DAI LoY THURSDAY, O -I INTRAMURAL BUILDING ATTRACTS MICHIGAN STUDENTS, i Increased interest in the new In facilities of the latest addition to now not yet complete, and -he tramural building is being taken the Michigan athletic plant. gymnasium, ready for use by thej each day by the men students of At present, the use of the build- end of the week. In a short whil the University, it is indicated by ing is limited to the handball and this department will give instruc- the number of lockers requested. squash courts, and the showers. It tions in various sports, it is plan- Up to yesterday afternoon, nearly is the hope of the Intramural de- An announcement to that effect 175 had already secured lockers partment to have the remaindergd sm and were taking advantage of the of the courts in which lighting is giving full details wifl be made in the near future by the ie :tment. Notice! -- Riding for Men NITE.R MAT. 2:00 Do you need a few pointers on good riding to era c you t enjoy your rides better - - and to ride in better form? I will send an instructor with groups of men FRIDAY ftc;,oons at 1 :30, 3:00 and 4:30 o'clock, with no extra charge. Reserve your mount for one of these rides. ULLISON RIDING STABLES 326 E. Ann St. Phone 7418 ,4 "Kiss Me Again" with MAkIE PREVOST, CLARA BOW and MONTIE BLUE 11 Comedy No inctease in Adults 25c News Reel admission Children lot Subscribe to The Michigan Daily I . (Completing a Sensational Run of 7 Days Thru Friday I Romance! S :ectr r v Cti 1 [7V g as a service men's organization Airplane Trips Will be Offered; U estined to care for university and Rickenbacker, Stout, McClure a)lege men abroad. It was insti- To speak Hee This Year ite as a decidedly philanthriopicj gan1iation and immnediately es- SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS £lished branch offices in London ad Rome, with the main office in Ihe Aeronautical society of the ris. IsCollege of Engineering made its Office Supports Hotel ibid, for popularity Monday night The Paris office supported a ho- I when it changed its constitution to jl for the benefit of the service make all students of the univer- ien in Paris, which housed at sity eligible for -membership. Up [iferent times the students and to this .time the society has been umni from more than five hui- exclusively for students of the with ,ed American universities and Aeronautical engineering school. alleges. Besides this the Unioni The club now has four women CHESTER CONKLIN Lintaifled a hospital and tended! members from the Literary college. Sam lardy Alice White, Ned Sparks, Bodil osing the distribution of all mail. The The remainder of the evening ork accomplished was so success- was utilized in electing officers and Yesterday a lowly subway guard; today al that the end of the war found planning a program for the com- the talk of the towf-and even HE didn't .e Union supported by 168 Uni- ing year. Those elected were W. E. know what the noise was all about! You ersities and colleges. Koneczeny, pres.; L. M. Ball, vice must see Comical Chester Conklin rush- Sensing the possibilities of such pres.; J. T. Elliott, sec'y.; and S. B. ing through a maze of perfectly amazing a organization the board of trus- Chadman, treas. Under these of- merriment with snappy Alice White add- es, of which President Emeritus ficei's, the club plans a very ex-g e a arry B. Hutchins of the Univer- tensive program. Balloon and air- -On the Stage- ty was chairman for three years, plane trips are offered and balloon4 eemed it advisable to continue races will be promoted. In 1925 PAUL TREMAIN ie organization on a permanent the etry of this organization ble by the support of the Laura balloon race. In the World of Jazz There Is But One pellman Rockefeller M e m o r i a 1 Ainother feature of their meet- and His and which will subsidize the Tn-, ings this year will be the promi- RECORDING ORCHESTRA >n for the ensuing ten years. hent speakers which they will Foremost among the purposes of bring here, among them McClure,-Y othfu Ei rI r -_ e organization is the promotion the famous English flier, W. B. ! closer relations between the Eu- Stout, the manufacturer of Ford Master melodists in a potpourri of novelties, torrid jazz, hila'ious opean and American universities planes, and Eddie' Rickenbacker, comedy and symphonic rhythms. nd colleges, by bringing about an the American "Ace." 1c ange of professors and stm- ents. Beyond this it has made iliiillillii1lllil111lllli11i 1lttlfiiill'iliifi31l11!II -1tti11111ilihi11h 1ltlli ossible an equivalent grading sys- em which makes possible the I cansference of credits ,for their A cCCT ''(K or1 value from the schools of the .ORATORICAL ASSOCIATION w6 continents.I Grotup Furnishes Information , The Paris office was composed of rof. Vibbert, his assistant Dr. H. . Krans, three secretaries, and a lerk., This group furnishes infor- ntion for students and professors Lerk Thiegrup urishseiforI 'tmmE stl . e- f both continents as to financial onditions, living conditions, and n fact, every mode of life that the°_ tudent is apt to encounter during Is years abroad. - -ir . v. .. : .'. Prof. Vibbert spent eleven weeks SEASON TICKETS SOLD U f his year abroad lecturing in 16- Kc r '.t' tench provincial universities. His eport shows a great decency in Lie manner of receptiori that is ccorded to the American students - a the countries of Europe. And "ontrary to the common belief, he NT O hates that the body of American tudents enrolled in the schoolsSO broad are of a serious frame of SPECIAL SEASON PASSES FOR THE NINE hind which makes 'it possible for-- hem to secure practically unli m- NUMBERS WILL BE SOLD AT $3.00 TO DESIG ed enrollment in any of the col W L O D$.0 ..-'u ed aboan ny- NATED SEATS IN EXTREME LEFT SECTION ~iIIlt'IilIililiIiiiiil iliililliljL I rtV A 111± RTCEA OF MAIN FLOOR. LIMITED SUPPLY I _A A R -,. - r E -T E NOW SHOWING A picture you will enjoy seeing ."- - -Take a tip fromi us =r JACQUELINE LOGAN MAIL ORDERS 3211 ANGELL HALL r. -y - Single Admissions . $1.00 each, available :. r '" 5 before each lecture - - OFFICE HOURS: * 9 to 12; 2 to 4 A sparkling st ry of the White - Except Saturday Lights with new and btiginal x twists. - I 4..° COLLEEI4 with GARY ,MOORi." f COOPER and All-Star Cast PLEASE NOTE Owing to great length of this attraction, Short Sub- jects will be limited to per- mit Cosmopolitan produc- ) ( :ut t. , ,,.. I tion. MUSICAL SYNOPSIS MAJESTIC STRING ENSEMBLE KEN OSBORNE, NOVELTY ORGAN' INNOVATIONS--- COSMOPOLITAN Opening SATURDAY 1111 GRETA Wi*thCONRAD NAGEL I Policy: 2:00- 3:35, 35c, 15c; 7:00- 8s40, 50c, 15C 'p r t f$ h -"I