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October 11, 1928 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-11

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There will be a meeting of Le Cercle Francais Thursday evening,
October 11, at 7:30, fourth floor of the Romance Language Building.
All members are urged to be present.
Max Fruhauf, Jr., President
Colloquium in Applied Mechanics:
The first meeting of the semester will be held on Thursday, Oct.t
11, at 7:30 p. m., in Room 248, West Engineering Building. Professor
S. P. Timoshenko will speak on the university and industrial laboratories
of the Continent and the research work which they are now doing in
Applied Mechanics. There will also be a discussion of the time of;
meeting and the organization for the coming year. All interested are
cordially invited.
W. M. Coates
A. 1. E.:
An open meeting will be held Thursday evening at 7:15, in the
Michigan Union. Dean Sadler and Dr. Bailey will speak. All Electrical
Engineers are invited to attend.
W. R. Hough, President of
Student Branch
Ann Arbor Art Association:
The Exhibition of Contemporary American Paintings in the West
Gallery, Alumni Memorial Hall will be open daily through SundayI
October 14.
Bruce M. Donaldson, President
Phi Beta Kappa:
It is the wish of the local Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa to have on its
lists the names and addresses of all members of the organization who
have come to Ann Arbor recently. The Secretary asks that all members
of other Chapters now resident in Ann Arbor send in their names to
3233 Angell Hall by mail, either United States service or Campus system,
as soon as possible so that a complete list of resident members may
be on file here.
Orma F. Butler, Secretary
'Varsity Glee Club:
There will be a rehearsal tonight in room 308 Union at 7:00. It is
imperative that all last year's men be present.
Herbert J. Palmer, Manager
Christian Science Society:
Christian Science Society of the University of Michigan meets to-
night at 7:30 in the Upper Room of Lane Hall.
Ford Johnston, Secretary
Tryouts for new members will take place today, October 11, on the
4th floor of Angell Hall from 3:00 to 5:00. Tryouts are open to all
freshmen as well as upperclassmen.
Florence Watchpocket, Pres.
Alpha Kappa Delta:
There will be a meeting of the executive committee of Alpha Kappa
Delta this afternoon at 4 p. m., Economics Bldg. All officers are urged
to be present.
Reginald D. MacNitt, President
University Girls' Glee Club:
There will be a meeting of the old members of the club, Thursday,
October 11, at 4:30 at the School of, Music.
Lucille Beresford, President
Michiganensian Editorial:
There will be a meeting of the entire staff this afternoon at 4 o'clock
and all tryouts are urged to be present.
Thomas Thomas, Managing Editor

Famous Physician Will Address
Women This Afternoon and
ti Men Tonight


Here are the latest official pho- ed on the occasion of the enthrone-.
tographs of the Emperor and Em- ment of Emperor Hirohito on Nov.
press of Japan who will be honor- 10 at Kyoto.

, $$

Two public addresses will be giv-
en today in Pattengill auditorium
of the University high school by
Dr. Charles E. Barker, former
health adviser to President Taft,
according to an announcement
made yesterday.
Dr. Barker will address the wom-
en of Ann Arbor at 2:30 o'clock on
the topic "A Mother's Responsibil-
ity to Her Daughter," and, the men
at 8 o'clock tonight on "A Father's
Responsibility to His Son." Uni-
versity women are invited to hear
the afternoon address, and univer-
sity men the talk tonight. No ad-
mission will be charged. The lec-
tures are under the auspices of the
Board of Education, the. Rotary
club, and the high school Parent-
Teachers' association.
New Students Carry
Identification Cards
New students at the University
of Nebraska carry identification
cards bearing their signatures and
pictures as well as descriptions.
Other students carry similar cards
minus the photographs.
Credit difficulties in Lincoln,
caused by persons falsely repre-
senting themselves as students,
loss of library books, purchasing of
football tickets by non-students,
difficulties in cashing c-pecks and
troubles in student elections were
reasons for initiation of the sys.

Sons Of MichiganChallenged To Combat
(By Peter) The question of eligibility is still
Hail, ye men of Michigan. open so if there be graduate stu-
Pause a moment, ye sons of dents willing to join the team,
Michigan. Look among your fra- they should so signify their atten-
ternity brothers, look past yon sons tion as M. S. C., being gracious ri-
of the ace, king, jack, and tell me, vals, will meet us with any kind of;
have ye among your numbers any material we may choose. Then,
that are sons rather of the king, too, there might be the possibility
pawn and bishop? of a chess club being formed, if
It is the M. S. C. desire to ar- there be those who might be in-
range a meet with Michigan's best terested.
chess players on the night follow- Hail, ye sons of Michigan. Now
ing the Michigan-Michigan State is the time to act.
football game which for the bene--__________
fit of those who mayhap have for- Subscribe to the Michigan Daily,
gotten would be the night (they $4.00rhiy
didn't say night but when else $.0the year. It's worth it!
would one have time for chess?)
of November 17.
If there be any among the men
of Michigan who will answer the
call, they are asked to call at the
student offices in the Union any
afternoon. And who knows, it
might be fitting to have an inter-
collegiate chess match at the Un-
ion. We meet State in cross-coun-
try as well as football during the
The opportunity knocks, the fa-
cilities and the opponents are avail-
able. All that is necessary is a
team. Surely there are five good
chess men and true throughout all
Ann Arbor who will be willing to
rise in their glory and defend the
honor of old Michigan.
If there are, they should let the
Union officials know soon so that
coaches and trainers may .be se-
lected and practice started. If 4
will take a veteran team to win
Michigan's battles for her.

1! tt .,

Union at 12:15 Thursday. All
C. H. Riggs, Secretary

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Make Your Hands
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ALL you need do is apply a little
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smooth, lovely. THINC is entirely
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Don't Let Your
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teu. 1U s. hit . s




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Dancing at theUgan



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