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October 17, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-17

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- - - -

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)

Vol. 39


No. 21

To The Instructors In German:
Please call the attention of the students of your classes to the
lecture of Dr. George Kartzke of the Institut fur Auslaender in the
University of Berlin on the "Recent Tendencies in German Education."
This lecture will be given under the joint auspices of the School of
Education and the German Department on Friday afternoon, October
19, at 4:15 o'clock, in the Auditorium, of the University High School.
Max Winkler
Visitors' Night, Angell Hall Laboratory:
The public is invited to visit the Astronomical Laboratory in Angell'
Hall to observe the moon from 7:00 to 10:00 p. m. on Saturday night,
October 20. Admission only by ticket. Reservations must be made by
calling the Opbservatory office between 9:00 a. m. and 12:30 p. m., Wed-
nesday and Thursday.
R. H. Curtiss
Students of College of Literature, Science and the Arts:
Nd course may be taken up after the present week.
W. R. Humphreys, Asst. Dean
Women Students:
The University is unwilling to take the responsibility for women
students who go to out of town football games. All girls wishing to go
to the Ohio State Game therefore are required to present.a letter from
their parents, authorizing them to do so, in the office of Advisers of
Women. Please present this letter before 5 p. in., Thursday, October 18.
Alice C. Lloyd
Chemical Engineers:
The A. I. Ch. E. is holding a picnic next Saturday afternoon, Oct.
20. All Chemical Engineers are urged to come and get acquainted with
each other. Please sign up with Miss McKim in Prof. White's office
by Wed. night.
C. Lindfors, Chairman
Freshman Hygiene Lecture:
The first freshman lecturedin hygiene for men will be given
.n Waterman Gymnasium, Thursday and Friday, October 18 and 19, at
3-4 and 5 p. m. This requirement includes all freshmen in the regular
physical training classes and others that have been excused from these

Research Club :
The Research Club will meet in Room 2528 East Medical Building
on Wednesday, October 17, at 8 p. m. The following papers will be
"The Australian and American Labor Movements," by Professor
Carter Goodrich.
-"The Reflection of X-Rays and Electrons," by Professor J. M. Cork.
Annual election of officers preceding the program. The ballots sent
out by mail should be retained by the members until the meeting.
The Council will meet at 4:30 in Room 1, Pharmacology Building.
Louis 1. Bredvold, Secretary
Quadrangle Club:
The first meeting will be Wednesday, October 17, at 8:00 p. m. at
1954 Cambridge Road. Notices have been sentto the last year addresses
of active members. Every member is urged to come whether receiving
a notice or not. Please send your present address to the Clerk at 409
Thompson if unable to attend meeting.
E. C. Prophet, Clerk
Chi Delta Phi:
Chi Delta Phi will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 208, Martha Cook
Louisa Butler, President
Michiganensian Business Staff :
There will be a meeting of the entire upper and lower business staffs
of the Michiganensian this afternoon, Wednesday, at 4:15 p. m.
J. Franklin Miller, Business Manager

Inlander Staff:
There will be a brief meeting of the
room 407 of the main library at 7:15.
Vachel Lindsay lecture on Thursday.

Inlander Staff Wednesday in
This will be in relation to the

Harold M. Silverman

Undeliverable Mail:;
Mail for the following persons is
ono hand, and~ undeliverable. It
may be claimed at the General
Delivery window, Main Postoffice,
on or before Octo-oer 20, 1928.
J. E. Adams
Rev. Alex Aitkin
Esther Belcher
Catherine Bradley
Jeremiah Buckley
Kingsley Chadeayne
Richard B. Clark1
Elizabeth Corn
Omer Curtis, Jr.
Edward D'Anna. Jr.
Charlie Di Francisco
Leonard Duckman
Robert Easterly
W. Erickson
M. Flenner
Helen L. Flynn
Martha George
Alvar Ginman
Jeanne M. Goddard
Winnifred Gore
Stuart A. Green
Lawrence E. Hartwig
Winnifred Hartman
Edla Hedlund
Margaret Hener
Louise Hershey
Agnes Hoffman
Elbert J. Howell
George John Huebner
Mrs. R. B. Irish
Marcus Irwin
Margaret Ives
L. James
Floyd Kauffman
Louise Kinney
Rachel Kipp
Robert W. Leslie
Miles Lowthers
Emerson Lyons
Marion McKinnry
David Markowitz
Josephine Mayonnais,
Marcel Mooney
Robert S. Montague
Merle Morehead
Jack Myers )
Verse S. Myers.
Omega Upsilon Frat
Ruth A. Pamter
Samuel R. Parsons
Wm. Pond
Chas. A. Reinke
Morris P. Rhodes
Thelma T. Robinson
Al. Sachs
Miss Rekah Sattler
Herbert M. Smith
Robert Snyder
Carl Staelin
Arthur E. Sutton
C. G. Tesky
Chester Wilmetti
F.:J. Vonachen
Lyle Wilson
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
$4.00 per year. It's worth it!

Buses Make Special
Offer To Attenders
Of Ohio State Game
Special bus coaches will run from
Ann Arbor to Columbus for the
Ohio State game Saturday. These*
buses are being run by the Short
Lines of Adrian. The Columbus
specials will leave Ann Arbor at 5
o'clock Saturday morning, and will
return from Columbus at approxi-
mately 8 o'clock at night, so that
all passengers will be returned to
Ann Arbor by 3 o'clock on Sunday
The specials will take the pas-
sengers directly to the stadium in
Columbus. It is also offered that
all coaches that are completely fill-
ed with Michigan students will be'
placed at the disposal of the stu-
dents Saturday evening following
the game. They may choose to re-
turn to Ann Arbor at once or to
take any short trips around Colum-
bus that the majority of the party
may wish. The time for the re-
turn to Ann Arbor may also be set
at the option of the majority of
the group.
The company plans to use the
most modern and comfortable
coaches of its fleet. Reservations
for seats are now on sale at the
Chamber of Commerce Jouilding.
The round trip fare to Columbus is
$7.50. Information may also berob-
tained by calling the Chamber of

(By .Associated Press)
BERLIN, Oct. 16-A scathing crit-
icism of the behavior of the "Amer-
ican police" on the landing of the
Graf Zeppelin at Lakehurst is con-
tamed in an interview with Albert
Grzesinski, Prussian minister of the
interior and a passenger on the
Zeppelin, made public here today.
"Had occurrences like those I
witnessed taken place in Prussia,
these police officials would have
been fired the very same day," he
was quoted as saying.
"On leaving the airship, which
the passengers were permitted to
do only after hours of waiting, they
had, to their surprise, to go through
several .unpleasant experiences.
They werel surrounded by a cordon
of police and led into the customs
building as though they had in-
tended to smuggle. In so doing the
American police showed manners
which necessarily amazed the pas-
sengers. Several times they were
yanked and frequently pushed -
in fact one of them was struck in
the face by a fist. Among those
thus treated was also German Con-
sul General Lewinski."
Grzesinski, both as the formet
police chief of Berlin and as th$
present head of the entire Prussian
police force, is considered an au-
thority on police matters.
Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,
$4.00 per year. It's worth it!

Was Struck In Face By
Customs Officer

German Minister Claims That One

G. A. May

Physics 203 and 205:
Professor Colby will not meet his classes in Molecular Physics and
Electricity and Magnetism Wednesday, October 17.
Mary Aliced Hardesty, Secy.


Class Speedball:
All men interested in managing or playing class speedball are re-
quested to leave their names at the intramural office. Independents
are particularly invited to participate.
J. E. Arsulowicz, Speedball Manager
The Intramural Department is providing facilities which are to
provided for the training of men interested in wrestling. This is of
particular value to upperclassmen. The men will be instructed in wrest-
ling by a coach. Men contemplating Intra-Frat competiiton are to take
advantage of this. For further information come to the Intramural
P. R. Seidel
Iiframural Frosh Cross Country:
The intramural department urges freshmen to join the Frosh
Cross Country squad. There will also be an Intramural All-Frosh
Run. To be eligible men must report for nine practice runs with the
regular squad. It is recommended, however, that more frequent train-
ing will be of greater advantage. Sign up now and get started.
Uperclassmen who are planning to run in Intra-Frat All Campus
or Intra Class competition are also urged to follow this advice.
P. R. Seidel
Republican Voters:
Booths for registration will be maintained on the campus Thursday
and Friday, October 18 and 19. Please sign up.
L. Harvey Lodge, Pres. Republican club
Martin Mol, Executive Vice President
Attention Republican Campaign Enthusiasts:
If you are interested in taking an active part in the Hoover-
Curtis-Green campaign please see me at Republican campaign head-
quarters, room 302 Michigan Union, between 4:00 and 5:30 p. m. Wed-
nesday, Oct. 17. There ar.e many responsible positions to fill and an ex-
cellent opportunity to affiliate with the state and national organizations.
or call 3618 and ask for Lodge.
L. Harvey Lodge, President of the
Republican Club

'Varsity Glee Club:
All old men will leave for Detroit from the side door of the
Union at 5 o'clock this afternoon.
Herbert J. Palmer, Mgr.
University of Michigan 'Varsity Band:
Important rehearsal tonight at 7:15 o'clock at Moris Hall. Every
man who plans to make the trip to Columbus with the Band must be
Gilbert B. Saltonstall, Manager
Point System Committee:
There will be a meeting of the Point System Committee of the
Women's League at 4:15 p. m., Wednesday, October 16.
Mary Alice Moore, Chairman
Transportation Club:
Short business meeting Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., Room 1213 East
Engineering Building. All students interested in any form of trans-
portation please attend.
Clarke Harris, President
Scabbard and Blade:
Will all Scabbard and Blade men from other Companies and all
Alumni of this Chapter leave their addresses and telephone numbers
at R. 0. T. C. headquarters this week.
. NM. Scudder Griffing



As in other years, the Detroit
Roentgen society will pay their an-
nual visit to the University Hospi-
tal. The staff of the X-Ray de-
partment of the Hospital will en-
tertain the guests this Friday night
in the amphitheater, where a pro-
gram along the lines of roentgen-
ology will be conducted.

:1{l1I111111111111111111111111111l11l1111[lllrrlutlll111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 Ill
Printing That Pleases-
as a
- a
Yours, obetter wimpress ions"-
711 N. Univ Ave. Phone 8805 (Over Geo. Moe's)


Ihh -~


'111 lil i U illl lllllt1il1111 11 1ltlllili1
seniors here who have high scho-
lastic standings are given the priv-
ilege of absolutely unlimited ab-
sence trom clads.
Eave It


We carry a complete stock of
Michigan Banners.
_________B OO K S TO RE

You Should H
Done No,


.., .

By having your photograph for the 'Ensian made
during OCTOBER you avoid the Christmas rush
season, and can get an appointment for a sitting
to suit your convenience.

Phone 4434


619 E. Liberty


Eight to Ten
Our dance tonight is just long enough to provide a
most enjoyable diversion from the routine of studies.
Bud Golden's orchestra, direct from a most successful
season at Venice Beach, furnish the music that puts lots
of life and pep into the evening.
Dancing Every





Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 20th
Lv. Ann Arbor 10:30 p. m. (E. T.) October 19th
Lv. Ann Arbor 7:30 a. m. (E. T.) October 20th
(Night train via Pennsylvania R. R.; Day train via Hocking Valley Ry.)
$5.00 ROUND TRIP $5.00
Pullman Rates (one way) Lower Berth $3.75; Upper Berth $3.00;
Compartment $10.50; Drawing Room $13.50; Seat Rate 98c.
Equipment of night train will consist of Pullman Cars only; day train,
Pullman Parlor Cars and Day Coaches.
Railroad and Pullman tickets now on sale at Ann Arbor station and
Michigan Union.

Eight to Ten

Nine to One

Nine to Twelve



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