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October 10, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-10-10

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* 1890



I a1133


Vol. XXXIX. No. 15



Nominee States That He Will
Settle Rising Tariff Dispute
In Future Speech -
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Oct. 9.-Gov. Smith
artived here late today from Al-
bany for a 30-hour stay during
which he will confer with Demo-
cratic leaders before the start of
his campaign trip into the south
and border states.
The campaign sally of the presi-
dential nominee will mark an un-
usual procedure for a Democratic
standard-bearer with his invasion
of the "solid south." Usually Dem-
ocratic presidential candidates
have not entered that section. The
governor's trip will, however, be
onlythrough two southern states-
Virginia and North Carolina-and;
he will make no speeches and only
brief stops at five cities for the
purpose of rare platform appear-
The nominee then will invade
Tennessee for conferences with
party chieftans in two cities. At
Louisville, Ky., he will deliver the
seventh speech of his campaign
over a nation-wide radio hook-up.
His itinerary from the Kentucky;
city has not yet been formulated.
,pon his arrival in New York,
Go. SIith was greeted at the train
by his son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Smith, Jr.,{
and a group of friends, including
John J. Riordan, of New York, a
financier. He was cheered by large
crpwds as he passed through the
station into the Biltmore Hotel.
Sees Roosevelt
. At the hotel a number of Demo-
cratic leaders awaited him. Among
them was. Franklin D. Roosevelt,
the Democratic nominee for gov-
At his daily press conference,
held on the train as he sped from
Albany to New York, the governor
declared that there were no defi-
nite conference or other plans ar-
ranged during his stay in New
York. It was indicated, however,
that Franklin D. Roosevelt would
be available to discuss at length the
national and state campaign af-
fairs with Gov. Smith.
John J. Raskob, chairman of the
Democratic national committee, to-
gether with other leaders from na-
tional headquarters, was on hand
to confer with the nominee.
Gov. Smith, however, told news-
papermen that he "wanted tomor-
row for myself," and refused to
set a definite time for any en-
gagement including the press con-
ference. "I have to go to the den-
tist," he explained, adding that the
reporters would have a "ball and
chain" around him for the next
ten days.I
Asks About Muscle Shoals
During the press conference on
the way down the Hudson, Gov.
Smith took cognizance of state-
ments of his opponent-Herbert
Hoover, the Republican presiden-
tial candidate, and Senator Curtis,
vice-presidential nominee. Ques-
tioned whether he had read Mr.
Hoover's statement on Muscle
Shoals, the governor said he had
not, but asked what it contained.

- "He says that the government
should continue its ownship of that
plant but he says nothing about
government control," he was in-
"That seems to be the important
thing," the governor replied with
reference to government control.
"The Republican party in this state
never contemplated the sale of the
St. Lawrence river project, but they
did seriously consider leasing it for
50 years and only were prevented
from doing it when the people vo-
ted overwhelmingly against such
a thing."
The governor was told that Sen-
ator Curtis, in a speech in North
Dakota, had asserted that the
Democratic nominee had indorsed
the Underwod tariff act and de-
manded the resignation of Chair-
man Raskob, who had offered tc
leave his post if it could shown
that Smith had taken this tariff
stand in accepting the nomination.
"I'don't think that Raskob will
..- 4.--ifi 441..+ ,a.:rn:- e 4, "

Last Byrd Ship
May Sail Today
Commander Himself Is Rushing
Work of Loading Vessel For
Trip to Antartic
(By Associated Press)
SAN PEDRO, Cal., Oct. 8-Load-
ing of the whaler C. A. Larson,
flagship of the Byrd Antartic ex-
pedition, was underway here to-,
night with the prospects that Com-
mander Richard E. Byrd would be
able to sail tomorrow for his at-
tempt to conquer the South Pole.
The whaler docked here at noon
today to take on fuel and supplies.
It was believed that the vessel
would be ready to put to sea in 24
Most of the equipment and work-
ing material for the 75 scientists,
engineers, aviators and others mak-
ing the two-year project to the
south polar region is aboard three
other ships of the expedition which
are already on their way to New


Easterly Picked to Lead Engineers;
Christianson is President
Of Lawyers
Four senior classes elected offi-
cers for the coming year, yester-
day. Those classes to vote were the
seniors in the Dental college, the
colleges of Engineering and Archi-
tecture, and the Law school.
For president of the senior archi-
tects, Roy Peterson won a close
race from Paul Jernigan. For vice
president, Roland Gies won from
Clark Harris in another close race;
Paul Jernigan was elected secretary
and James La Rowe was elected
The Senior dental students elec-
ted N. Weir Burkman as presi-
dent, Hugh F. Bloomfield, vice
president, Corwin F. Wright, secre-
tary, and William B. Clay, treas-
urer. They were the only ones
nominated for the offices.
The senior law class eleced
George B. Christianson president
over Garland D. Tait, by a vote of
59 to 43. Edward E. Traver won the


Mysterious Box Found Near
Campus Creates Suspicions


Unearthly rumblings emitting'
from a huge, coffin-like box'attract-
ed crowds of curious to the corner
of North and East University ave-
nues yesterday afternoon.
The center of attraction was a
box, large enough to enclose a good
sized writing desk, with a round
hole in one end. Inside the hole a
large fan revolved with tantalizing
slowness, but no reason could be
seen for the eerie sounds which un-
accountably issued forth.
W arn in g s circulated freely
through the crowd to the effect
that the device was really a new
wind tunnel set up by a group of
ruthless engineers, which could be
turned on full blast when any law

New Jersey Real Estate Man
Republicans Will Carry
That State


students passed by to blow them to
Some thought the fan had prob-
ably been set up at the request of
Professor Hobbs, our perennial Arc-
tic explorer, to stimulate the icy
blasts of Greenland (so dear to his
heart) along the sweep of North
University avenue, and thus keep
the professor from feeling home-
sick until June rolls around when
he can rush back to his beloved
The coffin-like nature of the box
inclined many to the belief that of-
ficials of the medical school, in hu-
manitarian mood, had erected an
out-door incinerator to replace
those now being used on the top
floor of the Medical building, and
to cast off on a totally unsuspect-
ing atmosphere the stench of oxi-
dizing animal tissue, which ordi-
narily is preserved in the corridors
for the exclusive use of young
Rumors set adrift at headquar-
ters of the B. & G. department to
the effect that the fan merely
ventilated underground passages
in which men were working gained
no credence. How could fifty or a
I l_-- -3___-3 « -- nl, nll +h a

Squadron of 15 Planes Aid Servicest
For New Landing Field At t
Noon Yesterdayz
With the assistance of a squad-
ron of 15 visiting planes Ann Arbor
officially dedicated its new munici-
pal airport and airdrome with a
luncheon and speeches yesterday
afternoon at the hangar.
The program began at 11:30 with
the various planes assembling on
the field, followed by a luncheon
and a series of speeches. After the
invocation Mayor Edward Staebler
delivered the first address on the
subject, "Plans for the Future" in
which he discussed the future needs
of the airport such as beacon lights,
seeding of the field and fencing it,
and installing a passenger service.-
Alderman Herbert Slauson fol-
lowed the Mayor on the program!
with "A Word From the Council"
in which he told of the city's con-
tributions to the airport.
L. D. Wines, for many years a
member of the park board, was the
next speaker. He told of how the
field which was formerly the SteereI
farm, was cleared of trees and pre-'
pared for use in air transportation.
Jerome Sutherlin, assistant traffic1
manager of the Thompson aero-
nautical corporation, spoke on Ann
Arbor's airmail service. A letter,
he said, can be mailed in Ann Ar-
I bor on one afternoon and be in San
Francisco the next afternoon at the
same time, ready for delivery. Like-
wise, a letter can be posted here in'
the afternoon and reach New York
at 6 o'clock the next morning.
Gov. Fred Green, who was ex-{
pected here for the dedication, was
unable to be present and Fred,
Black, advertising manager of the
Ford Motor Company was sent to,
take his place. Mr. Black gave a
talk on Ann Arbor's possibilities as
an air center, saying that a good
airport is an absolute necessity to
a growing city not alone. for its
commercial value but also for the
transportation facilities to the peo-
ple of the community. Shirley
Smith concluded the program with
a short history of the airport.
The entire personnel of the Flo
Flying service was present with the
planes which are to be used in con-
nection with the airport. Leonard
S. Flo, president of the corporation
and manager of the new field, made
the first landing on the field on
May 18 of this year, proving to the
skeptic that the landing field was
satisfactory for the purposes in-



Literary, N. S. Aud., 4 o'clock
I Education, 207 Tappan hall,
3 o'clock. I
Bus. Ad., 207 Tappan hall, 4 1
I Pharmacy, 203 Chem. bldg., 5 [
I o'clock. .
To vote in the senior class I
elections 88 hours of credit or I
six semesters of previous work I
I are absolutely required. Five I
I semesters of work with 87 hours I
I of credit will not admit to the I
senior elections.
I |
closest race of all from Jerome J.
Friedman for vice president by a
vote of 51 to 50.
The senior literary class will ,be
the only one to hold elections to-
day. They will assemble at 4:00
o'clock this afternoon in the Nat-
ural Science auditorium. In order
to accommodate those who have
classes from 4 o'clock to 5 o'clock,
the polling places will be kept open
until 5:10 o'clock, and student
councilmen will be on hand. Nom-
inations of course will be made
when the class assembles, but the
names will be posted and late-
comers may cast their votes. Those
entering the voting room will also
be checked on a class list furnish-
ed by the office of the dean of stu-
dents, and will be handed a ballot
at the door to prevent duplicate
voting. Several of the seniors
presented themselves at the office
of the dean of students yesterday
to obtain the written permission
necessary for them to run as can-
didates for office.
Smith Is Favorite
Of Phi Beta Kappa
That Al Smith appeals to the
college intelligentsia was shown by
a recent poll at Hamilton college
when every Phi Beta Kappa on the
campus cast their vote for the
Democratic nominee. Hoover was
the predominate choice of the en-
tire campus, however, gaining 287
votes to Smith's 88.

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 9-Herbert
Hoover has decided to discuss for-
eign trade and the tariff in his
speech at Boston next Monday
night and if he has sufficient time
will go into the merchant marine
This was disclosed at the head-
quarters of the Republican presi
dential candidate today as he be-
gan to work out the form of his
address in the Hub city. At the
same time, plans were made for a
conference tomorrow with Charles
D. Hilles, Republican national com-
mitteeman for New York, and Ed-
mond Maghold, New York state
chairman, when they will take over
the details of his visit there on thet
following week.
To Confer With Leaders t
A tentative program for the New
York trip already has been worked
out by George Akerson, personal
secretary of the nominee, who visit-
ed the city yesterday. The candi-
date's party probably will arrive
there early in the morning of Oc-
tober 22 as he will spend the day
in conferring with various party
1 e a de r s, speaking at Madison
Square Garden that evening and
returning immediately afterwards
to Washington.
This itinerary is similar to the
one drafted for his trip to Boston,
and to that of his whirlwind trip
into eastern Tennessee the past
week-end. On his Boston trip, how-,
ever, he will leave Washington,
Sunday night and make but twol
stops-at Springfield and Worces-
ter-before detraining at Newton-
ville for an hour and a half drive
through the Boston suburbs to Bos-
ton Commons. After his speech
that night, he will leave immedi-
ately for the return trip.
Receives Few Visitors
There were few visitors at the
headquarters of the nominee today
and he spent most of the day hard
at work upon his Boston speech.
This he expects to complete late
in the week.
Alex L. Schlesinger, a Newark
real estate man, one of the callers,
said it was generally predicted in
New Jersey that the Republican
ticket would carry that state.
The Newark speech quickened
Republican sentiment, he said,
asserting that "the dignity of Mr.
Hoover's speech has had a lasting
effect and the indications are he
will go over big."
"Busines conditions in Newark
and the state are good," he added.
"And there is no disposition to
endanger this prosperity by a
change in administrations."
Young People For Hoover
Schlesinger said that the young
people of his state had a great ad-
miration for Hoover because of his
war record and were predisposed to
vote for him.
Hoover also conferred with T. St.
John Gaffeny, a former American
consul in Germany, who is doing
campaign work among the natural-
ized foreign population of New
York and New Jersey under the di-
rection of the New York state com-
One of the late callers at
Hoover's headquarters was Gov.
Howard M. Gore, of West Virginia,
who brought a prediction that the
Republican candidate would roll up
one of the largest majorities in his
state that it had ever given the
party ticket.
Poor Weather Halts
Flight Of Zeppelin
(By Associated Press)
Oct. 9--An exceptionally unfavor-
able weather forecast today caused

postponement of the start of the
trans-Atlantic voyage of the Graf
Zep-meiin, which had been set ten-

' MUSI NEARhundred workmen make anl thnaT
Men interested in cast positions
in the 1928 Michigan Union Operat
are asked to see E. Mortimer
Shuter, general director of the
opera, between 2 and 4 o'clock this
afternoon at the Mines theatre. No-
members of the cast have beeni
number of important parts open,
to men who will apply this after- Noted Soprano Has Been Star Of I
noon. New York Opera For f
In addition, according to Shuter, I Past Ten Yearsf
there are a very limited number of,
chorus positions open to short men CONCERTS BEGIN TONIGHIT
for the women's' chorus and men ----
who, are about six feet tall for the Rosa Ponselle, well known ope-
nen's chorus. Any men interested ratic star, will give the opening re-
in these positions should communi- ! cital tonight in Hill auditorium
cate with Shuter at Mines theatre 'choral union series 'for the season
at once. 1928-29. Prominent critics hail her'
Practice is progressing rapidly, as the outstanding operatic dram-
according to reports of those who atic soprano of the present day.
have the embryonic choruses daily. Word was received yesterday.
at the Mimes theatre. Much time from the Metropolitan music bu-
is being spent in working the new reaiu by Charles A. Sink, president 1
choruses into the special routine of the University music society, 1
devised recently by Roy Houer, that Miss Ponselle has just been I
leading juvenile with the Schuberts' chosen to open the Metropolitan
new show, "To the Queen's Taste." opera season in New York in the
Houer was here for several weeks o ea in Ne o the
( leading role of "Love of Three
last spring and has planned a
numbr o ne an unuualdanesDings." The telegram stated. also1
number of new and unusual dances that this season marks the tenth1
for the choruses of the coming anniversary of Miss Ponselle's de-
shPractically all of the music for but with the Metropolitan opera
eprail ha been t into fnal company, during which time she
the opera has been put into final has sung many leading roles with
form, but the author or authors that'organization.
of this year's music are not as yet Mhss onslasieha .i
known. The constant veil of silence Miss Ponselle has been heard in
maintained by Shuter includes the Ann Arbor on two previous ocea-
question of music, and all that he sions. About ten years ago, she -
will divulge is that it will not re- was heard in the May festival of
semble in any way music from past that year and two years ago she
operas or from shows of the again sung in the May festival here.'
present day. A new brand of Tonight's program includes a well
music for musical comedies is to be known aria from Poncielli's popular
the trend, according to Shuter. He work, "La Gioconda" as well as an
stated however that definite word aria from Verdi's, "Il Trovatore."
will be forthcoming in the near In addition a number of favorite
future. solos will be sung, among which are
Sadero's "Lullaby" and "Chopin's
Ma Eath k "Lithuanian Song." Stuart Ross,
MexicanEartquke Miss Ponselle's accompanist, will
Kills Three People render several selections between
the parts of Miss Ponselle's pro-
(By Associated Press) gram.
MEXICO CITY, Oct. 9-Death of Almost the entire supply of tick-
one child and two workmen by the ets for the choral series is exhaust
earthquake which rocked the cap- ed, but there are still a number
il and nine states of Mexico last available at the office' of the School
ital and nne statesof Mexc at lusic. In addition a number of
night were discovered by a police i a er
today. At least five other tickets for the individual concerts
persons were injured by falling are now being sold.
walls in some of the poor sections.
Buildings were damaged or de- Thousands Reported
stroyed over a wide area and in Massacred In China
many places the inhabitants camp-
ed in the open for the balance of (By Associated Press)
the night. In the town of Chalco, NEW YORK, Oct. 9-Reports of
in the state of Mexico, the prison- a massacre of 200,000 persons by
ers in the town jail mutinied dur- fanatic Moslems in Kansu province,
ing the shock but they were sub- China, were received today by Dr.
dued by the guards. S. Parks Cadman, chairman of the'
Dispatches from Vera Cruz said China Famine Relief Organization
that the shock was strong enough in New York City, in a letter from
to ring the bells in the cathedral Leighton P. Rand, China inland
tower. ' mission at Lanchowfu, Kansu.

Shuter Wants Men to Try Out For
Cast at Mines Theatre
This Afternoon

I f

Saturday Night Football Dances
Will Be Permissable,
Body Decides
Action was taken by the' Inter-
fraternity council at a meeting last
night which resulted in a resolution
being passed relative to the
liquor situation The resolution
follows :
"Moved that the Interfraternity
council go on record as being in
favor of a survey of the liquor situ-
ation at Michigan, and that it be-
lieves that such a survey should
not be made by either the Univer-
sity or the fraternities, but a disin-
terested party to be selected by a
committee from this body and the
University authorities.The frater-
pity members of this committee are
to be appointed by the chairman
and ratified by the council."
All Fraternities Represented
The committee is to report to the
Interfraternity council before tak-
ing any definite action. As ap-
pointed and ratified by the coun-
cil, the committee is composed of
four representatives from the pro-
fessional fraternities and four
from the general fraternities. Ed-
ward L. Hulse, '29, was named
chairman of the committee with
T. E. Sunderland, '28L, R. H. Har-
rington, '29, W. S. Glazer, '29M,
and N. S. MacVicar, '29D, repre-
senting the professional group and
J. B. Branch, 29, J. E. Bayne, 29,
M. J. Cohn, '29, and Woodbury
Ransom, '29, in behalf of the gen-
eral fraternities.
,Professional fraternities are not
represented in the Interfraternity
council and heretofore have not
taken part in such activities. Due
to the fact that they would be
bound under the same ruling as
would govern general' groups it was
deemed fitting that they should
be represented in the action taken
by the students.
Dance Rules Ratified
The council also took final ac-
tion in regard to Saturday night
dances after home football games.
It was decided that fraternities
shall be allowed to have dances
after games under the conditions
imposed by the resolutions adopt-
ed by the Interfraternity Presi-
dents' discussion group. These
resolutions which have been made
known to students provide:
(1) That the University should
require all fraternity dances held
on Saturday nights after football
games to be strictly closed, I. e.,
attendance shall be limited to ac-
tive members, pledges and alumni
only, except that the chaperone
need not be a member of the
(2) That the chaperone must
be either a member of the Univer-
sity Senate or a parent of a mem-
ber of the active chapter.
(3) After the party the house
president shall turn in a full re
port, giving the number of people
in attendance at the party, stating
whether or not difficulty was had
with uninvited guests, whether or
not there was any trouble of any
kind dizring the party, and includ-
ing suggestions for improvement
in handling future dances. This
report shall be signed by both the
house president and the chape-
Previous to the passing of the
resolution relating to the liquor sit-
uation J. 'A. Bursley, dean of stu-
dents, explained the purpose of
the action taken thus far by the
IUniversity authorities and explain-
ied the alleged situation on. the
campus which calls for an investi-
gation. He answered querieds;as
to purposed methods of curbing
rumors of bettering conditions, de-
Spending on which was necessary
and other phases of the question
It is doubtful whether or not th

ma'ority of the fraternities favor
a federal investigation, but a will-
ingness to co-operate with author.
ities in remedying any evils wa:

Amid a hail of Mother Earth and length, he forgot nary a one. Gov-
ozone comparable to the ravages of ernor Fred Green, it was learned,
a Florida tornado, Ann Arbor fly- was unable to come at the last
ing enthusiasts dedicated their em- minute, but Fred Black of the Fork
bryo airport to posterity with the Motor company, who was delegated
additional bequest of a $3,000 def- to take his place, claimed lieuten-
icit. Plane after plane dropped1ant-governorship for the occasion.
j from the skies like a flock of ducks Keen competition was maintained
on a marsh until there was array- by the airplances roaring outside
ed across the field a squadron of the hanger and the speakers try-
fifteen ships. ing to roar on the inside.
After all the officialdom had been Outside the planesdcontinued
I checked off on the roll-call as be- their thunder and with the begin-
ing present, mess call was sounded ning of their takeoffs, there was
by a Boy Scout bugler. What a worse mud-slining than has ever,


Dedicated to freshmen and with'
an attractive freshman cover by
Kenneth Holmes, '29A, the Michi-
gan Gargoyle, campus humor mag-
azine will make its 1928-29 debut
tomorrow morning.
Among the comic art features for
the month is a full page cartoon
depicting some of the antics west-
ern college men perpetrate in
rounding up pledges. Another fea-

Reall hWenton BtwenteDa
and the Freshman," and "The Talk-;
ing Outrage."
Establishing a policy which will'
be followed throughout the year,
The Gargoyle is incorporating reg-
ular departments of review and
criticism this month. There is in
this issue a critical survey of the
field of literature and several re-
views of late novels by Martin
Cohn, '29. Robert Gessner, '29, re-


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