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October 10, 1928 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-10

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lished every morning except Monday
the University year by the Board in
1 of Student Publications.
nber of Western Conference Editorial
Associated Press is exclusively en-
to the use for republication of all news
:hes credited to it or not otherwise
d in this paper and the local news pub-
red at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
an, as second class matter. Special rate
tge granted by Third Assistant Post-
scription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
es: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nes: Editorial, 4925; Business, 2t214.
Telephone 4925
.. ... ....... Paul J. Kern
ditor...............Nelson J Smith
Editor ... .....Richard C. Kurvink
s Editor................ Morris Quinn
!s Editor...........Sylvia S. Stone
Michigan Weekly.... J. Stewart Hooker
and Drama............R. L. Askren
mt City Editor.. ..Lawrence R. Klein
Night 'Editors
lce N. Edelson Charles S. Monroe
E. Howell Pierce Rop-nberg
d J. Kline George R. Simons
George C. Tilley
I. Adams Ruth Kelsey
s Alexander Donald E. Layman'
rAnderson C. A. Lewis
Askren Leon Lyle
im Askwith Marian MacDonald
n B roesche Henry Merry
e Behymer N. S. Pickard
x Bernstein William Post
Charles Victor Rabinowitz
Chubb John T. Russ
Codling Harold Saperstein
E. Cooper Rachel Shearer
Domine Howard Simon
d Efroymson Robert L. Sloss
as Edwards Arthur R. Strubel
erg Egeland Beth Valentine
-t . Feldman Gurney Williams
ne Vollmer Walter Wilds
Fuss Edward Weinman
im Gentry Robert Woodroofe
:Gillett Toseph A. Russell
nce Hartwig Cadwell Swanson
Jones A. Stewart
d Jung Edward L. Warner Jr.
s R. Kaufman Cleland Wyllie

student body was scarcely men-
tioned at the fraternity meeting.
All of which goes to show, more
or less, that the fraternity alumni
of Detroit know very little of the
situation and probably do not
grasp the problem. If their obstruc-
tion is allowed to stand in the way,
at least as presented at the present
time, it will be blocking the meas-
ure on no adequate grounds. 1
The motives of the alumni should
not be questioned, but their con-
clusions seem to be rather the con-
clusions of a body which is not en-
tirely familiar with the facts. To
let their opposition stand in the
way of the proposed investigation
would, to say the least, be stupid.

possibility of having any injurious
Nobody is going to die wearing
one black shoe and one tan shoe,
sitting at a table with the back of
his chair against the dining board,
or being compelled for a week to
eat all food with a knife. It is
perfectly proper to put in college
institutions a purely playful ele-
ment, but when a fraternity bunch
exhibit such cruel mental imbecili-
ty as to electrify bed springs for
the premediated purpose of putting
them in contact with human flesh,
that fraternity should feel the
sting of an outraged public opinion.
If Dean V. I. Moore condones it,
as he is reported to have done, he
should be fired as an unfit.


Music And Drama 7:00 RAE MA00
Last Times Today
Semi-Centenary Inaugural, by Comedy and Travel Drama
Rosa Ponselle, in Hill Audi- Tomorrow
torium, at 8:15 o'clock MARIE PREVOST, CLARA
I in
Foi fifty years the Choral Union
has been sponsoring a yearly series ,If ll fIlii;IUlgIihitllgI
of exceptionally good musical pro-c A
grams with thepurpose of stimula- 11A D E14
ting appreciation for good music in -
Ann Arbor as a city and of educat- P TODAY ONLY
ing the student body to a realiza- Pauline Frederick
tion of what is finest and best in "THE
the musical world. With the in- NES
auguration of the series tonight, 'ae of a woman who used
1c surgery to outwit and
the Union establishes a landmark mp the Broadway gold-
in a history of really sincere servi~y rs. Added
and sets a standard for program T "The Iron Derby" Metro News ;
excellence which it will be as diffi-i= Exclusively ours:
t cult in the future to surpass as it Matinees Evenings_
. 10c, 20c 10c, 20c, 30c
has been in the past to equal. Here Tomorrow
Rosa Ponselle as an artist has un- JACQUELINE LOGAN
doubtedly just reached the full in
maturity of her powers. For a a "BROADWAY DADDIES"
number of years Ann Arbor has Highly complimented by
watched her development with in- New York Critics
terest and growing appreciation in elliiii11111111lItjtltoillill
her appearances during the May
Festival and on the concert series.

~111111liiiII r11111111111111 r1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I
A Substantial Luncheon
11:30 to 1:30-60c Try it _
Also our Dinner is 85c, 5:30 to 7:30
Chicken Dinner Sunday 12 to 2-$1.25 -
308 Thompson St Near East Liberty
:i1111111111111111111111111lr1111111111111111111111111liiiI111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 1
,; Illllllllllliill1111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IJ.
Printing That Pleases
"YourdfJbetter trp~pressions"
- 711 N.4Univ Ave. Phone 8805 (Over Geo. Moe's)
11r11111111111r91U111111111 l1[1111111111llllII II IN II II ll ll l llll lll llll l r111


AN ACCOMPLISHMENT The Board of Regents of the Uni-
A sellout of the 2,000 seats, con- versity of Texas should be quick
stituting the entire section re- to make an object lesson of this
served for the Oratorical associa- performance of brutal stupidity by
tion lecture series season ticket- suspending the group for at least
holders, has been announced by of- , four-year period. Those boys are
ficials in charge. That such an not even bright. They are too
event should occur on a campus as stupid to play college games. Let
large as that of the University of the University get rid of them. The
Michigan is in itself of little more object lesson will do the rest of
than passing interest. But that it the student body good. They need
should be an event of such rarity the lesson more than that of any
that its announcement is news of classroom.
the first rank makes the occasion Only a few years ago this frater-
worthy of marked comment. nity at Kenyon college, Ohio, "pre-
Although there are plenty of tended" to tie a freshman to a
single admission seats which will railroad track. They played the
be available for each lecture, a sell- part so well that the freshman was
out of the reserved seat section is: thoroughly convinced that he was
especially significant in that it actually tied. A train came along

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. I

Telephone 21214
istant Manager-RAYMOND WACHTER
Department Managers
ertising.... ....Alex . Scherer
ertising..............A. James Jordan
ertising............. Carl W. Hammer
vice..... .... . .Herbert n. Varnum
cuation..............George S. Bradley
ounts.........Lawrence E. Walkly
blicatons............Ray . Hofelich
ring Binzer George R. Hamilton
ry= Chase Dix Humphrey
niette Dale Bernard Larson
mor DaviseerLeonard Littlejohn
len Geer
per. Halverson T. Hollister aiiey
npq 1H r Carl Schemm
k Horwitch Robert Scoville
Mfonday night President Clarence
ok Little went to Detroit to
esefit his plan of prohibition en-
rcement to the fraternity alum-
of that city. After the plan had
en presented, and after a dis-
ssion which at times waxed
rm and bitter, the fraternity
oup appointed a committee to
nrer with University authorities
rther concerning the matter.
There is no use veiling the facts,
wever, and it may as well be ad-
tted that the sense of that meet-
' was opposed to the federal in-
stigation. Many of the objections
re exceedingly puny, such as the
a presented that all federal
ohibition agents are notorious
)oks and grafters. Many of the
jections savored only of the
e're afraid of the truth" idea,
rich contributed even more to
eir discredit.
Any university president can
ake mistakes; that goes without
ying; and our own is not infall-
e. One can scarcely sympathise
wever, with the attitude regis-
ed at this alumni meeting which
s on the surface an attitude
sed neither on a grasp of the
uation not a sound basis of rea-
n. Several of the substitute pro-
sals of the organization dis-
ayed this fact.
Chief and most ardently present-
of these proposals was an in-
stigation of fraternity chapter
uses by their alumni. Outside of
e ridiculous face which this
oposition presents, it is curious
note that the man most valiant-
behind it appeared to know next
nothing about his own frater-
ty, and claimed to know mnuch.
.declared on the floor of the
seting, for instance, that at a
rtain party at his local chapter
use practically all the the drink-
g was by outsiders who forced
eir way in. It is a matter of com-
n local knowledge that at the
rty to which he referred there
re not enough sober alumni to
1 whether anyone had forced his
ty in or had flown in through an
stairs window.
Such was the sound basis of
owledge upon which that propo-
1 was promoted. Other equally
liculous ideas brought forward
re a nronosal to investigate by

asures the Oratorical association
first of all that the student body is
willing to accept and support well'
a carefully chosen and worthwhile
Oratorical series.
The quality of the series planned
for this year has been especially
marked. Included in the list of
names which speak for themselves
are Stephen Leacock and Graham
McNamee, neither of whom needs
an introduction to a college audi-
ence. Then there is Madam Sun
Yat-Sen, widow of one of the most
outstanding figures in modern
Chinese history. Add to this group
the colorful figure of Von Luckner
and dramatic personages such asj
Phidelah Rice and Peggy Wood andI
one finds a half dozen high lights
without mentioning all of those'
who are to appear in Hill auditor-
ium during the year.
Recognition of the group which
had the courage and foresight to
schedule such a series of lecturers
and dramatists is most certainly
due. At the same time, mention!
may well be made that the Michi-
gan student body has demonstrated
again that it will back, and back
strongly, any effort which has as
its purpose the bringing of what
are really the best things to its
campus life.
The new Intramural building,
being used for the first time this
week, constitutes a challenge to the
men students of Michigan, a!
challenge to participate daily in an
adequate amount of physical ac-
In the breadth of this country,
there is not another university that
has given to its students the ap-
paratus that the University of
Michigan, through the athletic

and killed him. "Was he tied or
not tied?" That was the question
that went to court.
In attempting to establish their
innocence that fraternity conten-
ded that the boy was not actually
tied, that he was merely told that
he was tied. But there was rope

and wire there. What
rope and wire?
Defending itself the
declared that the rope
were part of a standard
nalia that the boys took
all initiation escapades.

about the
and wire
around on

Since then the other fraternities
at Kenyon college, to perpetuate
the exoneration, alway carry rope
and wire through all initiation
ceremonies that the evidence on
"paraphernalia" once established,
may never be torn down.
It is time coarse college youths
began to feel public sentiment in
the matter of their blundering
cruelties. It is time that campus
sentiment became sufficiently re-
1 fined to register effective protest.
The only way that protest will be
felt by youths so dull is to ostracise
them. The regents of Texas are
totally derelict to their duty in this
case if they do not impose a pen-
alty of at least four years of com-
plete denial of the right to initiate
to this criminally careless fratern-
ity. That is the language these of-
fenders will understand. It is the
lesson that other fraternities will
learn. And it is the only way.
There is altogether too much of
this brutal.spirit entering into col-
lege pranks. We have it evidenced
year after year in our own Uni-
versity at, Norman where the fresh-
men are put through the paddle
lane. There is nothing funny in
this hurtful paddling except to the
boys who are by nature course and
crude. No fellow of refinement and

So that, tonight, Hill Auditorium
will undoubtably be filled to capa-
city to hear her in what promises
to be one of the finest concerts of
the season. It is particularly fit-
ting that Rosa Ponsella should
open the Semi-centenary inaugural
of Choral Union.
The program is an exceptionally
well selected one, ranging from
Verdi to Frank La Forge; and pa-
trons will be delighted with the in-
clusion of the perennial favorite
"Cavatina" from II Trovatore. The
other aria "Suicido, in questi fieri
momenti," Ponchielli's famous
work from La Gioconda is well cal-
culated to exhibit the range,
power, and dramatic abilities of
Miss Ponselle. The other groups
on the program are well selected,
lighter works from such composers
as Schumann, Fourdrain, Sadero,
Chopin and others.
P. L. A.
* * *
Someone seems to have been
suggestig tb Earl Carroll that he'
shoots "crap" to determine what
he would charge as a "Top" for
admission to his "Vanities." Seven
being what it is in that time
honored game, cynics insinuate
that the only reason that the
only reason that the famous pro-
ducer does not charge $7.77 is his
fear that the boys in the box office
would quit if they had to make
three cents change on every ticket.
Innocently-as they themselves
describe it-The New York Times
gave Mr. Carroll's charge of $7.70
a little publicity. It was all just
in fun, so The Times claims-just
a little squib, with good feelings on
all sides. But Carroll, harrassed
by the cares of what is a cruel
enough world at best, refused to
take it so. He marshalled his
squadrons of accountants and de-
liveered himself of a literal bar-
rage. It follows:
For one week, expenses:
Men principals .......... $10,150.00
Women principals........5,500.00
Show girls .............. 1,600.00
Dancers ................ 2,700.00
Mediums (............ ...1,600.00
Wardrobe department ... 190.30
Staff ..................... 1,450.00
Ushers................. 125.00
Press department...... ..400.00
Electrical department ... 532.00
Property .................582.60
Carpenter department .. 1,373.25
Royalties ................750.00
Costume repairs... ......250.00
Shoe replacements ...... 150.00
Photos ...................75.00
Electrical supplies ...... 150.00
Tickets, etc.............175.00
Total .................$36,062.15
Weekly gross with $7.70
top standing room .. ..$40,700.00

association, now offers to the men decency who comes from a home
enrolled here. Not only is the with background ever laughs at
equipment for the development of that savage notion of fun.
Intercollegiate teams, highly effi- Surely nobody is legally respon-
cient, but there is now sufficient sible for this Texas U. accident.
equipment to insure the carrying Any kind of an accident was most
on of a complete schedule of ath- foreign to the minds of those
letic participation for all-some- stupid boys. At heart they felt
thing unique in the athletic de- utter good will and a spirit of fel-
partments of the schools . of the lowship toward their victim. But
country. when boys get to college they are
The Athletic association acted supposed to be old enough to have
wisely when it brought about the just a little common sense and
erection of equipment necessary for some intelligence. Not much, but
a universal sports program, for a little. These chaps at Texas U.
there is little doubt that University evidenced none. They should pay
students, on an average, do not the penalty imposed by a self-re-
get a proper amount of physical specting campus opinion. Deny
exercise, them the right to perpetuate their
It is now up to the men students order for a term of four years and
to show their appreciation of this perhaps they will then learn the
opportunity. They should welcome lesson, and other fraternities will
with open hearts the completion of learn it with them, which they all
the new building, and should see should have learned in the Yale
that the facilities are used to their and Kenyon misfortunes of many
proper extent. years ago.k
The editorial which appeared in Many of the leading fraternities
the Daily recently deplored the long ago legislated definitely that
lack of interest in debating and no chapter should be permitted to
took the stand that the lack of in-e.
terest was due to unpopular dis- engage in any kid of so-called
cussion topics. The Daily sug- "horse-play," which would fright-
gested that new types of subjects en, injure, publicly embarass or
be selected for debate. humiliate a candidate. No frater-
nity that respects itself wants to
Editorial Comment torture the mind that it respects
enough to take into fellowship, no
fraternity that respects itself
FIRE THE "FRAT" would want to publicly humiliate
(From the Tulsa, Okla., Tribune) a member. The fraternity that
A nineteen-year-old boy was does these things is composed of
killed in an unwarranted accident men who have no conception of
in a fraternity initiation at the the dignity which college fraterni-

Weekly expense ........ $36,062.15
Profit ..................$ 4,637.85
Cost of production......$248,000.00


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