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October 14, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-14

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SUTNDhAY. TT13ER 14.1Q928

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t04Ii , Mrtigwu 04x11
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
Ctled to the use for republication of all news
dispatchestcredited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postaje granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Pnones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor........................Paul J. Kern
City Editor...............Nelson J. Smith
News Editor..............Richard C. Kurvink
Sports Edito..r...............Morris Quinn
Women's Editor............. Sylvia S. Stone
Editor Michigan Weekly....J. Stewart Hooker
Music and Drama..............R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor......Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
J)oseph E. Howell Pierce Roo-,nberg
onaldJ. Kline George E. Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul I. Adams Ruth Kelsey
Morris Alexander Donald E. Layman
Esther Anderson C. A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Leon Lyle
Bertram Askwith Marian MacDonald
Fenelon Boesche Henry Merry
LouiseB ehymer N. S. Pickard
Arthur Bernstein William Post
Isabel Charles Victor Rabinowitz
L. R. Chubb John T. Russ
Laura Codling Harold Saperstein
Prank E. Cooper Rachel Shearer
Helen Dommie Howard Simon
Edward Efroymson Robert L. Sloss
Douglas Edwards Arthur R. Strubel
Valborg. Egeland Beth Valentine
Robert J. Feldman Gurney Williams
Marjorie Foilmer Walter Wilds
Oscar Fuss Edward Weinman
William Gentry Robert Woodroofe
1 om Gillett Joseph A. Russell
Lawrence Hartwig Cadwell Swanson
Willis Jones A. Stewart
Richard Jung Edward L. Warner Jr.
Charles R. Kaufman' Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising...............Alex K. Scherer
Advertising...............A. James Jordan
A dvertising ............. *Carl W. Hammer
Service...... ... ..H.erbert E. Varnum
Circulation...............George S. Bradley
Accounts............Lawrence E. Walklcy
Publications............. Ray M. Hofelich

Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be rgearded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
To the Editor:
It is sad reflection on the en-
trance requirements of the Uni-

versity when
telligence of;
"recalls that
about Teapot
and questions
ernor Smith
mooted point.
We turn to

R. L., with the in-
a graduate student,
very little was said
Dome at Houston,"
the wisdom of Gov-
in re-opening that

the most refreshingj

Irving Binzer
Mary Chase
J eanette Dale
Vernor Davis
Helen Geer
Kasper Halverson
Jack Horwitch

George R. Hamilton
Dix Humphrey
Bernard Larson -
'Leonard Littlejohn
t T. FHollist
Carl Schemm
Robert Scoville

Night Editor-DONALD J. KLINE
Michigan's varsity football' team,
for the first time within the mem-
ory of students now on the campus,
has lost two games in a row. It
has lost these games clearly and
honorably, being obviously out-
played in both. It has lost these
games to two schools which have
never before in history beaten a
Michigan football team; but it has
lost them only after bitterly con-
testing every inch of ground with
men who have been much more
powerful and faster than its own.
There is nothing shameful about
losing to either Ohio Wesleyan or
Indiana when those schools have
better teams than our own. It is
a shock, of course, to a Universityk
which has enjoyed the athletic rep-
utation of Michigan to receive two
such set-backs but it will require
a shock to awaken the University
from its lethargy of football secur-
ity which is without a doubt large-
ly responsible for the present losing
If Michigan can gain the idea
that it is just as noble to lose
honorably as to win recklessly she
will have made a step forward in
intercollegiate athletics which may
not appeal to the patriotic alumni
but which will mean an infinite
amount to the campus as a whole.
To be perfectly frank, it is about;
time we had a losing team and
certainly high time that we begin,
to look at other things than huge1
scores on the ledger of athletic
If a losing team can solidify and
revivify Michigan loyalty to a point}
where it is something worth talk-3
ing about, then let us sing chants"
of appreciation for a losing team.,
If it does not accomplish these
things, and if Michigan students1
are so calloused that no spark short
of an explosion can crack theirl
smug indifference to the activitiest
of their University, then they dot
not deserve a winning team. All
the world loves a winner, but itt
will be a challenge to the calibre oft
the University student body toS
stick to the last of the fourthc
n-l.rm. mui+ha t AnM +hat+is

document 1928 has produced-to
wit, Claude G. Bowers' keynote
speech at the Democratic conven-
tion. "The Wilson administration
is a green spot bounded on one side
by the Muhall mess and on the
other by an oil tanker flying a
pirate's flag.
"We have seen the nation's oil
reserves, set aside by the prescience
of Roosevelt, bartered away by a
member of the cabinet for a bribe
in a little black bag ....
"We submit that it is a shocking
thing that we have waited seven
years for one word, one syllable,
one whisper of the mildest criticism
of these criminals and crimes
from a single representative of the
administration. They heard La-
Follette's denunciation of Teapot
Dome, and were silent....
"And thus campaign debts of the
regime in power have been paid
by Harry Sinclair, and now with
pious platitudes the Republican
party enters another campaign
free from debt-because there was
a Teapot Dome."
In this fashion the Democratic
party seeks to hush up the scandal
"because Democrats of the Wilson
regime were under the far-reach-
ing dome as well," only to have it
pried open again by that trouble-
some Al Smith, who wouldlike to
know in addition how Republican
party responsibility fits in with the
"sounds of revelry by night in the
little green house on K street,"
sale of Senate seeats in Pennsyl-
vania, Attorney-General Daugher-
ty, grafting on the hospital re-
sources of World War veterans,
giving and receiving of stolen funds
for Republican campaign purposes
to the men who sat by, sliently
We are edified by another of
R. L.'s statements. "A Catholic
President would have an Italian
boss," which reminds us of a blood
and thunder Southern Methodist
who told his congregation recently
that Al Smith is Mussolini's candi-
date for President of the United
States. Perhaps those bosom
friends, Mussolini and Pius XI., are
planning to use the United States
in their impending war on Austria.
It looks as though R. L. were one
of these fanatics who see red when
foreigners are mentioned-who
would turn this political campaign
into a struggle between citizens
whose antecedents came over on
the Mayflower, and those who took
the Leviathan. He perpetrates such
drivel as the statement that Presi-
dent Smith's first allegiance would
not be to the United States, for-
getting that the fathers of this
country fought to make it a land
of religious freedom, and forever
separated Church and State in
Article VI of the Constitution and
Article I of .the amendments.
We also challege R. L.'s state-
ment that Al Smith is not trained
in American institutions, and that
he is not known as an American
to the people of the world. Where
but in America can you find an in-
stitution like the Fulton Fish mar-
ket from which a boy without the
advantages of higher education
can graduate to the governorship
of his state, and in what race but
the American does his every word
and action place him? Is he a
suave and mincing Frenchman, a
swarthy, emotional Italian, a
stolid, deliberate German, a Chi-
nese laundryman, can he speak
of his "poipuses" and be claimed
by the English?

But worst of all, R. L. wants for
his most thoroughly American
American, a man of "American re-
ligion," which frankly puzzles us as
to what he means. By a stretch of
the imagination we can conjure up
just five American religions; Chris-
tian Science, Seventh Day Adven-
tism, Holy Rollers, the cult which
worships the Seears and Roebuck
catalogue, and the Ku Klux Klan,
but this eaves TTHnver nut in the

THE FOLLOWERS OF SAPPHO- ing. The story of the "Lost Battal
THEIR WORK AND THEIR PLAY lion" is given with facts, not ro
This is indeed the story of "Ex- mance. And last but not leas
traordinary Women"* Followers there is an analysis of the quali
of Sappho all, these women are ties which were possessed by Wood-
moving characters in the interest- row Wlison, our great war Presi-
ing work which Mackenzie has dent.
fashioned around their experiences This book is the best kind of wai
and their divigations. history. It gives facts, and yet h
No commonplace women find told in the manner of the man wh
their way into this book-unless the knows-and knows news. It is th
single exception of Miss Chimbley perfect antidote for all of the
be counted as contrast. The rest highly romantic fiction which ha,
of the women are true women of appeared about the war.
the world, musicians, artists, *By Thomas M. Johnson. Bobbs-
writers. And they add to this art Merrill Co. $5.00.
the true art of living-the studied * * *
grace of relationship with the AND HERE'S A GOOD PIECE O0
members of their own sex, as well CAMPAIGN LITERATURE
as members of the opposite. The No matter what else the cam
story weaves itself about these paign of Al Smith has done, it haE
women and their adventures and at least stirred up some tributeE
contacts on the beautiful island of which have been worthy. Th
Sirene. nominating speeches at the Demo-
Lulu de Randan and Rosalba cratic Convention this year wer
Donsante are the central charac- marvels of psychological appea
ters, and they stand for us as the and reasoning, calculated to wir
theme of the work. On the oppo- the popular support which ha:
site side we have the masculine characterized this campaign. If it
women, with laughter as loud as is pardonable in a book review the
Pantagruel's. From the inter-con- nominating convention of th
nection and from the thoughts of Democrats was a literary meeting
these two groups we have the story. compared with the drivel which-
This is adventure in sophistica- emanated from the Republicar
tion at its best. The art of living meet.
and the art of relationships is one "The Happy Warrior: Alfred E
of the finest arts known to man, Smith"* contains the nominatinr
and Mackenzie has caught the very speech which placed Al Smith be-
essence and has set it down in a fore the convention as their leader
fine, delightful style. That it is And it contains in addition an
dedicated to Norman Douglas gives analysis and an appreciation of
in some" degree the aim of the Smith's record. It is comprehensiv
writer, and it sets forth in full the best
*By Compton Mackenzie. Macy- reasons why the Democrats of th
Masius, The Vanguard Press, country are supporting Smith.
$2.50. This book is one of the ms
* * * . - . . . - , - . - . . . ' . . ' - - - -n - - - n' - - - - ' -' "

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"My husband," said Julia, "has
always been a .very sensible man."
In that sentence lies the essence
of the tragedy which has been so
poignantly painted in "The Bish-
op's Wife."* It is a tragedy once
again of the minister and his fam-
ily-the man who saves the souls
and homes of others without the
first thought for the beam in his
own eye. The two characters are
clearly drawn-with that inimit-
able touch of the real and the
moving which Nathan has so care-
fully mastered.
Into a life which had been other-
wise patient and depressing came
the "Angel." Otherwise known as
Dr. Michael. It is Michael who
makes possible the building of the
1 cathedral on which the Bishop has
1concentrated his attention. And it
is Michael also who gives the
Bishop's wife a new lease on life-
who satisfies in her some of the
cravings for companionship which
had long been stirring under the
The book is written in the stir-
ring and excellent style of the
Nathan of "The Woodcutters
House." It is moving and literary,
and it justifies the expectations of a
great body of Nathan followers who
have sprung up in this country in
the last few years.
*By Robert Nathan. Bobbs-Merrill
Co. $2.00.
* * *
Everyone knows the stories of the
censorship of the war-of the press
and censorship bureaus which pas-
sed on all of the stories which got
into the newspapers of the world.
And there are many stories rife
about the publicity centers which
are set up in war time for the
drafting of what would appear to
be authentic stories of the progress
of the war. In these centers heroes
were invented, great drives were
modeled with a glamor and a
charm totally absent in the real
military maneuvers. But most of
these stories remain in the fig-
ments of rumor and unofficial re-
"Without Censor"* is the sum-
mary story written after years of
investigation and verification by
the New York "Sun." The details
come from Johnson's war note-
book, from his memory, from in-
terviews recently with great war'
strategists and officers, and from
official files of the war department.'
It makes fascinating reading
when one reads with the popular
fictions in mind. For here is the
inside story pf the Inter-Allied
Censorship Bureau in the Bourse,#
written without melodrama or sen-

successfi m anc1U compretIU1i
pieces of literature which ever
emanated from a political cam-
paign in this country. It deserves
the attention of, every. Democrat-
and of every thinking Republican.
*By Franklin D. Roosevelt. Hough-
ton, Miflin and Co. $.75.M
* * *

Due to an error our last
advertisement read Tuesday
night instead of Friday.

Next to Majestic Theatre

F yt
# A
fy ar
3 f


In an interesting combination of
a modern thriller and a psycholo-
gical study, John Briggs, Jr., has
achieved.something distinctive in
his latest book, "Seven Days Whip-,
ping."* His thesis is substantially
that modern man will quickly re-
vert to primitive emotions and
actions under any extreme danger
to himself or those dear to him.
Judge La Place, a highly intellec-
tual modern, suddenly finds him-'
self confronted with a situation
which arouses completely his ani-
mal instincts to kill. The situation
is rather melodramatic, but sus-
tained by a convincing study of the
fluctuations of the judge's mind be-
tween hatred, dread, and fear.
The mystery element is too good
to be spoiled by the telling, but if
one does not enjoy psychology, this
book is yet to be recommended for
the story.
One can hardly say that this'
book is anything of much impor-
tance as a contribution to litera-
ture; but it is well written, inter-
esting, and a fairly thorough study
of one character. As such, it is to
be recommended. It falls short in
that its scope is narrow both in
the social field it handles, and in
its paucity of characters.
*By John Briggs, Jr.. Charles
Scribner's, Sons. $2.00.
Among our current prophecies
for the month of October is the
prediction that the watchful bur-

s .
atit U5 tg p You Mph YOURMAkK 1M TII wORLD



D®9 .

mffTTwlrlrwlrlrm no a ME a man Ran an man a mmullnurrr


Cfor771en k)tnce 1648


of Boston will ban "That
Fire."* The loss to belles
will be very, very slight.
Sylvia Bates' novel con-
two stricken souls, lovers
childhood's happy, happy
The youth had been en-
in the Great Conflict, re-

Pay for the dame--
and get what
has made the name
Perfect comfort with proper
fit always found in Hickey--
Freeman clothing is the result
of skillful design.
Unrestricted by e x p e n s e,
their designers have done
much to make the famous
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turning shell-shocked with all the
usual trimmings. In what seems
to have been a moment of aberra-
tion Lucia marries another man
and has a couple of kids and what
do you think happens then? Right!
She finds she still cherishes the
pal of her cradle days, and after
a hundred or so pages of diverse
relations, the guilty couple flee to
the great city. The anguished
reader-if any reader will have
borne with them thus far-is left
expecting the worst.
We quote from the rhapsodic
damenintinn nracantac1 nn +s rlc

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