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October 12, 1928 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-12

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"- - - - - - -

Published every morning except Monday
luring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications',
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
lispatches credited to it or nt otherwise
redited in this paper and tie local news pub-
ished herein.
Entered at the postofIice at Ann Abor,
lichigan, as second class matter. Special rate
rf postge granted by Third Assistant Post-
naster eneral.
Subscription by carrier, $4.o; by mail,
4ffices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
ard_ Street
"tonse; Editorial, 49251 Business, 214.
" Telephone 4925
9ditor.................'...Paul J. Kern
City Editor .... ......Nelson J. Smith
News Editor............Richard C. Kurvink
sports Editor,.........Mor ris Quinn
omen's Editor...........Sylvia S. Stone
9ditor Michigan Weekly.. . J.. Stewart Hooker
Mvusic and Drama.... ....... R. L. Askren
Assistant City Editor.....Lawrence R. Klein
Night Editors
Clarence N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
osph E. Ho well Pierce Rornberg
onald J. Kline George E Simons
George C. Tilley
Paul L,. Adams Ruth Kelsey
LorIs Alexander Donald E. Layman
Esther Anderson C. A. Lewis
C. A. Askren Leon Lyle
Bertraan Askwith Marian MacDonald
meelon Boesche 1Tenry Merry
Louise Behymer N. S. 'ickard
rthur Bernstein William Post
Isabel Charles Victor Rabinowitz
R. Chubb ohn T. Russ
Laura Codling Hlarold Saperstein
Frank E. Cooper Rachel Shearer
Helen Domine Howard Simon
Edward Efroymson Robert L. Sloss
Douglas Edwards Arthur R. Strubel
Valborg Egeland Beth Valentine
Robert J. Feldman Gurney Williams
Marjorie Fllmer Walter Wilds
Oscar Fuss Fdward Weinman
William Gentry Robert Woodroofe
Toni Gillett Toseph A. Russell
Lawence Hartwig Cadwell Swanson
WVitls Jones A. Stewart
Richard Jung Edward L. Warner Jr.
Charles R. Kaufman Cleland Wyllie
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
Advertising ..........Alex K. Scherer
Advertising ... ...A James Jordan
Advertising ........arl W. Hammer
Service.. ....... ..Herbert E. Varnum
irctlation..... .. George S. Bradley
Accounts............Lwec E. Walkley
Publications..........Ray M. Hofelch
[rving Biazer George R. Hamilton
1ary Chase Dix Humphrey
reanette Dale Bernard Larson
kernor Davis Leonard Littlejohn
H-elen Geer
Kapr Halverson T-14()W1"te
Carl Schem
rack Horwitch Robert Scoville
Night Editor-Clarence Edelson
There is nothing unusual in the
act that the senior class of the!
College of Literature, Science, and
he Arts had held its class election.
['he unusual part seems to lie in
he fact that the two presidential
:andidates, Sutherland and Raber,
*an one of the closest races in the
iistory of Michigan class elections,
Nith the former winning two re-
ounts and the latter one.
Naturally the usual rumors of
)lural voting and corruption have
seen levied against certain mem-
jers of. other classes who are al-
eged to have participated. While
hese rumors may be established on
ome basis of" fact, it is certain that
he students of the University are
lot an aggregation of such uni-
orm crooks as the stories make
hem out.
As a matter of fact the entire
allatng was probably more "on

he level" than any previous elec-
ion of the class of 1929. Formerly,
vhen a dozen freshmen could enter
he room, stuff their pots in their
ockets, and cast ballots, corrup-
ion was looked upon as more or
ess a matter of course. Wednes-
ay, when the Student Council
aade every effort to conduct the
oting in a strictly orderly and
roper manner any seeming evi-
.ence of cheating that there may
lave been stood out in bold relief.
'his fact, combined with the
loseness of the presidential elec-
on, has created a situation more
elicate than usual.
That a sincere effort was made
o conduct the election in a man-
.er credit)ible to the University
an not be denied. Watchers from;
oth factions were allowed at every
egistration list, where they had
hie opportunityj to questiop any
ame. If these watchers saw dis-;
onesty and failed to report it at;
fny time they are as guilty as the
ffenders, and their stories two
ays after appear weak as thoughj
ley may be colored by disgruntledi
andidates. That these lists were]
s accurate as Miss Florence Mohr,
ecorder, could make them is like-
ise undeniable, and in order to
void any possible complaint

The question of which candidate
was elected is not nearly so vital
to the University campus as the
question whether or not Michigan
students are of a calibre such that
will cheat in puny class elections.
The principle of racing trains to
grade crossings is all wrong. Sta-
tistics show that trains are not
afraid of automobiles.
If we put Hoover in the White
House, his well-known famine-re-
lief activities will help stave off a
war with Belguim for another four
Perhaps Phi Eta Sigma is back-
ing the honor system because its
membership is falling off.
If the movies are really still in
their infancy, or even if they have
attained the adolescent stage, the
old adage never held more true
than it does today: "Children,
should be seen and not heard."
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
words it possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be rgearded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of the Daily.
To the Editor:


To B. C.

When seniors act like brats of six
And play their campus politics,
From miles around men join the
And sophs turn senior for the day;
Raber men are quick to tell
Sutherland men to go to hell;
And Cristy, essence of perfection,
Charges corruption, wants re-
Sanderson leads the Washtenaw
And tells the world in accents loud,
"All's fair in soup and hash and
--Ain't nothing sacred any more.

Music And Drama
Things being what they are
(which doesn't mean a thing,
really, but it's as good a way as
any to start a review of The Garg-
oyle-and that is what this column
is going to turn out to be), since
the world is its usual cruel place,
filled with editors and creditors--
nor is that, distant pun intended
as an aspersion of the illustrious
Daily staff-it has been decided,
over and above the objections of
the united movie managers of this
town, not to run any further ar-
ticles about the Vitaphone.
That decided, no more mention
of the instrument will appear in
this column. It isn't that the Vi-
taphone isn't a nice thing. It is.
Every body likes it. And it's use-
ful, too. Of course, it's field has
not been fully developed, nor ex-
ploited. A Vitaphone would have
fit in. nicely with some of the re-
cent political caucuses-or cauci,
or something else again; it doesn't
matter-and it would have been
nice to catch the recent council-
manic withewashing after the in-
evitable election scandal. Taken
all in all, the Vitaphone is a nice
little thing. We hate to leave it.
But we, shall.

ind this training USEFUL NOW
Enter anytime-why not


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"Well, anyway, "sighed "Hon-
est Russ," after Wednesday's
election, "thred out of four
have it."
* * *
Rolls Maintainence of Public
Order bureau will conduct its own
Senior Class election. Candidates
who graduated in February will
not be eligible. That should sim-
plify matters.


t t









Now that the storm of opino
on the Campus Liquor Question
has subsided, I would like to re-
cite a few facts for these enthus-
iastic writers to turn over in their
Miss R. P. complained that it was
taking away her" personal liberty.'
She is apparently unaware of the
fact that there is no such thing
as personal liberty and that there
never has been in all the ages of
civilized man. Through all the
centuries Man has legislated on
personal habits. Even the feudal
tyrannies, which Miss R. P. claims
did not dictate what their subjects
drink and wear, did to the minus
test detail, regulate the habits and
clothing of their serfs. There is
no time in history when govern-
ments did not regulate these hab-
its. Our present laws regarding
public decency apply to dress and
conduct. To talk about one's per-
sonal liberty is to talk perfectly in-
sane twaddle.
Further I would like to remind
Miss R. P. that prohibition is not
the dream of an idealist who had
not been around much. For over
a century prohibition has been a
fact in many places, and its evolu-
tion in the United States is the re-
sult of a slow growth beginning
seventy-five years ago.
With Miss R. P. I concur that the
United States is a free country.
Unhappily it is. The fathers of
this .country never intended it to
be free in the sense that our bar
baric immigrants desire it to be
free. It is a fact that the United
States is too free for a large class
of people who are bent on break-
ing down American customs and
American ideals, to substitute
therefor European standards which
the New World realizes have a de-
grading grip on Europeon society.
Finally, "Why enforce the law
among students?" Why not? Little
use there is in trying to reform
the old soaks o the sailors' homes
and city slums. They are past
hope and the only good thing we
can say about them is that they
will soon be gone from our midst.
Better to insure the future genera-
tion with a new plane of ideals
than to work over the hopeless.
J. A. A.'s answers, outside of
attempted sarcasm, were creditable.
R. F. T. in his reply to J. A. A.
states that the Eighteenth Amend-
ment is one of the poorest make-
shift laws we have ever had. This
statement is a little broad. The
Eighteenth Amendment was placed
in effect quicker than any other
amendment by the states. The
Volstead Act, together with the
Amendment are perfect in
their provisions and are not make-
shifts in any sense. The make-
shift comes with the half-hearted
attempt to enforce the law. It is
very unfortunate that the enforce-
ment was entrusted to the Treas-
usy Department. It might as well
have been placed in the Postoffice
department. The man who directs
the enforcement made his original
fortune in the liquor business and
can hardly be expected to insure

* * *
Why not a federal investiga-
tion of the election system on
the campus?
Democratic National
GeneralkMotors Building
New York City
Mr. E. G. O. Crispy
State Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Dear Sir:
Your methods in the re-
cent campaign for presidency of
the senior class at the University
of Michigan have urged me to ask
your aid in our own forthcoming
election. Ii accordance with your
policy, we will pay any price to blot
out corruption-in the other party.
Yours in the faith,
J. J. Raskob.
P. S.: I would congratulate
you, but you probably have done
that yourself.
"We can't afford to risk an-
other election," sobbed both
campaign leaders last night,
"taxi rates are too high!"
* * *

"I' at first you don't
succeed, try, try a petition."


* * *
After a few more special
committees are appointed to
investigate corruption and
graft in senior elections, there
won't be enough members left
to have an election.
* * s
After all, it's the Student Coun-
cil members who count irf an elec-
If the senior election gets
balled up in this fashion, think
of what will happen when the
freshmen get together. They
should hold theirs under lock
and key.
* * *
At least no senior, or any upper-
classman, will lower. his dignity by
wearing a pot to the freshman elec-
tion, in order to vote. Perhaps, if
all freshmen are required to wear
pots, there will be an honest elec-
* * *
It's just a darned good thing
for the candidates that this is
not the University of Mexico.
* * *
Why not appoint a king for the
senior class, and make the office
* * *
( "These elections are noth-
ing. Back in the good oldf
I days when I ran the Student f
I Council. . ."
C. Cathcart Smutz.

Which brings us around to where
we started from, that the Gargoyle
is a wonderful institution. Recent
experiences with Sociology courses
have, too, equipped us with a suf-
ficiently large and potent vocab--
ularly to deal with it as an in-
A term that suggests itself is
"crystallization"; what of, no one
cares. The "Garg" is its own
genius. In the matter of humor
it recalls the Apostles, but they
were twelve and the forefathers of!
all jokes are seven-which makes:
better sense sociologically than
biologically. Nevertheless, that's
the "Garg .Only a fool seeks wis-
dom anyhow; the wise man knows
how lucky the idiot is.
For example: "Co-ed Clothes
going to Their Heads." "Bo-Bo,
the what-is-it. Step right up,
Ladies and Gentlemen, ("and those '
not so gentle, too.) Is it a threat;
or is it a promise? "And the halt
shall lead" the blind through the
market places"-Aoubtless. What
kind of a market? Joe Campus
knows. Ask him.
Ask him, too, what is a section.
"A section is a definite space, de-
voted to special interests, and run
for the glory of God and the
achievement of 'activities' medals."
The boy is right, no less. It
couldn't be less. It might be more.
The "Garg" has;sections. Their
history runs something like this.
"In the beginning was "Garg;" and
"Garg" was funny. But behold,
there came into the land a plague,
and "Garg" was afflicted with
many sections."
Of course, it wasn't as bad as all
that. Far from doing a Job, park-
ed on a hill of broken dishes they
lowered the subscription price to
15 cents. The sections remain. Are
they the cart, or the horse? That
they get anywhere, isn't at all nec-
essary. Three gins leave you just
like that. They don't go away, but
you know perfectly well how they
leave you-that feeling is Futility-
the feeling of Gah. "And I was
feeling just like that, Mamie."
There is a literature of that
feeling. It begins flat. It doesn't
go up; it doesn't go down. But
oh, the next morning! Seduc-
tions are much easier that way-
to write. As early as page three;
the next morning you wake up and
can't remember what it felt like.
"The Sun Also Rises."' It was
morning, you see. - - -and the
"Garg" is like that, too.
Editorials are sections too. But
not always. Sometimes they burn,
then they're anathema and some-
body gets fired and the school goes
around feeling like martyrs. The
fired one goes to Europe to be free,
or gets a six months' start on the
rest of the gang in the business
world. "I tell you, Chrysler's a
good buy."
"And how did you like Paris?"
"You don't have to shout."
"And how did you like Paris?"
"Three drinks and I thought I was
back home."
or-or is that enough?
For "Garg" is that way too.
"Three drinks and then the roller-
skate came of. Yes, right on the
'Champs Elysee. And say, but you

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(A Brief, Terse, and Very Personal
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Intelligence: Sour Sue)
We have seen your correspondence


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