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September 26, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-09-26

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Effort Being Made By Committee
Tb Secure Services Of Other
Two speakers have been secured
to address the fall series of convo-
cations, and communications are;
being exchanged in an effort to
secure two and possibly three more
speakers, according to Mark An-;
drews, '29, chairman of the student
council convocations committee.
William Lyon Phelps, professor of
English at Yale and a noted author1
will open the fall series with an
address on Nov. 18. He has appear-
ed here before as a convocations
speaker, and has always drawn en-
thusiastic audiences.
Van Dusen To Speak Dec. 16
Henry Pitt Van Dusen of the
Union Theological seminary has
been secured to speak on December
16. Convocations committees have
tried for some time to secure a
speaking date with Van Dusen, but
without success heretofore. Last
spring he addressed a congregation
in St. Andrew's Episcopal church,
and was received tenthusiastically
by students.
For the three Sundays between
November 18 and December 16, the
committe is endeavoring to secure
George Wharton Pepper, senator
from Pennsylvania, John Timothy
Stone, pastor of a large Chicago
church, and William Allen White,.
noted author and, editor of the
Emporia (Kansas) Gazette.
In addition to the fall series of
four or five convocations, there will
be a spring series consisting of
four, to be held sometime in Feb-
ruary or March. No speakers have
been secured as yet for the spring
Five on Committee
The committee for the current
year consists of Mark Andrews, '29,
chairman, Paul J. Kern, '29, John
Gilmartin, '29, Lois Tilley, '29, and
Margaret Babcock, '30. The com-
mittee, as formerly, will function
as a committee of the Student
council, and Andrews was appoint-
ed to his post as chairman by that
body. He has had more than a
full year's experience on the con-
vocations committee, serving under
John Snodgrass, '28E, through the
entire school year of 1927-28. Both
Kern and Gilmartin are members
of the Student Council and it is
possible that a sixth member of
the committee will be appointed in
the near future from among the
juniors of the council.
In addition to the acutal pro-
grams to be arranged, members
of the convocations committee are
at work on a plan whereby a spe-
cial committee will be appointed
to handle the mechancial arrange-
ments of the individual convoca-
tions. In the past all of these func-
tions, such as ushers and similar
items, have been in the hands of
the single small committee in addi-
tion to the other work connected
with the convocations.

Fire, believed to have been
caused by a workman carelessly
leaving a lighted cigarette butt in
a basket of oily waste, completely
destroyed the home of James C.
Dappelbrau, Robbins Court, which
was under construction and un-
completed at the time of the blaze.
The flames, which started in the
garage situated below the house,
spread rapidly through the dwel-
ling, accelerated by several con-
tainers of gasoline stored in the
garage. The house was enveloped
In flames by the time the fire de-
partment arrived at the scene of
disaster. The trucks were delayed
in reaching the house because of
the lack of paved roads leading
to Robbins Court, which is one of
the new streets in the outlying
sections east of the city. The de-
partment was also hampered by a
lack of water, chemicals being re-
snrted 'o for the quenching of the

rrayer "leased With Freshman
Week; Hopes To Learn By Errors.
Excellent Cooperation on Part of haps the complaints that there
Fraternities and Students were too many speeches were justi-
Is Reported fied, although we had been warned
about this from other schools and
"We made mistakes in our fresh- watched it closely." Other faults!
man week program, we'll admit," were pointed out by the new men,'
said Prof. William A. Frayer of the and Professor Frayer had several
history department yesterday, "but frank talks with freshmen at the
on the whole, we had excellent end of the week concerning sug-
cooperation and it was much more gested changes and the attitude
successful than that of last year." toward the event. These agreed'
Professor Frayer is in charge of that the week was a fine thing,
the Freshman week programs of and that only minor mattershhad
the University. appeared to be wrong and to have
"The incoming students cooper- been done from the incorrect
ated much better than those of point ofeview.
last year, and the fraternities, the Professor Frayer praised the at-
upperclassmen, and all the others titude the new ones took toward
did splendidly in helping to make the week. Most of them attended
the week a success." Among the the various events on the program
more successful events were the faithfully. Some, they had trou-
smoker at the Union, last Wednes- ble with. They took the examina-
day night, the general assembly, tionsseriously as was hoped for,
Thursday night, at which songs and attended the scheduled events
and cheers were given, and the with regularity. Several took ad-
various athletic contests staged vantage of President C. C. Little's
especially for the new students. invitation to come to his house
"Of course we had complaints after the Monday night program,!
and grousings," he continued, "but and held open forum in the Presi-
that was a matter of course. Per- dent's home.
"As yet, we cannot say much
about the changes we will make
next year," he said, "but there will
be a few." The Sunday program
has yet to be settled satisfactorily,
as only 40 attended the speech on
"The Student's Faith," given by
Prof. Thomas Reed of the political
science department.
"The week undoubtedly was a
success, and accomplished most of'
Disposition Of Human And Animal that which we wanted," he con-
Bodies Is Greatest Task cluded. He also announced that
Of Relief Workers the results of the tests were now
being collected, and would soon be
UIST OF DEATHS GROWS opened to those who would be
interested in knowing the results.




Results to Be Submitted to Dean
Bursley's Office During I
First School Week
Action on the regulations regard-
ing fraternity dances to be given
after football games are pending
the reports from the fraternities
on the resolutions passed at a
meeting of the Interfraternity
Presidents' Discussion group last
spring. The resolutions passed
were the outgrowth of an investi-
gation into conduct at fraternity
parties carried on by a committee
chosen from that group. The text
of the resolutions follows:
Resolutions Passed:
(1) That the University should
require all fraternity dances held
on Saturday nights after football
games to be strictly closed, i. e.,
attendance shall be limited to ac-
tive members, pledges and alumni
only, except that the chaperone
need not be a member of the
(2) That the chaperone must be
either a member of the University
Senate or a parent of a member of
the active chapter.
(3) After the party the house
president shall turn in a full re-
port, giving the number of peopleI
in attendance at the party, stating
whether or not difficulty was had
with uninvited guests, whether or
not there was any trouble of any
kind during the party, and includ-
ing suggestions for improvement
in handling future dances. This
report shall be signed by both the
house president and the chaper-
Fraternities to Vote
The resolutions are to be placed
before the various fraternities for
a vote and the results given to
4 the Dean of Students, Joseph A.
Bursley. Failure on the part of
the fraternities to give attention
to the matter during the first week
of school will result in the for-
feiture of the opportunity for the

(By Associated Press)
25-Floodwaters in the hurricanej
and devastated lake Okeechobee
area were reported gradually re-
ceding today despite recent heavy
rains making the tas of transport-
ing relief to the district less diffi-
Aside from the pressing necessi-
ties of furnishing food for the hun-
gry rescued in the interior and
shelter to protect them from the
rains, the greatest task faced by
the relief workers remained in the
disposition of the human and ani-
mal bodies.
Funeral fires were seen tonight in
several parts of the Everglades as
the workers went about their grim
task forced upon them because of
the impossibility of taking out any
more bodies for burial and the ne-
cessity to dispose of them as a san-
itary measure.
The death list grew into greater
proportions than any had first im-
agined and the task of recovering
bodies virtually swamped the per-
sonnel. Red Cross and military of-
ficials now admit that the exact
toll of lives taken by the hurricane
will never be known. They have
been unable to keep an accurate
record of all' bodies found, it was
said, and the record keepers them-
!selves have been busy burying the
While Dr. E. D. Clawson, head of
the medical relief, declared the
death toll would be in excess of
2,300, A. L. Schafer, representative
here of the National Red Cross, held
to his estimate 'of 1,200 known
dead. At the same time Howard W.
Selby, chairman of the Palm Beach
Red Cross chapter, asserted the
known dead at 2,200 on the basis
of the survey made for him by O.
C. Geiger, who went into the Ever-
glades to make an investigation for
that purpose. Governor John W.
Martin, after placing the estimate
at 1,500, declared today in Jack-
sonville that it probably will reach
2,200 persons.


Daily"o Offer
Sunday Pictures
Will Deliver 8-page Rotogravure
Supplement Beginning
October 21 or 28
An eight-page rotogravure sec-
tion will be added to the regular
Sunday edition of the Daily, begin-
ning October 21 or 28, according
to an announcement yesterday by
Edward Hulse, '29, business man-
ager. The supplement, to be known
as the Michigan Daily Campus
Pictorial, will include pictures of
events and celebrities both from
this campus and other campuses
throughout the east, west, and Big
Arrangements are being made
now with a Chicago firm for doing
the rotogravure work. The supple-
ment has been made financially
possible by interesting more than
20 other college papers in the
proposition, all of whom will con-
tribute pictures and distribute the
I pictorial to their subscribers.
Prof. J. O'Neil To Judge 5-Minute
Speeches By Candidates
For Squads
Try-outs for Speech 81, the pub-
lic speaking course from which
members of the men's and women's
varsity debating teams will be Se-
lected, will be held in Room 3209
AH at 1 o'clock Thursday after-
noon, Prof. James M. O'Neil stated
Only students who have taken
Speech 34, who have represented
the university on a debating team,
or who have successfully tried out
may enter the course.
Five Minute Speeches
The try-out speeches Thursday
will be five minutes in length, and
women will speak on the topic se-
lected for the woman's intercol-
legiate debates: "Resolved; that so-
cial sororities and fraternities are
a detriment to state universitie.
The men's intercollegiate debate
question has not yet been chosen so
men cadidates for Speeches 81 may
talk on either Hoover or Smith.
Although members of the varsity
debate teams will be picked from
this course those who wish to com-
pete for positions on the squad
need not attend classes except dur-
ing the period of the debates in
December. Only those who par-
ticipate regularly throughout the
'semester, however, will receive
credit for the course, Professor
O'Neil announced.
Debating Leagues Combined
The Mid-West and Central de-
bating leagues have been combined
this year in a Western conference
debating league which will hold
four contests each year. All mem-
bers of the football Big Ten with
the exception of the University of
Chicago which does not sponsor
debating, are also members of the
Western league.
Under the new plan Michigan
will meet four of her eight oppo-
nents each year, two in December
I and two in March. These will be
. triangular contests.
The women's debates will be held
in January.
Professor O'Neil urges every woman

in the university interested in de-
r bating, to attend the class Thurs-

Lieut. W.

L. Cornelius Crashes
as Two Planes Lock
Wings in Air


Acceptance of St. Louis Invitation (
Depends Upon Route of
Homeward Journey
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Sept. 25.-Her-
bet Hoover had a busy day today, I
working for a while on his Eliza-
bethan, Tenn. speech and receiving
more on the political situation in!
the middle-west. He also held his r
semi-weekly conference with news- t
paper correspondents, but would i
not disclose whether his campaign
plans would be extended to include
addresses in a number of cities tor
which he had been invited, includ-
ing a recent invitation from St.
Governor John Hammill of Iowa,t
brought to the Republican presi-
dential candidate a lengthy survey1
of conditions in the corn belt and
Iowa in particular. The governort
was accompanied to the Hoover
headquarters by Dr. Herbert Work,{
chairman of the Republican na-I
tional committee.
Considers Mid-west Campaignt
With Roy O. West, Secretary of
the Interior department, and form-t
er secretary of the national com-
mittee, Hoover also discussed the
political situation in the middle-
west. Plans for an extension of the1
campaign work in that sectiona
were considered.
From Walter J. Kohler, Repub-
lican nominee for governor of Wis-
consin, the presidential candidate
received information on conditions;
in the Badger state.
Kohler said afterwards that the
Hoover-Curtis ticket had " a good
chance" to carry the state, but said,
he would withhold a more positive
prediction until after the forth-,
coming visit of the Democratic'
presidential candidate, Alfred E.
Speeds Press Conference
Hoover's press conference was
one of the briefest on record. Mak-
ing his way through the group of
nearly half a hundred newspaper-
men in the semi-circle room at his
headquarters, the candidate an-
nounced that he had nothing on
his mind and said in response to
questions that he was unable to
help the correspondents with re-
spect to a number of subjects with
which they greeted him.
They included whether he is to
extend his speech tour; whether his
Elizabethan speech will deal with
water power; and if he is to speak
in St. Louis on his way back to his
California home to vote.
Invited to St. Louis 1
It was disclosed that the nominee
has a very strong invitation from
St. Louis, but his acceptance will
depend upon the route of his
homeward journey, whether it hur-
ries him to the north or to the
south. Invitations also have been
received from a nu aer of other
cities and these likewise are under
Lower Michigan: Mostly fair but
some cloudiness, not quite so cold
south portions Wednesday; Thurs-
- day fair to partly cloudy, slightly
- warmer in south and central por-


(By Associated Press)
SAN DIEGO, Cal., Sept. 25.-
Death struck into the reign of the
"Three Musketeers" of the Army!
air service again today and wrote


O. P.

finis to the brilliant career of i hpe ohv'viei h ia
Lieut. W. L. Cornelius, the secondcterntaeon the una
of the daring trio of army 'pursuit action taken on the subject.i
pilots to be killed within two At the spring meeting of the
weektsdiscussion group there was some
weeksut. Cornelius fell to his death difference of opinion as to whether
wen hisrlneus loed ins din or not it would be better for the
when his plane locked wings in University to reenact the regula-
mid-air with another craft piloted tion in effect last fall prohibitingI
by Lieut. Roger Williams of Spo- dances on Saturday nights after
kane, Wash. at Rockwell Field 1,--------- ,u, uoa gms._ resoiu-,.

laims Hoover Knows Record of
Republican Party Better
Than Anyone Else
(By Associated Press)
HELENA, Mont., Sept. 25.-Gov.
mith turned eastward yesterday
fter having thrown a vigorous
hallange to his Republican oppo-
ent, Herbert Hoover, to prove in
he face of "corruption and crime"
n high government circles, the as-
ertion in his speech of accept-
nce that the Republican party's
:ecord during the last seven and
L half years "constitutes a period
f rare courage and leadership and
eadership and constructive ac-
With party' responsibilities as
dis text and a state next door to
Teapot Dome as his battleground,
;he Democratic nominee, in his
ourth speech of the campaign in
;his valley capital of Montana,
londay night traced the history
f the oil, veterans bureau, and
alien property custodian disclos-
ires, and directed a plea to the
lepublican nominee, whom he
:harged with sitting silently by
uring the engagement of this
'story of intrigue and corruption,"
o show how he can look back with
any degree of satisfaction on that
Gov. Smith delivered his speech
:>efore a crowd that taxed the ca-
pacity of the Shrine temple, and
applauded him at frequent inter-
vals, especially when he concluded
by saying that it "would be ex-
:eedingly harmful if the American
people were willing to look back
omplacently over the past and
all it a record of great accom-
Applauded by Senators
Senator Thomas J. Walsh, who
prosecuted the oil inquires, and
Senator Burton K. Wheeler, who
had a leading part in the Daugh-
erty investigation during the
Harding - Coolidge regime, both
Montanans, sat on the platform
and both joined in the handclap-
ping at important junctures of the
Gov. John Erickson of Montana
also sat near the candidate, who
oday starts the long 'jump back
to his native stateofg New York
ith two more speeches on his
schedule-at St. Paul Thursday
night and at Milwaukee Saturday
After attending the New York
state convention at Rochester next
Monday, he will return to Albany
and rest the remainder of the week
before taking the stump again.
Gov. Smith opened his address
Monday night with, a reference to
a dispatch quoting Mr. Hoover as
telling a group of young students
from Maryland that the new gen-
eration "must begin now to take
over the responsibility of the party
and to carry it out." He then re-
cited the long history of the oil
and other investigations, declaring
the sworn testimony that came out
of the investigation of the leas-
ing of the oil reserves, was a "story
of intrigue, of corruption, of trick-
ery and of chicanery that has never
been equalled in all the history
of this nation."
"Hoover Knows Record"
"Not only did the evil influence
of this whole deal contaminate the
administration, but it disgraces
party leadership," he asserted, add-
ing that "nobody in the United
States can say there is no party
responsibility for that. That's right
on the door step. It couldn't get
away if it tried.
"Is the record, the real record
of the past seven and a half years
known to the Republican candidate
for president?" he asked, and then

"Why, there is not a single man
in this country that knows it bet-
ter than he does. He sat in the
cabinet of the president while all
of this was going on, and you can
search that record from one end
to the other, you can examine it
in the minutest details, and you
will fail to find a single word of
nniattnainnnn ie n4r,,


her. he 'los. .e . hgjini ome Football games. The resolu-
ere. The pilots were flig in tions were passed in order that'
battle formation.d fraternities themselves might have1
Reports from the field said thatis an opportunity to express their
Lieut.d Corneius ldeaed whis opinions. Record of chapter votes
disabled plane and was killed when should be turned in to the office
his parachute failed to open. Lieut. of the Dean of students immedi-
Williams was seriously, injured in ately, with a statement indicating
the crash. , whether or not the fraternity does
Lieut. J. A. Williams, leader of or does not favor Saturday night
the little band of airmen whose ;football dances.
daredevil exploits and commander-
ing gave them the moderate pro-, CONVENIENT FIRE
totypes of the romantic "Three
Musketeers" of fiction, was killed HELPS REPOR TERS
only two, weeks ago while heading
his fellows in drilling, formation at Those long-suffering public serv-
Aneles iona air races at Los ants, known collectively as the
Angs -press, often chase fire engines for
miles and undergo extreme physi-
CHEERING SECTION cal hardship and peril that their
readers may know what burned.
One hundred and twenty- I ; Yesterday afternoon, however, they
five seats in the cheering sec- I got a break. The firemen pulled
I tion are still available at the ; up in front of the Press building
I Administration b u i 1i i n g. I on Maynard St. and put in three
minutes of intensive searching for
the fire. Reporters opened the of-
TAKES CHARGE fice windows and swung their type-
CAKES C ARGE Iwriters in-to action for a play by
F ADMINISTRATION play account of the conflagration,
but not even a smouldering ciga
trips to Ann Arbor for consulta- butt could be found to extinguish
tion with the other University ad- The firemen went home, but
ministrative officials. came back again about 15 minutes
Thus, although the office is not later on a hot tip that the blaz
a new one, this fall will mark the was in an alley a little farther
first time when it has really had down the street. They found i
an opportunity to fill its place in the second time, struggling har
the University administrative or- to get spectacular, but considerably
ganization. discouraged by a bucket of water
The dean of administration as that some passer-by had thrown
an office was created to meet the A healthy dousing with chemicals
needs arising from the size and caused it to flicker -and die.
complexity of the University. It is
designed to give the university an I
officer who will be fully acquainted XITTLE PLANS SIX
with the details of the academic TALKS TO ALUMNI
policy. As the busniess manager of _
the University prepares the annual'Six speaking engagements befor
budget, it will be the office of the Alumni clubs have already beer
dean of administration to justify Alumni clb haeaeady bLe
any economy or expense placed in arranged for President C. C. Lit

Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, pro-
fessor of zoology, is taking charge
this fall of his new office as dean
of administration. Although the
office was created more than a
year ago in the spring of 1927, and
Dean Ruthven was named to the
position at the Regent's meeting
last June, he did not take active
charge of his work until this fall.
The office of dean of administra-
tion was created simultaneously by
the Board of Regents with the of-
fice of business manager of the
University at the May, 1927, meet-
ing of the Board. Dean Edmond-
E. Day, of the school of education
at that time was named first dean
I of administration.
Owing to delay in the making of




"Run, Soph, Run!"
"Yea, '32, rah, rah!"
"Run, Soph, Run!," again the
freshman warcry swept down State
street and one small youth, hardly
big enough to be in high school,'
walked slowly down the street
while heros of '32, more than 40 in
number passed on to other fields
of glory.
It was a far cry from the after-'
noon before when lordly sopho-
mores backed by maudlin juniors
and seniors sent long legged fresh-
men hastening down the center of
Michigan's "Main Street" 'to the
happy tunes of "Pot Frosh."
But the freshmen, flaunting pots
of grey and cheering repeatedly

without the stern portals of Helen
Newberry for a few moments and
freshman like to submit a new ser-
enade for the benefit of the lonely
inmates within those black and
forbidding walls.
The words to their song were not{
quite distinct and perhaps it was'l
just as well for from time to time
one might hear the name of the
class of '31 repeated in terms not
to be construed as complimentary.
Still even Michigan's daughters
hesitated to thwart the mighty,
freshmen and they determinedly,
strode on to the end of the di-
agonal and taking that great tri-
butary of traffic moved bodily for-
ward, on to the library and some

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