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October 13, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-13

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No. 18.







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Date Of Voyage Recalls Columbus'
Trip Over Similar Course
Just 436 Years Ago

In the middle of an otherwise
drowsy afternoon yesterday, word
spread like wildfire among the
fraternities on campus that the
Federal officers had landed and
were making house to house can-
vases. Some dived into cellars,
some snapped their fingers and
smiled satisfactorily, and others
rushed for the telephone. At one
house, a waiting line of ten men,
each representing a different
group, stood in line to make calls.
After much hullabaloo and hel-
ter-skelter, the word was passed
that it was nothing more than a
representative from the Dean's of-
fice and a group of fire inspectors

Raber, Sutherland Announce Resignations
As Candidates For Senior Class President

Dean of Students,
University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Dear Sir:
Because of the closeness'
of the balloting for the Senior Class
presidency considerable factional
difficulty has developed. I believe
that this friction should be care-
fully avoided in future elections,
and so with the best interests of
the class of '29 at heart, I with-
draw my name as a candidate.
Sincerely yours,
Loy M. Sutherland.

Dean of Students,
University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan,
Dear Sir:
Due to the intense friction
between parties active in the re-
cent election; and due to the
closeness of the final count, I, Fen-
ton Raber, withdraw my nomina-
tion for president of the senior
class of '29. I firmly believe the
efforts of those in charge of the
electionto be sincere andimpartial,
and hope that the difficulties
which were evident in this elec-
tion can be avoided in the future.
Fenton Raber.

T. Hawley Tapping returned yes-
terday morning from a hurried
two-day visit to University of
Michigan clubs of Benton Harbor,
Holland and Grand Rapids. He
attended a banquet of the Benton
Harbor club at the Berrien Springs
country club, Wednesday evening.
Thursday morning he was in con-
ference with the officers of the
Holland club, and Thursday noon
he was the guest of the officers
and governors of the Grand Rapids
club at luncheon. Thursday after-
noon the group\ adjourned ,:to a
nearby golf course. C. J. Goodrich,
of Battle Creek, president of the
tenth district of the alumni associ-
ation, accompanied Mr. Tapping on
the trip.
Host Of Indiana Students Leaves
Bloomington Bound For
Ann Arbor

Determined to regain their lost prestige, the Wolverine grid-
men are anxiously awaiting their chance to test the nettle of the
formidable Scrappin' Hoosier eleven which will invade the Michi-
gan Stadium at 2:30 o'clock this afternoon for the first Conference
tilt on the schedules of both teams.
Today's game will mark the first encounter between Indiana
and Michigan on the gridiron since 1925, when one of the greatest

(By Associated Press) making the rounds. Sighs of re-
NEW YORK, Oct. 12-The Ger- lief are alleged to have settled a
man dirigible Graf Zeppelin, grim- new crop of leaves on the campus.
ly bucking headwinds that have
steadily forced her to the south,I
tonight was far over the Atlantic
bound for the United States on a
course that may carry her past the
Bermudas with but little likelihood
of reaching Lakehurst, N. J., before
Monday noon.
ter putting out of Friedrichschafen
the Graf Zeppelin was approxi- Interfraternity C o u n c i 1 Desires
mately 60 miles west ofrthe island Treasury Department
of Madeira steering west northwest, O p i n i o n
a direction that will carry her mid- ______
way between the courses to the ROUP WILL VISIT CAPITAL
Azores and Bermuda. At that time U
it was estimated that the entire
journey would take her about 106 Meeting yesterday afternoon with
hours. If necessary the Graf Zep- President Clarence Cook Little, and
pelin should be able to stay in the J. A. Bursley, dean of students, the
air 126 hours. Before the ship left, committee of the Interfraternity
it was estimated that the trip council to decide upon methods of
should take between 80 and 85 investigation of the liquor situa-
hours. The ZR-E now the Los An- tion decided to send a committee
geles; in 1924 made the trip in 81 of administrative officers and stu-
hours. dents to Washington to confer with
Compare Voyage To Columbus' the Treasury department on their
The hazardous voyage of Colum stand on the matter and to gather
bus and his landing in the New facts as to the extent of operations
World 436 years ago today, was re- of federal agents should they be'
called to the minds of aeronautic called to Ann Arbor.
officials in Berlin poring over charts At the conference yesterday af-
of the Zeppelin flight and it was ternoon the committee together
generally felt that hearts less stout with administrative officers decid-
than that of Dr. Hugo Eckener and ed that in order tor conduct a sat-
his crew would probably have turn- isfactory investigation more facts
ed back for Friedrichschafen as the were necessary on which to base
Graf. Zeppelin sailed farther and the quiz, relating both to condi-
farther south in search of better tions. on the campus and the posi-
weather conditions. tion of the federal government.
That the Graf Zeppelin can The committee, composed of rep-
reach Lakehurst before Monday resentatives of the professional
noon is generally doubted in aero- group and the general fraternities,
nautical circles in Germany. While was chosen at a meeting of the In-
weather is reported good over the terfraternity council earlier in the
stretch between the Azores and week to consult with President
Bermuda it is likely that adverse Little and Dean Bursley on investi-
winds will impede her progress near gation methods. They were also
the American coast. to decide upon the most satisfac-
Just what course that Dr. Ecke- tory agents to carry on the investi-
ner plans to follow appeared de- gation based on the alleged liquor
pendent upon weather forecasts scandal.'
rh ai+-fr t The investigation will be the re-

Fenton Raber and Loy Sutherland have, in the opinion of this
committee, done a truly sportsmanlike thing in agreeing mutually to
withdraw from the contest for the senior literary class presidency-
thus clearing automatically a situation which had created a very bitter
and unfortunate factional dispute. To have held a new election with
both of these candidates in the field would have been merely to pro-
tract a situation which has already become extremely unpleasant, we
The committee realizes that these two withdrawals have meant
considerable sacrifice to both men, and were presented only for the
purpose of putting an end to the controversy resulting from the recent
election at which they received practically a tie vote. Neither would
leave his supporters leaderless if he did not feel that the best interests
of the class of '29 were to be served thereby.
After an extensive investigation of rumors this committee has
found that actual evidence of fraud in the recent election is practically
negligible; and that the attempts at fraudulent voting were about
evenly distributed between partisans of the two factions. We are abso-
lutely certain that neither of the presidential candidates was involved
in any of the few attempts that were made to register fraudulent
Because this committee feels that the factional struggle which
so evenly divided the class on Wednesday will be ended by the with-
drawal of these two candidates, another election will be held at 4
o'clock Monday.
The committee wishes to extend again its thanks to Mr. Raber and
Mr. Sutherland for their manifest spirit of fair play, and feels that
their withdrawal in the interests of class harmony is the finest per-
sonal action which has arisen from the entire election. The class has
gained as much from this display of sportsmanship as it would have
gained through the admittedly competent presidency of either of these
Eugene Easterly, '29EF
Richard Spindle, '29E
Paul J. Kern, '29
W. H. Hobbs Returns I
To Resume Teaching LITT[[ FAVORS
Prof. William Herbert Hobbs ar-
rived in Ann Arbor yesterday morn-I
ing to resume active work as the
head of the geology department
after a strenuous summer spent in
Greenland and Europe. Professor
Hobbs arrived in New York on the New Engineering Research Building
Olympic last Tuesday and spent And Off-Campus Program Listedl
several days in Washington, leav- As Greatest Needs
ing for Ann Arbor from there.
The Universitv expedition was' UTRrP NPW I AfR(ATRIDIE

-- - -- ------__ fi





Led by a 100-piece band, a cru-
sade of Indiana students poured
into Ann Arbor, last night and
early this morning, with many
more due to arrive any time up to
game time at 2:30 o'clock this aft-
This is the first meeting of
Michigan and Indiana since 1925,
and on that occasion also the
Hoosiers came to An Arbor. This
will be their first appearance in
the new Michigan stadium, and.
their sixth battle with the Wolver-
ines on the gridiron.
It is expected that the atten-
dance at today's contest will be
Fabout 30,000, it was announced by
the Athletic association, late yes-
terday afternoon.
In meeting Indiana, Michigan
is opening, its Big Ten competi-
tion a week earlier than is usual.
In the past it has been customary
to have the annual Michigan State
battle, the second game on the
schedule. This year the latter con-
test has been placed near the end
of the season.
Indiana students are coming to
Michigan by all forms of traveling
known to college students. From
reports there are many driving, al-
though Indiana, like Michigan, has
an auto ban. Another large group
-".A "I---- -

Group And Pep Assemblies, Class
Banquet Arranged For
Class Of '32
Plans which include two group
meetings and a pep assembly for
freshmen before the annual Fall
games and an all freshman ban-
quet to be held within a few days
after the games have been made
by the underclass department com-{
mittee of the Union it was announ-
ced yesterday by Jackson A. Wil-
cox, '30, chairman.
The all-freshman banquet, plan-
ned to be held about Dec. 1 will be
the first of its kind. It will be held,
at the Union and it is hoped by
committeemen, will be attended by
all men in the class of 1932. Two
years ago an attempt to hold a
similar banquet was made by Union
officials but failed owing to laxity,
of interest among the : freshman
that year.
In further outlining the under-
class program which is decidely
different from that of previous
years, Wilcox announced that there
would be six freshman groups
sponsored by the Union this fall.
Each group will contain between
150 and 200 men.
The first group meetings, it is
announced, will be held on Oct. 23
nr )r m , ..__ ..T._ -L

Wolverine teams of all times hand-
ed Coach 'Navy Bill' Ingram's
Hoosiers a 63-0 defeat on Ferry
Invaders Are Determined
Theinvaders will enter the game
resolved to avenge that reverse as
well as the three others sustained
at the hands of Maize and Blue
teams in 1901, 1902, and 1903.
Victorious in their opening games
with Wabash and Oklahoma univer-
sities, the Crimson will probably
take the field favorites over the
Wolverines, but it is the belief of
loyal Michigan fans that the team
which opposes the Hoosiers on the
gridiron this afternoon will perform
in a vastly different manner from
that of last week.
Tentative lineups given out last
Snightindicate that the makeups of
both teams will be considerably
altered from those of last week. In-
juries have caused Pat Page to shift
his battle front, while Coach Tad
Wieman is making several changes
in the hope of strengthening the
right side of the Michigan line and
supplying the backfield punch that
was so sadly lacking in the Wes-
leyan game.
Matthews To Be On Sidelines
Defense captain 'Rags' Matthews,
one of the outstanding guards in
the Big Ten last year, will be on
the sidelines because of injuries, as
will Paul Baley, quarterback, while
Trobaugh, veteran guard, was un-
able to make the trip. Swihart has
been selected by Coach Page to fill
Matthews' place in the forward
In the backfield, Coach Page has
built his tricky offense around Cap-
tain Bennett, whom arMichigan
scout describes as "the sweetest
back in the Western Conference,"
and the Wolverines must watch him
with the utmost vigilance if they
hope to halt the Hoosier's drive.
At quarter, the veteran Harrell
will probably be replaced by Bru-
baker with Ross and Hughes com-
pleting the quartet. In the absence
of Harrell, the punting duties will
fall to Hughes, the Crimson full-
M~c higanwill place her hopes for
victory on a greatly altered lineup,
and the result of the contest will
undoubtedly hinge largely on how
the four newcomers perform in
their first game as members of the
Varsity team this season.
Wolverine Lineup Changed
The changes in the Wolverine
line will be Draveling at right end,
Williams at right tackle and Squier
has been named as the probable
starter at right guard, although
it is possible that Steinke will get
the call. Both Williams and Drav-
eling are big men, but neither has
had any Varsity experience. It is
also expected that Cragin will start
at' left guard unless Poe's injured
knee improves considerably.
Coach Tad Wieman will also
place a completely revamped back-
field combination on the field
against the Hoosiers. Del Whittle,
letterman from the 1927 squad, will
call signals and his passing ability
should lend potency to the Michi-
gan attack. Totzke will team with
Captain Rich at the halves and is
slated to do most of the punting,
while Joe Gembis will again hold
down the fullback post.
Probable Lineups:

Lhat, ne requeswu vot Bulo ar
Azores and the United States. This,
morning he notified Friedrichscha-.+
fen that wind conditions made it
advisable for him to strike for Ber-
mnuda, going south of the Azores
and then to proceed up the Ameri-
can coast. In fact, he let the nor-
mal course between Gibraltar and1
the Azores early this morning and
went as far south as Madiera Is-
land. He passed over Funchal, Ma-
diera, at 8:30 a. m. eastern stand-+
ard time.
Mailbags for the German consul
was dropped and was found in the
gardens of the Casino.
Turns North Of Madeira
At Madeira, the air liner turned
slightly towards the north and at
10:30 a. m. eastern standard time,.
she was sighted by the steamship.'
Euclid going in a west northwest
direction. It continued, its course
which carried her midway between
the Azores and Bermuda. Horta
advices indicated that the dirigible
was headed for that island and a
sharp watch was maintainednto-
night for the great silver ship of
the air.
While Dr. Eckener may have
found it wise to head for the Azores
instead of speeding directly from'
Madeira to Bermuda, it was be-
lieved in Berlin that he might de-
sire to pick up weather reports
there before deciding definitely on'
his further route. Conditions at
Bermuda were favorable and prom-
ised to continue favorable Sunday
when the airship might be expect-
ed in that vicinity.
Little has drifted through the
air of the 20 passengers aboard the
ship, the only message being one
picked up in the Azores saying that
they were exceedingly airsick.
Announce Two Prizes
' V,,.M, -1A A,,v1r il nea

ltr----Nb--- r-- ' l ----------lutiVvum !,i' GVAU 1are - bumming their way from the and 25. I
sult of the letter written by Presi- especially prominent this summer 'Hoosier state. The organized ex- before the
dent Little to Dean Bursley relatig for having rescued Bert Hassell and Speaking before a banquet at odus from the Indiana school is on Nov. 6 a
to rumors of the part of liquor in Parker Cramer, the Rockford fiers the second annual Highway Trans- being made in special trains, which A pep
The Interfraternity council was expeditions' Mt.Evans station, inIport conference and the seventh will arrive in Ann Arbor at 8 o'clock freshmen
not content to approve the matter their plane, the Greater Rockford. annual convention of the Michigan this morning. and organi
colceIuhMtru soito atngta The crack Indiana university I held on th
until further preliminary plans had The expedition also collected muc0 C Motorbus association last night at T.C. band with its all-Ameri- the games
been discussed. It has not been meterological 'and geological data the Union, President Clarence Cookcr....ajdrihas aee-Ari- heigames
decided as yet just when the new concerning Greenland which must Little announced that he was in can drum major has been drillg g Satur
committee will go to Washington be examined and put into shape. favor of Governor Fred Green's ten strenuously for its appearance here Iowa gam
as it must first have the approval Professor Hobbs and the rest of year financing program for the today at the game, according to The ba
of the Student council. The per- the party, including the fliers, Has- state, and also that he would soon reports received from Bloomington. climax to
sonnel of the committee will be de- sell and Cramer, and their assist- ask for money for two expenditures Last week at the Oklahoma-In- gram andN
cided upon following action by that ant Etes, also Mr. Belknap, second to aid work of the University. diana game, the "famous hundred" tween a w
body. in command, who arrived in Ann The first will be a capital expen- as it is known, received a great the Fall ge
Arbor several days ago, and Mr. diture dealing with a new building ovation from the crowd for its per- will be an
THE WEATHER Stewart, Mr. Duncan, and Mr. Pot- for engineering research. "I hope fect executions of difficult forma-1
ter, left Greenland on Sept. 4. A all engineering and mechanical tions which included spelling out Polloci
Lower Michigan: Mostly cloudy, piece of bad luck was encountered interests of the state will give their O-K-L-A- and I-N-D-I-A-N-A St
rain Saturday and possibly in south when the small boat in which they support," he urged. He made the while marching down the field be-
portion Sunday. Much cooler were travelling down the coast was statement that the work in the tween halves. In view
Saturday and Saturday night, con- sunk through the carelessness of engineering research laboratory ness with
tinued cool Sunday. the pilot who fell asleep. had increased four or five-fold in Scholarship Offer cal clubs h
StudntshellBloosFoip rnewbuilinglowceasadcilspek-h
.r;;;the past five years. "It needs a Attracts Students fall Prof.
Students Sell Blood For Transfusions newbuilding now'he said inhseak-liial
iigof the growth and the over- Ar political sc
In Order To Earn Extra Spending Money crowded conditions in the present be eady 64 applicationsihave yesterday
'workshop..Ibe made for the 11 University office, 202:
Selling one's blood is a queer but There are a number of conditions The second expenditure would be scholarships being offered this 12 on Tu
not unusual way for students to hat necessitate a blood transfu- for a continuous program for work year, it was announced yesterday assist any
sion.A person meeting with an done off the campus. "I don't be- at the offices of the dean of the arranging
earn spending money. Earning accident which results in a great lieve that you people realize what literary school. privileges.
money becomes rather irksome if loss of blood needs such treatment; is being done for adults who are
long working hours force studying patients with internal growths or not on the campus," he said. "We Embryo Barristers Writhe Und
to run into the early morning, but diseases often need blood because believe in bringing education toO Cardboard Stocks
blood transfusion requires only a of the constant sapping of their them. They can't come to us. We
short time and does not' usually systems; persons suffering from a should like to be able to go to them A
leave the donor in a weakened great shock will find the needed without taking anything from units A snak dane sc hasrnever speeces c
condition. stimulus in a blood transfusion; now on the campus," he pleaded in fnever been witnessed after any of their li
A system has been devised at the and loss of blood in operations is giving reasons for the expenditure. football game in the country was "My na
University hospital which makes often followed by the process. In addition, he mentioned the fact performed yesterday across the I was borr
the transfusion of, blood a fairly Of course the blood donor must that high-school inspection should diagonal and back, lasting into the silanti, Mi
simple process. Students who wish have a hardy constitution to stand be enlarged. "We are trying to late hours of the night. Eleven age. I an
to sell their blood have it tested the loss of blood without its affect- study raw material of the college barristers to be, downcast and de- University
and classified according to the four ing him. He must relish beef steak student in his own community be- jected because of the cardboard mary aim
types. The students' names with and water, for they are good blood fore he comes to us," he added. stocks which encased their heads University
the result of their blood test rec- builders. The transfusion is made In support of Governor Green's and wrists, trotted wearily across The em
ords are filed and kept for future from the arm of the donor to the ten-year financing program for the the campus. this talk
use. The people who are to receive arm of the patient and sometimes state of Michigan, he said: "The When the snake dance was at like it in
the blood have to have their blood a pint of blood is transferred. The state as a whole should develop an end those of the Barrister club name and
,.,,,1- .In+e 4,,,.- ,.. in+ o,- +ia Is a nr~a' 1i-rnnkn nrnrm of who were desirious of having their helievah1e

The second group meets
Fall games will be held
and 8.
meeting at which the
will select their captain
ize for the games will be
he night of Nov. 22, and
will be held the follow-
day morning before the
aquet is scheduled as a
the Union freshmen pro-
will be held sometime be-
eek and two weeks after
tames. The definite date
nounced later.
k To Assist
udents In Voting
of the comparative slow-
which the campus politi-
ave been organizing this
James K. Pollock of the
:ience department, stated
that he would be in his
33 Angell hall, from 11 to
esday and Thursday to
student desiring help in
for absentee voting
er Torture
And Public Jeers
concerning the vital facts
me is Oscar Oswald Jones.
n-yes I was born in Yy-
ichigan, at a very early
m now a student at the
of Michigan and my pri-
in life is to outwit the
on the automobile ban."
otional appeal made by
and ten others exactly
every detail except the
place of birth was un-
Men went-from hauh-

Michigan Indiana
Truskowski .... LE.... Chatterton
Pommerening .LT........Unger
Bovard ........ C..... Randolph
Somie -----RG._ _ u Shart

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