AY, OCTOBER, 14, 1928
Il i crz gan
By Charles Kaufman Fl p C lOWN three yards. Michigan's captain who was downed on Indiana's 34 For
WihCpti tie eaigaadded four more through right Yad line. Faunce was held to ai hi o
With Captain Stites leading a, as**bywshedtY
attak wichnettd fur acd edfou moe thoug riht ard ine Fance ommrenng.histor3
tricky attack which netted four .. tackle. Indiana was penalized five two yard gain by Pommerening. Arbor
dnnyards for being offside on the next Truskowski and Gembis tackled 12 to
l@ play, giving Michigan a first down FPawne after a gain of another
the reserves were forced to be con- iii 1U!1on its 40 yard line. yard as the quarter ended..lea
tent with a field goal, the Michi- Gembis faked a lateral pass and Score: Michigan 0, Indiana 0. Battle
gan State Normal eleven handed (Continued from Page One) then plunged through center for Secolit Quarter six po
the Maize and Blue "B" team its First Quarter eight yards. Gembis went through Bennett was yield to a one yard - march
first defeat yesterday morning at Capt. Bennett of Indiana won Indiana's left tackle for a'first gain by Draveling. Harrell punted Mike Geistert Ann
Ypsilthe toss and chose to receive. down on the Hoosier 48 yard line to Rich, who was tackled by Bru-lt a
Y t tossnaddrch. k torceke, Ge-.Gembis bucked the line for a yard. baker on Michigan's 24 yard line. Former all-state star from saulted
The experienced Normal team bis kicked off, to Bubaker, who re-, 'dRudswodeitesga forced
appeared to have the edge on the turned the ball to his own 32-yard On a triple pass back of the line Totzke returned the kick on the iand Rapids who drew the signal
reserves in every department of the line, where he was forced out of of scrimmage Rich went through first play to Brubaker, who was calling assignment on the Junior puntr
gam'e except punting, in which ..bounds. Faunce was tackled by for another first down on Indiana's downed on Indiana's 42 yard line. Varsity against Ypsilanti, repacing ver si
Hughes and Widmann more than Leo Draveling Pommerening for no gain. Faunce 37 yard line. Gembis made two Hughes replaced Brubaker in the Del Whitte, prome t' Abh
held their own against Van Buren. Sophomore end who showed to gained five through Michigan's yards through the left side. Rich Hoosier backfield. squad last week. Geistert is a the fir
The Teachers, using Boyd, Stites, advantage in stopping Indiana's !left guard. was stopped for no gain, and Mich- Bennett carried several tacklers valuable broken field runner. the sir
and Van Buren in a clever mixture off tackle thrust in yesterday's Harrell punted out of bounds at igan was penalized 15 yards for with him for a five yard thrust any ta
of delayed line bucks, end runs, and game. The former Port Huron star Michigan's 26 yard line. Rich hit holding, placing the ball in mid- through Pommerening, but at the Sellout AnnouncedBy ted si
passes, gained 11 first downs, eight , has been handicapped by an in- the Hoosier right side for five yards field. Whittle's pass was inter- point where the ball was downed.failed
by rushing, while the Junior Var- jured shoulder and did not see ac- but the ball was called back and cepted by Randolph and it was In- Indiana committed a foul and was Ohio State Authorities fae
sity was held to two by rushing tion against Ohio Wesleyan in the Michigan was penalized 15 yards diana's ball on its own 37 yard line, penalized 15 yards, making it first dBat
nd one by the aerial route, with opener. for holding, making it second downI Ringwalt went in for Swihart at down on the Indiana 32 yard lineUdur
eistert, Hughes, and Wilson ac- for Michigan on its own 10 yard left guard for Indiana. Bennett Truskowski broke through and authorities have announced a the 2
counting for the most of the yard- tra point line. rounded Michigans right end for tackled Harrell for a seven yardauopiteseanoned a-the
tra point. five ~~~~~~~~~yards. He added twomoea cmpeeslutfrheOiSae-herr
age. Another interchange of punts Totzke punted from behind the more loss' Michigan game, October 20, at Co- plung
While the lines, except for the followed the next kickoff, neither Michigan goal line and the ball center. Bennett got five of it back lumbus. down.
occasional lapses of the Wolverines team being able to gain through went out of bounds at the Mich- Bennett faked a line buck and through center. Harrell punted This keeps the record of sell- failed
on trick plays, ;appeared almost the .line. Hughes and Wilson, who igan 42 yard line. Faunce made then sprinted around Truskowski's and the ball was allowed to roll to outs for these teams intact, for Ann
evenly matched, neither team being had replaced Grodsky, stopped the seven yards through Michigan's end until he was forced out of Michigan's 19 yard line. Rich gain- Michigan and Ohio have played twice
able to gain consistently by plung- Normal runners without gain. right guard, preceded by splendid bounds at Michigan's 42 yard line, ed a yard at the left end and was to capacity crowds at every meet- sprint
ing, the Normal team held a great Hughes kicked to the Michi- interference. Indiana was offside a gain of 12 yards. Bennett then ( knocked out on the play, but In- ing since Ohio built her new sta- for 4
superiority over the reserves at de- 45-yard line. Boyd and Stites on the next play and was penal- circled Michigan's right end for diana was offside and the Hoosiers dium both in Columbus and at Ann ond h
play:made a first down through their ized five yards. three yards. A triple pass failed were penalized five yards. Arbor.
which featured the contest. right tackle, and a pass, Van Buren Faunce was held to a four yard to gain. Michigan's captain resumed play.Ab
Passes Fail to Muellich, gave the Teachers an- gain by Pommerening. Harrell Draveling tackled Bennett after I He refused the gain and took the
Of the 16 tosses tried by the "B" other first down when line bucks gained a scant yard at center. a four yard gain. Unger was drawn penalty. Gembis hit center for ANN ARBOR'S
team, but on, a heave to Grodsky failed to gain. Michigan held for Bennett threw a long pass on the into the backfield and threw a long two yards. Rich hit the Hoosier AR
by Hughes, which netted a 30-yard downs on its 10-yard line, taking fourth down but it fell incomplete pass which failed. It was fourth right tackle for two more. Gembis 1
gain, was completed, while Nor- possession of the ball. Farmer at- over the Michigan goal line. The down and Michigan took posses- was tackled by Unger but not un- Is E E je ctive
mal intercepted four passes, one of tempted to catch Hughe's -short Wolverines were given possession sion of the ball on its own 35 yard til he had made it first down for
which led to a touchdown. The punt, but fumbled when tackled by of the ball on their own 35 yard line'. Rich hit center for two yards. Michigan on the Wolverine 29 yard
Teachers tried 12 passes, four of Hager, and Wilson recovered for line. Totzke faked a punt and ground- line.
which were completed for a total Michigan. Gembis failed to gain. Whittle's [ed a forward pass to Rich. Totzke Rich was tackled by Randolph
gain of 57 yards, while one was in- Van Buren Scores long pass was knocked down by then booted the ball to Brubaker, (Continued on Page 7)
tercepted. The Normal secondary Widmann replaced Biedenweig Brubaker. Brubaker fumbled Totz-____
defense also appeared superior to and Lytle replaced Hughes in the ke's long punt and Pommerening
the Wolverines on running plays. Michigan lineup. Widmann kicked recovered for Michigan on Indi-
After a scoreless first quarter, in to Normal's 25-yard line, and Van ana's 23 yard line. However, Indi-dn
which an Ypsilanti advance which Buren punted back to Michigan's ana was given possession of the
ended with an incomplete pass 25-yard line. Stites intercepted ball at this place.
over the' goal line was the only Widmann's pass and, eluding sev- Capt. Bennett was held to no
serious threat, the Junior Varsity eral tacklers, brought the pigskin gain at right guard. Faunce made
took a temporary advantage when to Michigan's 3-yard line before four yards through the middle of i
Grodsky intercepted a Normal pass being downed by Wilson. Sherwood the line. Pommerening and Trus-
on his 40-yard line and ran to the stopped Stites at center, but Van kowski tackled Faunce for no gain.
Teacher's 20-yard marker before Buren hurdled the line on the next Harrgl1 punted to Rich, who car-F
being downed. After three line play for a touchdown which ended ried the ball out of bounds at the
plays were stopped with little gain, the scoring. Geistert broke through Michigan 28 yard line. I
Hughes dropped back and place (Continued on Page 7) i Rich plunged through Briner for Our Equipment Is Absolutely Complete, T
kce d fom the 28-yard line for Being Especially Well Stocked in (91' VV
A moment later the Normal took
possession of the ball on its 45-
yard line after an exchange of
punts. Bauer replaced Sullo for
Michigan. A delayed buck by
Stites that gaingd 15 yards was St "Ua
followed by a pas, Stites to Mue-to Squash Racquets, Handballs,'Etc
down on Michigan's 22-yard line.___________________
A buck by Van Buren and an off- "
side penalty on the reserves gave s p ecial A
Ypsilanti first down with eight to
go for a touchdown. The Junior -G'ulett 1 - B Ade 1
Varsity stopped two off-tackle1m lzo = ad 15 JrI p p R'; LJ L -0A7pc tIS GI AM ENT
thrusts, but Stites carried the ball I r SW ISS
across on another delayed buck. C.rH
Carter broke through to block Van TWO STORES C. H.' SCHROEN, M
Buren's kick for the extra point. U Ur 0 711 N. University Ave. Packard and F
Ypsilani rcores ge xt kick- PACKARD AND STATE ST. Next to Arcade Theater S. State Sts.
off, Biedenweig downing Stites on _ __Subscrbeto__T__heM
his 30-yard line. Stites made a ____
delayed buck good for a first down, , ]' 211 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 ] 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 I 191 1 ] 11 1 1 1 1 1
and on the next play passed 20 _
yards to Boyd, ,who outdistanced 2 "I never aia
the "B" team secondary defense, 2 .l=
and ran the remaining 30 yards for A p b n Arbors The 01
a touchdown. Van Buren's place- 2 ere can spossie The Be
kick for the extra point was wide, _ w e Busiest
and the first half ended without ep it
Studeo"lThe M
further scoring. SheM
Morgan was replaced by Patton . -B. F. H., Grad.
as the second half started. After
three exchanges of punts, featured 2 You'll find it economical to u 212
by a 20-yard run by Geistert, Nor- 2neat M(=
mal took the ball on its 30-yard eat here regularl.
line. On the first play Boyd, the 1
Teachers' star track man, circled 2K T HE E T
his left end for a touchdown. The nCOOPER'S KIT CENETTEdowntown)
Ypsilanti interference was so per-
fect that not a Michigan man W A O S O OO 1BD DM2'R
touched him, the entire secondary FAMOUS FOR FOODH0T L
defense being kept out of the play. Over Slater's
the first time in football
, Battle Creek defeated Ann
High school here yesterday,
. Dozier, diminutive colored
ck, sprinted along the side-
for 80 yards and the first
Creek touchdown. The last
ints came after a steady
down the gridiron.
Arbor started a strong as-
gainst the Bearat team and
the Battle Creek team to
epeatedly, Walsh and Cono-
hining on defense for Ann
with Ponto and Davis shar-
e task in the line. Late in
st quarter, Dozier sped along
delines beyond the reach of
cklers. His 80 yard dash net-
t points but the try for point
le Creek was held scoreless
uthe second and third quar-
aut a series of plunges from
0 yard line put the oval on
ne yard marker where Traut
ed over the second touch-
The try for the point again
Arbor threatened to score
during the game. Pegan
ed around his own right end
) yards shortly after the sec-
ialf. His sprint put the ball
(Continued on Page 7)
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