THE MICHIGAN DAILY T HE. M..IC HIG A N ... . .. .. ....... ..A.......L.Y E OHIO RI MACE (Continued from Page 6) was split into three elevens for the{ purpose of running through some new plays. Gembis and Whittle who were the men displaced by the change, were practicing with the othertwo teams. For this drill and the subsequent dummy scriinage with the yearl- ings, the arsity lined up with Tru- skowski and Draveling at ends, Pommerening and Williams at tac- kles, Cragin and Poe at guards, Bo- vard at center, Straub at quarter, Wheeler and Totzke at halves and Captain Rich at fullback. Buckeye Plays Tried The red jersied freshmen repre- senting Ohio State offered the var- sity the oppoitunity of becoming accustomed to the Buckeye style of play as revealed in the Wittenberg and Northwestern games. The year- lings 'were given the ball down close to the'varsity goal and proceeded to cut loose a varied attack. The i-ajority of the line plays were promptly stopped and the var- sity appeared to be little troubled by the style of play being revealed by the first year gridders. A real scrimmage is expected to, be the diet of the varsity today to top off the work preparatory to leaving for Ohio State. HORNSBY MAY BE BOUGHTB' CUBS CHICAGO, Oct. 16-The Tribune today said that Rogers Hornsby, second baseman and manager of the Boston Braves, will be traded .to the Chicago Cubs as soon as the Boston club names its price for thes leading hitter of the National league. The deal, previously denied by! presidents of both clubs, now is "positively under way," the paper said. The price to be paid for Hornsby may run as high as $200,- 000, plus two or more players, the Tribune stated. Hornsby recently told a news- paperman, the paper continued, that he expected to be moved to Chicago.- Hornsby's transfer may not be effective for some time, however, according to the Tribune, until the price is agreed upon. - - - - -n Loving Cup Offered For Sigma Delta Psi High Point Winner Because of the increased- inter- est being shown by the tryouts for the national honorary athletic fraternity, Sigma Delta Psi, Elmer D. Mitchell, Director of Intra- mural athletics has announced that this year the department wtll award a silver loving cup to the man scoring the most points in the all-around efficiency test. A second cup is being offered to induce fraternities to en'tet' the race for all around title. To date there are but fou'r entered with, Delta Sigma Phi leading, Phi Sigma Delta second, Sigmfa Pi third and Theta, Chi fourth. To compete for .this cup, a fra- ternity must enter a team of five men, although the number is not limited. Five men must attempt all twelve events, and must actually pass three before Christmas if they' expect to receive entrance points. Thereafter one point will be award- ed for each event successfully passed, the cup being awarded to the fraternity having tide greatest total of points at the end of the 1928-29 season. The entry lists are still open. Michigan reads in number of can-" didates who have successfully passed all twelve events, with the active and alumni list including 45 men. Three Stations To Broadcast Game At Columbus Saturday Local fans, who are unable to make the trip to Columbus Satur- day to watch Michigan battle Ohio ' State, will be able to follow the game by radio. Three stations will broadcast the, game. They are WWJ, the Detroit) News, WEAO, Ohio State's own sta- tion, and WGN, the Chicago Trib- une. The game is scheduled to I start at 2 o'clock, Eastern Standard time. o- - - - -o BASKETBALL MANAGER I All c ndn..nC dn -,ond 1 i 1 I' WE WILL SERVICE YOUR R"I0. WITHOUT CHARGE We have recently changed our telephone number, and to bring it to the attention of as many Radio owners as possible, we will make a Service Call and Inspection free of charge for all owners who call our New Number-21-408. Calls answered in order received Thursday, October 18th, 1928 STIMPSON RADIO SERVICE Rear of 618 E. Liberty St. C L ASSIFIED ADVERTISING :. ....... r .rr .r. 0 j - .an sophomores ana secona semester freshmen interested in trying out for basketball manager, should report at 7:00 o'clock tonight in Water- man gymnasium. Rolland Taylor, Manager. CORNWELL COAL - COKE SPEEDBALL --o All men interested in man- aging or playing. class speed- ball are requested to leave their names; at the Intra- mural office. All indepen- dents are particularly invited to participate. Numerals will be given to the winning team. Subscribe to The Michigan Daily,j $4.00 per year. It's worth it! SOLICITOR WANTED Senior preferred. A lucrative, permanent connection can be had with one of the strongest financial organizations in the United States. Address J. B. H., Box 5, Michigan Daily. Scranton, Pocahontas Kentucky and West Virginia Coal Solvay and Gas Coke -o is . ...-.. .. SPECIAL T YPEWRI TING PAPER Good Quality 4 Lb. Package, 75 Cents 1111 South University 1 Block from Campus ".E {t { { t tt t f{ tt " t t{ .: .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. _ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ _ " . iuliniilii iii rilri nirli rilil liH11n r ii tft E11 ti tif1rr i1r ;; Phone Whitmore Lake No. 4, Open Every Day and Night in the Year WHITMORE LAKE HOTEL - 4, - W Chicken, Fish and Steak Dinners Served Country Style DANCE HALL IN CONNECTION = M. A. Cahoon and C. J. HetheringtonS c Whitmore Lake Only 10 Miles North on U. S. 23 Special Attention to Private Parties This business has been growing ever -since it was established. The seret- "giving absolute satisfaction to our customers." We believe it pays to do business in a friendly way. If you think so too, let's get together. CORNWELL COAL - COKE OFFICE, CORNWELL BLOCK Phones, Office : 4051-4552 Yard Office : 5152 Subscribe to The Michigan Daily NOTICE TYPEWRITER SERVICE Complete typewriter service. New L. C. Smith, Corona, all makes of portables and used machinef bought, sold, exchanged. Rentals by the week, month, or semester. Repairing of all makes by skilled w o r k m e n. Typewriting and Mimeographing promptly and neatly done by experienced op- erators at moderate rates. We have served Michiganstudents over twenty years. O. D. Morrill, 17 Nickels Arcade. Phone 6615. c MANUSCRIPTS Prepared for Pub- lication. 50c a thousand with carbon copy. Also themes, re- ports, etc., typed for 10c a sheet. Satisfaction guaranteed. Fair- banks. Dial 2-1147. 21 rLOST L O T - Chintz Duber-Hampden wrist watch with white gold mesh wrist bracelet. Reward. Leave message 6759 for Koblenz. 20,21,22 LOST-Delta Gamma pin, engraved on Gladys Wilson Rose. Dial 7037. Reward. 19,20,21 LOST-Watch fob with two charms. Name Benj. F. Bailey on one charm. .Kindly phone 8523. 21 LOST-In West Engineering Bldg., grey, brown tweed top coat. Call Dahl, 9717. 21,22 LOST - Whoever took notebook from Room 110 Library kindly return contents to 517 E. Ann. 21223 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Quiet room in private home for graduate student or in- structor. Dial 5296. 20,21,22 FOR RENT-Nicely furnished front room for two. Cross ventilators. Steam heat. Very large closet. Teachers, nurses, graduate stu- dents, or business people. Dial 8544. 422 E. Washington. 19,20,21 FOR RENT-Single room, newly decorated and well furnished. No other roomers. Dial 6692. 21 FOR -RENT-One suite of rooms with combination of living-room and bedroom. Phone 8142. 21,22 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Overcoat size 40; never worn. $28.00. Call 2-1585. 20.2122 FOR SALE-Tenor banjo. will sac- rifice. 228 So. Thayer. 20,21,22 FOR SALE-Sweet cider, grapes and grape juice. Call R. E. Wag- ner, 9534 or 22413. WANTED WANTED-Four Ohio State tickets. S. Friedman, 1108 Hill St. Dial 3540. 20,21 W A N T E D- Refined Jewish boy would like roommate to share attractive room in quiet home. Call 6976 evenings. 20,21,22 DRIVING to O. S. U. Room for three. It will pay you to call 8655 meal times. 20,21 WANTED-Situation by chef, ex- perienced, capable of taking full charge, buying, planning, etc. Write R. Cumby, 1005 E. Cather- ine. Phone 21806. WANTED-Students to know that ourhome-laundry methods give your clothes personal attention. Moe Laundry, 204 N. Main. Dial 3916. C WANTED-Three tickets for Ohio State game. Dial 7614. 21,22 WANTED-To rent a car from stu- dent for occasional afternoons. Have studentpermit and drive sensibly. Leave your name and number at Dial 2-1147. 21,22,23 WANTED-Students interested in selling arm-bands at Ohio game. Phone 9568. 21 II1 l111111 11111111111l! 1 111111111!!I 11 1 1!1!1111 11111111111111111111111 1111111 t1111i Only 1More Days Canoeing SAUNDERS' CANOE LIVERY WE CLOSE NOV. 1, 1928 on the Huron River at Foot of Cedar St. 1!111111!!!Ill ll 1lI ll lllllllll .l l A New Sunday.Feature- BEGINNING OCTOBER 21st. 1 4 I I I fd dAjlJtigm Jdau4 k11 (Ihnpn'Iltngo Have You Been Downtown Yet? III II THE DOWNTOWN SHOP OF GREENWOOD AND KILGORE Present at this time Fall's first showing of Overcoats The Michigan Daily is announcing some- thing new to college papers in its Sunday Rotogravure Section, the Campus Pictorial. This feature which will appear every Sun- day throughout the college year, will be a four page, full sized sheet, with special articles and pictures chosen for their inter- est to our readers. You will enjoy the :-I NI I Pictures of buildings, important events, and prominent students and faculty men from colleges all over the country will be fea- tured in this section. The Campus Pictorial will have a reader appeal not only to Mich- igan students, but also to graduate students from other colleges, and to everyone inter- ested in college life. S - W sparkling portrayal out the country. of campus life through- 11 --- Come in and enthuse over a "G & K" Fleece in Oxford or Blue at This feature will start next Sunday, October 21 st, and mill appear every Sunday throughout the rest of the year. It will be startlingly interesting. You must have your copy. I -- J $40 OTHERS PRICED FROM $35 to $45 A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE DAILY FOR ONE YEAR INCLUDING THE SUNDAY ROTO- GRAVURE SECTION MAY STILL BE HAD FOR I y FINDING MONEY VELVET COLLAR CHESTERFIELDS Local, $4.00 - By mail, $4.50 $40 and $45 41 A Daily Classified Ad brings results that are just like finding money. For a slight outlay of money, large returns are assured. The large circulation of the Daily affords a wide field of buyers. BUSINESS OFFICE PRESS BLDG. DOWNTOWN SHOP 11 Phone 21214 1 ~ I' III 1I