
discussion sections will be led by
members of the faculty of the
Journalism department and stu-
dents prominent in publication
work on the campus. Following the
regular sessions a tea dance for
all delegates will be held at Betsy
Barbour house.
Friday night the annual conven-
tion banquet will be 'held at the
Union at which time Prof. Gail E.
Densmore and Prof. George E. Car-
rothers will speak on subjects re-
lated to the nature of the meeting
composed of high school journalists.
Prof. Brumm will act as toast-
IA business session will be held
I Saturday morning at which time
plans for complete reorganization
i will be discussed. William G. Stev-
enson, local representative of the
Associated Press, will tell the story
of his far-reaching news-gathering
agency, and Mr. Wesley H. Maurer,
of the Department of Journalism
will speak to the delegates.
Will See Game
After a luncheon Saturday non
at the Union, the delegates will be
guests of the Athletic Association
at the Ohio State-Michigan "B"
All previous conventions of the
Michigan Interscholastic Press As-
sociation have been held in the late
spring, but at the last business
meeting it was decided' to hold this
year's convention in the fall so that
the high school publicists may have
the benefit of instructionbefore
entering into the year's program, '
The total attendance at the con-
vention last spring was something
more than 300, but a much smaller
atfendance is expected at this gath-
ering, according to George E. Sim-
ons, '30, general chairman of the
(By Associated Press)
Rain Thursday, Friday showers,

not much change in temperature.
TranĀ§-Atlantic Flyer
Hops Off For England
(By Associated Press)
ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland, Oct.
17-A daring young Britian, flight
commander, H. 0. McDonald, re-
tired, took off from Harbor Grace
early this afternoon, ostensibly to
attempt what only Col. Charles A.
Lindbergh has accomplished-a
non-stop solo flight across the At-

To Hold



An open forum for student dis-
cussion, to be led by students and
sponsored by the department of
Journalism under the name of the
Student Press Club, will be organ-
ized immediately following the
closing of the convention of the
University Press Club of Michigan
on Nov. 24, it was announced yes-
terday by Prof. J. L. Brumm, head
of the department of Journalism.



Possibility that the first import-
ant chapter in the history of the
inter-institutional "touch" football
may be written this week in Ann
Arbor loomed large, last night as
the Executive council of the Union
placed a formal challenge in the
i hands of the Upper staff of The
The statement reads as follows:
"We, the Executive council and
other officers of the Michigan
Union challenge the Upper staff of
that great publication, The Michi-
gan Daily, to a game of "touch"

coming from the editorial offices I
of that publication sometime today.
That the challenge had been def-
initely recognized was assured by;
the announcement that Kernel
had named Lark as captain of the
editorial team. Prospects for The
Daily lineup are especially bright'
as Lark will have as possible
starters in his opening lineup such
stars as Yellit, Kernel, and N.
Junior Smutz. There is a possi-
bility, however, that Smutz will be
unable to participate in which case
The Daily lineup will be materially
Wnn Mi aA

Dr. Eliza Mosher, graduate of the1
class of 1875, and first Dean of'
Women at Michigan, died yesterday
in Brooklyn, N. Y. at the age of 81
years. Dr. Mosher was present last
year at the turning of the sod for-
the Women's League Building, dur-
ing which ceremony she turned the
first spade of earth for the build-
Dr. Mosher in speaking of her life
at Michigan told of the very few
women in the Medical School when
she graduated in 1875. She spoke
especially of a letter from Dr.
Palmer in which he stated that

forded by the new buildings for
women on the Campus.
Dr. Mosher has had a varied and
notable career. After her gradua-
tion in 1875 from the University of
Michigan medical school she began
the practice of her profession at
Poughkeepsie, N. Y. In 1877 the
Governor of Massachusetts ap-
pointed her resident physician of
the Massachusetts Reformatory
Prison for Women. She held the
latter office until 1879, and for
three years, beginning in 1883, she
was resident physician and profes-
sor of physiology at Vassar College.

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