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October 13, 1928 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-13

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
of the 'University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi-
dent until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday.)
Vol. 39 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1928 No. 18.

-IScalp and Blade :
There will be an important meeting at the Union, Sunday, October
14, at 2:30. The discussion of prospective members and plans for the
coming year merits the attendance of every member.
Clifford Keene, Secretary
Hindustan Club:
There will be a meeting Sunday afternoon, October 14, 3:00 p. m.,
at Lane Hall. The election of national officers will take place at this
W. B. Palmer, Secretary

Archaelogical Collection:
The Archaelogical Collection in the Seminary Room 3335, Angell Upper Room Bible Chair:
Hall, will be open at the following hours: The Upper Room Bib

Tues. Thurs. 10:00-11:30.
Wed., Fri., 2:00--4:00.
Irma F. Butler
Phi Beta Kappa:
In view of the number of replies received to my first notice I am
now asking that all resident members of Phi Beta Kappa who have not
been receiving the notices of the meetings in the past, as well as all new
comers who belong to the organization send me their names and ad-,
dresses through the United States or Campus mail to 3233 Angell Hall.
Irma F. Butler

the "Upper Room" at Lar
are cordially invited.

le Chair meets this evening at 7:00 p. m. in
ne Hall. All men students of the University
George G. Alder

Second tryouts for new members will be held Tuesday, October
at 4:00 p. m., fourth floor of Angell Hall.
Florence Watchpocket, Pres.


The Philippine-Michigan Club:
The next regular meeting of t
room of Lane Hall on Sunday afte

Entering Sophomore and Upperclass Women:
The third Hygiene Lecture will be Tuesday, October, 16, at 4 o'clock,
in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Bring bluebooks. Please be punctual
since the doors will be locked when the lecture begins.
Margaret Bell
Freshmen Women:
The third Hygiene Lecture will be Monday, October 15, at 4 o'clock,
in Sarah Caswell Angell Hall. Bring bluebooks. Please be punctual
since the doors will be locked when the lecture begins.
Margaret Bell

Entering. Sophomores and Upperclass Women:
Students 'who wish to attend the matinee (Porgy), October
may come to the Hygiene Lecture on Monday, October 29.
Margaret Bell
Sociology 141-Criminology:
Assignment for next week, Chapters 4 and 5 in Sutherland.
J. Cohen


Geology 151 and 153:
Students enrolled in these courses will meet for the, first time on
Monday at 4:30 o'clock in Room 2078 N. S.
W. H. Hobbs
Geology 2:
The supplementary final examination for those who received grades
of X in Geology 2 last June will be given at 3 o'clock on Thursday,
October 18, in Room 4054 N. S. Students receiving grades of I in this
course should report to Room 2051 N. S. before that date.
I. D. Scott
Geology 31:
, Students who received Incompletes in Geology 31 last June shouldj
report to Room 2051 N. S. this week.
W. H. Hobbs
'Varsity Band:
There will be no marching drill this morning. Instead a rehearsal
will be held in combination with the Indiana band at 11:00 at Morris
Hall. Every man is expected to be present unless excused by the
director. This will be your last opportunity to receive credit for tickets
or coupons, deductions will be made at the regular rates after the
game. Formation this afternoon at 1:00 at Morris Hall. Full uni-
Gilbert B. Saltonstall, Manager
Athena Literary Society:
There will be additional tryouts for Athena Tuesday, October, 16,
at 7:30 p. m., in the Athena room on the fourth floor of Angell Hall.
Speeches will be three minutes in length on any subject.
Doris M. Hicks, President
Ann Arbor Art Association:
The Exhibition of Contemporary American Paintings in the West
Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall will be open daily through Sunday
October 14.
Bruce M. Donaldson, President
Drama Section-Faculty Women's Club:
A meeting of the Monday Evening Drama Section of the Faculty
Women's Club will be held at the Club rooms, 214 S. Ingalls Street,
Monday evening. Old and new members are invited to attend. Anyone
having a copy of either Chief Contemporary Dramatist, Second Series,
by Dickinson or Representatives of American plays kindly bring it

Green Assails Raskob A
Who Turned Democr
(By Associated Press)
LOGANSPORT, Ind., Oct. 12.-
Declaring that the automobile in-
dustry had supplanted the steel in-
dustry as the backbone of Ameri-
can business, and citing the atti-
tudes of Henry Ford, W. C. Durant,
and R. E. Olds, Gov. Fred W. Green
of Michigan, spoke here last night,
urging his audience to support
Herbert Hoover that the "business
man of this nation" may "protect
his investment of billions and look
into the future."
Gov. Green, speaking in Indiana
for the Republican National Com-
mittee, mentioned John J. Raskob,
chairman of the Democratic Na-
tional Committee, "who has made
a hundred million dollars or more
out of the automobile industry
during the last few years under a
Republican Administration, desert-
ing his party and his industry to1
manage the campaign of the Dem-
ocratic candidate because of his
Against the Democratic chair-
man he arrayed "some of the other
masters of the automotive industry
and their stand in this campaign.
"First, I call your atention to Henry
Ford," he said. "Mr. Ford is for
Hoover. Why? Because he is
looking into the future.
"Then there is W. C. Durant, the
most spectacular man in the
automobile business. He was the
founder of General Motors, which
made Mr. Raskob's milions possible.
Twice he was the head of that great
corporation and now heads one of
his own. Mr. Durant is for Mr.
Hoover, for 'the same reason as Mr.
Former Professor Is
Visitor At University
Samuel Chamberlain, former pro-
fessor in the college of Architecture
spent all day Saturday, Oct. 6, vis-
iting the University and especially
Prof. Emil Lorch, Dean of the Col-
lege of Architecture.
Mr. Chamberlain is a nationally
known architectural draftsman and
pencil etcher and many of his lat-
est etchings have been printed in
large magazines throughout the
country. Mr. Chamberlain is plan-
ning to go abroad in a few months
to study European etching.

he Club will be held in the upper
rnoon, Oct. 14, at 3 o'clock.
C. G. Manuel, Secretary
As Party Deserter
at To Bring Back Liquor
Ford, because he believes the con-
tinued prosperity of this country
depends upon the principles of the
Republican party."
"Then there is R. E. Olds,
who, like Mr. Durant, is one of the
fathers of the automobile business.'
Mr. Olds is taking an active part
in the campaign for the election
of Mr. Hoover, because he knows
his thoughts and policies."
Gov. Green charged the Demo-
cratic presidential candidate with
wanting "to open the gateway of
this nation to an ever-increasing
flood of immigration."
Speaking on immigration, - the
Michigan Governor continued: "I
am, opposed, as is the Republican
party, to a policy of immigration
which will bring hundreds of thou-
sands of foreigners into this coun-
try each year to compete with our
American laborer. Do you know
that at the present time our im-
migration officials in Europe have
applications for admission to this
country of more than 2,000,000 for-
eigners, and that were Mr. Smith's
policies of immigration to be adopt-
ed this number would more than
double overnight?
"I, myself, am an employer of
labor, and have been for many
years. And I have always found
that when there were two men for
every job, wages are low, for labor,
like the necessities of life, is regu-
lated by the law of supply and de-
Gov. Green closed his address by
telling his hearers to "remember
well these facts when you go to
the polls next November. Remem-
ber, America is for the Americans
Geography Professors
To VisitIndianapolis
Professors Preston E. James and
Robert B. Hall of the University
geography department will be in
Indianapolis on October 18, as guest
lecturers of the State Teachers'
convention. One of the featureC of
the convention will be a symposium
on the Carribean sea, a sector on
which both Professor Hall and Pro-
fessor James are authorities by rea-
son of extensive field work in that
locality. Professor Hall will discuss
the island of Haiti and Professor
James the island of Trinidad.

WT DETERMINED Airplane Restaurant
System Discontinued'
TOlCONRL SOUTH LONDON, Oct. 12-The "flying
restaurantT has been discontinued
by the company which organized
the first service on the Paris-Lon-
"White people in the South are don route, and henceforth air tour-
unified on the common resolve in- ists will have to be satisfied with
dominitably maiitained-that it lunch-baskets obtained before leav-
shall be and remain a white man's ing the airport or an occasional
country," states Prof. Ulrich B. sandwich served cautiously en
Phillips of the history department route. Experts studying the res-
in a paper dealing with southern taurant system discovered extreme
politics which will be read ata tavibration due to movements of
joint meeting of the American the passengers during their lunch-
Historical association and the Mis- eon.
sissippi Valley association at In-
dianapolis on Dec. 28 and which:
has been published inadvanced by Helen Latting Elected
them. Italian Club President
"White Southerners," says Pro-
fessor Phillips," when facing prob- Helen M. Latting, '29, was chosen
lems either real or fancied con- president of the Circolo Itialiano,
cerning the 10,000,000 Negroes in at a meeting held Wednesday in
their midst, can look at the Federal room 408, Romance Languages
authorities for no more at best hall.
than a tacit acquiesence in what
their state governments may do. Other officers elected were: Violet
"Acquiesence does not evoke en-E.eao,2,vice-president;n-
thusias;" he continues "and un- gela A. Nosenzo, '30, secretary; and
til an issue shall arise predominant . R. Di Francesco, '29 L, treasurer.
over the lingering one of race o Plans for the year's program
oethe lingring one of re, p- were considered at the meeting,
litical solidarity at the price of which was attended by almost the
provincial status is maintained to entire membership.
keep assurance doubly, trebly sure
that the South remain 'a white Subscribe to the Michigan Daily,
'man's country. $4.00 the year. It's worth it!
The address was released be-
cause of its timely bearing upon
the presidential election.
Get Your
Delicatessen I
PIES Does not mean a t
OF ALL KINDS you are wise enoug]
next time you ne
PACKAGE Bet you always ge
or heel the first ti
39c LB pair of hose.
Ask to be shown a
O'UR CAFETERIA will give you a ne
Is So Different service of foot cov
If You Dine Here
You Will Come Inquire about
Azain at Seventy
Good Food
Reasonably Priced Twelve s
Look over but don't overlook
our Delicatessen when plan-Tinker
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Serving Universit

Pickles, Salads, Plates, T
And EvervhinI
114 South Main St.
Phone 3454


hing to you, unless
;h to investigate the
ed a pair of socks.
t a hole in the toe
me you wear a new
pair of socks that
w experience in the
our Number 75
-five Cents.
olid colors
at William St.
y Men for Over

(By Associated Press)
HAVANA, Oct. 12-The United
Spanish War Veterans in their clos-
ing session yesterday voted to meet
at Denver, Col., next year for their
31st annual convention. Denver
was chosen after what was declared
the most bitter contest in 20 years
in naming a convention city, over
Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Mem-
phis and Oakland, Calif.
The naming of Denver concluded
the business sessions of the 30th
annual reunion which opened here
Monday. The moriing sessions re-
sulted in election of officers, all of
wham were elected by acclamation.
The new national commander is
William L. Grayson, of Savannah,
Sixty resolutions were passed,
including one to petition the Presi-
dent and Congress of the United
States to meet "the crisis confront-
the service men of 1898-1902" and
grant to men who had served less
than 90 days, had received honor-
able discharges for physical disabil-
ities and who had reached 50 years
of age, pensions of $50 a month.
The resolution further asked $65
a month for disabled veterans and
$90 for those needing an attendant.

Mrs. H. C. Eckstein, Secretary

All-Campus Tennis
Progressing Rapidly
All-Campus tennis is progressing
rapidly with seven entrants already
having reached the fourth round
of the fall singles tourney while six
combinations have reached the
third round in the intramural dou-
Those who led the field in 'the
singles are Rendel, Swanson, Kin-
ney, Briggs, Fishkin, Nelson and
Gudelsky. In the doubles matches
those teams that are out in front
are Phelps and Kimball, Brace and
Riendel, Glocheski and Glocheski,
Nessen and Ryan, Swanson and
Kenyon, and Dusenbury and Nel-

We carry a complete stock of
Michigan Banners

Circulating Library

Read Ten of the

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Scranton, Pocahontas
Kentucky and West Virginia Goal
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This business has been growing ever
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for the price of one.


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