THE MICHIGAN DAILY __ _ ., EXPEDITION LEADE RS ARE RETIJRNI NOGHOME B[RNAP IS HERE NOW HOBBS IS NOW IN NEW YORK.c WILL ARRIVE HERE THIS WEEK3 PARTY SAVED HAS SELL t Denmark's Geographical Society Fntertains Entire Expedition In Copenhagen Ralph K.. Belknap second in com-f mand on last summer's now fa- mous University Greenland Expedi- tion,: and one of the principals in the rescue of Hassel and Cramer, pilots of the Greater Rockford, re-1 turned to Ann Arbor yesterday and the more prosaic work of teaching. Prof. William H. Hobbs, leader of the expedition is in New York now1 and is expected to arrive in Ann Arbor this week. It was Belknap who led the party down Kangendluggdak fiord and picked up the stranded flyers. Belknap stated that the expedi- tion made snm'e important metro- logical and gological observations and investigations during the sum- mer, and that he himself was able to make examinations and photo- graphs of Greenland rock strata that will form the basis for a treatise that he is now planning. The University party, which in- cluded besides Belknap and Profes- sor Hobbs, Duncan Stewart and David Potter, and the flyers, Has- sell and Cramer and their assistant Etes, left Mt. Evans September 4 for home, and after a precarious journey down the Greenland coast, where they where shipwrecked and nearly drowned, arriver at Copen- hagen. The entire partyiwas feted for a number of days in Copenhagen, the most signal honor accorded them being a banquet by the Royal Geographical society of Den- mark at an historic old club. Professor Hobbs left the party in Copenhagen for Berlin while Mr, Belknap andMr.Stewart flew to London by way of Hamburg, Amsterdam, and Rotterdam. They were on a ship bound for Quebec the, evening of the morning they left Copenhagen. KARTZKE.TO SPEAK HERE Dr. George Kartzke, assistant di-. rector of the Deutches Institut fur Auslander of the University of Berlin and for eight years a pro- fessor at Yale University, will speak here on Friday, October 18, Zeppelin Take-Off Speech Department I O'NEILL GIVES F Draws Huge Crowd Has Three New Men Students desiring positions on Three new instructors are teach- the men's and women's varsity de- Each of the Passengers Aboard ing in the Department of Speech bating teams will have their last! Has Life Insured I this year, Prof. James M. O'Neill opportunity to try out for Speech For. $48,000 announced yesterday. They are: 81, the debating team class, in Vanentine B. Windt, instructor inI room, 3209 Angell hall, at 1 o'clock FRIEDRICHSCHAFEN, Germany, dramatics, Henry B. Moser, and this afternoon. Oct. 9-Thousands of persons and' Lyman Judson. The class is open to those stu- sensation seekers gathered here Windt, who is substituting for dents who have completed Speech yesterday in hope of seeing the de- Earle Fleishmann while the latter 34, who have represented the Uni- parture of the Graf Zeppelin, the is on a leave of absence, was grad- versity in; an intercollegiate de- new German dirigible which was nated from Cornell university and bate, or who successfully try out. to leave for Lakehurst, N. J: with received a master's degree at Women candidates for the class passengers and mail. Airship Com- Princeton. may deliver a five-minute talk on mander, Dr. Hugo Eckener, was Mr. Moser received a master's de- either side of the question, "Re- awaiting only the reports of weath- gree from the University of Mich- solved: that in state universities er prospects before starting off on igan this spring, having been grad- social sororities and fraternities the trans-Atlantic flight. uated. from Ohio State. should be abolished. " Men try- F 7JNAL CALL FOR DEBATING TRYOUT S GUCKERT WILL ADDRESS ANNUAL S. C. A. DINNER outs may talk on the proposition, but merely wish to be on the team "Resolved: That the Senate of the may go to classes during the period The annual dinner of the cab- United States should ratify the of the debates, dropping the course inet of the Student Christian As- Paris pact without reservations." afterward. sociation will be held Thursday, Both of these questions will be dis- October 11, at 5:30, in Lane Hall. cussed in the intercollegiate de- Subscribe to the Michigan Daily, Eiroy Guckert. of the Sociology de- bates which will be held in Decem- $4.00 the year. It's worth it! partment will address the meeting. ber and January. Only a small number of women "i i i 1 1 1 1111 1 DllII E Ilii f111 xiil l itli illSt llfiilillliill have signified their intention thus T ' far of entering the class, Professor he Cosy Corner Tea Room James O'Neill stated yesterday. Six positions must be filled, he said, 330 Maynard St. and the present number of candi- dates is hardly in excess of this. Serves Daily Three hours credit will be given those students who attend classes Luncheon with dessert 60c, 75c, 85c throughout the semester, accord- ing to Professor O'Neill. It is not Dinner -( courses necessary, however, for team can- didates to attend every session. Also a la carte Those who are not seeking credit I Each of the passengers has been insured to the su of $48,00. in case; of death, while the: round. trip to the United. States will cost ap- proximately $96,000, which would cover allowances for repairs, depre- ciation and insurance. Newspaper interests have been given-the- right to file dispatches from the airship and this will furnish revenue for the trip. A chain of American newspapers will pay. $67,400 and two German publications will pay $15,- 600 between them. In. addition to these sums pledged four private passengers were. charged $12,0004, while the remaining deficit in fi- nancing the.. trip will be ,made up by the postal department. Keep Your Now Playing 4 Performances Daily ewspaper and Mgazine SUBSCRIPTIONS We have innaugurated a new Crippen Service this year atsyur North University Store. In addition to our Drug Store and Suway Sandwich, Shop, we now hande the Latest editions of all the leading newspapers throug hQut the United States. READ THE ACCOUNTS OF ALL THE BIG TEN FOOT- BALL GAMES IN OUR SUNDAY PAPERS Crippen's Drug Store Br r ill i anit i fy 11, its Air S p e c t ac I e! cotil JOHN McCORMICK Presents } BM \. ;ta i its: _, -: . _. See It5 'oday 1 iWY- - ! with GARY COOPER and all-star cast /. n, Short aopolitan - I Please Note * Owing to great 'length of this productio Subjects are limited to permit Cosm .presentation. I _I 217 N. Main 723 N. University 207 So. Main __.._ . ____ . _... .- m _ .i Wednesday night Guest Night is + ". / ,n, N- . , 'Ii ( I' , iii Rb, + :. , 1-4- nI_ .4 ethe MANIFLEX POINT You have never known writing com- fort and pleasure, if you have not written with a Moore's Writing Pen!w Only in Moore's will you find the Maniflex Point-flexible, easy- writing, incomparablel Moore's have, other fea- tures - fine workman- ship,beautiful finish, attractive colors, Peartcraft and all everything a foun- «1 popu ar colorsand - twinpenshould mn odels. rtefor have-pa.s a booklet and nameR T I of local deafer, THE MOO.E PEN Co. BOSTONMASS. ........ L.b."5 MUSICAL SYNOPSIS MAJESTIC STRING ENSEMBLE KEN OSBORNE, ORGANIST WITH NOVELTY INNOVATIONS Michigan-Ohio Wesleyan Football and World Series Baseball Pictures J Coming-Greta Garbo in "The Mysterious Lady" with Conrad Nlagel. Get your special meats, beef patties, lamb patties, lamb rosettes, aid many other special and fancy meats at reasonable prices from GFELL'S MARKET 223 N. Main Dial 4208 the Classificd Ads Read I111Il I Iilall lflli1 i1t 1 1tH litu ~ 111t11111t U lllttl~lli lU- llllil~ lll~lll 11tt IIII I~ llIL 111N 11111111 #t t 111Ltt 11 i ftHi lll l E .aIfir a We Serve Breakfast & MI HIGA Open 7:30 a, m. NWS .NOW SHOWING EUBIE BLAKE of Sissle & Blake . '--in Try Our Toasted 1 'SHUFFL E ALONG, JR.' Sweet Rolls with - BROADWAY JONES MARION AND DADE DEWEY BROWN KATE KRIPPEN SEVEN and SEVEN PANAMA PANSIES ---on the screen- ANNE NICHOLS Comedy of Errors "XITCT n AADDTE1'