ESTABLISHED 1890 JYre -.ddani 4a4i4 MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Ia Vol. XXXIX. No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1928 EIGHT PAGES SECONDIN SRIES OF UNIVERSITY PR6ORAMS BROADCASTOVER WIR SHARFMAN DELIVERS CHIEF TALK ON POLITICS AND BUSINESS WIEMAN GIVES POINTERS Thelma Lewis And Hanns Pick Furnish Musical Portion Of Regular Radio Program "One of the most striking like- nesses of both major parties in this year's presidential campaign ap- pears in their friendly and con- structive attitude in the matter of the relationship between govern- ment and business," stated Prof. I. L. Sharfman, of the economics de- partment, in his talk on the sec- ond Michigan Night radio program of the current year broadcast be- tween 7 and 8 o'clock last night through the courtesy of station WJR-WCX, the Richards Oakland Co.'s "Good Will Station" of De- troit.n. Professor Sharfman stressed the unusual feature of the campaign in the objective of both parties to encourage commercial, industrial, and agricultural enterprise rather than to thwart it, as has been the case in previous years. "If the maintenance of achievement of general prosperity is the goal of the American people, there ap- pears to be promise of no govern- mental obstacles through the suc- cess of either of the political con-. testants," he said. Furstenberg Gives Health Talk Continuing a series of medical talks given on Michigan Night pro- grams during the past three years, of University broadcasting, Dr. Al- bert C. Furstenberg, professor of tolaryngology in the medical school and specialist in ear, nose,' and throat diseases in the Uni- versity hospital, spoke on "The Common Head Cold." "The cause, prevention, and cure of the common head cold is one of' the difficult problems of medical practice," he said. "Scientific med- icine has never discovered the true cause of a "cold in the head' nor has the doctor ever acquired a spe- cific means of preventing or cur-' ing this exceedingly common dis- ease. With such wide spread pre- valence and tremendous economic loss, colds and their prevention, should be better understood." Dr. Frustenberg gave a lengthy discussion of the causes of the head colds and pointed out several pre- ventive measures which should be regarded by everyone, namely: the avoidance of prolonged coldf plunges and? undue exposure to in- clement weather, the value of fresh outdoor air, the avoidance of over- heated rooms or atmosphere im- pregnated with noxious gases, and finally the proper disposal of nose and throat discretions. "Don't Watch the Ball" Elton E. "Tad" Wieman, head coach and assistant director of; athletics, choose, as the title of his talk, "What Ito Watch in a Foot- ball Giame. Coach Wieman ad, vised his audiences not to merely watch the ball on every play but to recognize and notice the play of the team as a whole-to see how the team works together to accom- plish its purpose.; "Education and Politics" was the subject of the talk given by Junius E. Beal, Regent of the University- since 1908 and a member of the executive committee of that board.- Miss Thelma Lewis and Hanns Pick, of the School of Music, pro- vided the musical numbers on the program. Miss Lewis sang four solos while Mr. Pick was also heard in four numbers, playing the 'cello. Southerners Hail Smith At Richm nd (By Associated Press) (Governor Smith's Train en route to Tennessee), Oct. 11- Hailed by large and enthusiastic crowds in nearly a dozen cities and towns along the route of his special, train, Governor Alfred E. Smith to- day invaded Virginia and North Carolina and brought to those Debate Challenge Hurled At Mol By Democratic Leader Norville, "Alky Al's" Local Champ, Defies Hoover Ringleader The "Smith for President" club is up on its ear. At a late hour last night Leo. T. Norville, chair- man of the organization, rushed into the Daily office and declared with much enthusiasm, and in no uncertain terms, that he wished to issue a challenge to Martin Mol, of the University Republican club. "We have some hot debaters in our club," Norville said, "and we hereby challenge the Republican club to dust off its arguments and debate the following question: Re- solved:' That the Democratic party should be returned to power at Washington in 1929. Any place and date will be agreeable with us, and! we both desire and expect an im- mediate acceptance or rejection." Whether or not Mol will accept this potential jolt on behalf of the Republican club has not been as- certained, but if the debate takes place it is probable that both sides of the question will be thoroughly overhauled. REMAINING COLLEGES' ELECTCLASS LEAJDRS Alleged Fraud Marks Race In School Of Business Administration For Vice-President SEHRING LEADS MEDICS Seniors in the Schools of Medi-. cine, Pharmacy and Business Ad- ministration chose their class offi- cers yesterday in balloting which was featured by the second exam- ple of alleged fraud in two days, the vote between Henry W. Balgoo- gen and Louis R. Eisentrager for vice-president of the Business Ad- ministration being declared no contest. The medical seniors elected Geo. Sehring, president; Franklin R. Husted, vice- president; David E. Lewis, secretary, and Nelson M. Smith, treasurer. The pharmacy students elected Donald S. Breisch, president; Fred H. Weinmann, vice-president; Mary Bowen, secretary, and Harry Ben- son, treasurer. The business administration sen- iors elected Starr Northrop as pres- ident over Russell A. Buri, Geald I Paul J. Kern, president of ' I the Student Council, stated at I a late hour last night that an- other election for the disputed I ( place would be held at 3J I o'clock today.J F. Dewhirst as secretary over James U. Piper, and Albert R. Damm won the treasurership from Randolph 'Monroe. The vice-presidential con- test was declared invalid. DR. NICHOLAS MURJ DENOUNCES P Bigotry and intolerance in the presidential campaign were de- nounced by Dr. Nicholas Murray t Butler, president of Columbia uni- versity in a letter to Michael, edi- tor of The Commonwealth, organ of the Calvert associates, who took the initiative in forming a non- partisan, non-sectarion organiza- tion to combat religious intoler- ance. Dr. Butler declared that checking of bigotry is the duty of American voters, and asserts that this duty is more important than the pro- tection of material prosperity. Prosperity has formed one of the main planks of the opposing Re- publican program. Dr. Butler referred at length to incidents of history which he be- lieves the present generation have forgotten. "Men and women who continue to call themselves Chris- tian, at their head great companies' of those who for some inscrutable reason feel they have been divinely appointed to preach the gospel of Christ, are betraying that Lord and Master as truly as did Peter." He ANNOUNCE SCHEDULE I O 'PCA? lSTO OHIO GRID GAME, COMMITTEE OF FIVE DISCUSSES CHANGING UNION CONSTITUTION WORKABLE AMENDING SCHEME SOUGHT BY GROUP OF DIRECTORS NEED FOR REVISION SEEN PLAN NIGHT AND DAY FROM ANN ARBOR OHIO STADIUM TRAINS TO ALSO MAKEPRICES KNOWN Will Have Office in Union Nextj Week For Reservations Of Seats And Berths Plan Board Of 17 Directors Will Appoint Officers Tn Mi P ii Who o nan r osi ons Schedules for the two special trains to be run from Ann Arbor Consideration of a proposed to Columbus for the Ohio State- amendment to the Union constitu- Michigan grid contest, for which tion which would provide a more ticke has beenallotmin of 15,000 workable means of altering that in- were announced late yesterday by strument and a decision to submit the Ann Arbor railroad. its recommendations to the board A day train and a night train of directors of the Union at a spec- will be run, according to the rail- ial meeting to be held at noon road officials. The night train will Monday, marked the work at its leave Ann Arbor at 10:30 o'clock, meeting yesterday of the commit- Friday evening, Oct. 19. It will ar- eeoigea ted ythe omrd rive in Columbus at 3:30 o'clock the tee of five appointed by the boardo following morning, and the occu-F to consider the amendment pro-' pants may remain in the coaches posal and the adoption of the merit until 8 o'clock. It will leave the system of selecting Union officials. Ohio city at 10:30 o'clock Saturday The question of the merit system evening, arriving back in Ann Ar- was deferred by the committee for bor at 3:45 o'clock, Sunday morn- I consideration at a later date, it ing, and the passengers will not being the belief of the members have to leave the coaches until 8 that it was more important that o'clock. some workable means be devised The day train will leave here at for the amendment of the Union 7:3 o'clock the morning of the constitution. game, and will arrive in Columbus The members of the committee at 12:30 o'clock. It will leave there sitting in consideration of the two at 7 o'clock that evening and will projects are Prof. Evans Holbrook, be due in Ann Arbor at 11:55 Sat- of the law school, chairman; Prof. urday night. i Joseph R. Hayden of the political The trains will stop in Columbuscience department, Prof. H. C. Ad- about two blocks from the stadiumsinedprmnt'rf .C d for unloading, but will leave thei ams of the mechanical engineer- city at the time stated, from the ing department, William E. Nissen, Union Station depot. For the day '29, president of the Union, and train, the round trip price is $3. Kenneth Schaefer, '29, recording Berths on the night train will be: secretary. lower, $7.50 and upper $6.00.rThis' Difficulty In Quorums is in addition to the train fare. A need for somehange in the Reservations for both trains mustAet dofrsomechange be made before the train time, of- method of amendin the Union ficials of the railroad state, A spe- constitution has been apparent for cial office will be opened in the some time, owing to the difficultiesf Union, Tuesday or Wednesday, experienced by Union officials inI definite announcement to be made securing the requisite quorum nec- definiteyay.oncmessary to the passage of an amend-_ soon, they say.i ment. 15,000 Tickets Sold Here Under the present system, Michigan's allotment of tickets necessary that a quorum of 600 for the Ohio State game has been Union members be present at an practically sold out, according to Unass m ber he pr rpose 1 a statement issued by the Ath- assembly called for the purpose letic association yesterday after- and of this group at least 400 or noon. Applications are still being:two-thirds n promised ding must vote in favor of the{ taken, but delivery is not proposition in order to secure its; nor is it probable, adoption. It is expected that the trains will Owing to a lack of student inter- carry most of the students going Iesting the Union's internal organi- to the Ohio capital, the day of the 1ation 's ena diffi- grid game, 'as the permits issuedu zation it has always been a diffi- by the dean's office for special cases at task necry a m umr do not include, in most cases, driv- um. In the past a system of proxy ing to football games. voting was often employed which THE WEATHER enabled the supporters of a change in organization to secure the nec- (By Associated Press> essary voting strength. Lower Michigan: Increasing Results Unchallenged cloudiness; showers or thunder- As there was no obpection to this storms Friday or Saturday nights, method of voting, the results were followed by much cooler. Mostly ' allowed to go unchallenged. Last cloudy Saturday, probably local spring, however, when an amend- rain; possibly snow in north por- ment proposing to institute the tion, and much cooler, merit system of selecting the presi- dent and recording secretary of thee RAY BUTLERsysteUon was considered, the proxy 1OLITICAL BIGOTRY sut was replaced by apparent plurality voting. This voting was inquisition and the Puritan per- challenged by opponents of the secutors, egedy ppnnso he secutrsf system and as a consequence the! "It is the duty of every one of election was thrown out although us, without any regard whatever I the final vote was reported to have to party affiliation, to stamp upon heavily favored the amendment. this invading snake with iron heel. ! Under the merit system amend- This is far more important than to ment, as it was presented to the protect material prosperity, which Union membership last spring, and happens not to be at stake, or to as it will probably be accepted by provide econoimc relief for partic- the present committee, the boar ular groups and sections, or even of directors of 17 members is ex- than to drive out of the Constitu- pected to function largely as the tion of the United States that present Board of Control of Publi- enemy of civil liberty, public mor- cations after which it is modeled. ality, and social order which was - forced into it eight years ago." I Thus does he place the religious Local Night Club question above all issues of the W present campaign. Will Open Tonght MINNESOTA MAY HAVE BAN With the opening tonight of what is advertised as Michigan's only AP7ine night lub the old town Faculty Members To Address S. C. A. Once Every Week Pertinent Matters To Be Discussed At Wide-Open Conferences At a meeting of the cabinet of the Student Christian association held last night in Lane hall, it was decided to hold a series of weekly student conferences, at which prominent faculty 'members will speak. The first of these meetings will be held on Nov. 1, and will continue on every Thursday after- noon thereafter. The purpose of the meetings is to discuss life prob- lems and the student's concept of human values. The conferences will be. open to both men and wom- en students, and will be in charge of Charles Moore, '29. The cabinet also made plans for Sa week-end conference of student church organizations, to be held next week at Patterson lake, the site of the University Fresh Air camp. Chester Bennett, '29, is chairman of the committee in charge. Elroy Guckert of the sociology department, addressed the cabinet at its dinner. He made a plea for more service on the campus, say- ing, "The work of the Student Christian association is a challenge to the student body of the Uni- versity." BYRD PARTY EMBRKS ON POLAREXPEDITION Extensive Study Of Frigid Regions Will Detain Exporers For Two Years MAY AID WILKINS PARTY (By Associated Press) SAN PEDRO, Oct. 11-Away at last on his long-planned expedi- tion to the Antarctic, Commander Richard E. Byrd today set sail for New Zealand in the Norwegian whaler, C. A. Larsen. With him was the remainder of his hand- picked followers going to the com- mon rendezvous for the three other ships that this year are to push down into the Antarctic circle. Westward with the setting sun the giant whaler, last of the ships to leave American waters, slipped through Harbor Channel amidst a bedlam of whistling harbor drafts and crowds that lined the piers. Even the shrill whistle of street cars was raised in sending God- speeds to the explorers. Ross Sea was the objective of the commander who later hopes to fly over the South Pole in the same way that he and the late Floyd Bennett reached the North Pole. More important, however, in the announced plans of the Byrd ex-.. pedition was a long intensive study of the Antarctic which may keep the party exiled in the icy wastes for two years or more. Byrd stated that his flight over the pole would, contrary to public opinion, f not be in the nature of a race for 1 the pole and that he intended to render all possible aid to Sir Hu- bert Wilkins, the Australian, who is also planning a flight over the pole. APPROPRIATE SU.M OF "MONEY TO REBUILD MORRIS HALL INTO RADIO BROADCAS TING STATION AND -LARGE BAND PRBACTICE ROOM Plan New Soundproof Control, Announcer's Ensemble Rooms, And Also Spacious Auditorium For Public The University has appropriated a sum sufficient to remode Morris Hall to contain a modern broadcasting studio, small studio for ensemble groups studying in the University School of Music and a large acoustically perfect practice hall for the University Band, it was announced yesterday. University radio programs being broadcast this year by Sta tion WJR, the Good Will Station of the Richards Oakland Com- pany, and WCX, The Detroit Free Press, have for the past thre years been transmitted from the top floor of Old University Hall The room that has been used was formerly the Adelphi Room usec by one of the University debating societies, and within it a canva -tent was used for broadcasting n Morris Hall there will be soundproof c o n t r o l room, a acoustic announcer's room in whic ASS the various members of the fac ulty will give their talks eac Thursday evening and which also be the office of Prof. Wald( Ratification Of Peace Pact Con- Abbot, director of radio, a sma ference Is Subject ensemble room fitted with soun For Debate absorbing material, and finally large auditorium acoustically treat TO HOLD REGULAR DRILLS ed which will serve as the broad casting studio for such large or Thirty-six candidates for posi- ganizations as the University Ban of 100 pieces, the University Men tions on the men's and women s Glee club of 50 voices, and - th debating teams, many of them Symphony Orchestra of 75 pieces former intercollegiate debaters, Auditorium Planned have enrolled in speech 81, the When soloists or small musica groups are featured upon the Mich class from which the varsity ag- igan Night program they will us gregations will be selected, Prof. the small studio and the large at James M. O'Neill stated yesterday. ditorium will be opened to- tt Four were admitted to the section public who may watch the artist Tuesday when last try-outs were through broad windows and hea their words and music from a re held. ceiving set. The studios and audi The class is now working on the torium will be decorated under tJ question, "Resolver: That the Uni- direction of the class in design o ted States senate should ratify the the architectural college of th Paris peace pact without reserva- university. pons," which is the proposition for The remodeling will be done ur thder the direction of Ward A debate in the Western conference Davenport, of the buildings any this December. Two sections of grounds department, who has mac the class, under Carl G. Brandt a thorough investigation of th and Ralph J. Harlan, will meet ev- Detroit studios. ery Thursday for an intensive two The University band, which ha hour discussion and drill. Profes- been augmented this year to 1( sor O'Neill will lecture to the com- pieces, will use the auditorium f( bined sections each Tuesday. practice purposes and as a recep All of the candidates are work- tion quarters for bandmen fror ing on the peace pact question now visiting universities. There will b because the men's debates are held storerooms for instruments and earlier than the women's contests. library for musical scores. Nicho Later they will study the question, las Falcone, director of the ban "Resolved, that in state universi- will have his 'office adjacent to th tips social sororities and fraterni- hall. ties should be abolished," which is the proposition the women will de- bate. "The debates this year will be inter-university contests," Profes- sor' O'Neill said. "For that reason we have been interested in gather- ing the best public speaking talent on the campus, positions on the team being open to freshmen and senior law alike. This new ruling has called forth more professional school men than before." PLAY PRODUCTION CREWS T URN TO AUDITORIUM HOUSE CLEANING Complete renovation and house- cleaning of all departments has been the keynote of play production activities during the last two and one-half weeks. The visitor there today finds an' entirely different picture than has ever been pre- sented during recent years in the auditorium in University hall. Under the leadership of Valen- tine Windt, director of all play pro-a duction activities, a complete cleaning has been afforded the en- tire auditorium, stage, and ante- CONFERENCE POSTPONED The conference to be held I yesterday afternoon betwen j Joseph A. Bursley, Dean ofC Students, and representatives of the Student council was I ( postponed until 8 o'clock this I morning in order for factions ( to gather proof of corruption I InI the Senior literary class Fl elections of Wednesday after- I 'nn Th'bo idra~in ol'f rooms. The properties which are used in the productions have been scrubbed thoroughly and in many cases given new finishes. New rugs have been installed in the aisles as well as several other places in the, theatre. Costumes have been com- pletely gone over and cleaned. Further in the new order of things at play production, is in- cluded the work of an ornamental stipling process for the walls of the theatre. The work of stipling has been almost completed and will probably be finished very soon, ac- cording to Windt. Construction of a new paint shop, an electrical work-room, an addi- tional dressing room, and several other special departmental features has occcupied much of the atten- tion in the theater. The work has progressed very rapidly and all the auxiliaries are ready for use. So complete has been this pro- cess of renovation and house- cleaning, according to Windt, that permission ;was decently granted by the building and grounds de- Appropriation Is Recognition The appropriation for the new studio is a recognition of the in- terest shown in the 'educational programs being broadcast by Sta- tion WJR-WCX from the Univer- sity. During the past three years over 7,000 people have requested copies of the University Bulletin containing all the addresses given during the year by members of the faculty. Interest in these programs does not center upon any single field of research. Medicine, sur- gery, dentistry, economics, history, English, engineering, art, architec- ture, political science, pharmacy, physics, business, education, chem- istry, athletics, aviation, all have found interested listeners in the radio audience. The talks are printed and distributed free to all who request copies from the Uni- versity at Ann Arbor. It is anticipated that the new studio will be used first for the radio program of Thursday, No- vember 1st, at seven o'clock. Upon this program will b'e heard Edward H. Kraus, Professor of Crystallog- raphy and Mineralogy and Director of the Mineralogical Laboratory, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, and Dean of the Summer Session. Iat seven o'clock eastern standard time by Station WJR-WCX. Student Talent Desired One or two "all student" radic programs are being planned by Professor Abbot for this year's se- ries of broadcasting. For these programs he is particularly desir- ous of obtaining college talent in any musical feature line, soloists instrumentalists, and small groups from the student body will be given trv-..nh11t in fthe n~ristuio. r~Those k ! E .I (Special to The Daily) ( MINNEAPOLIS-That Min- nesota may soon have an auto I ban similar to that of many I Big Ten schools seems more! I and more apparent as the ( list of automobile casualities genlu1C 11gS kl1, 41 lVWL is sprouting metropolitan wings, and local night lifers will be given an opportunity to work off their owlish proclivities. 4 Advertising dance orchestras, entertainers, steaks, chops, bever- i