ESTABLISHED 1890 Jr CLAWA ,4I afIp MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX. No. 16. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1928 EIGHT P SECOND RADIO PROGRAM WILL BE BROADCAST I , - I POLLOCK PRAISES OF PRESIDENt FOUR MEMBERS OF FACULTY' WILL SPEAK ON AIR I TONIGHT ABBOT TO BE ANNOUN&ER Musical Program To Be Given By University School Of, Music Broadcasting from the studio room on the fourth floor of Uni- versity hail, the second of the series of twenty-five Michigan Night radio programs for the cur- rent year will be put on the air between 7 and 8 o'clock tonight through WJR-WCX, the Richards Oakland Co.'s "Good Will Station" of Detroit. Prof. Waldo M. Abbot, of the rhetoric department, direc- tor of radio for the University, will again officiate as announcer. Included on tonight's program are talks by four members of the Universityfaculty. The musical part of the program will be given by members of the faculty of the University School of Music. Dr. Albert C. Furstenberg, pro- fessor of Otolaryngology in the mediral school and specialist in ear, nose, and throat diseases in the University hospital, will speak on "The Common Head Cold." This will be a continuation .of the series of talks on medical subjects which have been given over the radio by Dr. R. Bishop Canfield and Dr. Furstenberg in former years. Sharfman Is Speaker, Prof. I. L. Sharfman has chosen as his subject, "Government and Business in the Presidential Cam- paign." He will point out the causes of the unusual feature this year in that the two major par- ties are catering to the big business instead of flaying it, as has been the case in past campaigns. Pro- fessor Sharfman has been called into consultation with many large business organizations throughout the country to discuss economic problems and his reputation in this field assures a most interesting talk. Another athletic talk will be given when Elton E. "Tad" Wieman, head football coach and assistant direc- tor of athletics, will explain the purpose in a football game-what, each team is striving to do and how. it attempts to accomplish this pur- pose. "Education and Politics" is the; subject of the talk to be given by Junius E. Beal, Regent of the Uni- versity since 1908 and a member of the executive committee of that board. Regent Beal has been ac- tively engaged in state politics for many years, and he will discuss their relation to education. Announce Soloists On the musical part of the pro- gram, Miss Thelma Lewis, of the? voice department of the School of Music, will give four vocal solos: "Se Florindo e Fedele" by Scarlat-I ti, "Non so Tiu Cosa Son" by Mo- zart, "The Wounded Birch" by Grepchavinoss, and "The Soldier's Bride" by Rachmaninoff. Theodore Harrison, head of the voice depart-1 ment of the School of Music was originally scheduled to appear but is unable to sing because of illness. Hanns Pick, head of the Violin-" cello department of the School of Music will also be heard in four numbers, playing the 'cello: "Sar-I arand in G Minor" by Handel, "Rig- audon" by Raneau, "Piece en Forme de Habanera" by Ravel, and "Alle- gro Appassionate" by Sait Saens. Mr. Pick is a graduate of the con-c servatories of Karlsruhe and Buda-a pest; a pupil of Popper; former soloI 'cellist of the Philadelphia Sym-I phony Orchestra, and a member of i the Rhode Island Trio.t FORESTERS HEAR . GROUP OF TALKS Talks by two of Michigan's prac- tical foresters featured the pro- gram last night of the Foresty clubt in the Natural .Science building.r Paul A. Brinson, '29F, gave the firstf talk on his experiences on a timbert "It is very refreshing to political life to have two candidates of such high quality as Hoover and Smith running for the office of Presi- dent," said Prof. James K. Pollock, of the political science department' in an interview yesterday.j "In my opinion, Herbert Hooverl is one of the greatest men in the world," Professor Pollock declared, "and Al Smith is one of the out- standing governors of New York, one of the most competent leaders, the Democratic party has ever pro- duced. Candidates such as these' two men raise the level of politics all over the country." "I deplore, however, the personal slander that has been rife on both sides. Calling Mr. Hoover an "ali- en" and an "enemy of the Ger-1 mans" and branding Mr. Smith a "drunkard" constitute unfair and unjust tactics. The vote should be based upon the issues of the cam- paign and the qualifications of the candidates without bringing in petty matters. UNIVERSITY APPROVES DANCES AFTER"GAMESI HIGH CALIBRET TIAL CANDIDATESI "I have never worried about! apathy in national elections," he X continued, "because it is always the fault of the political parties,1 who have not nominated good can- S R E didates. However, I am satisfied that interest in this campaign is greater than has been shown in recent years." SELLOUT OF RESERVED SEATS "A remarkable feature of this REQUIRES THIS MOVE, campaign is the fact that there REQUI R SA SMOE are definite issues upon which the MANAGER SAYS candidates are divided. I believe that there iskalso a better oppor- HAS RECORD TICKET SALE tunity to talk openly about these a issues than there has been for a Exceptional Series Of Nine Widely good many years. Questions such Known Speakers And as prohibition, immigrationrtariff, Actors Is Offered f arm relief and religion are theAcosIOfed problems upon which the candi- Because of the great number of dates are expressing their views. p "Concerning the religious issue it eobhtaining season re seved ticket f the most momentousqbecstion for the 1928-1929 Oratorical Associ- of the campaign. As for myself, I ation Lecture series, additional sea- would not vote for or against a man son passes will be provided, it was on account of his religion. How- announced yesterday by Carl G. ever, if the matter is to be an issue, Brandt, of the speech department it should be discussed openly and and business manager of the course. frankly. For the first time in history, the "It is too early in the year to make predictions," he said, "but association has sold out every seat the presumption is for Hoover. in Hill auditorium for its series and There will be a good administration it has been decided to sell season if either one is elected, but the passes to designated seats in the' problem is whether or not there extreme left section of the main should be a change in national pol- floor at a charge of $3.00 for the icy rather than whether or not the nine numbers, to those persons who particular man should take the have been unable to procure their oath of office. Regardless of the ason tickets heretofore. outcome of the election, Congress The season passes may beob- will be Republican." Tesao assmyb b Prof. Pollock is convinced that tamed by mailing orders to 3211 prohibition is a false issue. The Angell hall or by making personal president has no power to act in application at that room during the any degree upon an amendment to regular office hours: 9 to 12 A. M., the Constitution, other than by per- and from 2 to 4 P. M., any day. sonal agitation and influence. ThiofferAf sasngsesxill onlI i Consent Of Senate Committee Secured For Saturday Night Fraternity Parties Is r GARGOYLE GOES'SENI uo ON SALE TODAY 11 Humor Magazine Is Dedicated To Freshmen And Contains IN iIE Many Features GRANTS GLEECLUB TRIP Permission has been granted by the Senate Committee on Studentl Affairs for dances in fraternities on . Saturday nights after home] football games. The committee ac- cepted the recommendation of the Interfraternity Council that such dances be permitted this year under the conditions imposed by the resolutions adopted by the In- terfraternity Presidents' discussion group. These resolutions which have been made public provide: (1) That the University should require all fraternity dances held on Saturday nights after football games to be strictly closed, i. e., attendance shall be limited to ac-! tive members, pledges and alumni! only, except that the chaperone need not be a member. of the fra- ternity. I (2) That the chaperone must be either a member of the Univer- sity Senate or a parent of a mem-I ber of the active chapter. (3) After the party the house* president shall" turnr in a full re- port, giving the number of people in attendance at the party, stating whether or not difficulty was had with uninvited guests, whether or' not there was any trouble of any kind during the party, and includ- ing suggestions for improvement in handling future dances. This re- port shall be signed by both the house president and the chaperone. Many fraternities have already planned parties for this Saturday night expecting such action to be taken. The acceptance by the Sen- ate Committee of the Interfrater-, nity Council's resolution gives posi- tive permission for these dances. The Senate Committee also granted permission to the Glee Club to appear in Detroit in con- cert on October 17. Other routine business was taken care of by the committee. THE WEATHER I (By Associated Press) Showers or thunderstorms Thurs- day or Thursday night, warmer in southeast portions Thursday; Fri- day unsettled and much cooler,{ probably local rains.; HOOVER STAYS NORTH SMITH STARTS SOUTHI CLASS ELECTION ENDS TOTE; COUNCILMEN TTWIH09NDUS Both Candidates Optimistic They Study PnIit cai Situations AsI REPUBLICAN IS CONFIDENT (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Oct. 10-Herbert Hoover completed his study of the Massachusetts and New York po- litical 'situations today between strokes on the speeches he is to deliver in those states within the next two weeks. H. Edmond Machold, chairman of the New York state committee, and Charles G. Hilles, national committeeman, for that state, con- ferred with the Republican presi- dential candidate during the morn-E ing regarding plans for his address in Madison Square Garden on October 22. (By Associated Press), NEW YORK, Oct. 10-Departing on his second campaign trip for the presidency, Gov. Smith tonightj turned southward for a ten-day swing through a part of the "solid south," its border states and Illi- nois. The Democratic presidential nominee, who left New York on anI eleven-car special train at 11 p. m., spent a busy day in shaping final' arrangements for his trip. S. C. A. WILL HOLD MEETING TONIGHT Cabinet members of the Student Christian association will hold their weekly meeting at 5:30 to- night in Lane Hall. The annual! dinner of the cabinet will take place of the regular meeting. be open for a limited time. How- ever, there will be single admission I tickets available at $1.00 for each number; these will be placed on sale a few days before each lecture. German To Come First The first speaker to appear on the program will be Count Felix von Luckner, the famous "Sea Devil." He will speak of his adven- tures on the sea during the last war when he appears November 1. The next speaker on the pro- gram is also a well-known figure, I Graham McNamee, pioneer and eminent radio announcer, who has spread the news of many important events from coast to coast. He covered the presidential inauglra- tion in 1925 and has already seen scheduled to report it again next year. The Dempsey-Tunney fights,! the Lindbergh celebration, and the World Series are other events he has covered. He will speak in Ann Arbor on "Telling the World." Contrasting with the speakers on the series, Zellner, well known as an artist of character portrayal will appear here on Dec. 10 to present several characterizations. The first number after the Christmas holidays will be given by Phidelah Rice, head of the Rice Dramatic school in Boston, on Jan. 10. This will be his third appear- ance, and he will present several dramatic interpretations.! Humorist Is Speaker Stephen Leacock, famous Ca- nadian humorist, writer and pro- fessor of political science at Mc- Gill university, will speak on Feb- ruary 12 on "Frenzied Fiction." Mr. Leacock has a reputation of being able to please his audiences.f He will be followed by Homer Saint-Gaudens, Director of Fine 1 Arts at Carnegie Institute and a recognized authority on American and International art themes, will deliver an address on February 27 on "Augustus Saint-Gaudens." On March 19 Madame Sun Yat- Sen, China's 'first lady' who was educated in America, will speak on "My Country." The talk is expect- ed to hold especial interest at this time. Richard Halliburton, the roman- tic literary vagabond who "circled the globe on a shoestring," willbe the last speaker and he will talk on the subject "The Glorious Ad-I venture." Peggy Wood, an Amer- ican actress talented musically and dramatically, and also famed for her literary skill, will close the Or- atorical series on April 30 when she will talk on the subject, "From Musical Comedy to Shakespeare." CHEERING SECTION I There will be no student I cheering section at either the Making its first appearance of the year, the Gargoyle, campus humor magazine, will go on sale this morning. Dedicated to fresh- mnen and with an attractive cover designed especially for freshmen, the monthly student humor publi- cation is lined with several new and interesting features. All students wno have subscribed' to the Gargoyle by buying a sub- scription card according to the new plan of distribution are instructed to present these cards for their copies atbthe Gargoyle campus booth to be located in University hall directly across from the re- corder's office.aThis booth will be the only place besides the business office of the Gargoyle where the subscription -cards will be redeem- able. It will be open from 8 until 5 o'clock. MUSSOLINI ADDRSSES FASCIST PRESS MEN "Italian Press Is An Integral Part Of The Regime," Declares Italian Premier PRESS BECOMES MISSION (By Associated Press) ROME, Oct. 10---The duty of a Fascist press is to avoid what might harm the regime and to do what is useful for it, Premier Mussolini told the directors of some 70 Fascist daily papers who met in the Ohigi palace today for a press conference. "Fascism," declared the Premier, "is an all-inclusive regime and the press is an integral part of it and cannot be apart from that unity. That is why the entire Italian press is Fascist and should itself feel proud to fight under the Fascist banner," he said. "Thus journal- ism, more than a profession or a trade, becomes a mission of great and delicate importance. "The freest press in the entire world is the Italian," he said, add- ing that in other countries "the newspapers are at the beck and call of a plutocratic group, of party and individuals, or are reduced to the insignificant object of buying and selling exciting news which pro- duces on the public a kind of satu- ration with symptoms of debility, inanition and imbecility." In other places newspapers are in the hands of trusts which con- sider the press as the same level, as the iron or leather industries, he asserted. "Italian journalism," he declared, "is free because it serves. only one part and one regime, free' because within the laws of the re- gime it can exercise all the func- tions of control, criticism and pro- pulsion." He condemned sensational head- lines and scored notoriety speakers. SECOND WEEKLY TO APPEAR TODA Y With the subscription lists show- ing steady gains each day, The Michigan Weekly will make , its1 second appearance of the fall this morning. According to reports from sub- scribers the new changes made in The Weekly this year are proving exceedingly popular. Students de- siring to subscribe to The Weekly for their parents, it is announced, may do so by calling at the busi- ness office of The Daily in the Press building.3 'RECOUNTS FAIL TO FAVOR EITHER CANDIDATE FOR, PRESIDENT LOSE SEVERAL BALLOTS Elaine Gruber, Ardith Johnson And James Duffield Are Returned Victors After Recounts Senior literary students were still without a' president last night al- though their election was held yes- terday afternoon. Three offices were filled satisfactorily, but due to a near-tie vote for president between Loy Sutherland and Fen- ton Raber, the Student council has cancelled the results of the presi- dential vote for the president for the present, according to Paul J. Kern, president of the council. A conference is to be held today by a committee from the council and J. A. Bursley, dean of students, as to which course it will be advis- able to take: a recount of the pres- ent votes, a new election or decla- ration of election of one candidate, by the Council. Elaine Gruber was elected vice- president over Josephine Welch, 218 to 190. Ardith Johnson defeat- SENIOR CLASS] TODA Education, 3 Tappan hall. Bus. Ad., 4 Tappan hall. Pharmacy, 5 Chemistry bldg. CONSI ed Florence Watchpocket for the position of class secretary 208 to 200, and James Duffield won the treasurership from Ray. Wachter, 216 to 190. In the first counting of ne pres- idential race, Sutherland lead 207 to 202. Councilmen conceded to demands for a ,recount, as there were grounds for one. Two recounts followed, and one gave Raber a margin of one vote while the other favored his opponent by the same margin. Several ballots were lack- ing on the additional recounts and it was thought wise to delay further action until the council meeting, at which time the committee was ap- pointed to consult with Dean Burs- ley. By an error in makeup in the Daily yesterday morning, two men were omitted from the Law school senior officers, and the engineering officers were lost entirely although the presidency was mentioned in the head. Melvin 011 was elected secretary of the senior Laws over Samuel Leib, 60 to 42. Gordon B. Wheeler was named treasurer over Harry Gervais, 66 to 37. Eugene Easterly was elected pres- ident of the senior engineers over Pierce H. Farrar, 115 to 29. Frede- rick J. Dewitt beat John Hapke for the vice-presidency, 78 to 54, Chas. F. Moore defeated William G. Hogg for secretary, 79 to, 53, and Marion R. Williams with 73 votes won the treasurer's place from Lewis W. Fitch who had 59. Three classes will conclude sen- ior elections today when the seniors in the School of Education, in the School of Business Administration and- in the College of Pharmacy meet for election. ELECTIONS Y o'clock, 207 o'clock, 207j o'clock, 203 { EASTERLY AND SPINDLE TO DEAN OF STUDENTS TODAY COMPARE BAND LEADE Study Of Graft And Corruptior Class Committees Postponed Until Next Meeting After heated discussion last ni at the third meeting of the S dent council it was moved to p pone consideration and settleir of the disputed senior class elec for president in the literary col: until tomorrow, when the coi of action to be followed will taken under advisement with Bursley, dean of students. Richard Spindle, '29E, Eugene Easterly, '29E, were pointed to carry the matter to D Bursley at 3 o'clock today. V him they will decide what me shall be pursued by the counci name the senior president of literary college*, Consider Other Means Three other means of sett the election were considered thrown out by the council. A counthof the presidential bal was held useless, since grave picions were entertained by ni bers of the council that a nur of ballots had been lost, destro: or stolen while they were be counted and recounted in the ing room. A proposition to name the pr dent by a new election was feated as unfair to the candi on whose ticket the women ca dates for office had been succes; since he would be drawing his educational support to the pol second time. To declare either F ton Raber or L. M. Sutherland e ted on the basis of the afterno returns was 'considered distin unwise. Kern Refutes Charges Paul J. Kern, '29, president of council, refuting charges that balloting had been corrupt, clared with feeling that "never: a more sincere effort to hold honest election been made by Student council." A recount was held during meeting of the ballots cast for other three senior officers, . none of the earlier results was versed. John Gilmartin, '29E, was pointed to confer with Samuel Dana, dean of the forestry sch on the matter of forestry class e tions. They will reach a deci before the junior elections r week as to whether foresters shc vote with the engineering colli the literary college, or hold a s arate election. George M. Ryerson, '31, was n inated by the council to head sophomore vigilance commil which will discipline freshmen infractions of traditional freshn regulation and failure to wear p Council members were asked compare the performances of two tryout drum-majors of band, one of whom performed l Saturday and the other who lead the band for the India game. Due to the discussion of the c puted election, a postponement made until the next regular ,m ing of the report on the cou committee to study graft and C ruption in class committees. This committee will formulati plan for a check to be exerci by the council on financial expeia )ures of class committees handl funds, and submit the plan for approval of the Senate commit on Student Affairs at the n meeting of that body. ARTHUR COLLINS WILL SPEAK HER Arthur Collins, F. S. A. A., ( of the most distinguished of t British experts in municipal a ministration . and finance, w speak tomorrow afternoon, in N tural Science auditorium. He has had great experience parliamentary government CONCERT GIVES OPERA STAR CHANCE' TO MEET HEARERS,_PONSELLE SAYS "The foremost difference between of recognizing now and then a face opera and concert as regards the I r e m e m b e r having caught a audience and singer is the fact that glimpse of on the city street near in opera the audience is inevitably my hotel that morning, of seeing kept in the background," declared a fond mother who is moved by my Rosa Ponselle, noted singer, who lullaby, or there a pretty blonde opened the choral union series last American girl who seems to share night at Hill auditorium.' "On the the sentiment of my love song, or concert problem, however, the sing- elsewhere, doubtless up in the top er has the opportunity to come gallery, one of my countrymen who into closer contact with'her listen- is carried back to the blue skies ers," she continued. and laughing waves of Naples when "There are advantages in each I sing, 'O Sole Mio.' This intimate field, however," Miss Ponselle stat- relationship with people is the ed. "In opera instead of having thing that has endeared me to con- a close contact with the people out certizing," she said. front and being permitted to suit Miss Ponselle said further that! their preferences and desires, as I she-always makes an intense study CAMPUS DEMOCRATS ASSEMBLE TO FURTHER SMITH CAMPAIGN Thirty-five militant proponents of Alfred Emanuel Smith for presi- dent assembled at 8:00 o'clock lastj night in the Union to discuss ways and means of helping to put the "happy warrior" in the White House next March the fourth. Several proposals were the up- shot of the meeting. It was decid- ed that members of the Smith for President club should join forces with the Washtenaw County Demo- cratic committee to hold a Smith they can register and cast their votes from here in their home states. An attempt will be made to ar- range a debate' between the most ardent member of the faculty who is willing to take the stump for Smith in Hill auditorium, and+ some faculty Republican who will do the same honors for Hoover. A supply of brown derbies will be secured by Leo T. Norville, '31, at whose behest the club was called together last night, for optional