IMichigan Dames:
TThe Michigan Dames Club will meet at 8 o'clock Tuesday, October
16, at the Faculty Women's Clubhouse, 226 South Ingalls street. The
wives of all students are invited to attend.
ce to all members Mrs. C. W. Ferris, President
ane to allhembrs- _______
Cant to the Presi- Exhibition of French and American Lithographs-Architectural Build-
A choice collection of lithographs by leading French artists and
No. 19. late George Bellows, American, is now hung in the cases of the ground
floor corridor, Architectural building. These lithographs form part ofr
the collection of Mr. A. C. Goodyear. The exhibition will continueI
md the Arts desiring through October 20, and, excepting Sundays, is open daily until 6!
should apply at the o'clock. The public is cordially invited.
:s and fill them out Emil Lorl
Research Club:
scholarship Com. The Research Club will meet in Room 2528 East Medical Build-
ing, on Wednesday, October 17, at 8 p. m. The following papers willI
be presented:
agular final examina- "The Australian and American Labor Movements," by Professor
take their test in Carter Goodrich.
to 5 in the afternoon. "The Reflection of X-Rays and Electrons," by Professor J. M. Cork.
Preston Slosson Annual election of officers preceding the program. The ballots sent
out by mail should be retained by the, members until the meeting.
The Council will meet at 4:30 in Room 1, Pharmacology Building.
ober, 16, at 4 o'clock, Louis I. Bredvold, Secy.
Please be punctual
Plese. epnta Adeiphi Special Program:
gins. Attention is called to Professor Slosson's talk on "Political Cam-
Margaret Bell paigns of the Past" Tuesday evening at 7:30. After the talk an oppor-
tunity for questions and discussion, will be afforded.
Those that will try out are named on the Bulletin Board in Uni-
ober 15, at 4 o'clock, versity Hall. New applications are welcome. All members are asked to
Please be punctual inspect the Bulletin Board.
gins. Robert H. Lloyd, Speaker
Margaret Bell
Members of Acolytes are urged to be present at the first meeting
Porgy), October 30, of the Society, which will be held in 202 South Wing on Monday
;ober 29. evening, October 15, at 7:30. Professor Sellars will read a paper entitled
Margaret Bell "An Examination of Critical Realism."
Otis H. Lee
>r the first time on To Members of the Round Table Club (League for Industrial Democracy)
and all others interested:
"In all America there is no sweet- poetry, rather than by the patrio-
er voice, no more romantic histori- tism. For Lindsay is a good poet,
Ian, no more authentic prophet than deep and calm, shaken by the di-
Vachel Lindsay," Lawrence N. Con- vine frensy for very love of it. The
Greek Steamer Sinks Undersea rad, formerly of the University range of his voice is far and fine.
Craft in Deep Water Off Coast rhetoric department, declared in "In a single poem he can give
Of Portugal an interview granted to The Daily us the smashing, deafening roar of
last spring just preceding Lindsay's America's exhaust, and the deli-
NO HOPE OF RECOVERY scheduled appearance on May 1, cate, exquisite song of a bird be-
which was cancelled because of the side the highway singing in cele-
(By Associated Press) poet's illness. bration of simple joy. Lindsay is
PARIS, Oct. 13.-The French sub- "He is big enough to overlook the wise; his work shows up the brag-
marine Ondine, with 43 men separate events of everyday life," ging, swanking, loud-mouthed spir-
aboard, was irretrievably lost many Conrad continued, "and to feel out, it of his country," Conrad conclud-
fathoms deep 30 miles off the shore as a basis for his song, the domin- ed.
of Portugal today while a consid- ant themes of American life. He Vachel Lindsay will give a read-
erable mystery prevailed as to the knows our roots, our backgrounds, ing of his poems Tuesday afternoon
manner of her sinking by the our instincts. His song goes deep in Hill auditorium under the aus-
Greek steamer Aikaterini M. Goul- into the primitive that is in all of pices of the Inlander Lecture se-
andris. us. ries. This recital which will typify
A statement issued by the min- "The purest of our national the singing, vagabond life that
istry of marine represented the poets," according to Conrad, "he Lindsay has led for years is sched-
captain of the Greek vessel as hav- has literally 'sung for his supper' uled to be the same as the program
ing searched only two hours for over the vast stretches of the con- which he was forced to cancel with
survivors after the collision. A dis- tinent. He has made 'poems to be the Inlander editors last spring.
patch from the Rotterdam to Le traded for bread,' and no trade, no
journal quoted the captain as hay- commerce, could ever be more in- oodrich oSpeak
ing said he searched long and care- oetta h_. odihT pa
fully and reported the disaster by "He has tramped and ranged,
wireless to all ships in the -vicinity. and tried his voice upon a million1 On Labor Movement
Le Journal's correspondent quot- pairs of ears; he has celebrated ev-
ed the captain as relating that his ery worthy trend in American life. . .
ship was near the Portuguese He is the unofficial Home Secre- "The Labor Movemen in Foreign
coast at 11 p. m. Wednesday and tary, the travelling Revivalist of Countries," will be the topic of the
all the crew except the watch Beauty. talk to be given by Prof. Carter
asleep. "When you hear Lindsay sing," Goodrich of the Economics depart-
Received No Warning Conrad said, "you hear America
The watch gave no warning but singing. You are touched by the ment, at the first meeting of the
suddenly the occupants of the ship Round Table club, at 2:30 o'clock
felt a violent shock. All rushed to THREE PHYSICISTS this afternoon, at Auerbach's Rath-
the side. The captain climbed to skeller on Williams street. Ques-
the bridge. Both he and the crew H ERE FOR STUDY tions and general discussion wil
then saw clearly ahead of the shipi9- -
W. H. Hobbs Professor Goodrich of the Economics department will address the a submarine whose nationality they I Three men from abroad are at folow
club on Foreign Labor Movements at the first meeting, Sunday, Oct. 14, were unable to distinguish in the the University studying in the The
Professor Abbot's Classes in Rhetoric: 2:30 p. in. The place is Auerbach's Rathskeller on E. Williams near darkness. Physics department on fellowship forty
I will be unable to. meet my classes on Monday. State. Members and friends are urged to attend. The captain was quoted as say- this year-two from England and variou
Waldo Abbot The Executive Committee ing he and the crew realized that one from Germany. Rudolph throu,
the steamer's stem had struck the Frerichs, a University of Bonn with
All Women Students: Sigma Delta Chi: stern of the submarine. The sub- graduate, is a fellow of the Inter- Demo
An open meeting of the Women's League at which Dr. Little will be front office of the Press building. marine did not reappear and the national Educational Board, Rocke- is dis
the speaker will be held on Tuesday, October 16, at 7:15 p. in. in the There will be a meeting at 4 o'clock Monday, October 15, in the captain immediately warned all feller Foundation. He was assist- club,
Michigan Union ballroom. An informal reception in Dr. Little's honor J. Stewart Hooker ships in the vicinity by wireless and ant to the laboratory of the presi- takes
will follow his talk. Every woman student is cordially invited to attend. reported that his ship had been in dent of the Imperial Physico- par
Mary J. White, President collisioAwithasubmTATne.liaHIGHWAY TRANSPORTAcTION MEE TING Searched All M orning Technical Institute, Berlin, beforei d
Mummers: CONCLUDED WITH SESSION AT UNION He said he searcheci all the morn- ten numerous articles for the Ger- econo:
Second tryouts for new members will be held Tuesday, October 16, ing of the next day and not until man Encylopedia of Physics. Fre- Thi
at 4:00 p. m., fourth floor of Angell Hall. After a 9 o'clock session yester- cate of public/ convenience and ne- 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon did he richs is interested especially in two t
Florence Watchpocket, Pres. -day morning the second annual cessity. The afternoon meeting resume his course to Holland, being spectroscopy. meeti
conference on highway transporta- was presided over by R. L. Morri convinced that further search was G. F. Brett and J. M. Robertson read
Romance Club Reception for Graduate Students: tion and the seventeenth annual son, also of the transportation en- futile are fellows of the British Common- by ge
All graduate students and new members of staff in the Department meeting of the Michigan Motorbus gineering department, at which Naval men said that they saw no wealth fellowships. Brett is a tensiv
of Romance Languages are cordially invited to be present at a reception association were concluded. At Hawley S. Simpson of Newark, N. chance of salvaging the submarine graduate of the University of Leeds outsid
Monday, October 15, room 316 Michigan Union, 8:00 p. . Dean the meeting a paper on bus termi- J., delivered an address on "Traffic nor recovering the bodies since not and is working on the electron year
Effinger will speak to the club on "The Cite Universitaire in Paris" nals was read by Clarence H. Elli- Regulation and Control." only was her exact position un- spectrum. Roberston came from the A
and Prof. Vibbert on "Recent Movements in French University Educa- ott, of the Reo Motor Car company The feature of the Friday night known but also the operation was the Research Laboratory of Lon- was o
tion." and a specialist in highway engi- program was a dinner held in the impossible so far out to sea and don. He is doing research work
Warner F. Patterson neering, which was followed by a banquet hall of the Union, where The cruiser Edgar Quineta on the crystal structure of physics Sub
short business meeting. the bus officials held their head- ecris r i and inorganic chemistry.$4.00
French training ship for midship-' dinrgaiccheisry
All Men of Buffialo and Vicinity: The conference began Thursday quarters during the conference. men, received orders to leave Brest
Scalp and Blade invites all Buffalo men and those living in the evening with an informal smoker Acting as toastmaster, George P. to proceed to near Vigo on the
immediate vicinity to attend a smoker Wednesday night, October 17, in the banquet hall of the Union McCallum, president of the state Portuguese coast and there render
at 8:00 at the Michigan Union. over which Horatio S. Earle, first motorbus association, introduced last honors for the 43 men aboard.
Clifford Keene, Secretary state highway commissioner, pre- the speakers, President Clarence =-W hi n e
sided. The speakers were Prof. Cook Little, of the University, and In these days if a man does not =
Scalp and Blade: Henry E. Riggs, Prof. Lewis M. Prof. John L. Brumm of the de- want to go to church he does not =
There will be an important meeting at the Union, Sunday, October Gram, and Dean Henry C. Sadler partment of Journalism. go, but our Puritan ancestors had 3 0
14, at 2:30. The discussion of prospective members and plans for the of the University. Prof. John S. During the convention of the no such choice. As late as 1774 the
coming year. merits the attendance of every member. Worley, of the transportation en- busmen there were seen at the First Church of Roxbury, Mass., im-
Clifford Keene, Secretary gineering department of the Uni- Union-many kinds of motorbusses posed a fine upon non-attendants. The New York Theatre
versity, took charge of the opening ranging from the regular type "any persons able of body who shall =
Ann Arbor Art Association: meeting at 9:30 o'clock Friday which runs between Ann Arbor absent themselves from public wor- y Company of 65
The Exhibition of Contemporary American Paintings in the West morning with a report by a com- and Detroit to the deluxe types ship of God on the Lord's Day shall =
Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall will be open daily through Sunday, mittee on the nature of a certifi- which can be made up at night pay 10 shillings fine." _
October 14. _
Bruce M. Donaldson, President The Season's Outstanding
Drama Section-Faculty Women's Club:.O
A meeting of the Monday Evening Drama Section of the Faculty DRESS UP YOUR ROOM
Women's Club will be held at the Club rooms, 214 S. Ingalls Street,
Monday evening. Old and new members are invited to attend. Anyone
having a copy of either Chief Contemporary Dramatist, Second Series, We carry a complete stock of
by Dickinson or Representatives of American plays kindly bring it I =
Ong.BMrs. H. C. Eckstein, Secretary MIichi ga B anners A Negro Folk Play by Dubose a:
Hindustan Club: = The most significant poduction si
There will be a meeting Sunday afternoon, October 14, 3:00 p. m. PENNANTSBLANKETS PILLOW COVERSETCETC
at Lane Hall. The election of national officers will take place at this
mneeting. Mail Orders at Box Office and Ro
W. B. Palmer, Secretary ' U N I V E R S I T Y
Members of U. S. Naval Reserve Force and Others: WA i._-Telephone Universi
Members of the United States Naval Reserve Force and others B O O K S O R YOUR SE
interested are asked to meet Monday evening at 7:30 in room 1041 of the ORDER
new Physics building to perfect an organization. -
Gerald W. Fox, Ensign U. S. N. R. - 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111
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the talk.
Round Table club is one of
or fifty local liberal clubs at
is universities and colleges
ghout the country affiliated
the League for Industrial
cracy. Although the L. I. D.
tinctly socialistic, the local
which is about six years old,
no active part in politics or
movements and is merely a
, club for the discussion and
eration of socialistic and
mic trends.
s year the organization plans
ypes of meetings, small closed
ngs at which papers will be
as the main feature, followed
aeral discussion, and more ex-
e public meetings at which
er lecturers will speak. Last
William Green, president of
merican Federation of Labor,
ne of the speakers.
scribe to the Michigan Daily,
the year. It's worth it!
Guid Presents
Original Cast
Civic Attraction
nid Dorothy Heyward
nice "The Miracle"
~om A, Memorial Hall
ty 242
Gulild Presentsllil
nd Doothy eywar
nee "he Miacle
)om , Meoria Ha-
ity 242-
- r
II ~ I I I I I I - I £1110
rir 1 nis