9, 1928 T HE M IC H IGA N DA IL Y FEW GRID TEAMS EUFFEIR REVERSES (Con~tinued from Page 6.) a reaI menace to the Army, losing 14-13 in~ a loosely-played but excit- ing battle. Little Gettysburg gave Penn State a struggle before losing, 12-0. Georgetown ran up the lar- gest score f6Ir the day, amassing 38 points against Susquehanna. Cor- nrell and Pittsburgh were returned victors over Niagara and Bethany by large scores. Vanderbilt defeated Colgate, 12-7, in an intersectional struggle. Vir- ginia dropped a game 24-13 to South Carolina, conquerors of Chi- cago. Tennessee showed its power by burying Centre, 41-0, with Geor-- gia whitewashing Mercer, 5i2-0. On the coast St. Mary's, the giant killer of 1927, force d Calif ornia to the limit before losing by a single touchdown. Stanford defeated Or- egon, 28-1 2, while southern Calif or- nia scored a 19-0 triumph over Ore- gon State. Whitman extended Washington befo're suffering a 7-0 loss. Albion provided a great surprise for Michigan State, defeating the over-confident Spartans 2-0, by scoring a safety. Coach Kipke's teftn, greatly otttgained the Metho- dists, but lacked the seoring punch. NEW YORK-Southern Metho- dist, barely nosed out by the Army Saturday, may meet New York Uni- versity in a post-season game. BIG WRESTLING - SQUAD EXPECT ED Coach Clifford Keen expects more than one hundred men to re- port for Varsity wrestling this year. Practice started yesterday at the new Intramural building with The- ron Donahoe in charge. Donahoe will have charge of the matmen until football season is over as Coach Keen is training the sopho- more grid team. The wrestling room at the new building is equipped with the latest apparatus, including rubber mat coverings to lessen the possibility of mat burns which often keep a wrestler from competition. A change in the conference rules this year enlarges the number of weights to eight. These are 115, 125, 135, 145, 156, 165, 175, and un- limited. This change gives more men the chance for intercollegiate competition. Three conference ex-champions are lost to the Wolverine scquad this year as Donahoe, Satrer and Wat- son have finished their athletic ca- refer at Michigan. Thomas, a soph- omore letter-winner last year, did not return to school, but is expect- ed to come back next year. Hewitt and Warren are the only veterans that Keen has to build his team around, but a wealth of material will report three nights a week, and Coach Keen will chooser from these his lineup for the opening meet with Chicago, January 12. LOS A N GE LES-Henri Cochet now holds the men's singles title in Pacific Northwest through a vic- tory over Christian Boussus recent- ly. NEW YORK -By winning two out of three games, the United States polo team repelled the threat of thc Argentine for the championship oi the Americas. Ditic ijv Too In'car -m a J. Murphy Jntroduces Th Kirs - A - - Sriead-mad ESTAB0tSNED ENGLISH UNIVE.RSITY STYLES, tA1LORW. OVER'YOUTHFUL CH ARTS SOLELY FOR DISTINGUISH ED S ER V ICE I AT UNI~STA T ES. Suits - ,*d50wrct - ----- CLASSIFIEI ADVERTISING NOTICE NOTICE--To young men who a extra .money, write; Harve3 Reed, 600 Postal Bldg., Chict BOARD-Strictly home-cooked house from Geddes. Phone "a From the lasts of John Winter and Son, at Carnoutile, SCOtland. A direct importation emnbodying the best British principles of shoe 4 b. Apparel for University Men ~~Of'VauS LOOK FOR THIS LABEL has the kind of Suits that Michigan Men approve THlE "M lCIH GAN" MODEL THE MICHIGAN MODEL onl $40 with extr trousers Special attention to odd sizes-we can fit tall, shorts, and stouts. Perfect fittiing is guaranteed by Del Prete. Tmenit-Imo 1i.ears a tailor at Michigan 213 East Liberty construction. Priced at $11.50 WSPECIAL. APP INT ENT e OF ANN ARBOR The character of the suits and overcoats tailored by Charter H ouse will earn your most sincere liking. Formerly J. F. Wuerth Co. Nickels Areade R ea d t he Cla s si f ie d A ds I 'p "I ~ 'p 4 Corbeft' s Collegiate Clothes They are more than just a suit ... they have originality . . . style . . . uaty We do not shtow you the sanie patterns from 1 season to season, but give you exclusive col- / orings, weaves of the shadecs of todlay. Bleauti-\ ful mahogany browns, the new blue greys, and .> black Oxfords. Don't forget that we feature a two-pant suit at a one-pant p~rice, with special miade trou- sers that are a pleasure to wear. Conc in, 1)0y7, and try them on. It tvill be our pleasure to show you. This is Topcoat Weather We have them for you - - 50 inches long, at ~~3O, $3 Trv r n r r'TT The Mans Shop a p -s .,........~~~~~ ......... .... .$. fl x $. Where Styles riginate SClothing which combines the May we show you our wide newer lines, exclusive patterns, selections in suits, overcoats or and faultless tailoring - - and furnishings? Feel free to look yet at a price within the average around - - you will not be urged student's reach - - can only be to buy. found at The Mans Shop.- A large shipment of smart new Suits and woolens from sixty- neckwear just received - - new eight to eighty. Many at forty- colors in the smaller designs. five dollars. $2 - 2.50 - $3.50 LOST LOST-Gray top coat. Substantih reward. Rosenberg, call 3590. 14,15,1 LOST-Brief case containing riotE velaluable to owner. Finder plea Washtenaw Apts. Reward. 14,1 LOST-A fraternity pin on Stat Street. Finder please call 2191 Reward. 14,15,1 LOST-A small, old-fashioned go! earring on the campus. Ca Doris Senneberg. Martha Coo LOST-ZBT fraternity pin, die mond shape. Finder please retur to R. J. Livingston, phone 359 Reward offered. 12,13,1 trimmeWdiwith blck enamel, in tials T. M. M. on back. Pleas return to Thelma M. Meyer, 9( East University. Phone 21136. RE FOR RENT FOR RENT-Quiet room in prival home for instructor or bnsmner men. Garage. Phone 9629. 14,15,1 FOR RENT--1127 East Ann. WI sublet my. attractive bacheli apartment in new planada wit aartment 2or Janitor.13,141 FOR RENT--Two large room apar ment ithn soer on f1rs ryth furnished for three people. Abl a vacancy in a large suite. 71 So. State. Dial 6826. 12,13,: FOR RENT-A very desirable roo) for two or three boys. Mrs. Pras 735 Haven Ave. Phone 6544. 12,13; 17,18, FOR RENT-Large, airy room, tv blocks from campus. Very ret sonable rent. 314 E. Liberty. Cs FOR117RENT--Very pleasant sing room, strictly modern. 802 Moi roe St. Call 8117. 12,13: FOR RENT -- Delightful doub Church St Cllfr 8117.12,13 TWO ROOM SUITE -- Well fu: nished for two, no other studen in the house, 513 Thompson E Dial 7958. 11,12,13,14,15, FOR SALE FOR SALE-New Royal Portab typewriter, walnut duco finis: FOR SALE-Two weeks old Detro Jewel stove at great sacrific Suitable for fraternity, sororr or boarding house. Calf Mey 3590. 13,14, FOR SALE-Sweet cider, grap and grape juice. Call R. E. Wa ner, 9534 or 22413. WANTED sire to work afternoons at foo ball games. Those interest( please see Mr. Freeman, Roo: 304 M. Union Thursday 2 to - . 14, 15,. WANTED-Typing. Themes, et Prices reasonable. 506 E. Libert Phone 8695. 14,15, WANTED--Girl to work for roo: and board. Phone 21588. NOTICE--H. W. Clark Shoe Fa tory, corner of South Universil and Forest. Let us save you : percent on your repair wor Only one shoe factory in towl Riding boots from $10 up; go shoes from $8 up; moccasins I ten different leather styles, $ All kinds of shoes made to yoi measure. WANTED--A girl-to work for roo: and board, caring for child afte: LOST--Cut steel earring sometin SundoaybtweenWayeat ar p~pp.. pp.4 I'p p2 ppp.. p~ S U BSCR I BE T O TH E M IC HIGA N D AIL Y $ 4.0 0