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October 13, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-13

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FOUR THE #7i a HVIGAl 1) I AURAYLl1 i ii wa . OCOBRv I


~ It 4I~hftn~.~~d ttwhich will discipline freshmen for
infractions of traditional freshman
Published every morning except Monday rules, by the Student council Wed-
during the University year by the Board in nesday night, is to be applauded,
Control of Student Publications.
__________________-_____but yet looked at askance on ac-
Member of Western Conference Editorial oke a aren ck o f
Association.cuto h pprn ak o
The Associated Press is exclusively en-power any such committee might
:tled to the use for republication of all news have.
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise Ec n
credited in this paper and ie local news pub- Each year sees pot-wearing and
lished herein. other freshman customs put far-
Entered at the postoflice at Ann Arbor, ther in the background as cock-
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postageagranted by Third Assistant Post- sure yearlings invade the campus
master General. and seek to maintain the same
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, as to main . same
$4.50.. status as upperclassmen. As always,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- the freshman fails to be impressed
nard Stree,.tefeh a faltobimrsd
Pnones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214. by admonitions from older students
EDITORIAL STAFF telling them "that it makes a
Telephone 4925 great class spirit if you wear your
MANAGING EDITOR pot and get to know the boys."
KENNETH G. PATRICK These men, (and who of them ever
Editor.......................Paul J. Kern did really believe it) make the pot
News Editor.............Richard C. Kurvink; sound like an Elks emblem, and
Sports Editor...............Morris Quinn other traditions seem to emanate
Women's Editor.............. Sylvia S. Stone
Editor Michigan Weekly.... J. Stewart Hooker from the Constitution. Their at-
Music and Drama.............. R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor. Lawrence R. Klein titude is wrong; the pot should be
Night Editors worn because it denotes a Michi-
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S.. Monroe gan freshman and none should be
bseph E. Howell Pierce Ro^nberg
onald J. Kline George E Simons ashamed of the fact. There are
George C Ter sufficient reasons for the other
Paul L. Adams Ruth Kelsey traditions too, and no man should
Ester Aldearnodne onald E. ayman shirk his obligation on account of
C. A. Askren Leon Lyleinatdpde
Bertram Askwith Marian MacDonald n d
Fenelon Boesche Henry Merry Before the Vigilantes start riding,
ouru e Berne N .ill amckard they will have to obtain some
Isabel Charles Victor Rabinowitz authority. They have the Council
L. R. Chubb John T. Russ
Laura Codling Harold Saperstein backing, but need a way in which
Frank F,. Cooper Rachel Shearer
Helen Domine Howard Simon to punish offenders or to impress
Edward <Edwroyso Robert L. Sloss te ftersotoig.Te
Douglas Edwards Arthur R. Strubel them of their shortcomings. They
Valborg Egeland Beth Valentine wl aen ehia tnig
Roert J. Feldman Grney Wiliamis will have no technical standing,
Marjorie Follmer Walter Wilds and no power beside gang rule. All
Oscar Fuss Edward Weinman
William Gentry Robert Woodroofe they can do now is to slap the of-
Tom Gillett Joseph A. Russell fenders on the wrist and send them
Lawrence Hartwig Cadwell Swanson
Willis Jones A. Stewart home without any supper.
Richard Jung Fdward L. Warner Jr.
Charles R. Kaufman Cleland Wyllie

PAT PAGE AND his "Scrappin"
Hoosiers are here today to try to
muss up a couple of holy traditions.
* * s
IN THE FIRST place an Indiana
eleven has never even scored as
much a measly safety against
NOW ISN'T THAT just too en-
couraging for words?
AND THE LAST time Indiana
opposed Mr. "In-again, Out-again,
Finnegan" Yost's bruisers, the
moon didn't shine so bright along
the Wabash a-tall.
THE MAN IN the moon just sort-
of leered through the green cheese
up in the heavens and seemed to
show just about 63 teeth, if we re-
member correctly.
ISN'T THAT JUST too encourag-
ing for words?
AND THE SAME son-of-a-gun
Oosterbaan who tickled the man-
in-the-moon the day he leered with
those 63 teeth back in '25 and
hence allowed his countenance tol
beam as brightly as usual along the{
Wabash, has been teaching a cer-
tain young gentle (?)man, Dravel-
ing by name, just how to do the
same again today.

1 7

M usic And Drama


A certain amount of question

Telephone 212I43
Assistant Manager-RAY MOND WACHTER
Department Mnagers
Advertising..............l x K. Scherer
'Advertising........... . Ja mes Jorda
Advertising......... .....Cri W. Summe
Service . ...VHerbrt.Varnumi
Circulation ...... .- Ucirge S. Bradley
Publications .. ....... .. Say V . Hofelich
Irving Binzer George R. FTamiton
Mary Chase Dix Hlumpirey
Jeanette Dale Bernard Larson
Vejnor Davis Leonard Littleiohn
Kasper Halverson F_ fli :iaolzy
F Ca r Schemm
Jack Horwitch Robert Scovile
Night Editor-CHAS. S. MONROE
Michigan is today honored
as hosts to the Indiana foot-
ball team, in a contest that
marks the opening of Big Ten
competition for both schools.
It is their first meeting since
1925, when they played under
similar conditions. In this,
the sixth football battle of the
two schools, it is hoped that
their spirit of true sports-
manship, which has been
raised to a high standard on
the gridiron, court, and dia-
mond, will continue.
The front page of yesterday
morning's Detroit Free Press car-
ried a somewhat exaggerated and
needlessly featured story from the
Michigan campus dated Oct. 11.
The first paragraph of this story
declared, "Unofficial reports of a
conflict between University of
Michigan authorities and students
over the proposal to bring federal
agents to the campus to investi-
gate alleged selling and drinking
of liquor were heard today follow-
ing postponement of the proposed
meeting between students and offi-
cials set for this afternoon."
Such material is of course very
interesting reading. But the most
interesting article is worth less than
nothing unless it is composed of
facts. Objections are heard and
objectors arise to greet every pro-
posal, no matter how sound or how
worthwhile. Such objections and
their originators are especially
plentiful on any college campus,
and Michigan is no exception. The
value of their testimony at best is
But even should it be conceded
that there are some grounds for
the statements published in the
Free Press, it does not necessarily
follow that such a story is worthy
of publication and re-publication
throughout the country; but, in
view of the facts, it would rather
appear as deserving of sound con-
The liquor investigation, as ree-
ommended by President Little, has
as its purpose the demonstrating
of either the truth or falsity of the
claim that Michigan's is a drinking
campus. No question as to the

Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
1confining themselves to less than 300
words ik possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
besrgearded as confidential, upon re-
r quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
To the Editor:
The vociferous campaigning of
G. C. T., '30, in these columns has
spurred me to call a few points to
his attention. I will in no way at-
tempt to compete with his unpar-
alled sarcasm, but I will say that
the letters are typically Democratic,
submerging point and issue in an
avalanche of words.
Governor Smith did not drag the
monster of hypocrisy into the sun-
light. The exposure of his real
stand has not terrors for Republi-
cans. The G. O. P. do not abhor
Catholics any more than Demo-
crats do. Republicans do not ob-
ject to Governor Smith as a Cath-
olic. They object to a Catholic
Preqident. Why? Because a Cath-
olic President would have an Ital-
ian boss. But you say as governor
Mr. Smith has appointed many
Protestants to office. Most prob-
ably, because there is a scarcity of
educated Catholics. And also state
politics are not national politics.
and local issues are not national
or international. Al Smith in the
presidency will be the tool of for-
ces to great for any man to with-
stand, forces that will divide na-
tions against themselves and
against their neighbors.
Governor Smith could not take
the oath of allegiance to the Uni-
ted States without perjuring him-
self. His first allegiance is not to
the United States.
If Smith "heralds a new era of
straightforwardness in politics,
without circumlocution, Vague
language and double meanings,"
then Hoover's acceptance speech
must be the masterpiece of clarity
for all time. To say no one has
challenged his utterances is to
state without facts. His statements
are challenged daily by outsiders
and persons not directly interested
in the question of presidential elec-
And "Hoover has yet to show how
the Teapot Dome fits into his
party's scheme of responsibility."
G. C. T. will recall that very little
was said about Teapot Dome at;
Houston. It seems that certain
Democrats of the Wilson regime
were under the far-reaching Dome,
as well. Smith has been unwise
to open up the subject of Teapot
Governor Smith is truly enthu-
siastic. He is especially enthusias-
tic in voting public funds for1
questionable or sentimental im-1
provements. As the "most repre-
sentative American" this also is1
in doubt. Across the water they1
wonder how it is possible for a
machine to place a dummy in sol
high a position. As the most
"thoroughly American American"

NOW ISN'T THAT just too
ouraging for Mr. Page?
0 *ss


AND TO ADD TO the list of Mr.
Page's batch of worries, he himself
is the kind of a person who just
seems to think tradition means a
whole lot in this game of football-
and he challenges Michigan to a
game of basketball anytime, any-
* * *
that with a couple of his own spec-
ial leaves, added to some of his
great flanker, "Branch" McCrack-
en, he can start a little bonfire to
smoke the Wolverines out of their
winning ways.
THIS FELLOW PAGE is really a
card; he doesn't really alibi or any-
thing like that, but he won't let his
players even reada newspaper any-
more for fear that they'll be over-
'* * *
WE hope he doesn't ever get ahold
* ,* * *
side-light about this game today;
you know that Josephus Truzkow-
ski is going to be up against a
couple of his former Detroit team-
mates, Waranska .and something
else like that by name.
* * *
IF THE TWO Hoosiers start get-
ting fresh with you, "Truck," just
yell for'"Bo" Molenda and "Jo," not
Jo. H., Gembis.
* * *

seems to have arisen among pa-
trons of this column in regard to
the material that appeared in this
space yesterday. A rumor has
sprung up to the general effect
that Toasted Rolls was mis-placed.
This base assertion we brand as
a contemptible fiction at once.
Toasted Rolls was in its usual early-
morning place. Of course, if this
column can do better than what
Toasted Rolls does pretty well any-
how, why, who's to care? It may
not be exactly "policing the highway
to Art," but there is enough of that
with "the federals" in the vicinity-
and besides, yesterday's attempt
was serious.
What it amounted to, and here
we are following one of the newer
theories of prose expression-that
it is the total effect that counts
not the rather minor things, suc
as words, or their meanings-and
our effort was to review "Garg" in
such an impressionistic manne
that possible purchasers would have
a foretaste of that magazine's fare
humorous, dramatic, or sporting
Obviously, then, to even breathe
the name, "Music and Drama," a
the same time as "Toasted Rolls"-
which of course is impossible any-
how, but you know what is mean
-is a gross injustice to the whole
world of literature.
But then, true enough, anothel
factor enters in. In fact, thisfac-
tor is still entering in, as must be
fairly apparent by now. This evi.
thing that is doing so much "en-
tering in" is nothing other than the
lack of musical activities or drama-
tic events to provide news enough
to fill the column. Of course, i
would be quite possible to do as
was done last year-read the Ne,
York Times and rewrite the ar-
ticles for home consumption. Bu
there the question of literary in-
tegrity is at once obvious., Re-
writes are meager things at best
Perhaps a thing like yesterday's
column would never appear in The
Times-but then, it was never
written for it.
Local news is the most imortan
thing. Material on New York
shows is a fake. No ene at this
distance knows the truth. An at-
tempt to introduce such articles
must necessarily be a pose. The
Daily never poses. Running to the
other extreme, it might be more
refreshing if it did occasionally
but that is more or less beside the
However, there does seem to be
a faint ray of hope, "A cloud, no
longer than the hand of a man,
in the dramatic horizon. This is
in the shape of a soon-to-be-forth-
coming announcement by Comedy
Club that they will put on the
Mimes theatre boards, beginning,
perhaps, the 29th of this month,
Sardou's great old play, "Diplo-
macy." As the title suggests, the
plot involves diplomatic intrigue
in such fertile localesras Germany
and Russia. There are Dukes, and
spies, and Russian Countesses, and
of course, the young man with the
clean-shaven chin wins the girl
and the state papers and anything
else there is lying about loose that
he can carry off.
Of course, little things like cast-
ing have not yet been taken care of
for the rather simple reason that
there seem to be more fools in

New York than here, even in the
high places. This cryptic remark
is not intended to enlighten the
public on Comedy Club's difficul-
ties, it merely shows that the off-
spring of the Ten Wise Men were
not so numerous as is commonly
Further notice of Comedy Club
activities will appear at intervals.
* * *
At what was once the Bonstelle
Playhouse, beginning next week,
will be offered John Galsworthy's
much discussed play, "Escape."
The theme of the play, as it
works itself out in some nine epi-
sodes of a convict's adventures in
escaping from an English prison,
Dartmoor, is to the general effect
that an honest personality, no
matter who he is, cannot evade
the demands of his own best self.
An idea found in Dostoyevsky's
"Crime and Punishment," but
there expressed in much fuller


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Subscribe to The Michigan Daily

OR DON'T THEY do things
that anymore in the heat of
fray, B. S * * *


WE MENTIONED the "grand old
man" back a little bit and spoke
about his official position as men-
tor or monitor or what you will.
Now how do you explain this?
* * *
IT SEEMS THAT the only rea-
son that a certain Mr. Totzke is
reputed by a Hearst paper of the'
neighboring metropolis to have
"attacked" the Wieman fellow.
boy never was allowed to "die for
dear old" Michigan.
HE'S GOING TO start his mor-
tuary proceedings today. Can it be
that Mr. Yost is head coach after
* * *
OR DO WE TOO have downtown
* * *
WHO CARES? BUT even if Mr.
Pat Page, of Butler financial fame,
(he's a second Ponzi-at Butler he
got more than ten times the salary
the prexy got until they made the
boys prove they could read and
write before they'd allow 'em to
play football), anyhow, even if
Page does upset Michigan, he's in
an awful way to follow up with
* * *

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